MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 22 Be jealous

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Tang Qiang's intolerable tone, Tang Qiang has heard it in Mo Zhen's mouth more than once.

I just this time, but I always feel a little different. He seems to be ... jealous?

Tang Qiang's mood is a bit subtle, hesitating for two seconds between eating cat's vinegar and eating his own vinegar, Tang Qiang resolutely chose the latter.

Then goosebumps all over his body popped up like mushrooms.

Although he also thinks he is attractive, but ... But he doesn't like men! But if it's like Mo Zhen, it seems pretty good?

#JQ always sprouts in misunderstanding #

Tang Qiang looked at Mo Zhen, his expressions were ever-changing. "Mo Zhen, have you really considered it?"

"What?" Mo Zhen held Aya's front legs in his arms, stood next to Tang Qiang, and looked at him with some expression on his face.

Ayao was hung in the air. This pose was not very comfortable for the cat, but Ayao yawned comfortably.

"Mo Zhen, maybe this is because you are almost always with me, but you have to believe that this is not a real relationship."

Uh ...

Mo Mozhen stared at him for a while, and sincerely suggested, "Tang Qiang, I think you should go on a love relationship."

Tong Tangqiang: "..."

What does this mean, is it implying that he is with him?

Tang Qiang frowned angrily, "Mo ..."

"Tang Qiang, no matter whether I like a man or a woman, I won't look after you, so you should never think of me differently."

Tong Tangqiang: "..."

# 麻 麻 I don't believe in love anymore QAQ #

"Return all my food to me." Tang Qiang's right hand spread out in the air, insisting on Mo Zhen.

"Why?" Mo Zhen will never spit out anything that has been put in the refrigerator.

"Break up fee."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Tang Qiang finally got a cabbage, two scallions, and left this sad place with a broken heart.

Ayao finished his chicken drumsticks and contentedly hit a small satan. The cat loves cleanliness, and even if the owner doesn't clean it up, it will clean itself up. However, Mo Zhen still wiped A Yao with a wet towel before releasing her.

After Aya Yao was cleaned up, she ran up the second floor happily. Mo Zhen glanced at her and brushed the plates in the sink before going up to the second floor.

After entering the bedroom, Ayao was posing in an extremely rippling posture waiting for him on the bed, "Meow ~ woo ~"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

看着 He looked at the little black cat, and he couldn't help but smoke a few times.

"Who will let you go up?"

"Meow ~~~"

"Selling cute is useless, I don't want to sleep with the cat."

"Meow QAQ"

"... It's no use pretending to be poor, come down."

"Meow." A Yao murmured, then he lumped into a ball on the bed, closing his eyes and pretending to be dead.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

After I became a cat, her shamelessness index went up.

Looking at the pile of dark things beside the pillow, Mo Zhen didn't try to throw it out.

I walked to the computer and sat down. Mo Zhen turned on and opened the small penguin icon on the desktop.

Mo Zhen's QQ has very few friends. If it wasn't for Dudu only QQ, this software would have been eliminated from his computer.

However, the usage rate of little penguins has been very high recently, which fully enshrines the blessing of the magic stick.

"Master, how do you get out of the ghost?"

"... you're asking this question like how to start a vampire."

The response of the magic stick this time was so fast that Mo Zhen thought he had sent the wrong person.

Confirmed that the name of the magic stick was indeed displayed on the dialog box, and Mo Zhen continued, "You just need to answer my question."

"Can't the ghosts of your family be attached to others? Ha ha ha ha ha so stupid [laughs haha]"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Okay, he also feels stupid, but don't laugh like this, right?

"Master, have you stolen your number?"

不是 "No, it's just been a long time since I encountered such an interesting thing."


"I believe she is not malicious to you now, because she is not intelligent enough."


"Who is she attached to?"

"A wild cat."


This time the magic stick was silent for a long time before typing out a line, "Very creative."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Then God Stick quietly went offline after praising A Yao's idea.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

So why did he come out? !!

Shut down the computer, Mo Zhen glanced back, and Ayao still did not move in place, it seemed to be asleep.

As if afraid of waking her up, Mo Zhen subconsciously lightened her feet and turned off the electric light above her head. As soon as the hair was close to the pillow, a fluffy thing came together, and it was a little itchy around the neck.

Mo Zhen opened his eyes and glanced down at his chest. Ayao twitched his small tail and lay on his chest, his head still moving upwards.

家伙 This guy didn't fall asleep at all. Even if he became a cat, his acting skills were as good as ever.

Mo Mozhen narrowed his eyes and instinctively narrowed his neck. A Yao meowed dissatisfied, as if exhausting the milk, stretched his neck and kissed at the corner of Mo Zhen's mouth.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

After Aya got away, she was in a good mood, and she dropped her tail off Mo Zhen's chest.

Maybe it's because A Yao is in the form of a cat, so even if she was kissed by her, Mo Zhen didn't have much impact. Taking a look at the kitten that sat next to him with satisfaction, Mo Zhen stretched out her index finger and poked her cat's head, "Sleep a little."

