MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 18 The Jiangshan that Ben Gong has built for you (8)

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???? Because Hua Baihe was fined for copying too much this time, the candle in the west wing of Changle Hall was lit long enough to burn all night.

???? But she is not the only one who missed Sleeping God tonight.


???? There was a rapid sound of hooves kicking at the gate of the city, and the guards patrolling the city tower suddenly shouted loudly: "Who is coming!"


???? A bronze-yellow token was held high by the man on the horse. The man was wearing a khaki guard uniform, his face was covered with sweat, and the corners of his mouth turned white due to dehydration The skin even cracked, but it wasn't obvious in the dark.

???? When the guard on the tower saw the pass order and was about to open the door, he heard him raise his head and shouted hoarsely:

???? "Report—! The Northwest Khitan Yeludi Division invaded! Lancheng has fallen! The Northwest General... died for the country!"


??? She put on her court clothes tremblingly, and followed the little **** who led the way into the palace.

???? Today is the first year of Xianzheng of the Dayong Dynasty, the first year of Emperor Liu Ye's ascension to the throne. Although he looks quite young, he has been following him since he was seven years old. The former emperor was studying state affairs in the study room, and there were a pair of calm eyes under the bead curtain of the emperor's crown.

???? He raised his hand and tapped on the armrest, and asked in a deep voice, "Master Wang, how many people are serving in the border town now?"

???? Wang Shangshu said without thinking: "Lancheng is 100%, the rest of Cocoon City, Cancheng, and Yucheng are 70%, and the rest is less than 50%."

???? Liu Ye heard the words and said to the minister of household: "Zheng Qiu, how much is the surplus grain in the treasury? How much is the silver tael?"

???? Zheng Qiu raised his hand to report: "Except for the flood-stricken Jiangdong area, 80% of the grain tax has been turned over in various places, and now the state treasury has 234,500 stone surplus. Seventy-two million taels of silver."

????Lancheng is a small city with a population of less than a thousand people, but it is the place where the territory of the Dayong Dynasty borders the northwest border the most. Di Manzi is also ten times as many as people in the Central Plains.

???? Whenever the grassland tribes are not rich in water and grass, and the cattle and sheep are plagued, Lancheng is always the first city to be looted.


???? Liu Ye had a certain idea in his mind, his eyes swept across the backbone of the dynasty in front of him, and continued to ask: "Now that Lancheng has fallen, what are the best strategies for you, Ai Qing?"


???? "Reporting to the emperor, the Yeludi tribe of the Khitan is the most sturdy branch of the eight grassland tribes, and its territory is also the most barren. Heart. I thought that if I could send envoys, accompanied by 5,000 stone grains and 5,000 taels of silver, I would no longer hurt a single citizen, cost a soldier and a soldier to bring them back."

????"Now is the first year of the emperor's ascension to the throne, and Yelu Dibu dares to commit a crime. It is obvious that he does not take our Dayong Dynasty in his eyes! Cheng, avenge the Northwest General!"


???? When he went to the study for a heated debate, in the main hall of Changle Hall, Huanxi was about to persuade Jiang Yao to rest.

???? "Niangniang—" Jiang Yao's hand fell on the chessboard, and the person beside her couldn't help but shouted, making her tilt her head and make a stop gesture.

???? Then, Jiang Yao listened to the movement outside, and instructed: "Go and find out, what happened, I heard the gong for urgent matters."

???? Of course Huanxi also heard the sound, and at this moment, holding back and holding back, she could only squat down to salute her and run out.

???? After a while, Huanxi came back with the news: "Niangniang! It was the Northwest Khitan who came to commit the crime. Now the emperor is summoning ministers to discuss matters in the study."

???? Jiang Yao's move paused, looked at the game on the chessboard, and slowly placed it in the core part of the 'Sleepy Beast Fight', and for a while No sound.

???? The sound of the move made Huanxi a little hesitant. He looked at the white chess board that could instantly swallow up a large area of ​​black pieces. She wanted the queen to rest, but she saw Jiang Yao slowly withdraw her hand, took out a letter from her sleeve, and said to herself:

???? "Send this letter to Prince Jiang's mansion outside the palace, and then send me an order to go to the imperial kitchen and order a white fungus lotus seed soup for the emperor, so that he can reduce the fire."

