MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 96 The big devil in the holographic game (end)

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Ai Zhenzhen and Huo Jingzhou are completely famous, even if they don't want this name.

Ai Zhenzhen, the fiancé’s video of the fiancé’s mischievous face was seen by Aifu. He immediately gave up Ai Zhenzhen and announced that he and Ai’s relationship with the Lin family had been severed.

Ai Wei is really a healthy adult. Although Ai’s father did not seem to be sympathetic, he did not break the law.

Therefore, she was driven out of Ai's home very smoothly.

Aimu has a motherly love for this daughter, but her husband’s cold question is whether she wants Aijia and other children, or when she wants Aizhen, she can only choose to cry.

Ai Wei really couldn’t take away much property. All her things were given by Ai’s family. The jewelry that Mrs. Lin sent before was also returned by Ai’s father after two parents’ retreat. In addition to a few clothes, she There is only one pretty face left.

Was driven out of the house, her first reaction is of course her boyfriend Huo Jingzhou, even if she knows that she can have today because she is determined to be with Huo Jingzhou, Ai Wei really does not regret it.

It is of course the most important emotion of true love than the property that does not bring death or bring life.

Then, when she found Huo Jingzhou’s new rental house and planned to cry out with her boyfriend, she was witnessed by his new sincerity.

"Our people rented a house next door and kept at the door. When they heard the movement, they passed. It seems that Ai Wei did not tell Huo Jingzhou to go to him, or because he wanted to give a surprise."

"The result is a door open, the good guy is full of surprises."

The man in a white shirt sat quietly behind the desk, his eyes low and quietly looking at the information in his hands, listening to him talking and not lifting his eyes.

The property that came to report was always very skinny, and I was not afraid of Lin Shiheng, the boss. The face was full of brilliance and then said, "That Aizhen was always jealous and vague, knowing a little boyfriend and other women playing. Feelings are pretty, but every time I can be smashed by Huo Jingzhou, this is the first time I’ve seen it in front of me, and I’m just being rushed out, and the emotions suddenly broke out and I started playing.”

Lin Shiheng took a slender finger of the pen and looked up with a bit of interest. "She hit them."

"She is protecting her boyfriend, and she is the one who is thinking about it. As a result, Huo Jingzhou does not appreciate it. In order to protect her lover, she directly slaps Ai Wei to the ground."

"When we went out to watch, she was covered in blood. It seemed that the forehead was on the coffee table. Three people were scared, or our people sent Ai Zhenzhen to the hospital."

Speaking of this, the subordinates screamed again. "Huo Jingzhou is really shameless. In the hospital, I heard a doctor say that Ai Zhen really wants to take a needle on the face, and the medical expenses don't want to pay, but we are not vegetarian. Directly stopped the person and scared him to say that if he wanted to leave, he would report the police and pay for the medical expenses."

Lin Shiheng blinked a little, "Ai is really disfigured"

"Why isn't it, her face has been drawn so long, the doctor said that even if he does surgery after surgery, there will be traces. After all, it is such a tender face. Anyway, I see Huo Jingzhou, this guy is quite shameless. I was so afraid of fear that I wanted to leave when I heard that Ai Wei’s face was disfigured. I thought they were so sad.”

"This is interesting."

After a short surprise, Lin Shiheng picked up his eyebrows and his lips were slightly tilted. His voice was faint. "One looks at the face, one only has a face. Now there is a face with no face. If you look at your face, you can still see her."

"Ai Wei really disfigured after Huo Jingzhou should want to contact her, you go to help Ai Zhenzhen."

Thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Tell her that she can use the point that Huo Jingzhou hurts people to go to jail."

"Okay, I will do it now."

When Ai was really awake, the anesthesia had gradually subsided. She had some weakness and reached out and tried to touch her right face, but she felt the gauze.

The memory gradually returned, she remembered, she was disfigured, the doctor said, even if the surgery to remove the scar on the face, it will definitely leave traces.

