MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 75 [番外 卷] The male **** takes me to fly PART3

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以前 In the past, Goreme was only a simple three words for Chen Qingyang, but after Mo Tianwang visited here, it became a landmark in Chen Qingyang's mind.

As I set foot on the land of Turkey, it seemed that the entire world was surrounded by flowers, sunlight, and cats. Chen Qingyang took a camera and took a picture of a stray cat on the side of the road. The kitten looked up at her and ran away with a meow.

Chen Qingyang was lost for no reason, and she still couldn't come here with Dili.

Alas ... in this case, she will take some more pictures to show off!

清 Chen Qingyang raised his camera, just like the paparazzi met the gossip queen, he kept snapping photos. In order to follow in the footsteps of the male god, she specially turned out the Weibo posted by Mo Zhen before and formulated this itinerary according to the above route.

I will go to Goreme for a hot air balloon tomorrow. At a height of several thousand meters, blue sky, sunrise, colorful balloons, and exotic beauty ...

Think of it a little bit excited!

In order to meet a fascinating tomorrow, Chen Qingyang deliberately returned to the hotel in advance today, and applied himself a mud mask. After washing his face cleanly, he cheered on the bed and fell asleep.

Because of the sunrise, the alarm clock sounded on time at four o'clock, Chen Qingyang put on a long-prepared British diamond plaid shirt, put on a small **** suit jacket, and a pair of gray plaid shorts, she looked in the mirror She's really per ... uh wait, she rummaged in the suitcase again, flipped out her favorite English curl, and put it on her head. Well, it was perfect!

I shoved the black-framed glasses on my face, Chen Qingyang bounced out, and I came here!

The pilot of the hot air balloon was a very handsome foreign boy, wearing a small vest, showing the muscles he knew. Chen Qingyang posted it spontaneously. He was heating up a hot air balloon, and there were already many female tourists around. Chen Qingyang took out his phone and secretly took a picture of him. He heard a tapping voice with a smile coming from behind him: "So clever?"

清 Chen Qingyang held her cell phone in her hand and froze. She turned around and saw Xiang Yunze dressed in a suit and leather shoes.

Uh ...

This Nima is too coincidental.

"Why are you here?" Chen Qingyang looked at him with his head up. This man, dressed like a real dog, was very confusing to those ignorant girls.

Hey, wait, is this what God gave her? But what she is looking for is a beautiful foreigner! Boy! Can I apply for a return if the product is out of stock!

清 Chen Qingyang's expression was very vivid, and he wrote all his thoughts on his face. He smiled slightly at Yunze, looking polite and gentleman: "I'm here for a hot air balloon."

For a moment, Chen Qingyang was blinded by his smile. He exudes the atmosphere of successful people all over his body, and has the charm of a mature man, but ... what she wants now is a young boy! She is going to take the bamboo horse line, not the president's text!

Please give her a warm horse. = 3 =

清 Chen Qingyang pulled out a blunt smile, and yelled at Xiang Yunze: "Then stand a little further, don't block my love."

Xiang Yunze glanced at the hot air balloon in front of her, and her mouth was bent just right: "But we seem to be sitting on the same hot air balloon."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Return, lord.

The hot air balloon slowly lifted into the air, and the sun gradually showed its face from the sky. The tourists who traveled together seemed very excited. At a height of several thousand meters, blue sky, sunrise, colorful balloons, and ... a doctor of physics.

Chen Qingyang turned away sadly.

Yunxiang Yunze has been standing beside Chen Qingyang. The tourists around him are talking excitedly while taking photos. Only Chen Qingyang stands beside the basket and doesn't move. Xiang Yunze felt that at this time he should say something and be active.

Then he said, "Do you know the principle of the hot air balloon?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

"The air expands when heated, its density decreases, and its gravity is less than buoyancy ..."

Chen Qingyang interrupted him: "If you say any more, I will jump from here."

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

I was silent for a while, and a shy and cowardly female voice was blown by the breezy wind: "Sorry, can you take a picture of us?"