???? Seeing her unpredictable expression, Huanxi didn't quite understand the queen's reaction to the war, but she never knew much about the affairs in the court, so she could only be stunned at the moment Ran nodded, put the letter in his head and was about to leave, when Jiang Yao stopped again:

????"When sending the letter, add a sentence: I will pass the forbidden book to the palace without permission, and the family will serve it."

???? Huanxi got the order, turned around neatly and walked out.


???? "I usually raise a bunch of trash!"

???? The next morning, Liu Ye left the morning court and came straight to the Changle Hall. Just as he stepped into the hall door, he cursed badly.

???? Hua Baihe was fined for copying it for one night, and he even changed the word 'Jiang Yao' to the queen's concubine. Her tired wrists were a little sore at the moment, so she handed tea to the emperor When the wrist almost trembled.

????Liu Ye took the tea, looked up at her, and found that it was the ordinary maid next to the queen, and looked away again, looking at Jiang Yao who was coming .

???? Jiang Yao seemed to see Hua Baihe's exhaustion, quietly blocked her, and turned to Liu Ye with a smile: "What's wrong with the emperor? Which one doesn't last long? How dare you make the emperor lose his temper?"

???? Liu Ye may be really impatient, but he did not hide it from her at this time, and raised his hand to gesture with her: "Lancheng was destroyed, and the Northwest General Su Hu died in battle! However, since the third watch last night, a full 60% of the court officials disapprove of war!"

????"I see that they are used to living in peace, and they refuse to let go of the days when they are drunk with money. They have been raised as voles on the grassland. Hide in the ground!"

???? He stopped for a while, squinted at the things floating in the teacup, took a closer look, laughed loudly, and looked at Hua Baihe next to him: "This is what you made for me tea?"

???? Hua Baihe heard about what happened in the courtroom when he woke up early, and knew that Liu Ye would definitely come to Changle Hall today, and was a little worried that Jiang Yao would face his anger, so witly—

???? Made him a cup of chrysanthemum tea!


????Jiang Yao sensed something was wrong, so he glanced into Liu Ye's cup, and saw the blooming daisies, he was a little dumbfounded, but he calmly took matters into his head past:

???? "Yesterday, the concubine instructed the imperial kitchen to put a bowl of Tremella and lotus seed soup for the emperor to burn, and now I want to let the emperor have a taste of this flower tea. The effect is very different."

???? Liu Ye raised his eyelids to look at her, tasted the sweetness left in his mouth, and said with a smile, "You women like these things... "

???? After all, he knew that Jiang Yao had always understood that he liked to drink Yuqian Longjing, and would not suddenly give himself such a surprise.

???? So he put the teacup in his hand on the table next to him, and said again: "It's not bad to have such a servant beside the queen, and when you're bored occasionally, you can have fun ."

???? Hua Baihe: "..." Bah!

???? The emperor had no time to care about the mind of such a servant, after finishing speaking, he turned the jade finger on his thumb and looked at the queen: "What makes me gratified is that Jiang Wangye's year At a young age, in the past, he was scolded by princes and ministers every day for his lack of learning and skills, but today he dares to ask for orders to lead the decree to destroy the enemy in the court."

???? "A group of great Confucians, the sages and sages have all read into the belly of the dog!" After speaking, he continued to scold the literati in the courtroom.

???? Jiang Yao calmly reassured: "The emperor calms down his anger, after all, it's all for Dayong's dedicated servants, but he's just not sober for a while—"

???? "It's a good one who is not sober for a while!" Liu Ye said: "I think they have forgotten the teachings of the Holy Ancestor!"

???? Jiang Yao persuaded a few more words, and then calmed down the emperor's anger, and then had a lunch in Changle Palace.

???? But he stayed in the Changle Palace for a long time today, and after the meal he even accompanies Jiang Yao to paint an orchid with great interest, listening to the queen complimenting his orchid to describe the emptiness Miao, there is arrogance and indisputable wind.

