MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 27 A woman who is a boss (1)

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???? "Host Hua Baihe mission completed... Start to extract World Data No. 4455... Score is being generated, please wait."

???? In the white and boundless space, after the system turned off the alarm that the mission was aborted, another sound that made Hua Baihe familiar sounded not long after.

???? Is this the end?

???? This thought popped into her mind.

???? A little nervousness appeared on the face of the handsome young man next to him.

???? It was rare for the two of them to coexist peacefully in silence for a long time.

???? Until—

???? "The host Hua Baihe score has been generated - E-level, barely passing."

???? Hua Baihe: "...???"


???? She looked at the young man next to her subconsciously, hoping to get an explanation, and then saw a trace of confusion on his face.

???? The system noticed that Hua Baihe was looking at him, and immediately looked back viciously: "Aren't you very proud of changing from an excellent student to a poor student?"

???? After the mission is terminated, she can still walk on the borderline of passing Smile:

???? "A little."

???? System: "…"

???? Before he could continue to speak, the gentle voice in the space rang again, but this time the content had nothing to do with the false gentleness:

???? "The task score is too low, and the host Hua Baihe will obtain the 'supervision of the Lord God' in the next world."

????Hua Baihe was also a student. When she heard the word 'supervision', she knew that it was not a good thing, so she asked the system decisively.

???? The boy standing in front of her looked complicated for a while.

???? Then, instead of answering Hua Baihe in a hurry, he raised his hand and pressed his temple with his slender fingertips, and his voice became a lot more indifferent: "To raise an objection, Hua Baihe He is a self-signed member and is still in the primary world."

???? After a while, the female voice sounded again: "The objection is rejected, please 1000286 to start the execution."

???? Hua Baihe watched his system choked brightly, but rarely laughed at him.

???? She can understand that the other party doesn't seem to like this thing too much.

???? "The supervision of the Lord God, does it mean that the Lord God intends to watch the whole process of my mission?"

???? "Do you also watch the toilet and bath?"

???? The system rolled her eyes at her: "The Lord God is not so busy, this is mainly to formulate a task plan for each step, so that you are like a novice task, with little autonomy, and-"

???? "And?"

???? "Once the host is aware of illegal operations, it will give a warning, and according to the degree of violation, the punishment will be determined, and the punishment form of the 'supervision of the Lord God' is..." After a pause, The system showed obvious sympathy, and slowly spit out the last two words: "Electric shock."

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? Hua Baihe raised his hand and asked sincerely, "Excuse me, is your main god's surname Yang?"


???? Five minutes ago, in the main **** space.

???? "Your instruction violates the content of the contract you signed independently, please correct it." The main system said to the man who had just issued the message to obliterate the consciousness of the child of the world.

???? The man in the snow-white clothes looked blankly at the world scene No. 4455 that was still playing.

???? Jiang Yao didn't carry many things around him, only a few heavy boxes, tightly locked, and a slender light boat parked in front of him, the boatman was a good hand from Ouchi Acting, they are all the dead men that Jiang Yao promoted from the Jiang family team before, and they will always protect her.

????Jiang Yao's life purpose has been achieved, and he plans to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests. After his death, he will not be buried in the imperial mausoleum.

???? When the emperor and Jiang Chenghuan came to the riverside and watched her leave, the team that came to see her off was mighty and mighty, including the harem team when the first emperor was there, because Shen Qingyu was the most Favored, has been sealed as Jing Taifei.

???? Shen Qingyu was still followed by Qing Tao, her eyes swept over Jiang Yao and moved to another place.

???? I don't know why, she has always looked at this person very unpleasantly, and even a little jealous of her.

???? Even if she later became the emperor of Dayong by herself, Shen Qingyu tried her best to avoid encountering this person. Like her, Jiang Yao never took the initiative to find her. past her.


????Jiang Yao looked at the boat in front of him, remembering something, turned around and looked back.

???? Everyone thought she wanted to miss the days when she ruled. Now the capital has been moved to the south of the Yangtze River. Compared with the original fierce north, even the style of the main city tower is Jiangnan characteristics. , is no longer khaki, but a neat gray brick.