He said this to Yunze, but Chen Qingyang turned around with him. Oh, not only the voice is shy and shy, the whole person is shy and shy. Chen Qingyang looked at the area she was pointing at. There were still two young girls standing there, who looked like college students, and looked at Xiang Yunze with shame and timidity.

Alas, so ignorant girls are everywhere, usually read more professional books and do n’t read the president ’s text all the time?

Chen Qingyang really broke the heart for their parents.

Wu Xiangyun Ze nodded to the girl and took the camera in her hand. The girls over there cheered a little, walked towards Yunze, and helped the three girls take pictures.

清 Chen Qingyang poked his lips and looked at the sunrise in the sky, and took the camera hanging around his neck to take a picture. Suddenly a flash of light flashed at me, and a faint click. She turned around and held her camera to Yunze and smiled at her.

清 Chen Qingyang frowned, looking a little dissatisfied: "You took me with someone else's camera, why did you give me the picture?"

Xu Xiangyunze smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we have just exchanged email addresses."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

It's really a playboy! Human face and beast heart!

Xi Xiang Yunze helped them finish taking photos and walked back to Chen Qingyang. Chen Qingyang gave him a disgusting look and asked, "Do you get along with schoolgirls like this in school?"

Yunxiang Yunze thought about it for a while: "Some girls did come to class for me. My class has the highest attendance rate among all teachers."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

槽 Sven scum! It's a shame in education!

I flew around in the sky, the hot air balloon fell back to the ground, accepted the certificate, and drank champagne. Chen Qingyang prepared and parted ways with Yunze, but the guy even followed him in a haunting spirit.

Turning back in sorrow, Chen Qingyang's tone was not good: "What are you doing with me, follow me!"

Xiang Yunze smiled kindly: "I just want to go back to the hotel."

清 Chen Qingyang's brow jumped, "Which hotel are you staying in?"

I reported a name to Yunze.

Chen Qingyang is about to cry, this is definitely not a coincidence, this is definitely a premeditated right?

Sitting in the hotel cafe, Chen Qingyang looked at the man on the opposite side and examined: "Following mad, you better be honest, what are you trying to follow me?"

Xu Xiangyunze blinked innocently: "You came to Goreme, did you tell anyone in this hotel?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

She didn't tell anyone, even her parents didn't know where she was traveling.

Yunxiang Yunze smiled with satisfaction: "So, I'm not following you at all."

Chen Qingyang didn't believe it.

Xun Xiangyun Ze shrugged: "Maybe you can understand this as fate."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Marmoset dung is pretty much the same.

Seeing that Chen Qingyang was still unbelieving, Xiang Yunze's expression faded a bit: "No matter how I say it, I am also a poor man who is broken in love, and it is also human to think about it and to relax."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

I heard that you lost your love more than half a year ago, and now you just think about it, how long is the reflection arc?

Chen Qingyang stood up and left.

"Well, I came out of marriage."

This sentence successfully terminated Chen Qingyang's action. She turned around and looked at him with a pair of dark eyes: "Escape ... marriage?"

He nodded to Yunze.

"Hahahahahaha!" Chen Qingyang sat down on the sofa again, laughing out of breath, "Sorry to let me laugh for five minutes first."

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

"Accurately, it was my family who forced me to marry, and the other party was killed in school. I can only ... come on a journey of walking."

Yunxiang Yunze's tone was helpless, Chen Qingyang raised his eyes and glanced at him, and asked with a smile: "Aren't you the same year as King Mo? It's only 27 this year. Is it forced to get married like this?"

He sighed, "My grandpa is old."

Chen Qingyang shut up, she heard some stories about Xiang Yunze's parents from Li Yan, and heard that they had divorced long ago. Xiang Yunze had been living with his grandfather. When the old man gets old, the old man remembers his grandson's marriage, which is also normal.

"You just ran like this, do you want to anger your grandpa?" Chen Qingyang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Wu Xiangyun Ze looked at her silently, Chen Qingyang always felt that there was something conspiring inside: "Why, what?" She shrank involuntarily on the sofa, and her eyes were really soaking.