???? He held the pen, looked at the flowers and plants on the paper, concentrated for a long time, and suddenly said:

???? "Empress, since Taizu, the Northwest Khitan people have repeatedly committed crimes. Dayong has gone through four dynasties, and he always asks for money and food for food. The white-eyed wolf is getting bigger and bigger."

????Jiang Yao didn't say anything, just listened silently beside him.

????"I can't sit back and watch this 'heart disease' drag on." Liu Ye said.

???? Jiang Yao knew that he had made a decision, so he looked up, and Liu Ye happened to look over, and his voice sounded:

???? "I, I am determined to lead the army myself."

???? The next moment, Jiang Yao knelt in front of him.

???? Liu Ye snorted lightly, threw the pen on the table, and asked, "Do you want to persuade me?"

???? Who knows, Jiang Yao's words are: "As the mother of Dayong, the concubine has the duty to persuade the emperor. "

????Liu Yexin slowly cooled down, raised her foot and passed her, just as she was about to walk out without looking back, she heard Jiang Yao continue:

????" But, the concubine knew that the emperor had been trying to solve the Digi Rong rebellion every ten years in the northwest since he was twelve years old. I'm looking forward to this day for you."

???? The emperor was stunned for a moment, then turned to look: "Yaoyao..." He immediately walked back to Jiangyao.

???? Jiang Yao was supported by the emperor's hand, but did not get up, still lowered his head: "Emperor, what the concubine said is against the queen's way, the concubine knows that she is guilty. "

???? Liu Ye's eyes have already shown a warm affection: "Those who know me, the queen is also - I have such a good wife, it should be a great blessing."

???? Hua Baihe was in the corner as a transparent person, watching the scene of deep love between the emperor and the empress in front of her eyes, since Jiang Yao said the first sentence, the 22 above her head has been on the I ran back, seeing that I didn't want to stop when I reached 45.

???? She sighed to the system in her heart: "That's right, I picked it!"

???? The system breathed a sigh of relief.

???? I heard her ask again: "I don't want the heroine anymore, can I think about the heroine?"

???? System: "Who?"

???? Hua Baihe: "Hee hee, what do you think of Shen Qingyu?"

???? System: "[Are you trying to **** off your father?.jpg]"



???? The memorials of the courtiers from the previous dynasty floated into the palace like snowflakes, and the concubine of the harem and the queen mother also wiped their tears to persuade the emperor. Seeing that he had made up his mind, the queen mother was angry Pulled to the palace and let him kneel for an afternoon.

???? When Jiang Yao came back at night, Huanxi rubbed her blue knees and her eyes were red.

???? Jiang Yao couldn't see the tears of the people around her, so she asked her to go out and replaced Qingjia to serve.

???? Hua Baihe moved very neatly, rubbing her knees with neither light nor heavy, but for some reason, she always felt that Jiang Yao's eyes had been scratching on her neck, and it was a little cold.

???? After a while, Jiang Yao said: "The knowledge you taught Ben Gong last time, Ben Gong has some experience, and I recently searched for some things."

????Hua Baihe didn't expect that she would suddenly bring up this issue, her face dazed.

???? She looked up and saw Jiang Yao pointed to a box in the corner of the hall and motioned her to go over.

???? She can only help put down the other side's **** again, and walk to the box in confusion—

???? After lifting the lid, Hua Baihe saw the jade in the center of the box.

???? Ahhh, the tongue is not straightened, it is the jade potential in the center of the box.

???? There are also some strange feathers, silver bells and the like.

???? When she was still surprised, she realized that Jiang Yao had put on her shoes and walked behind her, and asked in a low voice, "The emperor is leaving soon, and Ben Gong deliberately left him there. An impressive night, do you think it would be good for this palace to give him a gift?"

???? Hua Baihe let out a sigh of relief: Oh, it turned out to be for herself to see the love between husband and wife.

???? She praised: "The emperor will never forget the empress."

???? Jiang Yao smiled, her beautiful face was particularly bright in the room full of lights.

???? She looked at Hua Baihe tenderly and asked, "Really?"

???? Then she asked again: "So, what about you?"

????Hua Baihe: …Huh?

????Jiang Yao looked into her eyes: "How can you not forget it here?"
