MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 41 SGS (including Overlord ticket plus update)

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, holding Lin Weining and Song Fenghua in his arms reluctantly.

"It's okay, hold tight and keep warm, you can survive winter."

The sadness wrapped in Lin Weining's heart completely dissipated, she smiled lightly, was hugged by Jian Yueyin, then hugged Song Fenghua, and put her profile on her shoulder.

"Well." Song Fenghua said lightly: "Isolate them."

"Isolate them!" the girls yelled.

Xin Nuo raised his hand, "Please don't take me, I am innocent."

"Liar, you are the proprietress!" Jiang Qiong said.

Xu Heran immediately turned his head and looked at Jiang Qiong with a shocked expression.


It's Jiangzi!

Xin Nuo raised his hand, pinched his fingers, and said with a smile: "According to this scale, everyone here has Sangong Sixth Court."

"Don't take me, I'm very specific, okay?" Xu Heran immediately said, "I'm a single-minded pearl."

"Yeah, you're Zhuzhu." Xin Nuo helped her write short sentences, but was brutally "killed" by little Zhuzhu.

Cui Qi watched them play with a smile, and after arriving at the Angel Entertainment Building, she clapped her hands and let the girls who had been making trouble all the way get off the car.

"Fortunately, the angel is in Haicheng, otherwise we would have to fly to the sky tonight." Xu Heran said, raising her fist, "No matter what time we get today, we must terminate sister Weining's contract!"

"Sister Wei Ning's contract of selling herself must be signed in our world!"

The rest of the people raised their hands.


"Let's go, don't be glib." Xin Nuo pushed her and stepped into the gate of Angel Entertainment's office building.

Cui Qi had contacted the manager of the brokerage department of Angel Entertainment in advance. On the way she brought Xu Heran and others, the manager of the economic department of Angel Entertainment was also on the way.

It is common for an entertainment company to record at night and stay up all night. At this moment, Angel Entertainment is brightly lit. Not long after, an assistant stepped out of the elevator, ran over to receive them, and asked them to go upstairs with a smile.

"When will Miss Irene arrive?" Cui Qi asked the assistant with a smile.

The assistant quickly said: "Immediately, Manager Irene is off today and will be here soon."

"Then I want to apologize to Miss Irene in advance for disturbing her beautiful rest time." Cui Qi said with a smile.

The little assistant didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she smiled and led them to the meeting room.

Not long after, two colleagues from the legal department of Universal Entertainment were brought in by their assistants.

"Sister Cui, good evening everyone." The legal officer greeted everyone.

"I'm sorry to ask you to work overtime at night. I'm a little anxious today." Cui Qi shook hands with the legal department.

"It's okay, it's all for the company." Two people from the legal department waved their hands. The main reason was that the salary and benefits were in place, and it was a matter of artist signing. As the legal counsel of an entertainment company, how could they refuse Cui Qi's request for help.

The two legal officers sat down with a smile, and took out a piece of paper from the briefcase they carried with them.

"Well, my family likes you all very much, and even voted for you... Cough, can I please sign your name?" The two men who were old enough to be the girls' uncles said shyly.

"Okay!" Xu Heran said crisply.

A group of trainees from Universal Entertainment, who were about to debut, sat relaxedly in the conference room of the Angel Entertainment office building, drinking drinks, eating snacks brought by their assistants, and chatting with smiles.

Instead, Angel Entertainment's agent was walking around outside the door, sweating profusely. Ten minutes later, a capable-looking woman in a suit skirt and a white shirt, followed by a few people, came striding forward.

The woman with a few fine lines at the end of her eyes glared at Manager Ma, "Wait for me."

Manager Ma's legs softened, and he quickly opened the door for her. After Irene led someone in, he finally walked into the meeting room.

"Long time no see, Ms. Cui, I heard that you went to Universal Entertainment, I'm really happy for you." Irene smiled warmly after entering the door.

"Thank you, Ms. Irene, you still look great." The two women who were senior brokers and managers of the economic departments of the two major companies embraced happily.

