MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 354 Blood heritage

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The Lord of the Nether is identified as the invader of the Dicuras world, and Lili is recognized as the heroine of the Dicuras. Andas said that Lili has a powerful mana and immortal youth, in the Nether. The main battle was severely damaged and fell into a permanent sleep.

So obviously, lili and the Lord of the Nether are enemies of each other, at least the Dicuras think so.

Zhou Jian did not know what happened between the Lord of the Nether and Lili, but he was sure that the two were not as simple as the enemy, and they might even love each other.

The Lord of the Nether came to Dicuras's mission of the world's execution system, but he fell in love with the beautiful lili silk, unable to start.

Then one side is the command of the system, and the other is the woman who is beloved. How should he choose?

For Lili, the Lord of the Nether destroys her home and kills many of her people. As the goddess of the night in Dicuras, she wants to protect her people, but she falls in love with it. Lord of the Nether, how should she choose?

Finally, what happened to Zhou Jian did not know, maybe they had a battle between them, lili silk was not an opponent, and was seriously injured and slept, but after the victory of the Nether Lord, he did not kill the lili silk after all, and suffered systematic punishment. Here.

Or there is no battle between the Lord of the Nether and Lili, the Lord of the Nether is punished and died, and Lili has done what she can to awaken the Lord of the Nether, she laid this huge resurrection in her own palace. The tactics, but ultimately failed, and even hurt the spirit hun, and fell asleep with the Lord of the Nether.

No matter what the result is, the whole thing is here, Lili has been unable to change anything, she chose to sleep with the Lord of the Nether.

Zhou Jian didn't know what to say, he could only speak silently. At this time, Lili said: "Before I go to sleep again, I will send you away first, and my promise will be fulfilled. I will let the blood flow. You, for me now, it doesn't matter if you lose a little blood. Strength doesn't mean much to me."

Zhou Jiandao: "Thank you for your predecessors."

Lili Silk Road: "The trial has a body and a spiritual body. Which body do you want to use to inherit the blood of the Dicuras?"

Zhou Jian took a deep breath and said without hesitation: "Ontology."

After the trial enters the world of the gods, the deity and the spiritual body will naturally merge. When Zhou Jian entered the "God 2", his deity was brought into the magical world, this time no exception. . For example, Qin Yunzong and others, they are not trials, and there is no spiritual incarnation in the world of the gods and the inability to get experience.

"Okay." Lili said, gently tapping his wrist, the blood overflowed, and it converges into a small turbulence in the space, which is constantly absorbed by the miracle ring, the blood at the top of the ring. The spar is more red and fascinating because of the irrigation of blood.

After a few minutes, Lili silk stopped the blood. At this time, the blood spar on the ring of miracles has been red to the extreme, emitting a splendid light.

Lili silk reached out and took out a blood bead from the blood spar. As the blood beads were taken away, the light of the blood spar immediately dimmed, Lili Silk said: "This is my life, blood, it will be After swallowing, you will get the blood of the Dikulas. "With her words, the blood beads slowly drifted to Zhou Jian, Zhou Jian's hands caught, solemnly said to lili silk: "Thank you."

After that, he took a deep breath and swallowed the blood.

Zhou Jian once heard the messenger of the hand of the gods, the first generation of vampires are made by the lili silk using the miracle ring, it seems to be similar to their own process, but Zhou Jian can be sure, before Lili silk made the first generation of vampires No use of blood.

The importance of blood to the blood family is like the power of the original to the evolutionary, once consumed too much, it will affect their own strength. Lili silk can't consume a lot of blood in order to make some men.

The blood entrance is instant, and Zhou Jian feels that it has turned into a heat flow into the abdomen, and there is still a sweet taste in the throat.

Then, he felt that the blood released from the blood beads seemed to have life into the blood vessels and merged with his own blood.

At that moment, the flowing blood seemed to become a rolling lava, and there was an unbearable burning sensation.

The transformation of the blood of the whole body is hardened, and the pain can be imagined.

Zhou Jian embraced his arms and fell to his knees on one knee. His forehead began to see out the dense sweat, and he was heavy and hoarse.

At this time, Lili said: "Put the blood vessels, maybe it is better."

Zhou Jian heard that his teeth had pulled out the dagger in the inventory and directly picked up his wrist artery. A **** arrow of dark red sè was shot out. The blood was hot like boiling water, falling on the ground and rolling bubbles. The white air constantly emerged.

As Zhou Jian picked up the blood vessels, his blood flow seemed to find a venting vent, and the surging surged toward his wrist. Zhou Jian felt that the blood of the whole body had begun to flow... The heartbeat was also disordered.