???? To everyone's surprise, Jiang Yao went straight down to the tower, where an old palace maid was supervising the young girls below to clean the palace wall, The thin weeds were pulled up, and the bricks and tiles were wiped clean by the way.

???? She is not like the other maids who are fiercely holding a whip and urging people to work, and only reprimand those who are lazy. As for those who are not very skilled at the beginning, she takes the trouble to demonstrate and teach them in person.

??? The oldest nanny.

???? When she heard the footsteps behind her, she didn't have time to look at it, and she turned around and knelt down, and the salutation was as sharp as before:

???? "Slave Gong Taishang Huang Sheng An."

???? Jiang Yao looked at her. She was about the same age. Because she stood at the top of power, she was the best in dealings and services, and now she looked only in her 30s or 40s.

???? But the people in this palace are different, so old that their temples are almost gray.

????"No need to be more polite." She said, "I'm now without an official and light, and I want to come over and ask you, would you like to go out with me?"

???? Behind him, a younger maid saluted Jiang Yao, came over and stood up with the old lady.

???? That old mama was a little excited, opened her mouth several times, and then spit out a sentence, with tears in her eyes, said to Jiang Yao: "The servant... the servant thanks the Lord Long En, it's just now... now This body... I'm afraid it's not as neat as it used to be... Niangniang."

???? Excited, she accidentally called the wrong name, and then hurriedly changed it.

???? I don't know why, Jiang Yao is an existence who doesn't want to be subservient to others, but at this moment I miss this title.

???? It seems that a long time ago, there was such a person who called her 'empress' so smoothly by her side.

???? Huanxi was the only one who served the best by his side.

???? Thinking of this, she said, "It's okay, I don't need anyone to serve me now, it's just that as I get older, I'm a little nostalgic, Huanxi."

???? Huanxi quickly picked up her sleeve and wiped away her tears, she still lowered her head and said to Jiang Yao very politely:

???? "The master is worried, the servant... The servant has been ready to serve the master for the rest of his life since the day he entered the Jiang Palace. Naturally, wherever the master goes, the servant will go."

???? Jiang Yao nodded, turned back again, and asked the current new emperor to ask for a palace servant.

???? The emperor naturally responded in a row, but couldn't help but leave a sentence: "Aunt, the palace is enough, you have come to enjoy the happiness, why bother to go out? What if the people around you don't serve you properly?"

????"I am in the palace now, if I miss my aunt someday, it is difficult to see it easily."

???? Jiang Yao said lightly: "It's meaningless to be in the deep palace all my life."

???? "The emperor does not need to persuade him any more."

???? After finishing speaking, after Huanxi packed up and brought her things, Jiang Yao took her on the light boat and left without looking back.

???? until you reach an island.

???? Huanxi and the dead men were swiftly packing their things and found a box with a picture scroll, and came to ask Jiang Yao for instructions.

???? "Picture scroll?" Jiang Yao couldn't remember what was there, and followed them forward.

???? All the paintings in it are very ordinary, so ordinary that it is hard to believe that when Jiang Yao was in power, he took most of his rest time to paint these figures.

???? To be exact, a maid.

???? It seems that she just casually glanced out of the window when she was resting, and then looked back and traced these pictures.

???? Jiang Yao watched it for a long time, and could see the seriousness of every ink painting in it, but she couldn't remember why she was so boring at that time.

???? She waved her hand and said, "Burn it."

???? Jiang Yao's life today is no better than in the palace. The conditions required to preserve these scrolls are troublesome, and she is too lazy to let the people toss, so she simply doesn't want them.

???? The people around looked at each other in dismay, but they also knew that she was a one-of-a-kind person and could only burn those pictures.

???? The screen is still at this moment.

???? The Lord God squinted his eyes with satisfaction, and replied to the main system next to him: "The host of 1000286 has a special connection with these worlds, and the task is easy to achieve; similarly, once awakened, The consciousness of the child of the world has led to a conflict between her personal consciousness and the world consciousness, and the risk of world destruction is also very high."

???? "Back in time when the host was in the past."

???? He snapped his fingers.

???? The main system is unknown, so I can only do as he said. It was when Hua Baihe just went to the world and met Jiang Yao.

