MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 167 The End of the World - The Zombie Era (6)

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Even if she is anxious to go down and look at the situation, Ji Jiaqi is still eager to go downstairs to maintain her usual caution.

This building was cleaned up by her. Except for the no response on the third floor, there was only one child on the second floor. It is reasonable to say that there should be no talent.

But a man appeared, not only appeared, but also suspected of the second floor of the child, according to the information given by the ancient city north, it should be a living person.

Ji Jiaqi killed a lot of zombies, but for the first time on the living, she clenched her arms, gloomy face, step by step down the stairs.

Opposite the ancient city north, he always looked nervously and looked at the second floor opposite the telescope. His face was not so ugly.

Because he looked very clear through the telescope, at first, the child fell to the ground with blood, and his mouth was sealed with tape. The man was looking around the house, apparently looking for food and going to the house. After turning around and finding only a little food, he was not satisfied with it.

The child seems to be a little bigger, and the age is no more than seven years old. The blood on the body should have been caused by a man holding a hair wall. When he was looking for food at his home, she fell to the ground. I don’t know if there is any gas in my eyes.

The northern eye of the ancient city glared at the man who easily slammed the child who was unable to get up on the bed and began to unwind the belt.


The ancient city north can't wait to fly directly to kill him.

Fortunately at this time, Ji Jiaqi saw the door directly with a saw.

The zombies of this building were cleaned up by her, and the door at the bottom was still tightly closed. The man could not suddenly appear. It was probably the fourth floor that she had leaked down before.

But it shouldn't be. The fourth floor is an old couple. The people are very kind. When they meet the neighbors, they are all smiling. Maybe because they have a pension and their children are also very good, their mentality has been very calm. The little days have also been fascinating. Every morning, I help each other to go to the park to bend.

Therefore, when knocking on the fourth floor did not respond, Ji Jiaqi thought that they would go out and bend at home in the morning.

But a man appeared out of thin air. Is it the son of an old couple? But that is also a very good-tempered person. She still remembers that when he came back to see his parents, he met the **** the second floor downstairs. He also touched it with special affection. Her head.

When I opened the door lock, I opened the door and saw that a middle-aged man with a disheveled shirt looked at him with a broom and a look of surprise. Ji Jiaqi finally found the answer.

This person is living on the third floor, who always used a color to see her.

Because of his eyes, and every time he went down the stairs, if he deliberately approached, Ji Jiaqi had been hiding from him.

When she cleaned up, there was a zombie in this family. It was the wife of this middle-aged man. When she personally married her, she saw that there was no movement in the room and thought that this person was not there. I didn’t expect him to appear like this now. Here.

Even the pants are not worn.

Ji Jiaqi glanced at the bed full of blood, his face closed with his eyes closed, his mouth blocked by tape and he did not know the child who was still alive, and looked at the person standing in front of him, slowly lifting the weapon in his hand.

"What do you do, I tell you, killing people is illegal, don't think that I am afraid of you, we two really fight, who wins who loses is not necessarily"

Although the man has a swear word, anyone can see from his shaking legs that he is afraid.

He is indeed scared. In his plan, from the beginning, he did not intend to provoke Ji Jiaqi, who can kill so many zombies.

And Ji Jiaqi has the same impression on him. This person is a lascivious woman who has no temperament and has no ability to provoke a weak. When the last time has not come, he has reached the key of the old couple on the fourth floor. At that time, he thought that the old couple had always been broad. Older people never use bank cards, children are filial, and there may be a lot of cash in the house.

So he took the key to print a copy, and then left the original key in the same place, if nothing happened until the next day they went to the park for a walk in the morning, no one, took the key of the rubbed into the house.

Who knows that it is so clever, the monster came at this time, when he was kneeling on the window and watching the people underneath being chased by monsters, eating raw meat, scared to dare to step out of the house.

When Ji Jiaqi knocked on the door and asked if there was anyone, he also saw through the cat's eyes that the sawing knife in Ji Jia's hands did not dare to answer.

He had offended her before, and now he has no weapons. He dares to raise his head.

Later, after seeing Ji Jiaqi with a saw sawing the opposite door and killing the zombies inside, he would not even dare to speak out.

After that, the man has been huddled in the old couple's house, eating the food they left, but the food is finally finished one day. Fortunately, the soundproofing of this building is not good. When Ji Jiaqi went to the second floor key, he would squat. Listening on the door, knowing that there is only one little girl.

Ji Jiaqi can kill the zombies but he dare not provoke it. Although Ji Jiaqi told the child that the zombies were killed, if there was a fish that slipped through the net, what if he went to those rooms and was bitten by zombies, but a child also Worried about it, so he sneaked to the second floor, knocked on the door and told the little girl that her father and mother called him and asked her to open the door and answer the phone.

In the end, it was a child, and he was so embarrassed that he really opened the door.

After that, it was seen in the ancient city north. This person didn’t find much food. He thought about it anyway. Now there are monsters everywhere and no one cares about him. Then I look at the little girl lying on the ground, but the other parts of the face are white and tender. Tender, a child, can not resist him, anyway, starving to death is also a death, not as good as before death.

