MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 933 Preaching

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Hidden Valley, a vast training ground in the ground. Novel complete update super fast

The blood spirit holds the **** broad sword, one of them is the only one of Bolandz and Gilbert. Han Shuo sits on one side and quietly watches the battle between the three people.

The **** body is surrounded by a faint **** fog, the skin is like blood, and the eyes are red and bright.

Gilbert and Bolands attacked with all their strength and released all their strengths. They only managed to resist the **** attacks.

The blood nerves are the secrets of the magic door, and the **** body is the most suitable body for the blood nerves. Under his unremitting cultivation, the blood nerves are cultivated to a very high level, facing Gilber. The attack of the two of them, Bolanz, blew out from the blood sword, forcing Gilbert and Boland to have to retreat.

Han Shuo has been silently observing the battle between the three people. When Gilbert and Bolands retreat, they waved into a giant palm, and they were among the three people, stopping their battles. Come down.

"Yes, it seems that Xueling's understanding of blood nerves has reached the most profound level." Han Shuo nodded and glanced at some frustrated Bolandz, reassuringly: "The martyrdom of your cultivation must pass." Constantly killing can only improve, your mood is to reach the point of killing, but it is not enough. Bolanz, sometimes you are too calm, so it is difficult to be crazy in the battle, can not reach the sudden The point! If you can achieve the magical situation in every battle, and with your cultivation of the devil, the strength will at least increase by several times, you need to work hard in this regard!"

Putting Feijian away, Bolandz looked humble and went to Han Shuo for a ceremony. "Well, how can you make yourself enchant in battle?"

"First make yourself crazy and lose your sense of reason. This requires the stimulation of the enemy. However, you can try to grasp it yourself. Well, you can think of some things that make you crazy, think of the enemy as the person you hate the most, fight. Don't think too much when you have a heart, as long as you have a thought of killing is enough." Han Shuo thought about it, combined with his experience in the magic to guide Boland.

"Gilbert, a large part of your magical work is to temper the soul, and your body is special. It is built according to the method of forging the magic weapon. In addition to the dark power of your own cultivation, you have to Work harder on these two aspects."

"Master. I have reached the initial state of the upper god. My dark power of cultivation has gradually merged with that power. But I still feel that I am not very skilled. I wonder if there is any way to better integrate the Diablo power with it?" Gilbert looked lost. Among the three, he is the weakest. He naturally wants to improve himself faster.

"How to combine the power of darkness with the strength of your body. I don't have much experience for you. It depends on yourself." Han Shuo's cultivation of magic is different from the three. It is different from the **** nerves of the Bolandz mantle. His cultivation is the authenticity of the devil.

Even the two incarnations have cultivated the power of death and destruction. But because the ontology is too strong. There is some looming rejection of any sideline power. The three forces are not at one level at all. Therefore, it is a hundred times more difficult to integrate than Gilbert. He only moved his mind on the fusion of these two world powers. There is no experience in blending with magic.

"Master. Or do you also give me a special strength to cultivate magic power. I am now bloody, Bolanz these two guys concentrate on the same strength of cultivation. Progress is much faster than me. Maybe. I concentrate. The cultivation of a power is a mystery. Progress will be even greater." Gilbert said.

"No need!" Han Shuo shook his head. Said to Gilbert: "Your dark power has been cultivated to the initial state of the upper god. All the abolition is not worth the loss. And you have no problem with the way. Just have not touched the doorway. Han Hao is like you. It is also two forces. Xiu. His progress is very fast. Well, Han Hao will arrive soon. You will consult with him in the future. He has more experience than me in this respect. It will help you break through faster."

This is the case. Gilbert is overjoyed. Haha smiled and said: "The guy is like me. I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know what he is like now."

As early as the mainland of Chio, Gilbert became familiar with Xiao Han Han Hao. When he died in the dark forest cemetery, Gilbert and Han Hao both followed Han Shuo Yin and came to the gods continent. He has heard too much about Han Hao’s deeds and has long wanted to see how Han Hao is doing now.

As soon as Han Hao is about to come over, the **** spirits are twinkling, and they are extremely excited. During this time, he has been arduously practicing, and he feels that his strength has made great progress. He has long wanted to see the power of seeing Han Hao, but he has never had a chance. When he heard that Han Hao was coming, he immediately asked Han Shuo. :"master

Fight with Han Hao! ”

"Oh, no problem, only in actual combat can you know your own deficiencies faster. He will come over soon, you don't have to worry about it, he immediately shot him, it doesn't matter what sneak attack. I am watching here, no. There will be any problems!" Han Shuo not only did not worry, but also very happy, and immediately promised.

