MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 14 Eat meat (please recommend)

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  Chapter 14 Eating Meat (Please recommend)

  Fang city.

  Fang Xi walked around, although she saw a few things, but she was too shy to do anything about it.

  Especially an incomplete brewing recipe, which made him very envious.

   "Forget it... brewing or something, I can try it myself... I will use Lingzhu rice as the basic material, at worst, brew less at a time..."

   "Brew with spiritual rice, there is no other effect, but the effect of filling the stomach and replenishing spiritual energy should be the same..."

  While Fang Xi was thinking, her footsteps had unknowingly arrived in front of the talisman booth.

  This is the common booth of Zongfu masters. It is purely a physical instinct, so I want to pick a leak.

  But today, Master Zongfu is not here, and it became his Taoist companion 'Lu Zhi' to set up a stall.

   And beside the booth, there happened to be another person.

   "Huh? Isn't this Daoyou Chen?"

  Fang Xi saw Chen Ping, smiled and came forward to say hello.

   "Fang Daoyou..."

  Chen Ping smiled a little unnaturally, and left quickly after a few perfunctory sentences.

   "What talisman did fellow Daoist Chen come to buy? Or talisman paper or spirit sand?"

  Fang Xi looked at Chen Ping's back, and asked Lu Zhi thoughtfully.

   "Bah, I'm just an apprentice."

Lu Zhi has a plump figure, but a very pungent personality, and his cultivation is at the sixth level of Qi Refining. He scolded: "This boy Chen has a wicked face. When he was learning how to draw talismans from my family, his eyes always liked to mess up. cast a glance…"


  Fang Xi looked at Lu Zhi thoughtfully, and had to admit that she was indeed a great beauty.

  Although she is a little older, she has a mature charm.

  ‘I didn’t expect Chen Ping to be so good. '

   "What about you? Just tell me what talisman you want to buy, don't make fun of my old lady!" Lu Zhi put her hands on her hips, and if it wasn't for the fact that Fang Xi was a regular customer, she would have cursed at her.

   "I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now."

  Fang Xi returned to the shanty town of Lingnong with an apologetic smile on her face.

   Next door, Chen Ping was wandering anxiously in his yard. When he saw Fang Xi coming back, he immediately stepped forward and asked nervously, "Fang Daoyou... Did Lu Daoyou say anything?"

   "Nothing, nothing..."

  Fang Xi shook her head.

  Looking at Chen Ping who breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly asked thoughtfully, "Have you ever gone to have fun, Daoist Chen?"

   "This... naturally there is no."

  Chen Ping's face suddenly turned red, like a pure boy, Fang Xi couldn't help but laugh.

  As an old senior, he couldn't help but mention a few words: "As far as I know, Hong Daoyou in Room B No. 3 and Fairy Red Bee in Room C No. 17 are quite hospitable..."

   "This...I don't like this." Chen Ping immediately shook his hands, but his eyes began to glance left and right.

"Haha...don't worry, don't worry, let's finish listening first." Fang Xi knows that this kind of young boy is the most difficult to resist the charm of a mature woman: "Although these two fellow Taoists are a little older, they are very understanding Nah..."

   "Really?" When Chen Ping heard the older description, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and he looked at Fang Xi as if he was seeing someone of the same kind.

  Seeing this, Fang Xi felt happy.

  The four irons in life, even in the interpersonal relationship in the world of cultivating immortals, are more applicable.


  After deepening their friendship with Chen Ping, Fang Xi returned to her room and went to the basement, staring in a daze at the ten-pound Tai Sui meat.

   Fatty Han is a big man, so he gave him a little extra Tai Sui meat. At this time, there are more than ten catties of meat, and two big pieces are there, which is quite shocking.

   "Tai Sui meat, according to Mu Mimiao, is to be eaten after it's cooked. It doesn't matter whether it's roasted or boiled..."

  Fang Xi cut a strip of meat, built a fire, and slowly roasted it.

  According to the flame roasting, the Senbai Taisui meat began to turn slightly brown, exuding a unique aroma, which made the index finger move.

   "It's so fragrant, I didn't expect that there are such ingredients in Daliang?"

  Fang Xi's eyes lit up.

  Looking at the Rejuvenation Talisman and Qingling Pill at hand, his confidence increased greatly, and he took a hard bite of the grilled meat.


  Grilled Tai Sui meat bursts out with sweet gravy in the mouth. The sweetness of the grilled meat constantly stimulates the taste buds. An indescribable umami taste spreads in the mouth, and even stimulates Fang Xi to have the urge to cry.

  He breathed out, and unknowingly finished the Tai Sui meat in two or three bites.

  The next moment, Fang Xi's expression changed, and she covered her stomach.

  He could feel that the originally extremely delicious Tai Sui meat, after entering the stomach, turned into coals of charcoal!

  The hot temperature exploded suddenly, washing the stomach wall over and over again.

  The heat flow spread out uncontrollably, spreading to the internal organs, limbs and bones...


