MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 385 Warfare

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However, what the celestial sky did not expect was... he thought that a sword must be avoided by the seemingly clumsy big man!

The sky is very clear and hollow, and I have not had time to make any reaction. The knight sword in the big man’s hand is straight and sweeps directly to the big tui of the sky.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast, and with a fierce sword wind, the sky is very scary in the hollow, he slammed back to escape the sword, but the sword wind still cut his clothes.

At the same time, another white man was deceived, holding a black lacquered stick in his hand and slamming it under the ribs of the sky, and the blue light flashed in front of the stick, which was actually a high-voltage electric bat.

If the electric shock stick is shackled on an ordinary person, it can be corona instantly. Even a master such as a sky-clear sky can cause instantaneous paralysis of the body. Once this is done, it is easy to be subdued by the other party.

It is really fresh to use this kind of thing in the fighting of Guwu masters. Obviously, the other party wants to catch himself! Reminiscent of what they said before, "It's him! Find one, really lucky!"

The celestial sky has produced a lot of associations in a flash. The other party’s coming to the Oriental Martial Arts Hall is probably directed at some people including themselves.

Why do you want to catch yourself? Is it because he is the most likely heir to the family of the celestial family? If this is the case, then the other party's purpose may not be just the celestial family, there are the other six families, and some of their elite descendants who study at the Oriental Martial Arts are their goals!

Who is it, with such courage, dare to shoot at the same time? Isn't that the equivalent of declaring war with the whole of China?

The celestial sky cleared the electric shock rod, but at the same time, the other man's knight sword slammed into his arm, and the two men's attacks matched the tacit understanding, so that the sky is clear and clear!

Two quasi-days!

The sky is very clear and the air is cold. If you haven’t guessed it, these few people are only the ones among the attackers. The Miluo has such strength, so what level will they come to? Is it an evolutionary?

Yes, to deal with some of the hidden masters of the Dongshan martial arts, there are no evolutionists!

As a result, going to Houshan is not necessarily safe! !

Just when there was some fluster in the sky, I suddenly heard a bang, and a **** arrow hit the air. He shook a little, and distracted the eye with the light, but before he saw it. The man who had left had fallen down with his neck soft.

The celestial sky is a little bit sigh of relief, but fortunately, the person who has dealt with is relatively inferior. Otherwise, if you are subdued, the other party will take care of yourself, then it will be a big problem.

He was preparing to let the hurried leave, and at this time, he left the dagger.

When the sky is clear, it will be anxious. If you win the rain, you can only help the more chaotic. It is better to call the teacher. He shouted: "Win the classmate! You have to call the teacher..."

However, he just said half of it, but he was stuck in his throat. At that moment, he almost thought he had an illusion...

I saw it as a ghost, flashed to the scene in a flash, and then stabbed the white man who made the knight sword.

The white man is also very responsive, and the sword is counter-attacking. As the saying goes, one inch long and one inch strong, the knight sword and the dagger fight are naturally the knight sword accounted for a lot of cheap, but at that moment, there was an incredible scene.

I saw the left hand flashed a trace of black jade, and then she greeted the knight sword with an empty hand, and then it was such a soft jade, soft and easy to hold the sharp knight sword in his hand. Let it be like a cast of steel, and it can no longer be moved!

Then, swaying from the dagger, cut to the throat of the white man!

The celestial sky and clear sky did not see how it was, but I saw a cold flash, and the blood had already burst out! !

The white man squatted and cut the neck of the throat, looking incredulously away, his face full of horror and unwillingness, and then he slowly fell to the ground, and life gradually left him.

In a blink of an eye, the three people had only the last person left, that is, the thin man with the electric shock stick. He looked away from the fear of fear. He did not think that this girl was in such a short time. Killing his two companions in succession, God! Is she really a girl? ?

In the face of this incompetent enemy, the thin man did not say anything, turned his head and fled.

However, just after he just ran a few steps, a long bow appeared out of his hand, and he did not see the movement of her bow. A rainbow of light screamed out! That is the arrow that is fast enough!

The exact addition of tens of points is enough to bring this arrow to the magic! !

The thin man only heard the whistling sound behind him, and then he couldn’t wait to turn his head. He felt that Xiong’s mouth was hot, and then he watched as an arrow bent through his xiong mouth and the arrow on it. It is full of blood with streaks.

The thin man only felt a sharp pain coming from the xiong mouth, and the heart seemed to be stuck by this sharp arrow, and he could not jump anymore.

