MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 352 Wake up Lilith

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At this time, Qin Yunzong had been dark with Fei Dinan, and Zhou Jian was watching the battlefield from a distance, while holding his breath and quietly approaching the crystal cymbal, he was waiting for the opportunity. He had to quietly start when the two men fought, otherwise he would have no chance when Ferdinand took Qin Yunzong.

Qin Yunzong used the power of the source without any scruples, while Ferdinand tried to reduce the consumption of mind, so it was Qin Yunzong who took advantage.

However, he understands that the defeat is a matter of morning and evening. For Kofi’s escape, he has nothing to say. People don’t want to kill themselves. They must blame themselves for not flying.

The two people played faster and faster, and the wind that was brought up like a whip smacked the surrounding Yutai, only to hear the sound of "啪啪", and Zhang Yutai was smashed by the wind!

Qin Yunzong rolled up the gunshots of the sky, pouring down to Ferdinand like a waterfall. Today, he has no luck, and vows to fight a broken net.

Ferdinand sighed and greeted his arms. His one move and one touched the sound of the whistling wind and thunder. The air around him was swiftly squeezed into a solid iron plate. This is Ferdinand. Absolute defense.


In a flash, Qin Yunzong did not know how many guns were stabbed. Each gun contained raging energy. It fell into Ferdinand and it was a fierce explosion. The wind wall in front of Ferdinand was blown up into pieces. To be swept by the shock wave, Ferdinand sighed and used the power of the source for the first time!

In an instant, in the dark void, it seems that a blue sun is shining out of thin air, and the radiance of the sun shines out, and the wind screams! Ferdinand is in the wind, like the **** of the wind. Qin Yunzong seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and the body flew back and turned back. The five internal organs tumbling, and could not help but spurt a blood.

"Death!" Ferdinand's hands painted full moon, the blue energy trail crossed the void, forming a huge wind blade, the wind blade is a few meters wide, more than ten meters long, together can definitely destroy a building!

Just as Ferdinand concentrated his energy on the wind blade, Zhou Jian moved. He quietly jumped from a round table to the 〖〗 on the field where the temple was located, and a roll came to the side of the crystal cymbal.

Crystal 棺 had been covered by Ferdinand before, but it was not too tight. Zhou Jian looked up and looked at it. 1 Carefully pushed the sash over a small slit and then sent the ring of miracles.

At this time, the battle in the air was in full swing. After a huge wind blade from Ferdinand, Qin Yunzong naturally wanted to dodge. However, when his body moved, he suddenly found that the air on both sides was compressed like an iron plate.

If he gave Qin Yunzong some time, he certainly could break such a wind wall, but now it is too late!

He can only motivate the whole body's original energy. He holds a long gun q like a meteor and rushes straight to the huge wind blade. He shoots his hands with his hands and squats at the wind blade!

Guns are like rainbows, piercing the sky!

The ultimate collision of the power of the source, the sudden burst of light in the same time, such as the same sun, the violent general, the surrounding jade towers like glass are broken!

In this fierce energy flow, Qin Yunzong even brought weapons to the wind blade to push it out. The powerful impact shocked his arms and numbness, and he only felt the power of the body in the body as the sun. Ice and snow generally melted quickly, and he could hardly grasp the rifle!

However, this moment, Qin Yunzong clearly heard the sound of the slap in the hand of the long gun, although the sound is very slight, but extremely harsh! Then he clearly saw a shallow crack appearing on the gun body, and then spread like a spider silk!

Qin Yunzong stunned for a moment, and he watched the gun of the tyrant in his hand screaming and screaming in the light!

At the same time, Qin Yunzong felt a sharp pain in his arms. The roots of the blood vessels in the arm burst and the blood broke open and swayed out!

The weapon is the life of the warrior. Although Qin Yunzong’s gun is not a peerless soldier, he has been fighting with him for centuries. He has been instilling his life field and even the source of his power. He has already been tempered as a King Kong. !

You know, even if an ordinary bamboo branch is filled with life field energy, it is enough to pierce the human body, and a rod itself is tempered to the toughness of the overlord gun, which is filled with the power of the source, and the toughness can be penetrated. diamond!

And now the pistol is broken! Because his energy is not broken!

This makes Qin Yunzong suddenly feel sad and strong! The gun is in the person, the gun is dead, if it is inevitable to die today, then he would rather choose to be vigorous!

When Ferdinand saw Qin Yunzong's weapon broken and he was seriously injured, he raised his hand knife again and wanted to make a fatal blow. At this moment, his heart jumped inexplicably, and suddenly turned his head and looked back. In his vision, two crystals.棺 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安 安

Ferdinand had an extremely dangerous hunch in his heart for a moment. Although there was no one in the field of vision, he felt a deadly murder!