???? "Extract the fluctuations of the consciousness of the child of the world, starting from birth, and ending here." The Lord God said.

???? The next moment, the main system asked with some doubts: "The self-consciousness of the child of the world has been detected, and it has started to fluctuate since the host appeared."

???? The Lord God's eyes flashed a little bit of unknown emotion: "Before she was dead, but it began to change the moment she passed, do you want to guess what happened?"

???? The main system hesitated for a long time, and could only analyze it according to the behavior pattern of human beings. After a while, she asked incredulously: "She... Does she know the host?"

????"Impossible, the host is the aborigines of world 1111. The planet that produces intelligent creatures in this world has a backward technology level and has not developed to a second-level planet. The worlds meet."

???? "Question not answered."

???? When the Lord God heard the conclusion of the main system, a smile flashed in his eyes.

???? He said, "I don't know what happened."

???? After a pause, the Lord God replied: "However, obviously the host of 1000286 is very special, and strengthening the binding force on her will also help her to complete the task better, isn't it? "

???? The main system was silent for a long time, and then said: "But this violates the contract signed with her."

???? The man smiled: "The contract stipulates that in special cases, the host needs to obey the command of the traversal system - now, it is the special case I said."

???? "Do you need a special record?" The main system asked again.

???? After the special filing, the particularity of Hua Baihe will be noticed by the will of the universe that supervises these main gods.

????"No, not for now, wait until she completes the task in the next world, if she completes it well, you can directly revoke her supervision, just think it's me who cares. ." He closed his eyes when he finished speaking, as if he was indifferent to business affairs.

???? The main system thinks about it, when the will of the main **** that is assisting conflicts with the will of the universe, it has its own set of instructions to follow.

???? So it quietly filed.


???? Hua Baihe suddenly had a forced punishment on his back, feeling that he needed some time to calm down.

???? "Actually I've been meaning to say—"

???? She looked at the system.

???? The system is investigating the execution of Hua Baihe's mission in the previous world, racking her brains to figure out how to help her get rid of the punishment, and wholeheartedly signaling that she has farts.

???? Hua Baihe licked her lower lip: "That's right, in my previous episode of Pokémon, what was in the ball thrown by the opponent..."

???? Before she finished speaking, she was frightened back by the fierce look on the system's face.

???? "I've worked so hard to find information about this world for you here, but you're asking me about Pokémon **** here?" The anger in his eyes seemed to want to Huabaihe is burned into skewers in situ.

???? Hua Baihe wanted to nod her head and say yes, but she was afraid that she would be mad at this one, and the next one that came was not so funny, so she could only regretfully put away her desire to explore temporarily, and worked hard not to Show your lack of interest so clearly:

???? "What did you find out?"

???? "I'm replaying the world line, it was Jiang Yao who added something else to the medicine you gave." The man raised his hand and waved in the air, Jiang Yao was in the porcelain bottle The appearance of putting things is just fixed.

???? Hua Baihe made a 'uh', and the response was very dull.

???? System: "You already guessed it?"

???? Hua Baihe blinked: "No, I have to guess, will I almost miss this one hundred million?"

???? I must have thought of a way to save the emperor.

???? System: "Then you are so calm...?"

????Hua Baihe raised his hand and scratched his face, and asked, "Have you ever seen anyone who finished the college entrance examination and went back to correct the answer after the results were all out?"

???? The system was speechless for a while.

???? Hua Baihe's idea of ​​watching animations in this resting space was snuffed out, and she looked at Jiang Yao's freeze frame, 365 degrees without dead ends , decided to fine-tune the mind of watching animation:

???? "By the way, you said before that I could watch the scene of the previous mission world, right?"

???? The system just found out the answer to 'Child of Destiny's own medicine to kill the target', which is a bit not good, so it just answered her with a 'um' in a muffled voice.


???? There was a cloud of smoke on the screen, and the people just followed Jiang Yao's instructions and threw all the picture scrolls into the firewood.

???? Hua Baihe: “…”

???? System: "…"

???? He dryly comforted: "Uh, I said before that after the host leaves the world, other people's memories of you will be erased, and the Child of Destiny is no exception. "

???? Who knows, Hua Baihe breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest:

????"I thought she was carrying the treasures I liked in her box, which scared me."