Xu Heran immediately showed an expression of "the world of adults is so delicate". Xin Nuo raised his hand and stuffed a small biscuit into Xu Heran's mouth.

"As for the matter, I have made it very clear on the phone. We Universal Entertainment and Wei Ning hit it off right away. She is unhappy in Angel and wants to terminate the contract. I don't think your company will stop it?" Cui Qi Smiling lightly, she sat across from Irene.

Irene smiled and said, "Oh, it's all because I'm usually too busy and don't have time to chat with you. If you have any unhappy things, you can tell them. Let's chat together."

"There's no need to chat, you can go to the Internet and have a look. No one will be happy if this matter is left to you?" Xu Heran chewed on a biscuit and said, "Chat is so useful, you can start a chat company, and you will definitely win a lot of money!"

"It's more promising than being a manager!" Xu Heran raised his hand and sighed.

Irene paused, looked at Xu Heran, and then glanced at the other people around Xu Heran. She didn't seem to hear Xu Heran's ridicule, and said with a very surprised expression: "Oh, I'm too busy to go to Xingyao Girls Check it out on the spot, and sure enough, all the good seedlings were selected, hahaha!"

She looked at Xu Heran, "I know you, you are Heran, right? You are an iron-clad Universal member. Sister Irene can't take you away, but are other children interested in Angel? Angel Entertainment is quite a bit in the industry." Oh name."

Xu Heran nodded, "It is indeed famous, and now we understand it better."

"Online." She emphasized emphatically.

Xin Nuo looked at Xu Heran with satisfaction, showing praise.

Today's small pearl output is still stable.

"Miss Irene has put in a lot of hard work to manage so many excellent artists and managers in Angel Entertainment properly." Xin Nuo raised his head, his eyes showing admiration, "I have always admired such an excellent manager like you .”

Cui Qi's mouth twitched, and he quickly lowered his head before laughing out loud.

Well, Xin Nuo has been with Ranran for a long time, and he let go of his temper.

This is very level, stronger than Xu Heran's yin and yang.

Xin Nuo had a delicate face, and his bright jet-black eyes stared closely at Irene with amazement.

Irene's smile froze, with doubts in her eyes. Is Xin Nuo mocking her for not being able to manage her subordinates, or is she really saying a few polite compliments? If it's true, is this girl so innocent? If it's fake...then her acting skills are pretty good.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Haya stood up, "Don't talk so much useless, liquidated damages will be paid according to the contract."

Haya's voice interrupted the suspicion in Irene's heart. Her eyes were slightly cold, she put her hands together on the table, and said with a smile: "If Wei Ning really wants to quit Angel Entertainment, we won't be strong enough to keep it, but in the past four years, The company's training for the trainees is real, as well as her publicity expenses during her participation in Star Girls...we conservatively estimate that the cost of breaking the contract is 8 million."

Lin Weining stiffened immediately.

"You guys are too conservative." Xu Heran said suddenly, "Why don't you say 80 million?"

Xin Nuo tilted his head, "But I heard from Broker Ma that the liquidated damages are one million?"

Irene gave a "tsk" sound in her heart, and from the corner of her eye she stared at Manager Lin Weining who had her head down and kept wiping away her sweat.

"This is our estimate. The specifics need to be verified again, but the minimum cannot exceed five million." Irene said.

Cut off three million at once.

Xin Nuo sneered, it was all these people's bad methods.

Cui Qi was unmoved, "Look at the contract."

"The amount in the contract is only the liquidated damages for training." Irene said calmly.

"But what is written on it is the liquidated damages payable for terminating the contract." Cui Qi smiled, tapping his fingers on the contract, "in black and white."

"In the past few months, in order to support Lin Weining's debut, our company has paid a lot of money for publicity."

"If your publicity is to send a few Weibo, the cost is indeed too high." After Cui Qi finished speaking, she felt a little eloquent. She paused with a smile, picked up the contract, and asked, "This is an exercise. The birth contract, the fee you said to support Lin Weining's debut, with your support, Lin Weining made her debut?"


