MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 367 Bloody gathering place

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A variety of useless information came in. Zhou Jian felt a little headache for a time. He tried hard to think about what he wanted to know, and slowly wanted to smooth these memories.

He wanted to find a gathering place for the blood family, preferably the location of the blood family headquarters. However, when he had not found this, he unconsciously let go of his mouth.

Through the memories of the girl, he "sees" some pictures that make him horrified.

And when the hands were slightly loose, the girl's fist slammed into Zhou Jian's lower abdomen, and then she broke away from Zhou Jian's control and sang tui.

The girl got into the alley and left and right, then turned over a fence, drilled through a few low bushes, and then passed through a waste factory...

The girl ran out for a few kilometers in one breath, and then she looked back and stunned, no one was chasing...

She took a sigh of relief and patted the little xiong who was breathing heavily.

And this turned and saw the scene in front of her, she only felt a cold rushing straight up from the soles of her feet, she almost **** was scared out, the former white teenager appeared in front of her like a ghost!

"" The girl had a sense of despair in her heart.

Zhou Jian raised his hands to xiong and opened his fingers to indicate that he was not malicious. He said, "Sorry, scared you, I didn't think about hurting you..."

While reading the memory, Zhou Jian knew that the girl was born in a slum. Her mother was a refugee from other countries. When she came, her mother was only ten years old. Later, when her mother was a teenager, she was born in a slum by a vampire. She is under her, so she has some bloodline ancestry.

The girl never knew that she was a vampire. Later, she met a kindly vampire fu person. Only then did she know her own life. The girl learned the skill with the fu people. Then she began to intentionally attract some people with bad minds and then used her own. The ability to steal their money, jewelry, watches and the like, relief refugees in slums.

For such a pitiful and kind-hearted girl, Zhou Jian really can't bear to hurt.

Zhou Jian said: "Jenny? Field, she is your teacher?"

When I heard Zhou Jian calling the name, the girl was shocked. "You... how do you know?"

Zhou Jiandao: "Sorry, read some of your memories..."

The girl couldn't help but start her mouth with amazement. By tasting the blood and reading the memory, I seem to have heard of this ability in the ancient vampire legend, but it is already a very long-term thing, and now this ability has long been lost.

"You really are blood?"

"Well... I have a question. According to your origin, you should have no good impression of the blood family. Why are you not willing to tell their gathering place?"

The girl bit her mouth and said, "Come with me..."

The girl left Zhou Zhou with this slum and came to the road. She turned to ask Zhou Jiandao: "Do you have money?"

Zhou Jian nodded, then the girl stopped a taxi, then pushed the door and went inside.

The taxi rides in the misty city of Méngméng. After about ten minutes, the car parked next to a subway station. Zhou Jian paid the fare and tip.

"It's here." The girl pointed to the subway station and then walked down the steps.

This is a very old subway station, still in use, but there are not many people, it seems cold and clear.

The lights in the station seemed to be a mist of méng, with a dim sè, and the billboards on both sides were like old photos.

A street musician carrying a guitar stood next to the billboard, holding a long hair and singing the country music he regarded as life. In front of him, an open guitar box was placed with coins in it. And small banknotes.

Smooth and brisk music, the content of the song is longing for the warm, peaceful home, but somehow, at this time, the scene sounds a bit sad and sad.

The girl walked to the end of the subway station with Zhou Jian, and then jumped off the platform and walked into the tunnel when no one noticed.

Walking along the dark tunnel of yin, after more than ten minutes, the girl took Zhou Jian into a ramp, here is a scrapped railroad track with rust on the rails. At the end there is an iron manhole cover.

The girl opened the manhole cover and then liáo took off her skirt.

Zhou Jian couldn't help but exclaim: "Who would be in this place, who built this?"

The girl said: "The refuge built during the catastrophe was later abandoned and bought by a bloodline count. There are several entrances and exits."

The two walked in tandem and came to an iron gate, where a man in sunglasses wearing a black suit was standing. After seeing the two came in, he took out an instrument to sweep the two. Sweep.

When I swept the girl, the green light on the instrument lit up, and the sunglasses man turned to Zhou Jian with no expression, and this time the green light was also on, but the sunglasses man was eccentric, holding the instrument and looking at it for a while. Finally, I waved my hand to let Zhou Jian go in.

Obviously, this instrument can detect whether a person is a vampire, and Zhou Jian's data reaction is probably somewhat weird.

Into the iron gate, Zhou Jiandao: "Is there no outsider to know?"

The girl said: "People don't know, but the dark world knows everything, so the investigation is strict."

"Oh..." Zhou Jian responded, walked through a corridor, opened the door at the end, and then Zhou Jian heard a noisy shout.

He fixed his eyes and saw a wide hall in the door. There was a white headlight hanging from the ceiling. There was a high platform under the headlights. A group of people were hanging under the ring, screaming and shouting. .

On the top of the ring, there were two vampires who were shirtless, and he slammed together, and each stroke even caused a strong tremor in the ring.

Zhou Jian looked at the real thing, he did not expect that it would be such a hot scene. Many of those who shouted were wearing British aristocratic costumes, men wearing bow ties and women wearing evening gowns.

But they are venting their feelings, and have to admit that there are violent factors in the blood of the blood, and they are subconsciously eager for blood and killing.

I noticed that Zhou Jian and the girl came in, but only one guard at the door gave them a look. The rest of the people still locked their eyes on the stage. The killing of the two big men had reached the stage of white-hot, and every move was a real fight. Even Zhou Jian can see the blood flower splashing under the light.

The head was a little dizzy, then I slept, I fixed the alarm, but I didn’t know if it was my sleep or what happened. Anyway, I woke up a little. I burst into tears and hurriedly wrote two thousand words. Sent it, I am! .