MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 345 Bat King's Bracelet

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Numerous scarabs are also clustered in the passage, and their IQ is obviously limited. After losing the enemy's figure, it began to swim aimlessly, and did not take the initiative to find the enemy's figure like the female body.

Zhou Jian walked with the ring of miracles, and the scarabs saw Zhou Jian after they avoided, which made Zhou Jian a lighter breath.

Coming to the funeral pit, the insects there have already run out, and Zhou Jian jumped down and scanned it with the power of the gods. It is easy to find the golden sè scarab called by the female body.

What surprised Zhou Jian was that the bug looked very beautiful. It probably had the size of a fist. The carapace was golden. After the carapace was unfolded, the abdomen covered by the carapace was reddish like a ruby. Sè, its eyes are crystal clear like pearls, and the antennae and mouthparts are exquisite and clear. The whole beetle looks like a piece of jade carved with gold foil.

Zhou Jian tried to use **** to control it, but it did not result. In desperation, he had to reach out and carefully pick it up.

Zhou Jian was very afraid that this guy suddenly opened his mouth to take a bite, but from beginning to end, the golden sè beetle was quiet, without any resistance, so obediently put into the metal silkworm cocoon by Zhou Jian.

However, there is only one female worm, and it is impossible to breed small beetles out of thin air. Thinking this way, Zhou Jian grabbed some black sè beetles that seemed to be sold out and threw them into the metal silkworm cocoons, which might be used later.

After doing this, Zhou Jian left the tomb, went to the companion of the female corpse to leave the mulberry, accepted the second gift, and he prayed that he would not give him some strange things.

Going out along the back door of the tomb, after a few hundred meters, Zhou Jian finally saw the sang, and after seeing him, Zhou Jian was slightly surprised.

He was seriously injured in the body of Sang, and his body was covered with blood. The broad wings behind him also fell halfway, and his arm was cut off.

Obviously, this is the handwriting of Qin Yunzong and others. The strength of the evolutionist can be seen.

Sitting on the rock and healing, he looks pale and handsome, with a sorrowful and melancholy temperament. At this time, his expression is calm and bo-free, as if the shocking wound on his body did not bring him a trace of pain, blood family. The resilience is very strong, and it takes only a few moments to recover.

When Zhou Jian approached and opened his eyes from Mulberry, he already knew from his companions that Zhou Jian was coming.

"The outsider." The voice of Sang is hoarse and low, completely inconsistent with his young and handsome look.

"Hello, Mr. Sang."

"Hello, I am the grave guard of Lili Silk Man's Palace. The name you already know, I have known your things from my companions, thank you for everything you have done."

Zhou Jiandao: "I am very polite from Mr. Sang. This is my mission and must be completed." From Sang Dao: "I know that the outsiders who come to this world always carry the mission of one kind or another, and we will Try to help them complete. If you walked over from me, you will face all kinds of dangers. Please be careful of the road ahead.” Zhou Jiandao: “Is the so-called danger from the minions of the Nether Lord?” The man smiled With one voice, he said: "A large part is like this. It is said that although we are the grave guards, in these years, the world of Dicuras has been completely eroded by the power of the Nether, and the minions of the Nether are scattered in the world. We are unable to stop everywhere, or we have nothing to guard......"

"External, I have nothing to do, this bracelet is for you, I hope it will play a negligible role for you..."

From Sang, he said that he had taken a gold bracelet from his hand.

It is not so much a bracelet, it is better to say that it is a wristband, the bracelet is full of gold, the width is 10 cm, and it can cover half of the arm.

In the dark tomb xué, the bracelet exudes a faint ray of light, and its front side is engraved with an eight-winged bat. The bat's head is crooked in the moon, and the feet are on the sun, making it look extraordinary. Around the bat, it is engraved with a variety of magical huā patterns, as well as some mysterious and ancient symbols that look like **** characters. These symbols are combined with the golden radiance, giving a simple and gorgeous perfection. The contradictory feeling of combining is not unique at first glance.

Zhou Jian’s heart was happy and the bracelet was picked up. In his opinion, this thing is definitely more reliable than those bugs.

Seeing the font on the bracelet, Zhou Jian was slightly stunned, but it was a red gold sè that I had never seen before.