Ai Wei was really red-eyed, and a drop of tears fell. In this most helpless time, she temporarily forgot her boyfriend’s betrayal and looked around to find Huo Jingzhou for comfort.

"Hey, girl, you are awake."

The middle-aged woman standing at the window watching the scenery heard that Aizhen really got out of bed and turned around and quickly went up to help her.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom, I will help you."

Ai Wei really looked a little confused in her eyes. When she was held by the rough hand, she was somewhat disgusted and wanted to withdraw. "Who are you?"

"I am a small neighbor, you forgot, today you were pushed down by Xiao Hu, when I was bloody, I still played 120."

When I mentioned the painful memories, Ai Wei’s eyes were more and more tearful. “Huo Jingzhou, I am looking for him.”

"He talks to his girlfriend outside, you want to find her and I will help you."

The middle-aged woman didn't care about Ai's true attitude at all. Instead, she smiled very well and asked, "Girl, you are a little Huo, how can you make this happen? You can make him a woman. My friend was frightened. I just hid in Xiao Huo-Hui and cried, saying that I wanted to go home, or I saw Xiao Hu promised to stop and stop, saying how to wait for you to wake up and say."

She said, as if some of the patted clapping hands "girl, if you are not relatives, I advise you to let Xiao Hu pay compensation. I used to see the young man is quite good. I just didn't want to pay for medical expenses, or I and my family. The mouth is on the pad, your wound is not small, the girl's family, how to do surgery to get rid of the cockroaches, this money has to find a small Huo."

Her words are all sincerely considered for Ai Wei, listening to Ai Zhen real ears, but like wearing a bowel.

Jingzhou’s girlfriend is not her, where did the woman come from?

He still does not want to pay her medical expenses.

He still thought, still want to leave her just injured, go with the woman.

Ai Wei really under the soft feet, pushed the middle-aged woman to help the hand, and walked out the wall.

Quietly pushing the door open, I saw a pair of men and women standing in the corridor.

Then, she is familiar with, Huo Jingzhou's gentle voice "Baby, you go back first, I am here to deal with it."

"No, you tell me clearly, who is that woman?"

"I just like a school girl who likes me. I said that I don't like her. I still chase after me like crazy. I don't know where to find out where my family is. Well, she will wake up soon." What do you do when you go crazy, I have to be distressed, go home soon."

The girl frowned and her mouth still refused to relax. "How could there be such a person? She just called me a fox, how do I feel that I am a little three in her eyes?"

"Huo Jingzhou, don't go around with me. If it's really a normal school girl, why don't you send me home? I was almost beaten by her today. I used to rub my elbows before. You are so distressed, today I am The feet are all smashed, you actually let me go home alone"

"No, no." Huo Jingzhou was troubled by the questioning, but he still had to maintain a gentle look. "Is this not caused by her face being hurt? I am responsible. If she wakes up, she must pay compensation." And crying and making troubles, it is also delaying your time. Are you not going to take a flower arrangement class?"

The girl snorted, "I don't care, anyway, you must be today"

"I killed you and killed you guys and dogs."

The voice did not fall, and Ai Wei, who heard everything, had already swung up.

In the chaos, the gauze on her face was tossed down, and the girl was guarded by Huo Jingzhou.

Ai Wei really tears, poor and wronged to look at her boyfriend "Jing Zhou, how can you do this to me, I lifted the marriage contract for you, and was driven out by the family, I have nothing now, I only have you."

If she hadn’t been injured before, it’s really pitiful to make this look, but now in the eyes of Huo Jingzhou, it’s Ai’s face with a slap in the face like a lame, ugly, still pretending. cry.

When he thought that he had ever kissed on this face, he almost did not spit it out.

"I think you need to calm down, baby, let's go."

