MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 348 Sleeping Lilith

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The white jade round table and the white jade passage in the void have spread all the time, as if there is no end, and the foot is an endless void. Zhou Jian does not know what will happen once it falls.

Is it a permanent fall, or is it coming to an end soon?

In fact, Zhou Jian has been speculating that this void is just a large space underground. The reason why it looks like nothing is just the magical illusion. If you jump off the round table, it will fall to the real underground.

However, after Zhou Jian went to a place far from the forest island and completely walked out of the "blue sky" formed by the magic, he looked up to see it in the sky, but the scene he saw made him completely negate the previous speculation.

He finally realized that this is probably not underground at all, and this piece of void is really no end.

Zhou Jian looked up and saw an endless stone wall, incomparably broad, and stretched to the end of the field of vision, turned into a piece of scorpion, and merged with the void.

How is this going?

Zhou Jian lived, and he felt like he saw the Asian continent being inverted and suspended in the sky. However, although this continent is vast, it does not have any vitality, nor does it have mountains, rivers and lakes. It is completely chilly and gray, giving people a feeling of ancient and ancient.

Occasionally there are some large canyons on the mainland, like the huge wounds that are shocking, and the sharp rock thorns that hang down, which look like the teeth of a beast.

Zhou Jianyi looked at it for a while, and suddenly there was a ridiculous guess in his heart that the world of Dicuras was originally a continent floating in the universe. The continent is very wide, but the thickness is only a few kilometers. Lili silk's underground tomb, xué, has been excavated from the main continent since the length of the mountain, and now they are located below the suspended continent, so there is endless space.

In this space, lili silk creates a dense forest with her powerful magic, and this dreamy white jade mi palace.

Realizing this, Zhou Jian was only amazed, and marveled at the powerful magic of Lili Silk and marveled at this natural phenomenon that completely violated the laws of physics. You know, in the universe where the earth is located, the massive stars will gradually approach the sphere because of the dual effects of surface tension and gravity. For example, the stones will roll down the mountain, and the river will flow down the river with the sediment. The stars will always become round and round and cannot be spread out like a wooden board.

It can only be said that in this universe of poisonous solutions dominated by magical and spiritual energy, the laws of physics are almost unintentional.

Zhou Jian shook his head and thought that he had been converging and sneaked forward. Not far from the four people and one beast plus one is more than "fighting, naturally no one has leisure to explore around, even if it is difficult to find Zhou Jian in the stealth.

The round tables are one after another, and the passages are curved like a nine-curve bridge. Not every round table has a white jade passage. Some round tables are completely orphaned in the air. In this case, Zhou Jian can only jump over. He was very careful step by step. Since he knew that his feet were really empty and endless, Zhou Jian was extremely cautious. After all, it was not a joke. If you don’t get involved in any space, then you will die. Oh.

Slowly, Zhou Jian’s place is far away from the fighting scene. After he turned to a white jade column, he carefully took out the miracle ring.

As a result, as soon as the ring appeared, it immediately burst into a rich blood red sè, as if it were blooming in the darkness of the Manzhushahua.

Obviously, the place where Lili silk is sleeping is very close!

Zhou Jian continued to correct the direction according to the guidelines of the ring, and has been released to see the mental field carefully to explore the surrounding but has not found the lili silk figure.

Zhou Jian is not in a hurry. There is a miracle ring as a guide. It is a matter of time to find lili silk. It is about a hundred meters forward. When Zhou Jian jumps to a round table with the size of the 〗 〖, the miracle The brilliance of the ring on the ring reached its utmost.

At this time, the dark void suddenly twisted like water, and with the circle of space dàng漾, a little green glow like fireflies appeared on the round table, and the shimmer gradually gathered. Together, they condensed into two sly light clusters, as if the sun was rising.

At this time, Zhou Jian heard the sound of the similar gears twisting, and then the scene of the whole space changed. The center of the round table collapsed, and the stone steps leading to the underground were taken out.

This stone step is all made up of Yin Hong's blood jade. Those blood jade are round and sleek, crystal and pure, and they are treasures of the world. On the walls on both sides of the stone steps, exquisite reliefs are carved. The reliefs are all the beasts or demons that have never been seen before. They are full of looks and vivid, but they are spiritually hun.

The stone steps are very short, only ten levels will come to an end. At the end of the stone steps is a temple. The temple is still made of blood jade. There is a round altar in the center of the temple, and above the altar, There are two crystal clear crystal cymbals floating in the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Jian slightly glimpsed, how could it be two crystal enamel?

