MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 44 Encounter (please recommend)

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  Chapter 44 Encounter (please recommend)

   After a while.

  Fang Xi felt that Situ Qingqing didn't pay much attention to her side, so she finally found an opportunity to enter Qingzhushanfang City disguised as a casual cultivator.

   This time, he was wearing a dark green robe and a bamboo hat, with a burly figure and a menacing aura.

  ‘Last time I was only in the early stage of Qi refining, and even a waiter in the shop looked down on me. '

  ‘It’s much better this time, the middle stage of Qi refining is no longer bad…’

  When passing by Baiqiao Building, Fang Xi didn't even move her eyes.

   There is some hatred, and before the right time, he will only secretly bury it in his heart.

  After paying the stall fee for a spirit crystal at Situ's stronghold in the market, Fang Xi came to her booth and slapped the storage bag.

  A roll of snake skin, a large number of white snake bones, and snake meat preserved in ice cubes emerged.

  The smell of blood mixed with the stench made the stall owners on both sides frown.

   But looking at Fang Xi, who was so vicious and not easy to provoke at first sight, he didn't dare to say anything, only dared to slander in his heart.

   "It's actually monster meat!"

   "Cultivators who can hunt monsters are first-class ruthless people!"

   "I also want to hunt monsters, but it's a pity that monsters in Yue country are extremely rare, and if I find them occasionally, they have long been surrounded by local monks..."

   "Let me see!"

  The onlookers were chatting sporadically, and a cultivator dressed as a scholar stepped forward: "This brother invited me, I wonder what grade this monster meat is? How to sell it?"

   "First-grade low-grade monster snake meat, ten catties and one low-grade spirit stone! Snake bones pack five spirit stones! Snake skin interview..."

  Fang Xi sat cross-legged and answered with slightly raised eyelids.

   "Unfortunately, this meat seems to have been stored for a while, even if there are ice cubes, it is not very fresh..."

  The scholar regretted getting up to comment.

   "The poor ghost, get out!"

  Fang Xi's eyelids opened, revealing traces of radiance.

  This scholar is not a body-refining cultivator, and his outfit is not worth a piece of low-grade spirit stone. The key cultivation level is the early stage of Qi-refinement!

   Not his target customer at all!

   "Hey... why do you need to be angry, brother? Xiaosheng will leave now... I will leave now..." The scholar was so frightened that his feet softened and he mixed into the crowd.

   The melon-eating casual cultivators laughed, but they didn't feel anything wrong.

  Cultivators with a high level of cultivation can abuse those with a low level of cultivation at will. This is the law of the jungle in the world of cultivating immortals.

  Fang Xi used to be at the bottom, but now after being promoted to the middle stage of Qi refining, he barely climbed up a bit.

  Unfortunately...still a long way from the top.

   "Oh? And monster meat?"

   Not long after, a rough voice came.

  The crowd parted, and a strong man with a height of more than two meters, like an iron tower, walked to the booth, dismissing the snake skin and bones, and only stared at the snake meat.

  After asking about the price, he shook his head: "One Lingshi is ten catties, it's expensive!"

  Fang Xi took a look at the other party, confirmed that he was also a body trainer, and immediately showed a kind smile: "Fellow Daoist, if you buy more than 50 catties, I can give you a discount..."

  After some haggling, the big man finally threw out four spirit stones and bought fifty catties of snake meat.

  Unfortunately, after this big man, there is not much business.

  Only an apprentice talisman master came and bought all the snake blood for a piece of Lingshi.

  Fang Xi wasn't in a hurry, the immortal cultivators had always been very patient, and the aura inside Fangshi was far better than that of the shantytowns, so it was just right for him to meditate.

   This meditation is one day.

  When it was time to close the stall, Fang Xi secretly calculated: "Today's market is not bad, and there are nine spirit stones in the account..."

   Loose cultivators without residence tokens in Fang City are not allowed to stay overnight.

   Just as Fang Xi was about to close the stall, he saw two monks coming talking and laughing, and his eyelids twitched slightly: 'It turned out to be these two people? '

  The ones who came were Chen Ping and Lu Zhi.

  At this time, Chen Ping was wearing a lake-blue silk gown embroidered with gold, and he looked very energetic, while Lu Zhi changed his filial piety clothes and wore a bright red skirt, which made him look even more charming.

  The two walked around while watching, and they came to Fang Xi's booth not long after.

   "Not bad, not bad, as expected, there are monster skins here to buy!"

  Chen Ping poked the snake skin with his finger, and felt a little regretful: "It's a's just a low-grade monster. Fellow Taoist, how do you sell this snake skin?"

   Obviously, he didn't recognize Fang Xi.

  After all, Fang Xi has adjusted her body shape with exercise, and she looks tall and burly, a different person from the slightly thinner one before.

   "One price, ten spirit stones!"

  At this moment, Fang Xi glanced at Lu Zhi thoughtfully when she saw the bully coming to her door, and immediately raised the price.

  Men, in front of women, especially beautiful women, always like to slap swollen faces to pretend to be fat and waste money.

"make a deal!"

   Chen Ping agreed without even thinking about it.

   On the contrary, Lu Zhi frowned: "Your snake skin is worth five spirit stones at most... Is ten yuan too high?"

"Hey... this snake skin is complete in appearance. If it is carefully processed, at least hundreds of talisman papers can be made, and the special talisman paper made of monster skin is much better than ordinary straw paper. It is said that it can also improve the quality of talisman making. As for the success rate, it's really not expensive..." After all, Fang Xi and Chen Ping are good friends, and they also know some tricks in the talisman paper, so they talked nonsense.