  It was clearly the beginning of spring, but large drops of sweat began to ooze from Fang Xi's forehead.

  His clothes were drenched, profusely sweating.

   Even in the sweat, there seems to be traces of scarlet mixed in!

   "Even the so-called 'body-refining medicine' by mortal warriors? Is that the level?"

  Fang Xi's heart was boiling like a furnace.

   "Plus the roasted Tai Sui meat has an attractive aroma, if you can't control your appetite, you will eat too much... If you eat too much, you will die!"

   "No wonder Fatty Han, who sold meat before, was worried that I would eat himself to death... If it were an ordinary martial artist with three changes in energy and blood, he might not be able to control himself, and would be tempted to eat a few more bites, and then he would die..."

  Fang Xi is not only a warrior, but also a cultivator of immortals.

  He stood up, forcibly controlled his muscles with his spiritual sense, put on a posture, and practiced Baiyun Palm.


  His palms turned black all of a sudden, and every slap brought a powerful palm wind in the secret room.

   Half an hour later, Fang Xi stopped his work.

  He looked inside himself, and was immediately pleasantly surprised: "My qi and blood have increased so much at once? Demon meat is indeed the supreme medicine for body training!"

  After the pleasant surprise, he frowned again: "The effect of this medicine is still a bit stronger. No wonder only the master of the martial arts gym dares to take it often. The warriors with three changes in energy and blood only take a little bit when they pass the test..."

  Through the spiritual knowledge of the world of cultivating immortals, Fang Xi even discovered that these violent qi and blood had caused subtle damage to all parts of his body.

  If you let it go, you won’t feel much at ordinary times, and it won’t even affect the follow-up martial arts training.

  But when accumulated to a certain extent, it will inevitably explode violently. This is the so-called accumulation of accumulation.

   "Fortunately, I can look inside myself... Prescribe the right medicine and heal the wound first."

   This is the superiority of immortal cultivators.

   Not only the current qi and blood damage, but also some hidden injuries and toxins accumulated during the previous practice of Poison Palm, Fang Xi found them one by one, and then treated and detoxified them.

   Therefore, his physical fitness is far superior to that of martial artists of the same level, and his condition is also beyond imagination.

  At this time, looking inside her body, Fang Xi immediately put away the Qingling Pill and the Rejuvenation Talisman after realizing that it was only a small injury.

   After all, it costs spirit crystals to buy it.

  As for this kind of ordinary injury, if I run the Changchun formula silently to heal the injury, it can be almost completely cured after a few days of effort.

  'Eternal Spring Jue' is a basic wood-attribute exercise. Although the progress and power of the exercise are really mediocre, at least the unique healing and even health-preserving effects of wood-attribute exercises are still available.

  Thinking of this, Fang Xi no longer hesitated, and immediately sat cross-legged, performing the exercises silently.

  'Changchun Jue' is quite peaceful and more healing.

   A week later, he opened his mouth and spit out a small mouthful of black blood.


   Taking a few sips of clear water, Fang Xi wiped her mouth, looked inside, and nodded secretly: "Two more times, the treatment is almost done..."

   "According to this progress, I can eat Tai Sui meat once every three days."

   "With the help of this thing, the accumulation of qi and blood will be rapid, and I might be able to hit the realm of the martial arts master next month!"

  If you were Mu Miumiao, you would definitely not dare to eat like this, otherwise you would suffer five fatigues and seven injuries before breaking through, and you would die of **** blood.

   "It's not bad to complete the body training once in a few months."

  Fang Xi was very satisfied with this progress.

  It has only been half a winter since he practiced martial arts, and after another month of hard work, he can break into the realm of martial arts master.

  Great Liang world's masters of martial arts, such as Mu Canglong, Fang Xi has also seen the strength, just like a cultivator who once practiced body, which is equivalent to the initial stage of Qi refinement.

   "This speed is actually quite astonishing... It is a rare genius to be able to break through the first level of Qi refining in a few months, even in the early stage of Qi refining."

   "And if a cultivator who refines his body once comes close, it is enough to pose a threat to a cultivator who refines Qi at the third level."

   "Not to mention, after the martial arts master, there is still a higher realm."

  Fang Xi finally understood the benefits of Qi and Blood Martial Arts at this time.

   That's fast!

   After all, it is martial arts used by mortals to strive for strength, and the progress is naturally much faster than that of cultivating immortals!

   "If you can break through to the realm above the martial arts master, it may be comparable to physical training in the middle stage of Qi refining, and you will make a lot of money!"

   "The more important thing is, it's instant!"

   "If the body is comparable to the middle stage of Qi refining, then maybe I can let go of my hands and feet in Qingzhushanfang City and sell some monster meat?"

  Fang Xi's eyes shone slightly.

   The price of monster meat is even higher than Lingmi!

   What's more important is that buying monster meat in Great Liang does not require spirit stones at all, only a little gold and silver.

  As long as he can maintain it, even his foundation building resources can be easily accumulated in the future!

  (end of this chapter)

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