???? After she finished speaking, she ignored the system swallowing a fart, and touched her chin in dissatisfaction and added:

???? "Speaking of which, I actually miss the big treasure I missed a little bit."

???? System: "…"

???? The last world is underwear, this world is jade, he doesn't want to explore the bottomless lower limit of Hua Baihe.

???? Now he can finally see that there are occasions when the iron-beaten hearts of others are soaked in tears and soaked in rust, but Hua Baihe does not have such troubles at all.

???? The reason is probably that her heart was hit by stainless steel.

???? The system said viciously: "The next world data will be imported, and the transmission will start!"

???? Hua Baihe paled in shock. Before the word 'wait' was finished, countless pieces of information had already been squeezed into his mind.


???? I don't know if it was because the last world was too poorly completed. In order to restore her praise, the system deliberately chose a world close to the modern background.

???? The name of the child of the world is Yun Yeman.

???? Just the appearance of this name has gone through a lot of twists and turns, because the female protagonist's birth name is Yun Yecao.

????Her family is quite ordinary.

???? To be precise, this statement is generally somewhat flattering.

???? It was a family in a small county in the 99th tier. Her father Yunjin was a third-rate gangster who lived by moving bricks in his spare time. He worked in his school, and relied on a best man's suit that he took for free at his brother's wedding banquet to groom himself, and he hooked up with this unworldly college student.

???? Adhering to the principle of getting on the bus first and then refilling the ticket, this man relied on one mouth before marriage, and only had one **** after marriage, so he easily married him into the house and became a cow make a horse.

???? Qi Ran's own family conditions are also average, parents are ordinary workers, living in a big tube building, the neighborhood environment is 'the old king next door slept a few times last night and grinded his teeth Know the 'type'.

???? At first glance, the well-behaved daughter actually had a casual relationship with others.

???? Not to mention persuading her to abort the child and get a new life, she just can't wait to push people into this raging fire pit, so that she can use the above-mentioned marriage certificate as a fig leaf, so that in the future When having an argument with a neighbor, this sore foot can not be poked.

???? "My daughter is a serious--"

???? "What a big belly before marriage, nothing!"

???? As for the life after marriage, only Qi Ran knows.

???? Because Yunjin is a standard diaoism, a typical patriarchal thing, so during the confinement period, let alone a delicious treat, can It is not short that her food and clothing are already preferential treatment, and in the process of obstetric examination, the husband's family basically only pays attention to one part—

???? Quietly put money into the nurse who was doing the examination, and asked flatteringly, "Please show me whether it is a boy or a girl this child."

???? However, although this nurse works in a small county, the bottom line is steady, and she didn't even look at the red envelope, and said with a straight face: "The state has regulations, not allowed to reveal the fetus gender."

???? So Yunjin's mother can only perform miracles with artificial force, strictly following the folk science of 'sour children and spicy women', although there is no high standard of acid, but I will definitely try to make Qi Ran able to eat pickles and give birth to a fat boy.

???? So, when Yun Yecao was born, when the Yun family heard that the nurse came out and said it was a woman, Yun Jin was so angry that he dropped the cigarette **** in his mouth outside the delivery room door. Turn around and go.

???? And the grandmother of Yunyecao, who was carrying such a big thing in one hand, even slammed her mouth. After the nurse came out, she went to the delivery room to pull the cloth, and she was weak on the bed. Ran said:

???? "You're going to die! Your belly is so unsatisfactory, and such a thing is born, what are you doing lying down? You don't need money to live in the hospital?!"

???? If it wasn't for the nurse who heard the movement and rushed in, maybe she could drag Qi Ran off the bed and leave on the spot.

???? From beginning to end, the black and thin little guy in the baby basket next to him was never seen.

???? Qi Ran still didn't stay in the hospital for a long time, and was dragged home in a hurry. There was no way, the family wouldn't give money, and the hospital was not a charity.

??? While she was not paying attention, she caused all kinds of accidents to her granddaughter.

????—nearly drowned the cloud weed in the bathtub once.

???? Later, I didn't dare to be separated from the child again. No matter where I went, I took the child with me.