"Not allowed to go"

Ai Wei is crying and crying. "How can you do this to me, Huo Jingzhou, how can you do this to me? I gave up so much for you. If you do this, you are not afraid of thunder."

"Your old childhood will be forgotten. Now how is this woman going, how can you marry me when she is not there, and her"

The woman who was taken in the arms of Huo Jingzhou frowned and opened his hand. "Huo Jingzhou, you are not telling me that I am your first love? I don’t think it is the same thing."

"What first love is my first love"

Ai Wei really heard this sentence as if it was stimulated. He took out his mobile phone and pulled out the post of Xiantu Forum. He handed it over directly.

"You have a good look. The Jingzhou inside is Huo Jingzhou. I am really true. We have been together for a long time."

As for this post, it is actually a suede sticker, she does not care.

The woman pushed open the Huo Jingzhou who wanted to stop, and quickly looked at it with her eyebrows. The anger was getting deeper and deeper.

Feelings, she is not only being a junior, but her boyfriend is still such a great thing.

Huo Jingzhou simply can't wait to hold down Ai Wei's real head and come back a few times. At the moment, he can only explain the woman in a hurry.

"No, baby, you listen to me."

"Okay, wait for you to finish her business and come to me to explain it, yes, the game investment you said before, I don't want to mention it with my father, don't contact me later."

This girl is also being spoiled and raised. She just returned to China and was not interested in the game, gossip, or something. When she met Huo Jingzhou, she talked about it for a while. Today, the fire is thinking about life. Rice cooked rice, the clothes just came off Ai Zhen really came in.

Although she was very angry at first, but now she found that things seemed a bit complicated, she was relieved.

What is it, it can be considered a timely stop loss.

The girl was crisp and neat, and it made Ai Wei really unresponsive.

Huo Jingzhou is so good, she is so easy to let go.

And before she even wanted to understand why the girl was so free and easy, Huo Jingzhou, who was face-to-face, had already arrived in front of her.

"Ai, really, do you know what you just did? That is my only chance to turn over."

"What is the opportunity to turn over, you are clearly going to bed with her"

Ai Wei really wants to complain like the grievances before, but Huo Jingzhou has no patience.

If it wasn't for Ai Wei who told him that Lin Shiheng was sick, how could he think of exposing it under the public, and the result is now good, Lin Shiheng is unscathed, but he can't be on the gambling.

He really wants to violate the agreement. Anyway, the scorpion is more itchy, but Lin Shiheng, the treacherous villain actually said that he should guard him. As soon as he got on the number, he immediately followed up and continued to kill him.

After being defeated by Lin Shiheng, Huo Jingzhou was even more stupid and knew that this person's ability to play the game was far above him. Before that, he only had to tie his hand to delay the time.

His conspiracy has also been defeated. Huo Jingzhou did not dare to register again. Without the source of income from the game, Huo Jingzhou could only hope for the game company.

Originally, he was happy with the woman today, and she was able to get her referral, but now, nothing is gone.

Ai Wei really had no appearance, no family, in his eyes, even if there was more love, it has now become a yellow flower yesterday.

"I don't want to argue with you, I still have things, go back first."

"No, you have to stay with me to make it clear, what is going on with you and that woman?"

Ai Zhen really reached out to pull Huo Jingzhou, and disputed, Huo Jingzhou turned his face and slaps a slap in the face.


It was the half of the injured face, which was originally red and oozing. Now it has been slap in the face and it looks even more miserable.

Ai Wei really seems to be stupid by this slap, and stood in a dull position and looked at the tender lovers who couldn’t believe it.

"Oh, what is this?"

The middle-aged woman who had been snoring at the back squinted slightly, and took anxiously to come forward to support Ai Zhenzhen, and reprimanded Huo Jingzhou Road. "If you put a good girl into a disfigured person, you can still beat people. I told you Xiaohuo, this girl has been disfigured. You don’t apologize for compensation. If she warns you, you must be in jail."

"What nonsense?"