"That's right, and...Sister Zhi, this kind of monster skin talisman paper is even more different to me... Besides, you know, I'm already a first-rank high-grade talisman master. This premium is a drop in the bucket. A few tickets will earn back."

  Chen Ping looked at Lu Zhi affectionately.

  ‘Is the relationship between these two people so good? Is it time to drink a wedding wine next time? '

  'No... Chen Ping's talisman progress is really so fast? Last time I heard Jiuxuan said that the other party was trying to refine a first-order high-grade talisman, and now he succeeded? This is unscientific... No, this is not true cultivation! '

   Just when Fang Xi complained in his heart, Lu Zhi was persuaded, nodded and said: "Forget it, it's up to you!"

  Chen Ping immediately threw out ten pieces of Lingshi and took away the demon snake skin.

  Fang Xi watched the victim leave, feeling a little regretful.

  'If I had known this, I would have sold the chameleon skin too... Unfortunately, it is a bit eye-catching to take out now. '

  He has dealt with the chameleon monster to Di Qi. If he sells the skin again, his identity may be exposed.

  Besides, this monster leather has something special, and Fang Xi wants to keep it for herself.

   Just as he watched Chen Ping leave, he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a blue shadow.

  Fang Xi's pupils trembled slightly, and immediately continued to close the stall and leave as if nothing had happened...

  It wasn't until after he left Fangshi that he let out a long breath: "It turned out to be Situ Qingqing...she's following Chen Ping?"

   "Could it be...she really investigated Chen Ping, not me?"

   "Did I just think too much?"

"No...Why is the Situ family paying so much attention to Chen Ping? Could it be that they want to win him over, or take him home directly as a tool man? No... Chen Ping can't enjoy this kind of treatment, unless he can break through to the second-order talisman master, but this How is it possible?"

  Fang Xi laughed, burned the clothes casually, changed back into Lingnong clothes, and returned to the shed to continue practicing.

  The way to practice is to persevere.

  Even if his daily qi refining speed is like a snail, he can't be neglected.

  ‘Now that I have the spirit stone, can I buy some pills to assist in cultivation tomorrow? '

While sitting cross-legged, a thought appeared in Fang Xi's mind: "But it doesn't seem worth it... The spirit stones on my body are enough to buy a few pills suitable for physical training such as 'Qi Xue Dan'... If there are pills to assist, Martial arts will improve faster. If you push martial arts to the third level of body refining, you will feel at ease whether you are selling meat or engaging in other trades. The spiritual stones will be saved faster, and it seems more efficient to buy spiritual pills to assist in cultivation later. It can improve combat power even more! '

   Improve combat power!

  When Fang Xi felt that the cloud was approaching, this reason became even stronger.

   After all, life-saving is the first priority!

  The next day.

  Fang Xi got up early in the morning, ignored the call from the nun next door, and came to Fangshi.

  Hundred Refining Workshop!

  As soon as I entered, I felt a wave of fire rushing towards my nostrils.

  As the largest manufacturer of magical artifacts in Qingzhushanfang City, Bailianfang looks very simple and unpretentious.

  In the front is a counter for selling magical artifacts, and at the back there are many stoves. A dozen or so craftsman apprentices are trying to repair and refine magical artifacts under the leadership of their masters.

   "This fellow Taoist, do you want to buy a magic weapon?"

  A blacksmith with bare arms and flushed cheeks greeted him and asked politely.

   "I want to customize a magic weapon!"

As Fang Xi said, he took out the chameleon's skin from before: "Although this monster is not high in rank, it is good at hiding its figure. I want to use this skin as a material to create a special magic weapon suitable for hiding! "

   "So that's the case, please come in, I'll go find Master Gu!"

  The blacksmith brought Fang Xi to a guest room. Not long after, the door was pushed open, and an old man with gray hair walked in: "Old man Gutian, this fellow Taoist wants to create a special magic weapon?"

   "Exactly!" Fang Xi nodded.

Gu Tian looked at the monster skin up and down, took out a strange magic weapon and inspected it for a long time, then nodded and shook his head: "This monster skin is of average grade, and its defense is average... Fortunately, it is relatively complete, and can describe magic circles. , what else do you want?"

"The magic weapon doesn't need to be of high grade, just low grade. There is no requirement for defense..." Fang Xi said: "The main thing is to hide the body shape, to be the best, preferably to the point where ordinary people can't detect it anyway... As for cultivating immortals There is no requirement for the investigation of the spirit eye technique."

   Rao Gutian had a lot of wonderful guests, and Fang Xi's request made him very angry: "So... this is a magic weapon specially aimed at ordinary people?"

  This kind of magic weapon that a cultivator can see through at a glance is an insult to his craftsmanship!

  Fang Xi only saw it at this time, "So... no need to add any precious materials, and no special formations... Can it be considered cheaper?"

  The low-grade magical artifacts in Qingzhushanfang City are generally around ten spirit stones, and the middle-grade and high-grade magical artifacts range from tens to hundreds of spiritual stones.

  However, custom-made special magical artifacts must be more expensive, even if it is a low-grade magical artifact.

  Master Gu was speechless for a moment, and then he said, "Okay, I will accept fifteen low-grade spirit stones, pay a deposit of five spirit stones first, and sign the contract..."

  Since the establishment of Bailianfang, it has been a very reputable shop.

   Moreover, after signing the contract, it can be guaranteed that the confidentiality will not be leaked.

  For Fang Xi, it was natural that he couldn't ask for it.

   After imprinting a trace of mana on the duplicate contract to form a mark, Fang Xi paid five pieces of Lingshi and walked out of Bailianfang.

  (end of this chapter)