MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 60 SGSX crazy interpretation (2)

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Next to the king's body, he lifted his clothes and looked at his fingers and arms.

"Ah!" cried the knight, "he has black marks on his fingers, but not on his arms!"

The knight excitedly pointed at Meng Li and Qiangwei and said, "That's the two of them!"

Qiangwei immediately stood up, "Impossible, I just pierced his arm!"

Everyone gathered around and found that the king's arm was indeed missing.

Qiangwei was a little anxious, her suspicion suddenly increased.

"Wait, if I did it, how could I draw patterns on his hands!" Qiangwei suddenly looked at Xu Heran, "You dragon can't be so clean, can you?"

"And what happened to the flowerpot that fell on the ground?"

Qiangwei turned her head and said to the detective: "I suspect that Miss Ti and Long worked together. Miss Ti is the king's fiancée. They will get married tomorrow. Miss Ti can use this excuse to come back and chat with the king. She is recognized by the king. Fiancee, even if you sneak behind the king and stab him in the neck, it's still possible!"

Ji Songyu immediately argued, "How do I get the thorns off?"

Qiangwei pointed at Xu Heran, "There is a dragon!"

"strong power!"

Xu Heran raised his eyebrows.

Ji Songyu asked Qiangwei: "I've already pricked the king's finger, why do I need to come back and make a fuss?"

Qiangwei immediately said: "Because you are going to marry His Majesty tomorrow, in addition to gold, silver and jewelry, there are also two rubies among the gifts he gave you! You will not only bear a child for him, but also share the curse for him. From now on, you will live with trepidation every day, and I have nothing to do with His Majesty, are you going to kill him just because I broke up with him!"

"What if the stab just now wasn't deep enough or the poison wasn't enough for His Majesty to die?"

Ji Songyu got stuck in her shell, and everyone looked at her more suspiciously.

At this time, Xu Heran suddenly said: "Where is the introduction of Xianhua just now?"

"In the introduction, it said that if you pick off the fairy flower, you will die if you stab it with a flower thorn. It didn't mention the measurement problem. I think it is one of you, but the assistant is not me." Xu Heran said, "The flowerpot may fall from poison The king wanted to ask for help, but he accidentally swept it away?"

Qiangwei winked at the detective immediately.

She is dispelling suspicion.

Everyone sighed, feeling that their minds were in a mess, and they couldn't think right.

"Vote my friends." The detective sighed. "Good luck to everyone!"

"come on!"

Xu Heran shook his head and went to the voting booth.

Ten minutes later, after voting, they gathered in the garden setting in the hall with a relaxed yet heavy mood.

Qiangwei and the detective dragged a big iron cage over.

"Hey, this is the cage that locked me in the dungeon yesterday, and today I want the murderer to lock it in!" the detective said loudly.

Xu Heran poked his head and asked, "Then are you still going in?"

"Let's talk again, talk again." The detective waved his hands with a smile.

"Please announce the vote!" The guests shouted together.

The staff raised the microphone.

"In the final episode of "Crazy Interpretation", in the case of the death of the King of Fantasy Castle, the player who got 0 votes is—"

Everyone watched the program group expectantly.

"Maid Rose, Noble Mondley."

"Huh?" the housekeeper said in surprise, "Is there really no one voting for them?"

"Yeah!" Qiangwei and Meng Deli clapped their hands.

Xu Heran grabbed Xin Nuo's hand, pointed at himself, and then at Xin Nuo, his excited expression disappeared again.

"No way! There are us again!"

"Detective!" Xu Heran looked at the detective.

The detective quickly waved his hand: "I didn't vote for Xin Nuo!"

Ji Songyu shook his head, "I voted, I voted for Long and Xinorella."

The others looked surprised.


"Because I thought of one thing." Ji Songyu sighed, "But I want to listen to the vote first."

The staff continued: "In this round of voting, the detective voted for Miss Ti, Long."

"Give the rose to Miss Ti, Long."

"Mond Lee for Miss Tee, knight."

The knight shook his head.

"The steward votes for Miss Tee, knight."

"Sinorella voted for Miss Tee, Dragon."