Ferdinand decisively gave up Qin Yunzong, and his figure sank, and rushed down to the round table.

In the middle of the flight, he manipulated the wind to sweep through the center of the 〗 〖Growth. At that moment, he clearly felt that when the wind blew between the two crystal cymbals, he encountered obstacles, which seemed to be empty. In the place of the object, there is actually an invisible object that cuts off the airflow.

That is... people?

A person in stealth!

Ferdinand was so angry in his heart that he witnessed the murder. "Dare to tease me and find death!"

He raised his right fist, and a whirlwind formed a wind cone on his fist. Then Ferdinand shouted and pointed at the shadow of the invisible man!

Suddenly, Zhou Jian’s heart was shocked, but fortunately he had an instant move and could escape this blow!

However, when he was about to display this trick, he suddenly felt the radiance of the crystal next to it. It was a dazzling **** light. At that moment, Zhou Jian felt as if he had come to the bank of the Styx and saw the endless glory. The blood of the other side of the shore huā!

For a moment of loss, Ferdinand's attack has already hit, but when he hits a fist, the **** light automatically condenses into a wall of obstacles on Zhou Jian's head, like a gorgeous blood-colored rose, just blocking it. A shot from Ferdinand!

For a time, Ferdinand only felt a punch on the mountain. The powerful anti-shock force shook his bones and pain, and suddenly felt the blood surge.

what happened?

Ferdinand looked at the **** light that looked like a rose in front of him, and it was actually sent from the crystal 棺 of lili silk! Is Lili silk still resurrected! ?

He fixed his eyes on the crystal enamel, but it suddenly fell like a hail! The lili silk that should have been lying in the crystal enamel has disappeared!

There was an inexplicable sense of danger in his heart, and he almost never wanted to, and turned and fled!

However, just as he turned around, he saw a beautiful woman floating behind him. She was dressed in a long black dress, covered in red blood, and her dark hair was swelled. The long black dress danced with the wind, and the faint glow fainted behind her back into a **** rose, blooming, withering, then blooming, and then withering.

Seeing this woman, Ferdinand suddenly gave birth to a strong sense of suffocation. Although the woman did not have a bit of murder, he felt that he would die!

"You" Ferdinand opened his mouth and tried to say something, and at the same time, the woman slowly raised her hand, the white hand is like a jade, the filigree fingers are like fresh white, and at that time, the double On the white hand, there was a faint red light, just like the blood sprinkled on the white jade.

"Ah!!!" Ferdinand made a roar, and the power of the source was all open! The evolutionary nucleus of his eyebrows and his right hand is shining, and at this moment, he can no longer care for his own energy!

Ferdinand slammed a punch, and the infinite wind power in the space all condensed in his hand. For a time, the wind was raging, the nearby white jade round table was torn and crumbling, and the blue whirlwind became black. The waves spurt out, and for a time, an energy storm of tens of meters in diameter was formed between Ferdinand and the woman in black.

"Drink!!" Ferdinand slammed into the black woman, and the energy storm rushed out and he figured out!

In the face of such an amazing blow, the woman in black did not evade, letting the storm baptize her body. In the midst of the storm, her black dress and long hair were swayed by the peace. Compared with the mighty world, her small figure was like a small boat in a stormy sea, but it did not mean to overturn.

The next moment, the woman in black took a step and instantly crossed the barrier of the storm and came to Ferdinand, who was running away.

In the heart of Ferdinand, the sense of crisis rose sharply. He turned his head sharply, but he saw the appearance of the woman in black, and once again extended her plain white hand, and on the index finger of the hand, he was wearing it. With a light red ring, the dreamy blood spar is emitting a fascinating brilliance.

At that moment, the ring of Ferdinand seemed to occupy the whole world, filled with his vision, that is..., the soul ring?

This thought was just born in the heart of Ferdinand, and he suddenly felt a strong attraction from the ring, and the object of this attraction is not his **, but the soul!

Ferdinand felt his soul as if it had been torn. He wanted to mourn, but there was no sound in his throat. He painfully grabbed his neck, his eyes were prominent, his face was distorted, and the blood vessels on his face were on his hands. As soon as the blue gluten rose, his original white skin became scarlet and bloody.

The next moment, only heard a loud bang, Ferdinand's body seemed to be a broken blood bag, countless blood drops bursting through the blood vessels, rushing out of his body, continually gathering toward the miracle ring. go with!