He just fell down with his hand on his xiong mouth and waved wildly. . With the other hand, I wanted to grasp what support, but everything was in vain. Eventually he fell to the ground, and blood flowed from his xiong mouth and watered on the moss-covered floor tiles.

Seeing here, the sky is already a shocked sè. Until now, he still can't believe his eyes. The two men personally played against each other. The strength of the absolute order is like two chickens. Was it killed? ?

Only a total of three moves were made, and the recruits were fatal, and they hit the enemy without any extra action.

The sky is clear and the sky is clear, but the other side has no expression. The blue-and-white sè is like a pair of silent cold pools. The indifference makes people suffocate. It seems that she killed the three people is just a trivial matter.

The celestial sky opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after all, he couldn’t say a word.

At this time, I finally looked at the sky and said the first sentence she said to the celestial sky this evening. "Don’t stop, don’t follow me!" Mori’s cold voice made the celestial clear sky inexplicably hit a jiling, he Uncontrollable shrinking neck, in the face of such a departure, his past demeanor, temperament and calm look have become ridiculous. Eventually he swallowed a sip of water and smiled, but did not say anything.

At this time, in Linshan City, Zhou Jian played with a wool hat in his hand, ready to take it into the blood bank for a while, after all, the deity will not be invisible, or méng face is more insurance, and at this time, Zhou Jian’s mind suddenly appeared. The information passed away.

The two people shared their minds. In just a short period of time, they told Zhou Jian all their previous experiences. This made Zhou Jian’s nose suddenly shocked. The Oriental Wushu was attacked by terrorists.

Reminiscent of several tall Caucasians who were seen in Linshan City and who were bloody, Zhou Jian suddenly realized what it was, yes, the hand of the gods! !

In the British underground conference hall, he learned that the hands of the gods and the war to fight against China, but he subconsciously thought that the war was a relatively distant thing, but did not expect that the hands of the gods and devils really started, and one At the beginning, I was so crazy, I chose the Oriental Martial Arts Hall! !

When you think about it, in addition to the hands of the gods, and so on, there are several worlds of xing organizations. I am afraid that no one can mobilize such exaggerated combat power. Even the small shackles that are transferred are close to the heavenly steps!

What is their purpose? Destroy the Oriental Martial Arts Hall? Or is it necessary to rob the elite children of the big family in order to threaten the seven families to increase the weight of war or negotiation? Even want to kill the martial arts masters in the martial arts hall, and completely attack the ancient Wu Chuan inheritance of China?

No matter what the purpose, there is no doubt that Cui is the Oriental Wushu is very important for China!

Zhou Jian no longer thinks about stealing blood banks and the like, and flies directly to the parking lot. He is already considering recalling the ghosts and murderers.

Once the voluntarily recalled, the metal silkworm cocoon will fall, and the "Undead Bible" is not estimated to be a game item, but will also fall, but as long as it is loaded into the metal silkworm cocoon, then there will be no big problem. .

Even if the metal silkworm cocoon is obtained by others, it will be helpless at all at the current level of science and technology. You can follow the spiritual connection between yourself and the metal silkworm cocoon and bring it back.

In this way, Zhou Jian controlled the ghost slayer to leave the airport, and was looking for a hidden place to hide the metal silkworm cocoon. After that, he couldn’t beat another British and take it back.

However, Zhou Jian did not immediately recall the ghost killer. He is going to look at the situation first. If he has already brought Huiyin safely, he does not have to recall the ghost killer to go to the mountain.

After all, now is the golden age of his strength, he does not want to attract the attention of the hands of the gods, otherwise it is dangerous to be stared at by the dual-core evolutionary.

Zhou Jian jumped into the car and slammed the throttle. As the engine roared, he shot like a string of arrows, and reached a speed of 100 kilometers in a few seconds.

The road from Linshan City to the Oriental Wushu is almost a straight line. Most of the places that pass through are uninhabited. The reason why the Oriental Wushu chose such a remote place is mainly because it has a rich life field. Practice ancient martial arts with half the effort.

No one was on the road, Zhou Jian took the car to the top speed, and the 117-horsepower engine rotated at full speed.

The chariot whizzed across the road and raised a dust like a plane that was about to take off!

Now Zhou Jian's car skills have been quite good. With the extraordinary attention and the three times of attention brought by the spirit of attention, he can already make a drift when the speed is not particularly fast.

And with his superhuman response, he can accurately avoid obstacles on the road in the rapid speed of Mercedes.

... the end of the seal, thank you for the recommendation ticket, and also beg for a subscription, in fact, the subscription is the standard of the true and bad results, thank you all... one... (to be continued.!).