"The knight voted for Miss Tee, knight."

"Three to three draws." The knight said, snapping his fingers.

The staff continued: "The detective voted for Miss Ti, Long."

Ji Songyu looked at the detective: "You are really obsessed with me."

The detective said with a smile: "Who told you to vote for me! Don't talk about other things, go in first!"

The detective took Ji Songyu's hand, opened the cage door, and let her stand in.

The knight immediately raised his hand, "Now it's four to three, it won't be a tie?"

"Sister Song Yu voted for Xin Nuo and He Ran, and it might be a tie."

Ji Songyu's hand suddenly grabbed the railing and shouted: "How could it be a tie! You two little liars!"


Ji Songyu shook the railing brokenly.

Xin Nuo widened his eyes and pointed at himself. His dark eyes showed a hint of disbelief, and he meant to ask, "Are you talking about me?"

Pointing to Xu Heran again, "Or her?"

Xu Heran frowned, showing an expression of "Well, how could I be a liar", and Xin Nuo tilted his head in a daze.

The two looked at Ji Songyu in the iron cage suspiciously, one black and one golden eyes were full of innocence. Ji Songyu looked at them angrily.

The voice of the staff is calm.

"Long votes for Miss Ti—and Long."

Everyone: "...???"

"The suspect in this case is Miss Ti, Long."

"Come in!" Ji Songyu opened the cage door.

Xu Heran muttered, "Why is this happening?" she got into the iron cage, and she leaned on the railing, sighing.

"You voted for yourself?" said the detective. "Then the murderer was Long and the others?"

"You all made a mistake!" Ji Songyu said deeply, "Assistants can't lie!"

"That is to say, the time that Knight and Montlee handed over to us is absolutely correct!"

"That's you, you went back and stabbed the king!" Qiangwei said.

"Why would I go back and stab her? I'm done. I'm definitely going to run away!" Ji Songyu shook his head, with a "tired" expression, "Stop talking, I've already come in."

Xu Heran grabbed Ji Songyu's clothes and smiled: "Stop acting, Sister Chacha, shall I treat you to hot pot?"

"Go away." Ji Songyu pretended to cry.

Everyone was confused and looked at the staff below.

The worker said with a smile: "Miss Ti and Pearl Dragon have been reported as the real culprits in this case. Next, I announce that all the suspects who have reported—"

On the field, except for the people in the cage, everyone stared at the staff with shining eyes.


"Yeah?" Qiangwei's cheers turned a corner, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Ji Songyu shook his head with an expression of "Look, let me tell you".

"Who's the real murderer?" said the detective in surprise. "It wasn't you two? It was—"

She looked at Qiangwei and the knight.

"It's not us!" Qiangwei and the knight waved their hands frantically.

Amidst the doubts, Xinorella chuckled lightly, lifted the hem of her skirt, and walked towards the iron cage under the astonished eyes of everyone.

The iron cage was a bit high, and the silver dragon lowered his eyes, and stared at the girl's dark eyes through the cage rods in the gap of the iron cage.

"The new home is nice." Xin Nuo praised softly.

"Thank you, come in and try?" Xu Heran tilted his head.

"No, but I'm very grateful to you." Sinorilla raised her head and rested her palm on the straight railing of the iron cage. "As a complete dragon, an iron cage should not be able to hold you."

"Of course." Yinlong's tone was proud, but he couldn't help raising his hand, and gently placed his palm on the girl's palm like condescending.

"Remember what we said?"

Sinorella rolled her eyes.

"Even if my soul is imprisoned,"

"But my heart will never surrender."

The author has something to say:

I'm sorry, my dears~ I was so happy writing the script that I didn't pay attention to the length (I just can't control my hands!), Amu Saorui! The script is over here~ Zhu Zhu Nuo Nuo will return to the team tomorrow~ The next time I write it should be when Zhu Zhu is an adult and I will pay attention to the space! (hey hey hey)

And tomorrow is Qixi Festival~ In order to wish everyone a happy Qixi Festival, a hundred red envelopes will be dropped in this chapter~ Tomorrow will be distributed uniformly~ You can press the claws~ First come first served~~ Love you! Boo boo boo!