MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 143 Holy Ghost (End)

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Hu Shaoye, who faced the murder scene, was greatly stimulated.

He didn't think that this person should not die. The wicked person did evil a few years ago. Not only did he rob the child to sell, but he was beaten to death after being discovered by the parents of the children. Such a person, even if sent to the government, is also To be sentenced to death.

Hu Shaoye is entangled in the fact that the master he followed is the sorghum uploaded by the rivers and lakes, or the enchanting.

Every time there is something happening in the rivers and lakes, the bald masters are also willing to actively help, but if they catch people, everyone is excited to say that they want to kill each other, say for the wicked, let the people and the people This is also the group of masters.

Because of this, Hu Shaoye has always disliked the monks of Shaolin Temple.

They spared the wicked, who is the victim of the murderer who died and died?

If it is not a push to open the door, I found that the people of the whole mountain have disappeared without a trace, but there is no wind on the rivers and lakes, and Hu Shaoye will not run to find the time master to follow.

He did not go to see the calm water, only to the side of Lin Shiheng, "Master, the family is not not killing?"


The face of the jade is like a human voice, and the tone is calm and waveless. "Barren is not killing."

Hu Shaoye ""

He has seen it twice and has not killed

"Barren is just a slap in the air, kicking a kick, someone hits himself, how can you blame the poor."

Hu Shaoye ""

OK, you have a high martial arts and say that everything is right.

The child who was taken hostage by the wicked was rescued. Lin Shiheng also dropped twenty-two silver to serve as medical expenses. Now the price is twenty-two enough to cure the child’s injuries and become fat.

Lin Shiheng saved the child and "degree" the wicked. On the day of leaving, the simple small town rushed to the door to send it.

The face full of wind and frost is full of gratitude to the monks, because everyone knows that the monks don’t eat, and the people don’t send chickens and ducks, all of which are clean and clean. Come.

Lin Shiheng refused.

Hu Shaoye followed behind him, and he looked at these simple people for their happiness, and his heart was sour.

When he left, the people also sent him this way.

Only a few years of hard work, they actually forgot him.

It is obvious that he stood behind the master of the time, but he did not look at him.

Hu Shaoye kept telling himself in his heart that this is nothing. He is not grateful for the people's gratitude, and he has no worries.

But what makes him happy is that the child who was taken hostage by the wicked on that day also came. He could not move with his hands and feet, and was carefully carried by the adults.

There are **** faces on the faces of the children, but the eyes are bright, not like the adults, they go to see the white clothes, but they stare at Hu Shaoye.

It’s rare to have a person who doesn’t ignore himself. Hu’s young master is happy and broke his hand, smiling at the child’s smile.

"Little guy, you still remember me."

"Hu brother"

"Oh, true."

Hu Shaoye and Bai Yi people went out. The people in the small town stood at the gate of the city and watched them leave. The parents of the children listened to Hu’s brother in the mouth of their own son, and their eyes were red.

The child’s mother crouched down and said to the child who was staring at the back of the slut. “That’s not Hu Ge, it’s Master Heng.”

"It’s Hu Ge, I remember."

The child can't move with both hands and feet, but the voice is very loud. "Hu brother is like this, wearing a black dress, wearing a jade on his head, and embroidering the clouds on his shoes. The smile is very good, I remember."

The child’s parents’ face suddenly changed.

"This child is afraid of hurting his head."

"Yeah, the master has hair that can wear jade."

Hu Shaoye here does not know that there is someone behind him who can discuss whether the monk can wear a hairpin, and continue to follow the appointment of Master Heng.

After turning out of the small town, they began to walk to the bustling area.

On this road, the two also met a lot of people, there are wicked people, there are knights, there are simple people, everything is no different from the rivers and lakes that Hu Shaoye swayed, but the time master seems to dislike contact with people, every Try to go to places where people are sparsely populated.

It doesn't matter, people with high martial arts have quirks, and Hu Shaoye expresses his understanding.

I just don't know if it's a coincidence, and their route can always coincide with the place where Hu Shaoye had done what he had done.

Living in a small village under the canyon, where a woman was taken by the mountain, Hu Shaoye studied for a few days, and finally waited until the day when the mountain was scattered, so that the mountain was killed and the women were saved. .