???? When she finally reached the age where she could go to school, she asked her husband hadn't named the child yet, Yun Jin drank the wine and threw the bottle at her:

???? "What name do you want for such a wild thing, you think we are rich people, even a dog is very particular about the name."

???? "I think her life is a bit hard, like the weeds outside, just fill it with weeds."

???? Qi Ran did not refute—

???? She thought, as long as they can live well, what's wrong with children like weeds?

???? So she really filled in such a name, until Yun Yecao was laughed at by her classmates in school, saying that her name is not a mother, is it singing in the song, no mother child is like a grass.

???? On the day when Yunyecao came home with a wound on her head, Qi Ran came back from get off work and turned on the lights in the living room for a night, and finally picked up that she was about to return it to the language. The teacher's culture, in the voice of her mother-in-law scolding, "You are going to die! Is it because we have been unhappy with our mother and son for a long time, and we need to waste more electricity bills to get revenge on us!" She changed her name.

???? Qi Ran was afraid of being bullied by her husband and mother-in-law. I dare not say that this family is all working by myself. I went to the police station to change my name.


???? Later, he worked hard at housekeeping and was introduced to a rich man's villa. Because he was not enough to subsidize his family, he also called his daughter.

???? Yunye grass, ah no, belongs to Yun Yeman's tragic life, from here.

???? In the family where Qi Ran works, there are two children, a boy and a girl, about the same age as Yun Yeman. They go to a private aristocratic school. Calling friends and leading companions, when you travel, there are people who serve you, and I am very envious.

???? The two brothers and sisters discussed it for one night, called their father, and decided to give the family cleaning aunt a chance—

???? They want Yunye to enter their school, and they only charge 80% of the tuition from Qi Ran.

???? Of course Qi Ran is happy with the charity of her employer. After all, she was educated, and later experienced such a marriage. She just wants her daughter to go farther than herself. Well, don't go back to the mud again in this life.

???? She instructed Yun Yeman to listen to the brother and sister at school.

????Yun Yeman did exactly that, no matter what he suffered, whether he became a servant who could be bullied by the whole class, or did the two brothers and sisters act for them after they acted arrogantly and made mistakes. When she was beaten, she swallowed her anger, thinking about the suffering her mother had suffered for herself.

???? Until someone finally shone a ray of light in her cracked life.

???? That is a boy with good grades in the school. He is clean and suave. The reason for this is also very simple.

???? He was covered by another eldest sister in the school.

???? When Yun Yeman came out of the toilet wet, he asked with concern, "Are you all right, classmate?"



???? The two brothers and sisters didn't want to get into school bully because of her. They not only made a clear relationship with her, but also took the initiative to invite her over for a lesson, and even happily exchanged her for joining the school core group opportunities.

????Yun Yeman has since become the bottom of the school food chain.

???? The mistakes made by the students when they rose up were all borne by her. Once someone proposed to steal the test papers of a major exam, smashed the monitoring, and was discovered later, and her pushed out.

????Yun Yeman was fired.

???? No one knew, she was relieved the day she walked out of the school.

???? But her misery with her mother still doesn’t end here—

???? After she was slandered and stole the test paper, Qi Ran was doing housework at the time, overworked, and was so angry that she was sent to the hospital with a brain haemorrhage. In the family where the mother and daughter worked, the employer refused to advance their wages.

???? Because Yun Yeman has no use value for those two brothers and sisters.

???? She watched helplessly as her mother died in the hospital.

???? Later, in order to make a living, she went to work in a nightclub. Her father Yunjin often came to her to ask for money, and he would call if she didn't give it. Past the fruit knife next to it.

???? When the blade sank from her chest, the whole world was buried with this tragedy.


???? Hua Baihe who finally received the story: "…"

???? She opened her eyes: "Tonger, can I apply for the world to explode directly?"

???? Before the system answered, Hua Baihe heard an electronic voice: "Warning, the host is not allowed to slack off."

???? Then Hua Baihe felt a shudder in his soul.

???? She was shaking with an electric shock, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that sentence was actually said by my cousin."

???? System: "..." At this time, it can still peel, and it also admires Hua Baihe.

???? The chrysanthemums of Huabaihe were numb, so I decided to observe the surrounding environment first.