The body of the body and the body of the gold armor are Han Hao and the underground palace built by his hunting gods. The palace is separated from the magic hidden valley for a long time. The soul between Han Shuo and him has subtle feelings. In such a short distance, the two can clearly feel. To the other's existence. At the beginning, the corpse of the corpse opened a passage between the two underground palaces. Both Han Shuo and his son knew that Han Hao came here, and he certainly knew it right away.

"Great, I have long wanted to see and see his strength!" He was so happy that he thought that Han Shuo would not allow him. He always felt that he was the most powerful person outside Han Shuo. He knew Han Shuo. After the son’s existence, he wanted to press him on strength.

However, the facts of time and time tell him that this opponent is extraordinary, which makes the blood spirit more excited, and regards Han Hao as his most powerful opponent. This opportunity is very rare, and the blood spirit never wants to let go.

"I’ll be there soon. When he comes in, you can attack it with all your strength!” He glanced at the inexplicable blood spirit, Han Shuo laughed.

"Blood spirit, don't keep your hands! The people of Polo are surrendering to him, I think he should be stronger than you, you have to work hard to force him to show his strength!" Bolanz also has excitement in his eyes. Shining, long known, this time has the opportunity to see the power of Han Hao, he is also looking forward to.

"Haha, **** spirit, although Bolanz and I are not your opponents. But that guy is very powerful, and there is no humanity than you. This is really interesting. I want to see who both of you are more powerful." A little!” Gilbert laughed, and with Bolandz retired to Han Shuo, excitedly looking at the direction of the entrance to the cultivation.

Several people have cultivated to a certain level, and when Han Hao came over, he did not hide his own pace and the faint suffocation of his body. They all knew that Han Hao would come over immediately, and they could not wait.


"The master is inside." Zocchi brought Han Hao to the entrance of the cultivation field and whispered.

Zoqi is one of the few people who knows the relationship between Han Hao and Han Shuo. Over the years, Zoc has been responsible for exchanging information with Han Hao people. He knows better than anyone else that this young boy has done a lot of people in these years. In a big event, you can say uncomfortably about the current chaos. In addition to Han Shuo, Tyre, Rogge, Ossau, and Vasis, this young man has the strongest grasp.

In some respects, the ruthless Han Hao is even more difficult than Osoi and Vasis!

Therefore, even without his father-son relationship with Han Shuo, when he treated Han Hao, Zoci was still respectful.

The place of chaos is a place of strong respect, where it is of course respected by everyone, and Zoqi is one of them, and of course it is no exception.

"Wenman, you stay outside." Standing at the entrance to the training ground, Han Hao frowned and told Wenman.

"Know it." Wenman docilely nodded. Her heart was awkward. A heart continually beats along the way. He always felt that Han Hao’s actions seemed to imply anything. Some of them did not dare to meet Han Shuo’s "parents". It is.

With Han Hao’s current cultivation, I have not felt close to here. I feel that there is a faint force against him in the cultivation field. In front of Han Hao, who has a keen sense of soul, the so-called sneak attack definitely does not receive any effect, even in the cultivation field. Blood Spirit has carefully hidden his power, but his soul's lock on Han Hao still makes Han Hao aware.

In the practice ground, Han Hao can feel the existence of his father Han Shuo, where Han Shuo believes that the person should not be an enemy, and he also believes that he can handle it. However, Wenman's strength only reached the initial state of the upper god. He was afraid that Wenman would be affected by him, so Wenman waited outside.

When Wenman stood in the same place, Han Hao did not hesitate. The three-meter-long bone spur suddenly appeared in the palm of his right hand. A cold and cold breath was faintly exposed from the bone spur, and the suffocating sighed up. I was shocked by the strange heart, and I said, "I don't know, Han Hao, you?"

"Don't worry, just someone wants to fight with me, there will be nothing!" To Zach explained, Han Hao finally stepped into the practice ground.

As soon as I entered the cultivation field, the blood of the sky slammed into it, like a piece of **** knife, and the thick tingling blood smell spread throughout the cultivation field. Red blood with a pair of **** spirits, carrying the blood sword from the sky, attacked Han Hao in the blood of the road.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)