When the family settled at the water's edge, the family members unfortunately turned over the boat when they fished on the boat. They did not come to the shore with their calves cramped. Hu Shaoye saved the people regardless of the danger.

A pristine town, there was a bully in this town, savvy martial arts high-powered bullying people, strong robbing of women, Hu Shaoye killed the bullies, but also a clean town.

A lot of times, he just did a good job, and basically didn't think about it again afterwards. When he walked through these boundaries, Hu Shaoye only remembered that he was so young and frivolous that he actually helped so many people.

I am quite embarrassed to think about it. He turned out to be such a good person.

But what hurts him is that the person who saved his life and comforted him did not even remember him. Almost every time he went to a land, his sight would fall on Lin Shiheng.

Ok, Hu Shaoye can accept.

Think about it too, even if he is himself, a look can only be said to be a good knight, and looks like a fairy, the sorghum of all Buddhas, and of course, will pay attention to sorghum and ignore another person.

Hu Shaoye soon got used to the fact that everyone ignored himself.

In fact, he did not care about these fame, walked through the city, villages, and saw that those who had helped him lived very well, and he had a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

When I walked through the places where I had once played, the memories that Hu Shaoye thought had long been forgotten came out one by one.

After being rescued by him, he said that he would also learn to martial arts and then go to the world to save the people. He had no children and no children to get cold. He took care of the two-month-old grandmother, in order to protect his wife and daughter offended the local bully.

In a few years, seeing their stable life, there is a taste in their hearts.

It was about to go to the end of March, and the two sat on the boat. When Hu was rowing a boat, he lamented Lin Shiheng, who was sitting at the bow of the boat.

"I was really tired this time."

Lin Shiheng asks "Where is tired?"

"Everything is tired."

Hu Shaoye rarely sighed. "Since I have been in the rivers and lakes, I have not stopped. Sometimes I want to take a rest, but I always feel that if I continue to go on, I will save more people in the future."

He was born, and grew up from a small jade food. He has never eaten much bitterness. Since he left Hu Yushan, he has to eat all the hardships of his life.

"Since I feel tired, why do you want to make a difference?"

When I heard the swearing words, Hu Shaoye smiled. "This is the tradition of our Huyu Mountain Villa. Every generation has people going to the rivers and lakes to save people. I heard that my wife and grandfather were rescued by a knight who went to fight. Only when I can survive, my grandfather told me that saving people is a good thing. It is just that we young people also need to practice. They can save people and experience. Isn't this a double-edged sculpture?"

"And, saving lives is indeed a very happy thing."

He smiled while holding the boat, and his smile looked rather stupid.

Lin Shiheng never opened.

He waited until the boat reached the shore, and he said, "It’s here."

Hu Shaoye has been talking about self-entertainment. "Speaking of what we are going to eat tonight, I am really tired of the soup."

After looking up at the foreground, his words stopped short.

In front of it is a forest that has been obviously burned by fire. The dead wood is black and lacquered, and there are a few green leaves on the top of the head. It seems that it should be dead wood, not dead.

"Do you know here?"

Lin Shiheng, who was on the side, asked him.

Hu Shaoye stood in the same place and did not understand.

"These trees, are these trees not cut off by me?"

He found out the memories of this wood.

It seems to be a thing not long ago. Here, the mountain was chaotic, and it was actually a massacre of the whole village. Hu Shaoye intended to do the heavenly road. I didn’t realize that the cottage was discovered. The mountain will be in the village. The children have stayed for them to have fun.

There are too many people in the cottage. He estimates that he can't beat it. He went to the government and wanted to seek help from the government. Because of caution, Hu Shaoye went to eavesdrop on the official in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, he did not expect that such a large mountain force has not been eliminated for so long, it is indeed because of bureaucratic collusion.

The child dies almost one day. He doesn't have time to think about anything else. He can only go home and ask for help. He plans to run these children. He didn't think that he was lost when he was chased. .

Hu Shaoye came back and found that he happened to see the mountain drive the child into the forest and set fire to the forest.


What happened?

In his memory, it seems to save the child, kill the mountain, cut down the tree.

Can clearly cut off the tree, why these trees can still stand here

Hu Shaoye was caught in a great confusion.

"My sword, where is my sword going?"