Huo Jingzhou didn't have any impression of the neighbors. He didn't look at the disgusting look of Ai Zhenzhen, who was looking at his silent tears. He turned and walked away.

The middle-aged woman quickly pushed Ai Wei’s real arm, "Girl, don’t let him go, how can I compensate?"

"Huo Jingzhou"

Ai Wei really hated the back of her boyfriend, screamed with a sharp voice, did not get a response, her eyes hated deeper. "If you don't care about me, I will call the police now, and you will deliberately hurt people and let you go to jail."

Huo Jingzhou’s footsteps stopped, and he slowly turned around and looked at Ai’s eyes with aversion. “When did you become so deep?”

It’s such a light, but it’s more painful than pushing her to the coffee table.

There are more and more tears in the eyes of Ai Wei, but the words of the export are ruthless. "You can try whatever I am, the wound on my face, how can you let you sit for two or three years."

Huo Jingzhou is certainly not willing to go to jail, so even if he is reluctant in his heart, he still has to receive Ai Zhenzhen from his home. Before leaving the hospital, the kind middle-aged woman also specially helped Ai Zhen’s face and diagnosis book. According to the photo, if Huo Jingzhou does not accept the account, he can take these as evidence.

Ai, who is used to being spoiled by others, did not put her good intentions in her heart. She only thought about waiting for her to live with Huo Jingzhou. She must try to get his heart back to her side.

Ai Wei really wants to be impossible to achieve.

She didn't have the support of her family, she didn't have a beautiful appearance, she used to become a bad temper, and the innocence became stupid. The luxury goods that like to be beautiful and bright have become shortcomings.

At the beginning, she also wanted to be in love for love. When she found out that no matter how much she liked it, Huo Jingzhou would never accept it. Even after she was still a sister, Ai Wei’s mentality changed.

She began to stop reluctantly, but threatened Huo Jingzhou with her face to buy all kinds of luxury goods for her. Huo Jingzhou bought it at the beginning. After a long time, the wound on Aizhen’s face was almost good, and he It doesn't work together at first.

His game company has gone mostly, and he is still half-dead. Now he is still in debt, and where the money comes to Ai Wei really buys things.

Ai Wei really found him entangled, he moved his hand, this time, Ai Wei directly hit 110, told him a domestic violence.

Because Ai Zhen really had a wound, and she also said that Huo Jingzhou had damaged the neighbor's car downstairs, Huo Jingzhou was not only detained for one day, but also lost a sum of money.

When he came out, he had to accept the plant and bought what she wanted for Ai.

From this day, Ai Wei really found out that Huo Jingzhou’s weakness, she began to threaten this person to do his own ATM, and constantly interfered with his understanding of new women, and even into the company Let Huo Jingzhou be a shame.

Huo Jingzhou couldn’t think of it. The little princess who was once held high by everyone, in the end, how did it become a shrew of shrew in this short time.

Even if they fall into this way, the two still have the same hobbies and watching the news.

Just separate to see in your room.

All because of the fact that Lin Shiheng’s name began to appear frequently in the news.

The first time he took the news was to take over the Tianyou Group. The second time he was awarded a lawsuit with Huo Jingzhou. After that, he was his talent, what he did, and he set up a charity fund to encourage him to live. While starting a research institute, I started researching drugs.

His people live in such a wonderful way, even if he is sick, he can only sit in a wheelchair for a long time, even if everyone is not hoping to develop drugs, even if everyone defaults, he will not live long.

Lin Shiheng's public platform fans have risen very quickly. Once he was named after his nameless name, he only found out, ah, there was such a good person.

Some media have selected some of the content of fans' comments under the Lin Shiheng public platform, and they have gathered together to make a small collection.

Hello, Mr. Lin, I am like you, and also suffer from ko. I am a little more fortunate than you. I didn’t have a disease when I was a child. Unfortunately, I was sick in my second year of high school. I still have a college entrance exam in one year. My The students are struggling to learn, but I can only feel the pain in the bed.