???? From the perspective of technical difficulty, it is a bit difficult to make it worse than the heroine, so Hua Baihe has already done a good job of wiping off his debts and supporting the heroine. As a result—

???? She was almost stunned by this pink princess tent.

???? As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the line of skin care products on the dresser. She got off the soft bed with a faint fragrance and rushed to the mirror immediately.



???? Overall…

???? She touched her chin with satisfaction: "At first glance, she is a woman who wants to be a boss."

???? After happily admiring her imposing queen face for a long time, Hua Baihe relieved the miserable force of classmate Ye Cao just now, and finally has enough energy to start accepting her identity background.

???? Compared with the first two free worlds, this world has much more restrictions on her. When she was reading her own world background, she was given the first task. :

????【Enter Yunding Noble School (0/1)】

???? Yunding Noble School is the school that Ye Cao will go to later.

???? Hua Baihe didn't care too much and replied with 'hmmm', anyway, this is something that must be done, she was shocked by her identity background.

???? Her name is Yin Zhi, and her father is Yin Xiao, who is famous in Nanfang Zhenzhen. She is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. As long as it is the color you can think of, Yin Xiao will not be involved in it. Yes, everyone will sell him a third of his face.

????A powerful social brother is usually a big lover. Yin Xiao is no exception. He liked a woman in his early years. The time has come.

????According to the general routine in the TV series, when the eldest brother washes his hands in the golden basin, it is time for him to pay his debts with blood.

???? Yin Xiao naturally conforms to the big brother's law, but when he was washing himself, his beloved woman lost his life for him. They were kidnapped, but luckily the child was fine.

???? So Yin Xiao half-washed his hands, he could only wipe it with a towel and continue his old business, and he couldn't stop until the end of his life.

???? He loves Yin Zhi very much, and named it after his favorite flower in his life. Give her all the favor of a father, except that she is not allowed to touch his own line, and everything else will be condoned.

???? Hua Baihe, who saw his identity background, was moved to tears: "System!"

???? The system naturally remembers the things that the previous world promised her to make her look good and rich in her life, and now she is waiting for her to cry with joy and confess to herself.

???? "Ahem, it's nothing..." It was hypocritical at first.

???? I immediately heard Hua Baihe's next sentence: "To be honest, have you been in love with me for a long time?"

???? System: "…"

???? Just one word, it only says it once.

???? Hua Baihe looked at the mirror in the room happily, and continued to be immersed in her domineering appearance. After a long time, she couldn't help but sigh:

???? "You said, if I go to Yunding Noble School, will the weeds be covered by me from now on?"

???? "I have to teach her well, not just because of a tragic fate, just look at the bastard's beautiful eyes."

???? From Hua Baihe's point of view, the boy who once reached out to Yun Yeman is not really kind at all.

???? If you don't have the ability, you can reach out to others casually.

???? Hua Baihe didn't believe how much that boy took Yun Yeman to heart.

???? She was ready, humming a song happily, and after visiting her first-line skin care products and cosmetics, she opened her wardrobe and admired those outfits that were completely different from spring, summer, autumn and winter.

???? Then he let out a sigh: "If I were a weed, when I saw such a task helper, I would beat him first."

???? System: "[Please start your performance.jpg]"

???? Hua Baihe giggled twice, picked out a grey and white ink dress she liked, and just pulled up her pajamas, I don’t know what I remembered, and said in my mind: "Who peeks who is the dog."

???? The system is furious: "Who wants to see you as a mosaic!"

??? Hua Baihe is so hypocritical now that he has a fart!

???? Hua Baihe thought about it: "Thank you for the Minor System Protection Law."

???? Then she lifted off her pajamas and opened the mirror in the closet, wanting to appreciate her devilish figure—

???? After ten seconds, the smile on Hua Baihe's face froze.

???? "...what is that thing on my back? Why do I look familiar?"

???? I saw a lifelike tattoo on the right shoulder of the person in the mirror, from the shoulder blade down to the half butterfly bone on the back.

???? One black and one white two butterfly tail goldfish face each other end to end on the white skin like milk, the beautiful big tail swaying in the arc, as if it can jump from her skin at any time Come out like.


???? The pattern that Jiang Yao gave her in the last world!