After receiving the news that Lin Weining was leaving Angel, she was abandoned by Angel, but—

Irene gritted her teeth hard. It's only because she wasn't involved in drafting the contract four years ago that the liquidated damages were set so low!

"Let's terminate the contract." Cui Qi smiled slightly.

At this point, Irene has nothing to say.

She gave up on pointless verbal battles, and the rest of the session was quick and easy.

"Miss Cui still treats artists with sincerity that makes people's hearts move." Irene smiled.

Cui Qi got up and shook hands with her, "Of course, after all, they are real people, not consumables."

Erin's eyes twitched.

"You are free, Wei Ning." Jian Yueyin smiled and patted Lin Wei Ning's shoulder without lowering her voice.

Erin frowned and glanced at her. Manager Ma suddenly thought of something, he sneered and said to Jian Yueyin: "Lin Weining has terminated the contract, but you haven't, right? Do you want to pay one million too?"

Xin Nuo's smile remained unchanged, and he suddenly looked at Irene and raised his eyebrows.

Hmm~ well managed.

Irene's face darkened, this girl really mocked her just now!

"Just come out, look down on anyone." Xu Heran was laughed angrily by him, stood up, put his hands on the table, and leaned forward, "You still want to try, I, Xu Heran, can I afford you all the artists of Angel Entertainment Liquidated damages?"

The conference room was quiet.

Xu Heran picked up the contract in hand and "slapped" it on the table.

"If you dare not try, just shut up."

Jiang Qiong tugged at Song Fenghua's sleeve.

What's going on, today, Haya, Sister Cui, Xu Zhenzhu, how come each one is cooler than the other!

"Thank you, Ranran, but no need." Jian Yueyin got up and said with a smile, "On August 10, five years ago, I signed a musician training contract at the Angel Entertainment Building. Now that the five-year period has expired, I have no chance to renew the contract. Plan, of course, is more grateful to Angel Entertainment for letting go during the period before and after the automatic termination of the contract."

"sincere thanks."

At this moment, Irene's face was too dark to see. Jian Yueyin, a potential stock that was more prosperous in the first phase of Xingyao Girls' limelight, her contract expired and no one found out! Did her manager eat shit?

"One million in four years, no loss, thank you for training such an excellent trainee for our Universal Entertainment, although I can't guarantee her stardom, but at least, until now, when you let some people go, During the ten days of slandering her on the Internet, there are still at least three million people willing to believe her and vote for her."

"In the penultimate round, Wei Ning got 6 million votes. In the last round, she got 10.12 million votes. Jiang Qiong only got 10,000 more votes than her." Lin Weining's agent said to Irene with a surprised expression.

"She is the eighth trainee with tens of millions of votes, and the last trainee with tens of millions of votes."

"Thank you Angel Entertainment, you are so generous!"




"Sister Cui is so handsome! Why is there such a handsome woman as Sister Cui! If Sister Cui participates in Xingyao Girls, we have nothing to do with it!"

In the nanny car filled with Universal Entertainment, eight girls raised their hands high and praised Cui Qi crazily.

It is already past two in the middle of the night, and there are few vehicles on the road, but everyone in the car is in a good mood, more energetic than an owl!

"I'm just getting old, keep a low profile." Cui Qi waved her hand, signaling for everyone to be more modest. She was very happy in her heart, she looked at Lin Weining, then glanced again, then, she bent down, picked up the bag at her feet, pulled out a stack of contracts with one hand.

"How about signing the contract now?"

Xu Heran: `O0O'

Wow, sister Cui carries so many contracts with her!

other people:"…"

"Sister Cui, you look like a big liar now!" Xu Heran couldn't help but said, "You're lying to a child!"

"Don't keep calling me a liar. From now on, everyone will be in charge of me. Be careful that I will make you so busy that your feet can't touch the bed every day."