I used to be among the best in my studies. The elders regarded me as proud. I can wait until I get sick. Everyone looks at my eyes full of sympathy. My future, life, seems to have been completely destroyed. Parents ask me not to give up, but I I don't know what it means to stick to it. At this time, I saw your report. I didn't just lie in bed every day waiting for death. As long as I want to, I can read books, learn, work, and pain. Can't be the root cause of destroying me.

I have already picked up the textbook now and I have decided to repeat it. Thank you for your good example. No matter the result is a result or a failure. As long as I work hard, even if I really leave, I have no regrets, Mr. Lin, I Will work hard and wait until the day you study the drug.

Hello, Mr. Lin, I am an ordinary person, very ordinary kind, doing things for three days to fish for two days, every time I laugh at myself, I have procrastination, use procrastination as an excuse not to do it. The plan, I have been watching your news for some time, I have not been in the heart until the day before yesterday, you have a free experience of ko patient experience activities, I went to participate, only felt for five minutes, but for me it seems It’s been a long day.

I never thought that the ko patients who endured 24 hours a day were actually such a severe pain. Five minutes has already made me feel miserable. Mr. Lin has endured for ten years, and you have never given up in this decade. I am always enriching myself. I feel embarrassed. My so-called procrastination and lazy cancer are actually just excuses for myself. When I think that you endure hard pain and study hard, I have a healthy body. I don’t have a good time to cherish it. There is a feeling of inexplicable crying in my heart. I got up early today, I made breakfast for myself, and I exercised for half an hour. It seems that the sun is bright all of a sudden, I think, In the future, my life will be splendid because of your encouragement. Thank you.

It can be seen that these comments have been carefully selected, and together they cried a lot of people, and some netizens who did not know Lin Shiheng recognized him.

I was ten years old and I never gave up. I always insisted on studying. Now, although I am in a wheelchair, I have already reached the peak of countless normal and healthy people.

Although some people say that this is not because he is rich second generation.

Lin Shiheng took over the Tianyou Group and personally let him grow a little bit, but it is beyond doubt.

What's more, just as he was able to use the three languages ​​to answer foreign media when he was interviewed, he could see how powerful this is.

Do not say anything else, can other young people in their early twenties speak a fluent foreign language at this age, or are they three?

Overnight, Lin Shiheng seems to have become the idol of everyone.

Although it does attract some facial powder, most people pay attention to it because of his mentality.

Lin Shiheng v, etc., I am still not disabled.

The next comment is a hahaha.

Naturally, there are also some people who are infected with his attitude of being hard to live no matter how hard it is.

Ai Zhenzhen and Huo Jingzhou are in different rooms every day, watching the same Lin Shiheng.

Although he loves work, he will also relax himself, occasionally sharing himself on the public platform, occasionally by media.

Buy a yacht today, buy a villa tomorrow, and join the winery the day after tomorrow.

If it is other rich second generation, perhaps netizens will think that this is to show off the rich, can be replaced by Lin Shiheng, these remarks are almost invisible.

Everyone is terminally ill and enjoys what life is like. Besides, the money he spends is earned by himself and he has no old family.

After tearing his face with Huo Jingzhou, Ai Wei really looked at Lin Shiheng, who had such a beautiful scenery. He said that he did not regret it in his heart.

If she didn't break the contract, but she still works as Lin Shiheng's fiancee, she is still the favorite young lady. Her life is still bright, she wants to buy what to buy, what to wear and what to wear, only need it every day. Go shopping, buy clothes and buy.

Rather than being like now, wanting a very ordinary thing, you need to deal with Huo Jingzhou.

On the side of Huo Jingzhou, it is another state of mind.

He is embarrassed, but he refuses to admit himself.

Just thinking in the bottom of my heart, Mo deceived the poor, he must stand on the peak and overlook Lin Shiheng.