Who thought of it, just took off his pants and didn't start enjoying it, Ji Jiaqi actually came to the door.

He shook his legs, obviously not afraid of it, but he was still swallowing, trying to convince Ji Jiaqi not to be right with himself. "I just want to find something to eat. I am not stealing your home. You are like this. It’s not necessarily me who fights to lose money. It’s better to do this. I don’t want to eat these things on your face.

Ji Jiaqi did not move at all, but still held the weapon tightly at the man, and asked coldly, "What did you just want to do to her?"

"No, nothing"

The man slowly retreats while he is arguing. "I told you girls, we are also neighbors. They are all living in a building. I don't want to do anything to you. If you go now, we should be This has not happened. Otherwise, don't blame me."

"How can I be a man, can you kill those monsters, isn't it just that they are stupid? You really think you can win me."

Ji Jiaqi is really not sure, she has never played with the living, especially standing opposite is still a man who is quite strong.

But it is absolutely impossible for her to ignore the little **** the bed and let go of the animal.

Ji Jiaqi refused to give in, and the look on the man’s face gradually faded.

These days, he did not pay much attention to the situation of Ji Jiaqi, knowing that she killed the zombies, knowing that she locked the door downstairs, and that she and a person in the opposite building pulled up a rope and passed on each other.

She certainly does not lack food. He didn't want to take risks before, but now she has hit herself, so don't blame him.

He did not notice at all that after Ji Jia’s body, there was a beautiful puppet cat looking at him with a bad tail.

After the end of the world, because of lack of clothing and food, but lost the law, more or less will always give up humanity.

But some people have long since lost this humanity before the end of the day.

Ji Jiaqi's hands-on ability is still ok, but the man can't stand the shamelessness, and finds that he is being forced to step into the corner. He simply bites his teeth and holds the **** the bed, blocking her in front of her and letting her help her. .

Ji Jia chess did not dare to use force. He could only watch the man staring at a little girl and walking outside with a proud look.

"I tell you, this child will follow me later, if you dare to do anything to me, don't blame me for killing her."


With a cat call, the man screamed and let go of the child's hand. Before he could react, the puppet cat did not call, and the screaming jump was a few combos.

He is a variant. The claws are of course not comparable to ordinary cats. When a few paws go down, there are a few more visible bone scars on the man. He hurts and falls to the ground and mourns.

Lin Shiheng's movements are too fast, even Ji Jiaqi did not react, let alone the opposite side of the ancient city north with a telescope to watch the battle.

The scene he saw was that the man was about to leave the room and suddenly fell to the ground and screamed at the wound.

In the north of the ancient city, I looked at Ji Jiaqi, who was standing on the side with a weapon, and looked at the puppet cat who was arrogantly raised his head and raised his chin and licked his tail.

The little girl still doesn’t know if she is dead or alive, and certainly not a cat.

I figured it out, even though I still didn't see what happened in the past, the ancient city north still looked at Ji Jiaqi with admiration.

Sure enough, it’s a big deal.

Holding the thighs must hold the thighs

Ji Jiaqi still doesn't know that the ancient city north of the opposite building is being watched remotely. Although she did not see it clearly, she also guessed a few points when she saw one side.

It seems that Hengheng can not only become a human being, but also has a high lethality.

She always trusts Hengheng, and does not think whether Hengheng will hurt herself, and temporarily think about how to deal with this man. After thinking for a few seconds, she decided to tie him up first.

The man was tied, and Ji Jiaqi was relieved to pick up the little girl to see the injury.

The heaviest part of her injury was her forehead, where she was screaming and blocked, and the man grabbed her hair and slammed it against the wall. The blood flowed down her face, so in the ancient city. North seems to be a blood.

Ji Jiaqi remembers that the child’s mother had called her month and she was busy holding her on the sofa, “month, month, month and month”.

The little girl shook her eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as she saw Ji Jiaqi, the big sister who gave her own key, her tears fell and she sobbed in her arms.

"Sister, the bad guy is going to hit me."

"Sister knows, don't be afraid of the moon, the bad guy has been tied up, he will not bully you again."

The entire face of the ancient city north must be squeezed out of the security net, holding a telescope, watching Ji Jiaqi is holding the little girl comfort, but also with a sigh of relief.

He had learned a little bandage before, and at this moment he couldn't help but see the wound on his face. Fortunately, it seems to be awkward, and it should not threaten life. It is the child's crying that is so distressing.

Soft and weak, well-behaved, such a cute child, how can someone bear to hurt her.

Deaf slag

The ancient city was squatting, and suddenly the little girl who was squatting in Ji Jia’s arms sat up, and the man with a small finger extended to the ground, and raised his face to see Ji Jiaqi, seems to be asking her how to be a man. do.

The ancient city north was angry again, asking him to say that it’s time to throw it away and feed the zombies.

It is a pity that this big one is a girl. It is estimated that this kind of thing can't be done, and that guy is cheaper.

He was angered, and he saw the little girl sitting in Ji Jiaqi’s arms pointing at the man’s hand, and a visible thunder was suddenly appearing on the man.

He obviously twitched a few times, and he was all black and looked at it.