MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 93 she and her

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"My team and I implanted face recognition systems into the chips of Qiuqiu and Tangtang, and cooperated with the government to focus on monitoring functions such as fugitive criminals and lost children and women."


"In addition, we improve the performance of the chip and carry out in-depth research and development on face recognition. For example, the probability of inaccurate recognition due to trauma will be greatly reduced. In addition, for lost children, we speculate on their future faces based on their family profiles. , Profile the faces of children who have been lost for a long time, describe their growing faces, and increase the probability of finding them. These technologies will cooperate with governments of various countries in the future and jointly promote them.”


"Because Universal's chips have a wide range of applications around the world, and many equipment such as airports and ports cooperate with Universal, it is also a coincidence that the mother and son were found so quickly." Xu Junran said, "They arrived at the port of Languo."

Many of the large and small facilities in the Blue Country come from the Universal Group.

The person who was lazily lying on the sofa and swiping his phone twitched the corners of his mouth, "The original destination of their mother and son was not Languo. The police said that after Wang Heng was arrested, he refused to speak. He was waiting for the mother and son to go ashore. After seven days Sail and arrive at Ye Country, the next stop of Ye Country is Lan Country, Wang Heng's son is clamoring to go to Lan Country, tsk."

Xu Junran asked her: "Has the Xing family been arrested?"

Xu Heran raised his eyebrows, "I don't know yet."

"Well, big sister is very angry." Xu Junran said.

Xu Heran sneered: "They are too much, even if my sister doesn't do anything, I will never let them think about fleeing after bullying Nuonuo!"

After Xing Yujin was taken away by the police, President Xing called Cui Qi and wanted her contact information. Xu Heran didn't know what to say to this family.

Last time Xing Yujin bullied her and was sent abroad for more than two years. She hired the best lawyer team. This time, Xing Yujin will stay in prison for two hundred years!

"Xu Heran, you have an exam, when will you be back?" Xu Junran asked her, "The hotel is so comfortable?"

Xu Heran stretched, and smiled mysteriously at Xu Junran.

"That's very comfortable."

The siblings hung up the phone, Xu Heran got up and went to the bedroom.

The curtains in the bedroom were all drawn, and the woman was sleeping soundly on the bed.

It is ten o'clock in the morning, but the dark bedroom is like a deep night, and a dim bedside lamp is on, illuminating the girl's back.

The temperature in the room is comfortable. Xin Nuo is covered with a thin blanket, with her arms by her sides. Her smooth shoulders are like soft snow-capped side ridges with mottled plum blossoms. When she sleeps on her side, her plump skin squeezes together There, like two **** of snow-white pudding about to flow out.

Xu Heran's eyes darkened, he pulled the blanket up and down, and put Xin Nuo's cool arm under the quilt. She moved lightly, but Xin Nuo slowly woke up, her voice hoarse.

"what time is it."

"It's still early, you sleep."

"Yeah." Xin Nuo closed his eyes, moved his head towards Xu Heran, and pressed against her leg.

"How about that?"

Xu Heran stretched out his hand, stroked her smooth back, and said warmly: "It should be over soon."

"This matter has nothing to do with me. I don't understand why you brought me here." Xing Yujin frowned tightly, "No matter what you want to say, it's all slander. I want to see my lawyer!"

"Put down your figure of the prince of the Xing family!" the police officer shouted, "The attacker identified you, and you ordered your subordinates to contact him and force him to take revenge on the Xu family, but he couldn't find a breakthrough, so he attacked other people in SGS instead. Even the object of Xin Nuo was deliberately guided by you!"

Xing Yujin smiled slightly, crossed his legs, and said slowly: "I want to see the evidence."

In another interrogation room, a man with a suddenly old face whispered: "He deliberately lured me to gamble and threatened to hurt my family. I listened to him when I was desperate! It was the same last time. They contacted me. Admit it, give me a little money and get me out!"

Here, Xing Yujin emphasized again.


"But this time I learned it!" Wang Heng raised his head suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, "I have been guarding against them for a long time, this time, I recorded!"

"I hid the recorder secretly."

"It's Xing Yujin's secretary, he's the one who connects with me!"

In the interrogation room, Xing Yujin's face turned pale for an instant. He slowly lowered his legs and took a deep breath.

"I want to emphasize again that these things have nothing to do with me. I have a good family background and inexhaustible wealth. How could I order people to injure people with knives for the sake of face? It's too barbaric." The man smiled, "But , if it is my subordinate who deliberately did this to please me, then maybe."

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

"Unless you have evidence to prove that I did it."

The police officer looked ugly, and strode out of the interrogation room with Xing Yujin's confident smile.

"Application for arrest warrant, subject, Xing Yujin's secretary!"

Just as the police officers acted according to the command, a man suddenly walked into the police station.

"Boss, Xing Yujin's secretary has surrendered himself!" A policeman ran in excitedly, "He has evidence that Xing Yujin bought murder and hurt people! And it's not just this one case!"

"Hiss!" The police officer looked surprised and clapped his hands fiercely, "Brothers, work hard and finish this case, I will treat everyone to a roast whole lamb!"


The private plane from Languo landed at Haicheng Airport, and a group of elites in suits and leather shoes boarded the special car sent by Shining Star Company and came to Shining Star Company.

In the spacious and clean meeting room, the moment everyone sat down, the leader smiled slightly.

"Hi everyone, I am the secretary to the president of Universal Group. I am here this time to represent Universal Group, to support our Shining Star Company, and to convey Mr. Xu's thoughts."

"Boss Xu's meaning is very clear."

"She will provide us with a steady stream of money and the best talents, and she will use the most upright means to make the Xing Group disappear from Haicheng and Huaguo."

"Do this well, we will go back to the blue country for Christmas, and everyone, receive the bonus and go to the famous beverage company to continue working." Miss Secretary smiled gracefully, "Everyone, let's encourage each other."

"Thank you mom, thank you sister, Pearl loves you~"

Xu Heran pointed to Xu Menglan and Xu Jiamu with thumbs up and sent a little pearl heart emoticon.

"It's all trivial. The key is that this kind of thing happened before you brought it back to me." Xu Menglan typed slowly, "I'm very angry."

Xu Jiamu: "Yes."

"Solve it as soon as possible, and bring them back earlier." Xu Menglan frowned, "Mom will definitely take good care of you."

"Hey, I got it... Hey, Sister Cui is looking for me, let's not talk for now!"

"This kid, he pretends to be stupid as soon as we talk about serious business." Xu Menglan put down the phone, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, "No, half a year is too long, it really can't be done, let dad go back to Huaguo and start working again?"

Xu Heran didn't know that her mother was so angry that she wanted to use her grandfather's big Buddha because of the attack on her future daughter-in-law. She had really received Cui Qi's message. When she clicked on Cui Qi's message and read it, she couldn't help being stunned.

Queen Mother Cui: "Of course, Director Liu sent me a script."

Queen Mother Cui: "Do you want to try acting? Summer vacation is coming soon. If you have time, do you want to try?"

Stop messing around, her, acting?

It's okay to play a pearl essence that doesn't move in a clam shell, um, use the prototype.

Queen Mother Cui: "Nono, the heroine."

Xu Heran: "Play!"

"I, the future actress! It's all right!"

The author has something to say:

Gold ingots and silver ingots are the treasures of dreams~ I love you~boo chirp boo chirp boo chirp~

(The subscription logo for this update is really cute~ the little sapling is also cute~ hehe~)