And his game company, under his efforts, has been supported. As long as the second holographic game appears, even if it can't suppress the Tianyou Group, it will definitely have the strength to stand at the same height.

Huo Jingzhou thought quite beautiful. When he made a loan and developed the game, he was ready to start the announcement. Lin Shiheng, the chairman of Tianyou Group, announced that holographic technology has been shared with major game companies and will be used in various aspects in the future.

In the few days after his announcement, those game companies were just like the discussion, and they began to announce their own holographic games. They used to stand out from the crowd. Huo Jingzhou was able to make profits, and now he has a lot of flowers, those old game companies. Where is his fledgling rookie able to compete.

When I heard the news, Huo Jingzhou’s blood all over the body seemed to be frozen in an instant.

He started looking crazy for other materials and refused to believe that it was true.

How is it possible, such a great opportunity to make money, Lin Shiheng may be willing to let go.

He found the video content of the day.

In the lens, Lin Shiheng's face is pale, but his smile is very gentle. When he opens, the clear voice is slow and calm, and people can't help but believe every word he says.

"About sharing technology is the result of a collective vote by Tianyou Group. Everyone knows that holographic technology cannot be used only in games. There are still many places that need him. Although Tianyou Group is a company, it does not. In order to make money, this technology will be beneficial to progress."

"Yes, of course, it is not free. After all, it is also a technology that our group has spent a lot of manpower and resources to develop."

Having said that, the man in the camera smiled and made him look somewhat approachable. "We will charge a certain fee and a part of the shares. This matter has been in the process of preparation, but it has not been announced to the public. I believe that in the near future, there will be A new holographic game appears.

The players who bought the game bins at Xiantu can rest assured that because they are sharing technology, these game companies directly purchase the game bins from our company. That is to say, the players who buy the game bins of our company can not only play the fairy road, but also I have successfully entered other games that share technology with my company, and I wish you all a happy game. ”

Huo Jingzhou almost can't breathe.

For his own game company, he started to get angry, paid all his savings and even repaid his money. Now he is about to win the fruits of victory, but everything is ruined.

Tianyou Group seems to make profits. Although it has won shares and money, it is equivalent to letting the market that has been dominated before, but they have also made other conditions, and the game warehouse is stocked.

Now he uses the same game bin with other companies. The price of the game bin is not the civilian price. For ordinary players, buying a game bin can play multiple holographic games, which is absolutely cost-effective.

Unless there are game companies joining forces to share the game bins, even if the entire holographic game market is even more prosperous, it will have no effect on the Tianyou Group, which has mastered the game bins and the shares of major companies.

Huo Jingzhou had previously thought about building the same game warehouse as Tianyou Group, but it could not be developed anyway, and they convinced other game companies to purchase the goods, which indirectly showed that other companies could not develop.

This also eliminates the possibility of pirated game bins.

This press conference, which seems to make profits, is actually a more substantial control of the entire holographic game.

And Huo Jingzhou does not use the same kind of game warehouse. There is no such powerful company as the old game company. Even if it is a head, it will be killed on the beach.

Huo Jingzhou was sitting in the room for a day, and the dripping water did not enter.

How could it be so smart?

How can it be so clever.

Even if this press conference is one night at a time, he can make a fortune.

But it is just a few days before he is about to launch the market.

Take a break

The only thing that comforts Huo Jingzhou is that Lin Shiheng is sick, but he is a healthy body.

He can run and jump, Lin Shiheng can only sit in a wheelchair for a big day like a press conference.

Huo Jingzhou worked hard to comfort himself with this.

The next day, hot search first, ko therapeutic drug development success.

The Lin family put down their work and rushed to the hospital.

They waited for aside, Lin Shiheng squinted in bed, watching the needles plunged into some fine blue veins, first returning blood, and then pushed back by the drug.

