MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 89 Five layers of gas refining (seeking monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 89 Qi Refining Fifth Floor (seeking monthly pass)

  Fang Xi played with a scroll of letters, surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

   Found in the storage bag of Kou’s second child, it is "Bacchanalia"!

   This volume of wine recipes that he missed in the auction, he did not expect to be taken by the second son of the Kou family.

  ‘Could it be that this person wants to form a force? '

  'Or maybe I am greedy for drinking, and I like what's in the cup? '

  Fang Xi couldn't figure it out, so she put the "Dionysus of Dionysus" aside and began to count other items.

  A few medium-grade instruments, a stack of talismans, clothes... and finally a pile of spirit stones, about five or six hundred yuan.

   I have to say that the Jiexiu in the late stage of Qi refining is rich in wealth.

  Fang Xi slaughtered so many people at the early stage of qi refining today, and one more at the middle stage of qi refining, but the sum of their wealth can't compare to this person.

   "In addition to this, there is also a golden flood saber magic weapon, which is like a golden flood sword. It is best not to see it."

   After Fang Xi finished counting, put the storage bags one by one into different categories.

   These are the key props that will be used to transport supplies to Daliang in the future.

   Waiting until everything was done, he tore off the amulet and walked out the door.

  The moonlight outside the house is good, the moonlight falls on the lake, the water and the sky meet, and it is hard to tell which part is illusion and which part is real.

   Taking advantage of the quiet night, Fang Xi took a leisurely walk in the garden, admiring the scenery of Jingyue Lake.

  In the remote house around, there were occasional low-pitched weeping sounds.

  Fang Xi didn't care about it, but walked to the lake and quietly admired the moonlight: "It's really... a long day!"

   He looked at the moonlight and suddenly sighed with emotion.

   At this moment, Fang Xi's expression changed.

  Perhaps it was the change of mood that drove the mana in his body. He actually felt that the fourth layer of the "Changchun Jue" was about to move, as if it was going to break through the restrictions and enter a new realm.

   "Is this... an opportunity for a breakthrough?"

  Fang Xi knew that if he didn't seize the opportunity immediately, he might lose this good opportunity to break through again.

   As soon as he thought of this, he immediately sat cross-legged and worked the formula.

  Anyway, there are no enemies here, not to mention...he is a physical trainer, even if there is a surprise attack, he cannot be killed in one blow.

  This Jingyue Lake is indeed a first-order spiritual vein, and its spiritual energy is even more abundant than his cave in Baochuanfang City.

  Fang Xi silently absorbed spiritual energy and turned it into mana.

  I don't know how much time has passed. Feeling that the magic power of the Changchun Art in his body has opened up a new meridian line, and the magic power has become stronger, Fang Xi couldn't help opening his eyes with satisfaction.

  I saw the morning light outside, a red sun rising in the east, and the morning glow all over the sky.

   Before I knew it, it was early morning!

  He stood up, wiped off the dew on his collar, and breathed out: "Finally... the fifth level of Qi refining!"

  Fang Xi has been trapped on the fourth level of Qi Refining for a long time. Fortunately, he meditates every day and keeps practicing.

   This time, seize the opportunity and finally break through the bottleneck!

   "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Fang, you have made another breakthrough in your cultivation."

  A pleasant voice like a silver bell suddenly came from the side.

   "Island owner!"

  When Fang Xi saw Ruan Xingling, she couldn't help being slightly surprised: "You?"

   "Yesterday, I saw fellow daoist enlightened, and Xingling specially guarded the Dharma by the side." Ruan Xingling approached slowly, and suddenly asked thoughtfully: "The exercises practiced by fellow daoist seem to be very ordinary..."

   "To be honest, what I am practicing is the 'Changchun Jue'..."

  Fang Xi scratched her head, and seemed a little embarrassed to answer.

  Actually, it's not that he hasn't thought about changing the exercises.

   But in Fang City, better exercises are very rare.

   Moreover, after seeing how Ruan Xingling tricked Lu Jingqing, Fang Xi's thoughts faded.

  Instead of changing to an unfamiliar one, he might as well continue practicing Changchun Jue, the exercise he is most familiar with!

   What's more, high-end goods also have the benefits of high-end goods! It's about popularity!

  Even though there is a pit inside, it has been leveled by a large number of casual cultivators one after another. The possibility of traps buried inside is extremely small!

   "Changchun Jue is also good, the victory lies in Zhongzheng Pinghe... If I remember correctly, there is also a book of 'Qingmu Gong' hidden in the Lu family's kung fu pavilion, which can be given to fellow Taoists."

  Ruan Xingling said with a smile.

   "Thank you, fellow daoist!" Fang Xi thanked immediately, but she still tended to just refer to one or two in her heart.

"In addition, the spiritual land of Emerald Cliff has also been sorted out..." Ruan Xingling pointedly said: "Peach Blossom Island, Jingyue Lake is the best spiritual land, followed by Gemini East Peak, and Gemini West Peak again... Emerald Cliff is the worst, Fellow Daoist really choose that place?"

  She felt that with Fang Xi's strength, even if they forcibly occupied the Twin East Peaks, Kuchimu Laodao and Wei Yixin would not dare to say anything.

   "Emerald Cliff is already very good. To be honest, I was a Lingnong before, and I only thought about becoming a landlord one day."

  Fang Xi showed a look of satisfaction.

  Twin Peaks are good, but they are too close to Jingyue Lake, so it is not very convenient for people to come and go.

   "That's all!"

  Ruan Xingling seemed a little speechless, and threw out a wooden token.

