MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 959 Who are you killed?

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Going to the support of the three great gods of Dhaka, the indiscriminate bombing of the Han family guards is not an opponent at all, and is constantly being killed on the spot!

The Han masters such as Dai Si, Luo Meng, Zuo Qi, Xue Ling, and Bolanz are dispatched together. Some of them are Han Hao’s men. Whether they are Han Jiashi or Han Hao’s men, they have won the magic array. The essence, in this battle they are like a duck.

Those hunting gods were not opponents. When Osoi came over and immediately told the men to do their hands, their defeat was even faster. If they did not reach the support of the three people, they had to work hard to escape and escape.

They had already been hit hard at the three peaks of Otaru Han Ho. Many people have not recovered completely. Where will they be the fierce opponents of the Korean family? They are timid and they are desperate to escape. It seems that they have penetrated into the three of the Magic Valley. The leaders have forgotten.

They fled, and the Han family guards were desperately chasing. With the familiarity of the terrain of the Magic Valley, the Han family guards were often able to find shortcuts, block those escaped hunting spirits, and then give them a heavy blow!

This should have been a perfect victory, if there were no accidents in the middle.

These chasing gods are chasing the Han family guards madly, because they think that their own strength is strong enough, regardless of the danger of chasing the enemy, killing along the way.

However, those Han Guardians are not very good at present. The hunting gods who had previously fled all the way did not know why, and they even daringly killed them. They were all inspired, like mad dogs who broke free from the cage.

One horse first rushed to the front of Lanz, blood spirit, Gilbert three, are suddenly a glimpse, do not understand why these hunting gods who have just fled the embarrassed sneak sneaked back, they are obviously less powerful than Han The blood of the Guardian who was also killed before the home has already lost his fighting spirit.

Where does his confidence come from?

Bolandz is faintly ill. Not yet those hunting gods are close. He immediately sipped coldly: "Go back!"

"Old. Why? They are looking for death and we are perfect. They are based on these goods. It is not enough for us to kill the land?" Gilbert looked blank. The fox looks at Boland.

"It's a bit too bad!" Bolandz felt more and more wrong. Immediately drink again: "Go back!"

"Gilbert. Go!" Bloody sees what Gilbert wants to say and says: "There are more people. I can feel a lot of blood coming quickly here!"

Gilbert was shocked. Do not dare to talk nonsense. While turning around, I will withdraw. Loudly shouting: "Go back. Don't chase the mother. There is an ambush!"

Those who followed the Gilbert trio came to listen to Gilbert’s big noise. Immediately and orderly, the U-turn was retracted.

At this time, the hunting spirits who returned from the U-turn came back behind a lot of masters. The color of their clothes can be seen that they are not the men of Dhaka, Dagma, and Athelst, but their Temperament is the same as gloom and cold blood.

Obviously, they are also hunting gods!

"It's the people who chase Ossoe. Mom, Ossae just didn't say they had knocked the other side off?" Bloody looked out behind him and immediately yelled.

The three of them may not suffer because of the timely response, but the Han family guards under the Daka players are not only their stocks. If those people do not realize this layer of sinister danger, are they going to be killed by the overkill masters?

When I think of this possibility, the blood spirit wants to marry the mother, and secretly, you Osoe is not good at your own field, what are you doing to the magic hidden valley? Even if you want to come, you have to figure out the situation, don't give us this kind of trouble!

"Come on!" Bolanz was shocked and his voice was louder. He suddenly felt a huge breath from behind, which made Bolands realize that among the people who chased him, there must be a hunting god!

Blood Spirit, Gilbert just looked at the surprise in Bolanz's eyes, and realized that the people behind him were not able to cope with them, and there was some anxiety in their hearts.

A gentle breeze roared, and a gentle breeze was sent here, and a figure appeared.

With a soft smile, Miller, one of the hunting gods, waved to create a barrier to the wind, formed in front of the bloody, Gilbert, and Boland.

Hey! Hey!

The Han family guards who evacuated in front of the **** trio could not hold their bodies, and one by one hit the barrier of the wind, and they were all bounced back by the force of the wind barrier. No one could break through the barrier of the wind. Obstruction.

A fierce tornado suddenly formed in their area, and the raging wind exerted by the wind gods was like a whirlpool that was condensed with a wind knife. Several hooded Han family guards immediately flesh and blood splashed there. The tornado was twisted into a broken bone!