A small bottle of medicine was quickly hit, and in 20 minutes, it was all injected into the body.

Mrs. Lin, who has always been strong, relied **** her husband’s arms, her eyes fixed on the dropper, and she never looked away.

After the last drop, she nervously gripped her husband's hand. Lin, like her, held her fist and looked forward to seeing her son on the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Lin Dage grabbed his brother’s hand and shivered his voice. It seemed as if he was afraid of scaring him. “How do you feel?”

Lin Shiheng took back his eyes and looked at his hand. Under the nervous and expectation of the whole family, the pale lips shook slightly, revealing a smile.

"I don't hurt."

"Not at all."

Mrs. Lin’s tears fell for a moment, and she was crying and laughing. The chaotic thoughts were “no pain, no pain, no harm afterwards”

Lin’s father also reddened his eyes and took his wife into his arms. He choked and said, “Is this medicine a one-time treatment? Is it that you will never hurt again in the future?”

Lin Da, who has always been cold outside, is also red-eyed and laughing. Hearing his father’s words, he answered “No, and will never hurt again in the future.”

"That's good, then that's good."

The smile of Lin’s mouth has not yet risen, and the tears have already fallen face.

"In the future, you will not have to suffer any more."

Lin Shiheng still kept his original position in bed, watching the family crying and laughing, reaching out and holding Mrs. Lin’s hand shaking because of excitement, and her pale face smiled at her.

"Mom, don't cry, your son will never hurt again."

Mrs. Lin nodded with tears.

"Good, good, I will always be good when I am at home."

While the Lin family is happy, the ko patients are also being treated.

Lin Shiheng was the first batch, and there will be a second batch of the third batch. Because his son is also sick, Lin’s family sold drugs at almost the cost price. At the end of the day, he posted a part of it. Although the income was damaged, it accumulated. Countless good reputation.

When I saw the news, Ai Wei really applied a mask at home. When she saw this, she almost forgot to remove the mask from her face.

Lin Shiheng actually healed.

She did not want to marry Lin Shiheng. Another reason is that Lin Shiheng was sick and could not move. He might die early, but now he has recovered.

Ai Zhen really touched the uneven scar on her face across the mask, her eyes stunned.

She was not the naive Missy, she left her family to shelter, and her boyfriend fell out. In addition to being able to benefit from the woman’s face, she also understood how happy she was when she was truly loved.

But she has already pushed that heart away.

Huo Jingzhou owes her, she must take it back.

Ai Zhenzhen originally planned to go to Huo Jingzhou and her to receive the certificate. As a result, after knowing that Huo Jingzhou actually owed the loan shark, she packed up and wanted to run. Huo Jingzhou came back to see what she was taking at home, and they both wrestled together.

This time, Ai Wei really glanced at one eye, and Huo Jingzhou was cut off.

Both of them went to jail.

Ai Zhen was seriously ill because of infection, and died after ten days of suffering. Huo Jingzhou was alive, but when he was released from prison, he was psychologically distorted because he lost his article. He wanted to **** and pass the girl. The other party was a martial artist. Send him to the police station again.

Come out again, the big screen on the square is the advertisement of Tianyou Group.

Huo Jingzhou stood under the billboard and looked at the signature of the dragon and phoenix dance underneath.

Lin Shiheng.

From the day of the plexus, there was a man named Huo Jingzhou under the sun, and there was a madness.

Every day, he only recites his full service first, and there are countless beautiful women.

叮The mission is completed, please select 1, continue the mission, 2, vacation

"Continue the mission."

Lin Shiheng opened his eyes, in front of a bright rose, a petite and lovely girl was full of cheeks and shackles.

"That, Lin Shiheng, are you willing to be my boyfriend?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and took the flowers.


The whole audience was silent for a moment, and a group of people were looking at the two with unbelievable sights. Even the nearest one who was drinking alcohol coughed and sipped. Something went wrong, please refresh and try again