  This token has a faint peach fragrance, it is made of peach wood core, Fang Xi's name is engraved on the back, and the contract of leasing Emerald Cliff for a hundred years.

  Even, this token seems to have been sacrificed, and it can be regarded as a low-grade magic weapon.

   "You input a little mana, starting today, this is your certificate."

  Ruan Xingling explained the usage of the token: "With this token, you have the authority to enter and exit my Mirror Moon Lake's 'Shuiyue Formation'."

   "Thank you fellow daoist!"

  Fang Xi took the token and thanked her again, feeling a little excited in her heart.

  Finally, finally...

   It's time to start planting trees!


  Emerald Cliff is located on the east side of Taohua Island, more than ten miles away from Jingyue Lake and Twin Peaks.

  Fang Xi came to Emerald Cliff, and saw that this place is adjacent to Wandao Lake, and to the east is the endless lake, with waves crashing on the cliffs from time to time.

  The entire cliff looks blue in color, and looks like a huge emerald from a distance, hence the name.

  Even though there is a little spiritual vein here in Emerald Cliff, it is not in the flow, and the spiritual energy does not seem to be abundant.

  Fang Xi went up the cliff, and saw more than a dozen acres of spiritual fields reclaimed. On the edge of the spiritual fields, there were several wooden houses, which should have been built by the spiritual farmers hired by the Lu family.

  As for those spirit farmers?

  If they hadn't been killed yesterday, they probably surrendered or ran away. Anyway, it's Ruan Xingling's problem, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

   "I am 21 years old this year, and it happens to be spring. If I have time, I can sow the seeds of the Red Blood Spirit Rice."

Fang Xi ran up and down the Emerald Cliff, and confirmed that the Lingtian had thirteen acres of land, and it was well maintained, so she nodded secretly: "It can be seen that the Lingnong who cultivated it before should have put their heart into it, but it's a pity... Pity…"

  Of course he wouldn't be so stupid as to plant a demon tree now.

  Fang Xi is a very patient person. After confirming the ownership of this land, he will have to wait at least another two years to see if he gets the limelight.

   Then arrange the array to cover the interior, and gradually create a withdrawn character who does not like to communicate with each other, so as to reduce the contact with the monks on this island.

   Finally, I have to find an opportunity to act in a play. It is best if I am seriously injured, and then I am disheartened, and I will retire here.

   Over time, no one should bother him to plant trees.

   As for these years?

   It is better to plant some Lingmi first, and then practice with peace of mind.

   It is a good thing that the 'Changchun Jue' has broken through to the fifth level. There will be no bottlenecks in the future, and it will be a process of continuous accumulation.


  Fang Xi pushed open the wooden door and walked into the house.

  These wooden houses are very crudely built. The furniture and benches in the house are all over the floor, and there are fragments of pots and pans everywhere. One can imagine the scene of Lingnong retreating in a panic at first glance.

  ‘What is the end of this owner? Shouldn't he still be transferred to martial arts, and then die by my sword? Just for the lease of these acres of land? '

  Fang Xi was a little speechless.

  However, when I think about how I was willing to be a tenant farmer on the Green Bamboo Mountain for the mere six-point lease of Lingtian, I suddenly feel a little suffocated...

  ‘If Goldfinger hadn’t been awakened, maybe I would have been recruited by Situ’s family to work hard because of the six points of land...’

  'Given the brutality of the war at that time, the original body was almost 100% killed in the initial stage of Qi refining! '

  'Fortunately, I run fast! '

  With a little luck, Fang Xi carefully observed the shape of the wooden house again, then shook her head: "No, it has to be demolished and rebuilt!"

   If there is no problem, he will stay here for a long time, this wooden house is too dilapidated.

  According to Fang Xi's own vision, at least a small courtyard, right?

   And when building, you can also add a lot of convenience facilities that you invented.

   "It's too troublesome for one person to do it. There is a town on this island, and the mortal masons and bricklayers above can be called to use it."

  Fang Xi immediately decided to live in this wooden house first, and then call mortals to rebuild a small courtyard here.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, took out his black cloud bag, and rushed to the only mortal town on Peach Blossom Island.

  The mortal town on Peach Blossom Island is called 'Peach Blossom Town', and it is not very big. The road is paved with bluestone slabs, and every house is widely separated. Most of them have yards, and peach blossoms are planted in the yards.

  Fang Xi flew over with the magic weapon, and the passers-by on the road knelt down one after another, calling him "immortal master" or something.

   "Where is the local mayor?"

  He stopped directly in the center of the town and had a drink.

Not long after, a handsome middle-aged man wearing a satin shirt stood up from the crowd: "This lord is very polite, I'm 'Zhou Quanyou', and he is the mayor of the local town...It seems that the distance from the 'spirit test' There is still some time left for the Grand Ceremony, what orders does the Immortal Master have?"

  The descendants of immortal cultivators may not have spiritual roots from generation to generation, so no matter the Lu family or the Ruan family, they will come to the mortal town to test the children's spiritual roots every few years, which is a rare way for the townspeople to ascend to heaven.

  Of course, the children with spiritual roots taken away by the Lu family in the past few times ended badly...

Fang Xi also knew about this, and waved her hand: "I'm not a spirit tester, but I'm from Emerald Cliff, and I need to build a house there. You will allocate some people to come here, bring dry food, and go to work every day. The benefits are indispensable to you of."

   After finishing speaking, as soon as he slapped the storage bag, he took out a few gold bars and threw them over.

  With such a large crowd, he was not afraid of the other party's corruption, so he drove away directly in the black cloud.

  Even after Fang Xi had left for a long time, Zhou Quanyou still bowed deeply, with a fawning expression on his face...

  (end of this chapter)