Xu Heran: `OAO'

Xu Heran suddenly thought of something, and immediately gave up, she was not afraid of being busy, but she was afraid that Cui Qi would separate her and Xin Nuo's schedule! Just don't be too sad!

"We used to be outsiders with Wei Ning, so we didn't do anything well. We let them bully others. Now that Wei Ning has joined Universal, we are all family. This manager who faked Wei Ning's speech, and Angel Entertainment wantonly slandered Wei Ning. The trainees, and the inactive Angel Entertainment, should pay the price for their actions." Cui Qi said with a smile, "The lawsuit will be handed over to the people in the legal department. I have prepared the evidence in advance. This is a must win. As for the compensation."

"Just a million per person."


Xu Heran applauded with everyone in amazement. She looked at Xin Nuo and signaled with her eyes.

You must not offend Sister Cui in the future, see if you see it!

Shino smiled.

Well, please ask a certain Zhuzhu to take care of herself consciously.


At five o'clock in the morning, Universal Entertainment officially released the news through various channels.

After waking up after a long time, the netizen who touches the mobile phone before he wakes up, his eyes are blurred, lying on the bed and swiping his mobile phone, Universal Entertainment's official V Weibo "嗖" pops up.

Universal Entertainment: "Stars are shining, dreams are sailing! Universal Entertainment's first girl group S.G.S will debut at Haicheng Music Night at 8pm on Saturday, September 15th! Everyone is looking forward to it, and everyone is looking forward to it. Let your dreams come true. The world is blooming! In addition, the SGS group will meet with you every Friday at 8:00 am on Global TV, please support us! Want to meet your favorite girls in advance? Come to Global TV! @SGS许珠珠@SGS Xin Nuo @SGS Jian Yue Yin @SGS Song Fenghua @SGS Haya @[email& #160;protected]Jiang Qiong@Lin Weining.


"Wait a minute, are my eyes blurred? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...eight?"

"I'm super shocked! Why is Wei Ning here?"

"Official V is a direct copy of the list, did you bring Xianxian? Tell me quickly! My heart is pounding louder than thunder in the sky! Tell me this is a misunderstanding! Otherwise, I will think of a bold thing!!"

"My typing hands are shaking..."

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Universal Entertainment released the news again.

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations to @SGS 辛诺 for officially signing an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, a promise is a thousand gold, and you are hard to find!"

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations to @SGS见悦音 for officially signing an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal. I am so delighted with your singing, and I also fall in love with your singing voice.

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations to @SGS宋风华 for officially signing an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, you are peerless, and I wish you a bright future."

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations to @SGS Haya for officially signing an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, you are bright and bright, and may you always smile and dance around the world."

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations to @SGSlaurel for officially signing an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, Qihua Yushu, may you be invincible and invincible."

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations @SGS 江琼 officially signed an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, Yaolin Qiongshu, I hope you get what you want and be happy."

Universal Entertainment: "Congratulations @环球娱乐林威宁 officially signed an artist contract with Universal Entertainment. Thank you for choosing Universal, Qihuayaocao, may your life be as beautiful as a flower and bloom with love."

Behind countless screens, shocked fans rubbed their eyes and pinched their thighs. The deep tingling sensation on their legs made them understand that this was not a dream!

The seven debut trainees of Xingyao Girls and Lin Weining, all signed to Universal Entertainment!

Because I was too surprised, no one commented on Weibo for a long time, as if I was afraid of waking up from a sweet dream.

I don't know how long it has passed before someone cautiously asked under the initial Weibo: "Well, will immortals also appear in the group show of Seven Fairies?"

This comment was posted three seconds later, and someone replied.

@SGS徐珠珠: "Ah, why not? Who stipulates that seven fairies can't be eight people?"

The author has something to say:

It's late! Sorry! ! I was wrong ~ you will forgive me! hey-hey! Just finished coding, I will catch bugs and correct mistakes tomorrow~ (Said by a dreamer who really wants to go to Aobi Island to farm)

Gulululu Baby’s addition will be tomorrow~mua~