He approached the altar and had not yet come to the side of the crystal enamel. He felt a huge pressure, and people couldn't help but feel the shock.

Looking up, one of the two crystal cymbals was sleeping in a man wearing a **** armor, and the other was a woman wearing a black sè.

The man was tall and stalwart, and a long-haired smack of **** red scented, like a silent blood sè fresh huā generally filled the entire crystal 棺.

His skin is bronzed, his face is like a knife and axe, his nose is straight, and the two swords are slanting. Although he closed his eyes, Zhou Jian did not doubt that once he opened his eyes, his eyes were absolutely breathtaking, such as the night stars!

The pressure that Zhou Jian felt was from this man. Although he was lying here with his eyes closed, Zhou Jian could still feel the domineering domineering that he possessed in the world, and the world!

Zhou Jian took a deep breath, who is this person? Just watching him in the sleep, he couldn't help but be impressed by his genius, as if he was a demon looking down on all beings.

Think of Zhou Jian’s heart, the devil?

In his mind, a flash of light, a keen capture of what, the devil "Devil's Nine"!

The nightmare knight can display "Devil's Nine", will it be related to this person?

If so, is this person not the one who created the "Devil's Nine"?

If the nightmare knight is the guard of the tomb xué, then it is undoubtedly the man who guards, not Lili, is he the Lord of the Nether?

Zhou Jian sighed a sigh of relief. It is no wonder that the two male and female corpses in the eight-wing bat sarcophagus could not set foot here. They probably did not have the qualification to enter here.

But why do the Lord of the Nether sleep with Lili? Isn't the relationship between the two of them a pure enemy? Maybe even love and hate?

Thinking this way, Zhou Jian turned his attention to another woman in a crystal bowl.

However, at the moment when his eyes fell on the woman's face, Zhou Jian was shocked again. This is a shock that feels completely different.

The woman was wearing a long black dress, and the blue silk was like a black sè waterfall. It was like a jade. Although it has been through thousands of years, it is not seen in the past, but there is a glory. flash.

This is a woman with perfect looks. For example, the nine-day fairy has fallen to the world. The women I have seen before Zhou Jian are only one of the two, but the temperament of the two is completely different. The beauty of the separation is pure and mysterious. The woman in front of her eyes, with a sly and a slap in the face, looked at her perfect face, as if to see the thousands of flying huā霎 in front of the dying, turned into nothingness.

Is she lili silk?

Zhou Jian solemnly took out the ring of miracles, but saw that the light on the ring has changed from dazzling to soft, as if the ethereal candlelight in the boundless night is weak, but it can bring light and hope.

Zhou Jian’s heart instantly produced an intuition. She is lili silk.

In this case, in order to avoid night long dreams, Zhou Jian decided to wake up lili silk immediately. He scanned the crystal 棺 of lili silk with the mental field. No abnormalities were found, but Zhou Jian did not feel at ease, but also probed it with a probe. See the organs like traps.

It seems to be a bit too smooth...

Zhou Jian’s heart is a bit suspicious, but now, he can’t be stagnant because of a little doubt.

So Zhou Jian directly reached out and tried to push the lid of the crystal cymbal.

However, under this push, the crystal cover is seamed with the same rune, and the rune seems to be sealed by the cover, and Zhou Jian can't push it!

Sure enough, it's not that easy.

Zhou Jian slightly frowns, he does not dare to use brute force now, afraid to disturb the nightmare knight who is fighting in the distance, after all, it is the guardian here, and the worst thing is that it is loyal to the Lord of the Nether, it is impossible to resurrect lili with himself. .

How is this good?

Zhou Jian thought about various methods, such as trying to open the crystal cymbal with Chris's bones. For example, he put the ring of miracles on the crystal cymbals, and wanted to see if lili silk could be traced through the crystal. What kind of induction was born, but all failed.

There is no other way, it seems that it can only be used strong.

Zhou Jian began to calculate, the nightmare knight is a few kilometers away, its speed is fast, but it takes at least tens of seconds to cross such a distance, if you use violence to open the crystal cymbal, then give lili silk Wearing a ring of miracles may not be too late.

As long as Lili wakes up, Zhou Jian has nothing to fear. When the mission is completed, he can choose to return directly to the real world. Even Lili may help him kill the nightmare knight. You must know that this woman is not as powerful. ! .