Because there are venous valves in the venous blood vessels that hinder the blood flow, the countercurrent blood flow is not smooth, and it accumulates in the blood vessels, which directly causes the veins to rise like a strip.

At this time, Zhou Jian, the blood vessels burst, and the pain fell to the ground. Then, some of his body's blood vessels could not withstand the pressure of boiling blood counterflow, bursting open, and a dark red blood arrow shot. And out.

I only heard the soft noise of "噗噗噗", Zhou Jian was in the blood for just half a minute. If the average person lost so much blood, he would already be faint.

At this time, Lili Silk said: "The blood that is lost is the old blood without vitality. It is not enough. The blood beads will supplement your newborn blood. You just have to put up with it." In this way, Zhou Jian endured this kind of behavior. The pain was full for twenty minutes, and the boiling blood gradually subsided. The burning sensation in the body also faded like the tide, but the pain caused by the bursting of the blood vessels still stabbed his nerves.

He took a sigh of relief and got tired from the ground. His clothing was already red with blood.

Take a bottle of healing medicine from the inventory and pour it up. Then Zhou Jian takes out the bandage from the inventory and starts bandaging.

He could feel that the burning blood of the previous one seemed to have entered the depths of the bones and then penetrated into the bone marrow.

Is the blood in the marrow?

Feeling the faint burning sensation in the bone marrow, Zhou Jian’s spirit is alive. The bone marrow is the source of blood, the blood center of the human body, and the transformation into the bone marrow. This means that the blood of the blood family has really been integrated into his body. 〗 inside.

With clenched fists, Zhou Jian can be greatly enhanced by the strength of his body, and, most importantly, this transformation works for his deity!

The deity has always been his weakness. Although it can cultivate ancient martial arts, it is a long process to cultivate ancient martial arts. Even the ancestors of the ancestors, such as the priests and the ancestors, must be in their twenties to enter the lower ranks. Relative to Zhou Jian’s current level of combat, the strength of the lower ranks is the part of the cannon fodder.

He wiped the blood on his face and looked up at the lili silk standing not far away, solemnly saying: "Thank you for your predecessors."

Lili shook his head. "No need to thank me. This is my promise. It should be honored. Do you have any questions? If not, I will send you back to your world."

Zhou Jian hesitated and said: "There are two problems."

"Well, ask."

Zhou Jian took a bit of wording and said: "There is a risky question. The man who was previously enclosed in the red crystal has tried to get your sleeping body. I have never been clear why he did this. I listened to him before. I mentioned a method called "Nine Transcriptions" and guessed that the purpose of his trip may be related to this method. I don't know if you have heard of this set of exercises?" Lili Sidao: "I don't know. You said "Nine Transcriptions", but I know that there is a class of exercises in the world that can ignore the laws of different universes and are common in ten universes. You may say that "Nine Transcriptions" may be such a practice. As for him. There is nothing strange about my body. My body contains a very powerful energy relative to you. The crystal nucleus that these energy condenses must be the thing that the man wants. He can use that set of exercises. It’s absorbed.” “It’s like this,” said Zhou Jian. “In addition, there is a ruthless invitation from the younger generation.” “Let’s talk.”

"Oh, this is the case. The younger generation is very grateful for the blood heritage of the predecessors. But you know that although I have obtained this valuable inheritance, there is no Dicuras practice for this kind of blood culture, so if it is convenient," Zhou Jian said that he was embarrassed, and he had to inherit the blood and still want to practice the exercises. It is indeed thick enough. After all, this is not a reward for the system promise.

Lili silk naturally understands Zhou Jian’s meaning. She said: “It’s not impossible to give you, but there is no ready-made practice around me. Instead, the nightmare knight’s weapon that was killed before is engraved with a magical demon. If you like it, Take it away. In addition, I can send you to the city of blood, where you can buy some of the cultivation practices of the Dikulas, although not good enough, but enough to get started." Listen to lili silk, Zhou Jian is not likely to let people help me to write a copy of the book, and even the channel thank you, lili silk has indeed done what he has done.

"If there is nothing else, I open the portal."

“Thank you for your predecessors.” Zhou Jian said, he couldn’t help but look back at the place where the nightmare Knight died. It’s very close to the temple’s 〖〗 〖, he can clearly see the body of the nightmare knight blood, and the oblique inserted A long gun above the jade platform.

I didn't expect that the long gun was engraved with the devil's nine styles, but I didn't know what the valuables of the nightmare knight left. ! .