"May I ask you a favor?" Asked Yunze, with a gentle smile on his face, making it hard to refuse.

"Speak first and listen, maybe I can think about it." Chen Qingyang held his bag in his arms and looked at the person opposite.

"Pretend my girlfriend, go back and show my grandpa."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

"Why don't you write a novel!" Chen Qingyang yelled, but her ears turned red.

After all, she has lived for so many years, and no one has invited her to be a girlfriend, even if she pretends.

"If you agree, I'll take you to Mo Zhen."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

This is really ... so despicable!

"I, I can ask Dali to take me to see you!" Want to hook. Lead me, no way!

Wu Xiangyun Ze waved calmly: "Are you sure you want her to take you to see Mo Zhen?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

If she could pull this face down, she would have done so already. Xiang Yunze apparently saw through her mentality and was able to fix her.

Hmm ... people with a high IQ just hate it!

"Well, I promise, but I have one condition."

Yun raised his eyebrows to Yunze: "Speak first and listen, maybe I can think about it."

Hey ... Hell, the villain!

清 Chen Qingyang took a sigh of relief, and the words were straightforward and authentic: "Absolutely can't do real fake dramas with me!" Judging from Chen Qingyang's many years of writing novels, this kind of pretend dramas will eventually become true.

Wu Xiangyun Ze gave her an incredible look: "You think too much."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

What attitude? Believe me or not!

Yunxiang Yunze was helpless to do this. The blind date really didn't like it, but it was so easy to meet someone he liked. There is no other way to slow down the troop.

"Why are you looking for me? There are many objects to choose from around you?" For example, the three little sisters just now.

Yunxiang Yunze smiled and said, "Because it is easier for you to challenge my grandpa's aesthetics, then I said we broke up, and he should be easier to accept."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Goodbye bastard!

Xu Xiangyun Ze looked at Chen Qingyang's back indignantly and sat in a sullen smile. In fact, there are not many heterosexual friends around him, and there are only a handful of people who can help him, and Chen Qingyang should be the most suitable candidate.

I returned to City A, made an appointment with Yunze and Chen Qingyang, and returned home. He heard that his grandson had a girlfriend, and was very suspicious, but still had time to prepare to meet the girlfriend in his mouth.

On the day I agreed, Xiang Yunze sent Chen Qingyang a short message early in the morning: "Don't dress up deliberately today, just be the most natural one."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

I don't want to! I want to look pretty! Then let me beat you to Grandpa when they break up!

Chen Qingyang went to the beauty room to make a face, cut her hair, and finally took out her combat suit—a high-priced dress bought on impulse, but after she bought it, she found that she could n’t find a chance to wear it. .

I found Xiang Yunze's car at the intersection. When he saw her, he raised his eyebrows in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be so intimate and so tossing, even my grandpa's three views were challenged together."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Believe it or not, I'll get off right away!

She glanced angrily at Yunze, thinking that she had to rely on this person to take herself to see King Mo, and she gritted her teeth and swallowed: "Drive, bastard!"

Xiang Yunze started the car with a smile. In fact, Chen Qingyang's background is not bad. It can be a fool to dress up, especially when she took off the glasses she had been wearing on her face. The whole face looked beautiful. .

清 Chen Qingyang thought that Xiang Yunze's family must be rich, but did not expect to be rich to this point. She had heard of this villa area, and called Kensney Manor and the villa city of A city-of course, the price.

Looking at all the famous cars in and out, she drew the corner of her mouth and glanced at the person in the driver's seat.

I parked the car in the garage and asked Yunze to let Chen Qingyang hold his hand to enter the house with him. Chen Qingyang looked at the arm in front and reluctantly pulled it up. The living room was large and bright, and for a moment Chen Qingyang thought he had walked into a five-star hotel.

一 As soon as they entered the door, both of them on the sofa looked over. The one on the right should be Xiang Yunze's grandfather, and the one on the left with the big, wavy beauty, isn't it his sister?