He had a splitting headache and his pale face reached out to touch the sword behind him, but he touched the blood of one hand.


Why is there blood?

He stood in the same place, and the scene appeared from his mind.

The children were too young, they ran slow, and one child fell into a single. After Hu found it, he went back and found that the mountain was driving the child into the sea of ​​fire.

He can sway the rivers and lakes for so long, and he is safe and sound. He relies on his dexterity. After all, martial arts are higher, and it is still impossible to fight a dozen.

But he has no way to go.

He can fly by himself, but he can't fly with him. If he is gone, there is still life in the child.

Hu Shaoye pulled the sword and greeted him.

His martial arts is indeed high, one person, killing all the mountains, but only to the end, he himself has not become.

Hu Shaoye can still think of the feeling before he died.

The whole body was cold, as if the blood was cold, only the wind with **** scent came with gentleness, blowing on his face, as if the mother who died youngly touched him gently.

He only had time to say a scare to the crying child, and he lost consciousness.

The moment before the disappearance of consciousness, Hu Shaoye looked at the two-swords, thinking, it is a pity that this is a good sword.

Woke up again, he automatically and spontaneously rounded the logic, suddenly felt very homesick, just want to go home to see.

When I returned home, I found that everything was empty. The things in Zhuangzi have not changed. They are neither gray nor cluttered. It looks like there are people who have cleaned up.

No one is there.

No one is there.

He panicked and went down the mountain to find out. Those people could not hear or see him until he listened to the conversations of the passers-by around him, and touched the inn where the white man lived.

Under the moonlight, the white-haired monks drank a cup of tea and turned to look a little.

"The donor, there is something to do"

I ignored his talking sly, couldn't see his wicked, and along the way, those who had been rescued by him turned a blind eye to him.

Hu Shaoye laughed insanely.

Laughing and laughing, crying again.

It turned out that he was already dead.

The first ritual that Lin Shiheng received was the young master of Hu Yushan.

In order to protect the young children, Hu Shaoye, who had died young, had a **** battle with the mountains. After the end of the mountain, he died and he died.

Hu Shaoye died so early when he was young. Hu’s parents almost cried and blinked. Because Lin Shiheng had reduced the skills of the five evil tigers, Hu Yuzhuang asked him to come and ask him to help the son who died.

Master Shi Heng has always done good deeds regardless of size, not to mention the owner gave back the money.

So he went to Hu Yushan, but found that the soul of Hu Shaoye is not here.

It’s mostly trapped. A good person like him, who knows that he is dead, will only refuse to believe it, and pray that this is not true. The willingness of the stranger falls on Hu Shaoye’s body, which also leads him to leave Huang Quan. .

Take him to the place where he did good deeds, let him take a good look at the people who have been saved by him, and he will be able to leave.

For the first time, Master Shi Heng did such a thing, and it was inevitable that some people were unfamiliar. In order to alleviate the strangeness, he did not save more people on the way.

When he returned to Huyu Mountain Villa with the soul of Hu Shaoye, the name of Shiheng Master Shengyi was spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

Only others do not know, if it is really better than the Holy Spirit, no one can compare the heart of the child and the early death of Hu.

However, no one knows that three months after Hu’s death, Master Shi Heng followed behind a follower who could not be seen.

This is a bitter face in the day, probably because he was shaved and no longer wearing a scorpion.

On the rivers and lakes, it has always been the name of the master of the time.

It is said that although he is young, martial arts is extremely strong and very good-hearted, and he is determined to influence the evil people in the world.

Master Shi Heng is also a skill.

Since he appeared on the rivers and lakes, some of the wicked people have been affected, and he has surrendered himself under the leadership of others. Some of them chose to retreat to the rivers and lakes, and they never appeared in front of people. The rivers and lakes were very peaceful for some time.

It was not until hundreds of years after Master Heng made the ancients that someone was saying.

At this time, how did Master Heng really influence those wicked people, and how can they be pure and good, in order to influence so many evil wicked people?

If you hear this, you can't help but laugh. "If you let me know, how can Master Heng be called a holy shrine?"

叮The holiday world is over, please choose 1, vacation, 2, continue the mission.

"Continue the mission."

Lin Shiheng opened his eyes, the first thing he smelled was a medicinal taste.

He carefully received the memory.

Ancient farmer