喵 "Meow." A Yao snorted with closed eyes, apparently did not mean to move the land.

"I'm afraid I'll press you when I stand up." Mo Zhen poked at its cat's head again, and fluffy head was very addictive.

A Yao finally opened one eye with mercy, narrowed Mo Zhen, and moved a few centimeters outside.

Mo Mozhen: "..."

Forget it, chat is better than nothing. Anyway, it will not be him.

This sleep Aya sleeps very satisfied, like fluttering like a pair of wings. Of course, Mo Zhen didn't press it. In fact, Mo Zhen has been sleeping well.

Although Tang Qiang said he was going to break up with Mo Zhen, he came to Mcall on time the next morning. After Mo Zhen washes, A Yao is still trying to open his eyes. Mo Zhen got dressed and walked over to touch his cat's head. "You stay at home today."

遥 Yao was confined to his house for a while because of Uncle Beard. Although Uncle Beard has given up trying to catch a ghost on the set, A Yao has become a cat again.

I concluded that she had to stay at home until she found a way out of the cat.

Ayao disagreed with this decision, but no matter how she splashed and sold, she couldn't change Mo Zhen's decision, so she lay down on the ground and died dead.

Mo Mozhen still goes out early and returns home every day. During his time away from home, Ayao usually lie in front of the computer, facing the screen of Sen Leng, and concentrates on blackening Mo Zhen on the Internet.

The location was still selected at the Cape Forum, and Ayao boarded the long-lost [Sadako] ID, and filled in angrily and followed every post about Mo Zhen.

"Hazelnuts are finally going to release an album at the end of the year, I have been waiting for a long time !!! φ (≧ ω ≦ *)”

"╰ (* ° ▽ ° *) ╯ I heard that the main song will be Hazelnut's own lyrics and lyrics, so look forward to it!"

"Hazelnuts don't explain in my life !!!"

"Your male **** has no love at all, does he abuse critters? Did you make it !!!"

Uh ...

"I got into the set of" God Forbidden Zone 3 "!! Gorson is handsome and empty my blood tank. There is wood !!!! I will come to the repo when I breathe a little bit more slowly !!"

"Mark !!!"

`` The landlord's breath is slightly longer ← _ ← ''

"Should the landlord come to deceive the reply?"

"Your male **** has no love at all, does he abuse critters? Did you make it !!!"

Uh ...

"Check in every day, Hazelnut is so handsome. Hehe."

"[Image] ← I need to lick three times a day to sleep."

"I'm a newcomer. I checked in on the first day. Please advise. (* / Ω\ *)"

"Your male **** has no love at all, does he abuse critters? Did you make it !!!"

Uh ...

Finally, the hazelnuts in the forum were angry under the low-level black that Ayao was tireless and persistent.

【The one called Sadako comes in! !! I promise not to kill you! !! !! 】

Ayao was still flipping through the post carefully to see if there were any posts that he had missed.

Blinked, and Ayao's cat paw pressed on the keyboard, poking into this post. Only one sentence was written in the main building-

You thought you set up an automatic reply in the forum, I'm afraid of you! !! !! !! !! !!

Ayao: "..."

哪里 Where did she reply automatically? She knows that every one is hard to copy and paste! !!

「The main rapeseed on the 2333333 floor ~~~」

"Fire Tong Liu Ming!"

贞 "Sadako, ask how to set up an automatic reply in the forum."

"Zacharias Wata actually appeared again? I thought she was hidden!"

"Hazelnuts have never had pets, okay! Where is the abuse? Blacks please bring IQ too."

"Looking upstairs, I expect another landlord with pictures and truth will come up later. Remember the fruit pudding near Daming Lake?"

Aya Yao looked at these replies and looked more and more angry. She meowed and looked at the screen angrily. Believe it or not, I'll take a selfie and send it to you!

Thinking about it, she poked a few times on the keyboard with excitement—

"Your male **** has no love at all, does he abuse critters? Did you make it !!!"




The next dozen floors, invariably chose silence.

"Sadako's IP is blocked."

"The moderator is big !!! Take a group photo!"

`` Group photo ~ Eggplant ~ ''

"Hahahaha moderators have a huge wall of hazelnut brain powder. Do not accept my IP!"

Ayao: "..."

She poked at the computer a few times with a mentality of trying, and found that the bottom reply box really disappeared.

Uh ...

What a broken forum! There is no principle for being banned! Do you know how easy it is for her to visit the forum? Even blocked her IP! Can't we have fun?

Ayao angrily forked the forum, shut down the computer, and jumped to the sofa to play dead.

When Mo Mozhen returned from the set, Ayao was already asleep on the sofa. Going to the sofa, Mo Zhen looked down at the sleeping kitten, and her mouth could not help rising.

小 This little guy was cute when he fell asleep.

He pulled out his mobile phone from his bag, Mo Zhen chose an angle, took a picture of A Yao, and uploaded it to Weibo.