The beautiful woman in red saw the hands that Xiang Yunze and Chen Qingyang held together, and unconsciously frowned wrinkled and slender eyebrows.

"Grandpa, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend, Chen Qingyang." He took Chen Qingyang's hand to Yunze and introduced it to the grandfather sitting on the sofa.

I glanced at the old man for a few moments, and her eyes were too deep for her to understand. Xiang Yunze shook her hand without a trace, and Chen Qingyang smiled quickly and said, "Grandpa is good." The dead man in the bed, need not pinch so hard!

"This is Song Yan, the young lady of the Song family."

"Hello!" This time Chen Qingyang took the initiative to ask him before he started to Yunze.

"Hello." Song Yan stood up from the sofa, because wearing high heels, she was directly half a head higher than Chen Qingyang. She looked at her like that, she had a condescending meaning. Chen Qingyang was looked upset a little, and just frowning, he listened to the other side of his head and said, "You just rejected me for this bean sprouts?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Baked bean sprouts will not be delivered by your family!

Xiang Yunze said: "I just like bean sprouts."

Chen Qingyang: "..."


哪里 Where is her bean sprouts! She also has a good chest! Do not! it is good! Thinking of this, Chen Qingyang subconsciously straightened her chest, noticed her little movement, and smiled at Yunze unconsciously.

Chen Songyang's gaze stayed on Chen Qingyang: "I don't know where Miss Chen can go?"

角 Chen Qingyang's mouth twitched invisible: "I'm in ... Pujiang Network Culture Communication Co., Ltd."

"Pujiang?" Song Yan frowned doubtfully, "I haven't seen this name among the top 500 companies in the world."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Miss Song is really ... too dear to their website. _ (:  」∠) _

Xi Xiang Yunze listened to their conversation, and couldn't help but laugh again.

Seeing the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, Song Yun became even worse: "Yunze, I really don't understand you. What's so bad about the two of us? Whether it's the family or education, we all have It ’s a perfect match, and I am willing to be a full-time wife after marriage, what else are you not satisfied with? "

清 Chen Qingyang frowned upon hearing this: "Ms. Song, do you really like him?"

清 Chen Qingyang's interjection seemed to make Song Yan very dissatisfied: "Is it important to like it or not?"

"Isn't it important?" Chen Qingyang heard her say, and asked sharply, "What you like is his looks, family, and education. Put aside, he is standing in front of you as a normal person. Would you still like to marry him? Marriages with love cannot be guaranteed, let alone marriages without love. At first it may be fine. When three or five years have passed, you will bring him children to do chores at home. The old man is yellow, he starts to abolish you, hits his wife, hits his child, looks for little three, little four, little five, little six. He doesn't go home every night, and all the money is spent by other women. A tow bottle and a divorce agreement! And he, after three or five years, is still in full bloom, holding left and right, no problem seven times a night! "

Uh ...

Wu Songhuan seemed to be shocked by the future she described. The expression on her face changed several times, and finally she turned around and stared at Yunze severely: "Scum!"

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

Songying walked on high heels and stepped on, and looked at Yunze next to him, smiling at the corner of his mouth, "Thank you very much for planning this future for me."

"You're welcome." Chen Qingyang turned back and smiled at him sweetly.

"Ms. Chen is indeed engaged in text creation, and eloquence is really not ordinary." A low smile came from the side, and Chen Qingyang remembered that he was sitting next to the old man!

He didn't hear that sentence seven times a night just now!嘤 嘤 嘤 She felt shameless.

"I just talked to her for a long time and I couldn't talk to her. You told her to leave as soon as you came. It seems I'm really old."

Lao Xiang smiled and shook his head, Chen Qingyang quickly rushed up: "Grandpa, you are not old at all, it looks like my dad's brother!"

Father Xiang Xiang laughed for a while before standing up from the sofa: "OK, let's eat first."