Bloody eyes are red, the **** scarlet of the blood sword bursts five meters, thick

The taste is pungent, and the blood seems to flow in the sword of the blood sword.

The body is bloody, the blood is in harmony with the sword, and it is full of strength to the wind barrier that was established by Miller.


The sound of the torn scorpion was transmitted from the wind barrier. The condensed elements of the wind swayed through the gap. The barrier of the wind cracked a cave that could accommodate three people. First, the first one wears the past!

Gilbert and Bolandz followed closely, and they were fleeting in the cave. Some of the Han family guards saw the plane fast, and they wore it after Bolanz to escape from the obstacles of the wind barrier.

However, there are still more than a dozen Han guards who do not have such good luck. They have not yet had time to get out of the barrier of the wind. Now the hole that has just been torn by the blood has healed again, and the elements of the wind are more intense. Gathered on the barrier of the wind, they completely blocked their way of life.

"Hey!" Miller's face changed, it seems that the blood spirit can not tear the barrier of the wind he concluded, slightly surprised.

Although the screen of the wind is only a rush to conclude, it is not easy for ordinary people to pierce. The blood spirit can condense all the power in one moment, exploding the terrible destructive power far beyond its true power, and immediately let the rice Le looked at each other.

The more intense elements of the wind are set on the barrier, and Miller's calm and unrestrained shots, one by one wind blade accurately stabbed in the left of the Han family guards, blurred their **** flesh, died on the spot!

As soon as the wind left, Miller turned into a light breeze, unimpededly crossing the barrier of the wind that he had created, and continued to chase the **** trio without urgency.

"There are people?" Gilbert looked back from the wind barrier and looked back and immediately violently.

Bo said nothing, his face was cold and cold, and he knew that Han Jiashi, who had not been able to get out of the wind barrier in time, couldn’t live for a few seconds in the strong hands of Miller’s level, and he spoke in Gilbert’s speech. Those people should have died.

Seeing that Bolandz did not speak, Gilbert immediately knew the fate of those Han Guardians, and his eyes were red. Gilbert intended to go back and desperately. His fast-moving body trembled and suddenly stagnate. Continue to withdraw.

"Hold him!" Bolandz snorted and glanced at the blood.

When the voice fell, Boland and the blood spirit shot, one person driving Gilbert an arm, dragging him to the direction of the magic hidden valley, regardless of Gilbert's big noise.

"Young man, the power you use is very strange, huh, let's stay and discuss it!" Suddenly, Miller's chuckle came from behind, and a light breeze came, and it was a barrier to the wind. The three people were formed in front of each other, and the new layer of the wind barrier was so different from the previous one.

Blood Spirit just glanced at the newly-constructed wind barrier and immediately turned around and stared at Miller.

It is clear in his heart that the re-established barrier of the wind is not something he can break. Instead of wasting his energy on it, it’s better to go back and fight Miller, even if he can’t kill Miller, he will attack hard. Adding a little injury to the body should still be able to do it.

At first sight, even the blood spirit gave up the unnecessary breakout. Bolandz and Gilbert immediately understood that the situation had reached the most difficult moment. The two suddenly put all the panic and let go, and the two hateful eyes condensed at Miller. Body.

The Han family guards stood silently behind the three people. No one showed timidity and fear in their eyes. They looked calm and seemed to feel that death was not too difficult to accept. They seemed to have already prepared for this.

Miller did not rush to take the shot, and the expressions of these Han people were included in the eyes. He sighed: "It really is a strong soldier. No wonder even people who have Daka will suffer! Oh, in front of you. There are only two ways, either immediately letting the soul go, swearing allegiance to me, or I immediately slaughtered you!"

"Who did you slaughter?" A cold drink came from the depths of the earth. The land at the foot of Bolandz broke open a hole, and Han Hao, carrying the spurs, came out coldly.

A slanting look at some strange Miller, Han Hao to Bolandz several people said: "There is no such thing here, return to Magic Valley from below!"

"Haha, the name of Han Hao has long been heard, and today it is really worthy of a name!" Miller smiled and looked very happy. "However, do you think you can protect them?"

"You can try!" Han Hao no longer looks at Bolanz, gathers all his attention on Miller's body, and points the bone slant to Miller as the enemy's enemy, and the other seven bone spurs tremble violently.