清 Chen Qingyang helped the grandfather to the table. I did n’t know where he heard Chen Qingyang wrote a novel, and he knew all about her work, even when her "Sleeping Little Erlang" was filmed.

清 Chen Qingyang thought with some horror, she didn't see those words to Lao Tzu!

"I heard that Ms. Chen is going to develop in screenwriting?" After a network handwriting became popular, it is also a common way to gradually develop into screenwriting. Chen Qingyang heard him ask this question, and touched his nose sharply: "Although I participated in the adaptation of the script of" The Detective in White ", the screenwriter did not say that he could turn it over. After all, this line is still very different from writing online novels In addition to reading a lot of professional books, the way is also important. "

清 Chen Qingyang's words are true. Writers with and without writers have different developments.

Father Xiang Xiang was silent for a while and said, "Xiangjia still has some ways in this area. If Miss Chen wants to develop in this area, we should be able to help."

Chen Qingyang was anxious when he heard this: "To grandpa, I really don't mean this, you must not misunderstand!"

Grandpa Xiang looked at her with a smile: "Miss Chen, don't be nervous. Since you are Yunze's girlfriend, he is justified in helping you."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

That's why she's nervous.

She smiled and did not speak, but Xiang Yunze said beside her, "I will pay attention."

Chen Qingyang glanced at him side by side, wondering if what he said was true or false.

After dinner, Chen Qingyang's task was completed, and she was sent back to Yunze. The little **** the road kept telling herself not to forget to take her to see King Mo. When he returned home, Xiang Xiang was still sitting on the sofa, as if waiting for him.

He moved to Yunze's brow and walked up: "Grandpa, why don't you sleep?"

He looked up at the old man and said, "I don't care if this little girl is real or fake today. In short, I really like her. Even if it is fake, you can quickly make it real."

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

Although Xiang Xiang's family is a big family, Father Xiang is not the stubborn door-to-door counterpart. The granddaughter and grandson he wants to find, as long as he is a good girl and truly loves Xiang Yunze, he is satisfied. Waiting for the old man to go up for a long time, Xiang Yunze was still standing alone in the living room, smiled helplessly.

A few days later, Xiang Yunze took Chen Qingyang to Mo Mo as agreed.

清 Chen Qingyang was excited all night, and when he woke up the next morning, there were two obvious dark circles under his eyes. Hurry up and apply an eye mask to myself, Chen Qingyang rubbed several layers of foundation again, and finally made the two smears less visible.

Chen Qingyang is still wearing that dress today, and Xiang Yunze couldn't help but smile when she saw her: "So the meaning of Mo Tianwang is the same for you as my grandpa?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Can you shut up, bastard!

She sat in the car and looked at Xiang Yunze nervously: "Will Mo Tianwang be away?"

"No, I called to confirm."

Seeing him so determined, Chen Qingyang was a little relieved.

At the house of Mo Zhen, Li Yan was lying on the sofa, looking at his mobile phone. When he saw Mo Zhen coming, he curiously approached him. what?"

Mo Mozhen sat down beside her and glanced at the phone screen: "Li Weiwei likes Guan Guan to be true, and chased him for a long time."

Su Liyan's curiosity was hooked at once: "Of course, does he not like Li Weiwei? Isn't she saying that she is the most beautiful woman in the East?"

"Waffle." Mo Zhen approached Li Yan and lowered her head to her lips. "You are more in line with her aesthetics than she is."

Before Li Yan had time to be happy, the person on the opposite side bit her lips gently. Just as the kiss was about to escalate further, the doorbell rang.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Come in outside the knock-in door, I promise not to kill you!

Tong Liyan pushed the person who was still stuck to her and mumbled, "Go and open the door."

King Mo Mo opened the door with a constipated face, and stood outside the door toward Yunze, followed by a girl he did not know.

Seeing his expression, Xiangxiang Yunze couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You are desire. Please dissatisfied?"

Tong Li Yan managed the clothes on her body and ran after them. When she saw someone outside the door, she was dumbfounded: "Brother Yunze? Shampoo ?!"