In the demon, the equipment is divided into eight kinds of sè, gray sè is rough, white sè is ordinary, green sè is fine, blue sè is rare, and then purple sè, orange sè are epic and The legendary suit, the gold sè is the second artifact, the dark gold sè is the artifact.

Of course, this is only the quality level of the equipment, and the level of the equipment itself is also very important. For example, the orange sè suit of level 50 is better than the sub-artifact of level 5.

The bracelet that Zhou Jian got was biased towards the red red sè, which made Zhou Jian feel amazed.

Special Set Bat King's Bracelet: Increases the damage dealt by 20%.

Increase 20 armor.

Add 20 points to increase your strength by 20 points.

Hidden is xing: all skills +1.

Seeing that this bracelet belongs to xing, Zhou Jian’s heart is overjoyed. Its added strength, physical strength and early protection are nothing to him. Even compared to other equipment, such a value is not high at all.

However, the 20% magic damage absorption is too practical. There are few equipments that can increase the magic resistance in "God Devil", and it is generally only available on the main defense equipment such as armor and leather armor. Appeared in small equipment such as bracelets and wristbands.

It is because of this one is xing, this bat king's bracelet is enough to be called the best.

However, this is not the most precious place of this bracelet, it is precious in the last hidden with the addition of all skills h. As for why he can see this so-called "hidden" is xing, Zhou Jian is too lazy to explore, the right is to be identified from the sang.

The equipment to increase the skill is very valuable in the "God of the Devil", all the skills of "God Devil" have a level, the higher the level of skill, the greater the power, the shorter the cooling time.

However, general equipment only adds a single skill, such as increasing backstabs alone and increasing blindness.

Adding all the skills of the equipment, but the requirements are very demanding, and currently only wear high-grade orange sè suits, such as wearing a 35-level orange sè thieves suit, will +1 all thieves skills, wear a 40 Level, it will +2 to all thieves skills.

This single element of the bracelet adds all the skills. This is only a metamorphosis to describe the child. As long as the bracelet is worn, Zhou Jian’s stealth technique, flashing, magic wave and other skills will be improved. It can be said that although this bracelet is not an artifact, its role is no less than an artifact.

Zhou Jian can't wait to wear the bracelet and put it on his hand, then explore his skill bar.

But after seeing the skill state, he was speechless, and the skill was still the same, and it was not improved.

What is going on?

Seeing Zhou Jian’s expression from Sang, he explained: “The hidden power of the bat king bracelet is needed, and the blood of the Bat King family is not available to everyone.”

Zhou Jian dizzy, it is estimated that this is the meaning of the so-called "hidden xing", but if this is not used, then this bracelet is only called the best, and definitely not enough to be called artifact.

The most important thing is that xing can't be used. What is the significance of this bat king's bracelet? This kind of best equipment is included in the "Demon", and the energy and money can be collected. The final task of "God 3" is not so bad.

Zhou Jiandao: "What is the bloodline of the Bat King family?" From Sang Dao: "It is the bloodline of my Dikulas, the blood of our Dikulas originates from the bat king."

Dicuras's bloodline? Isn't that blood family?

Realizing this, Zhou Jian felt a move, as long as he followed the instructions of the system, he used the miracle ring to wake up lili silk. According to the last words of lili silk, he can get the blood heritage of lili silk, so that he can naturally live bats. The hidden in the king bracelet is xing!

It turned out to be the case!

Zhou Jian had long guessed that the ultimate goal of this mission was actually to get the inheritance of lili silk. As for what to get the miracle ring, it is only the process in this mission. The miracle ring is a 70-level artifact, obviously not Now he can get what he can.

Lili silk is known as the goddess of the night, and her blood is undoubtedly the most pure and powerful blood of the entire Dikulas.

At the beginning, Lili only used the miracle ring to absorb a little bit of his own blood, and then cooperated with some experimental bodies in human beings to create a powerful first-generation vampire.

Be aware that the blood purity of this early vampire is much more pure than the current royal vampire.

If you directly accept a part of the bloodstream of lili, then the purity of the blood can be imagined!

It is no wonder that Richard will be mad at this, and he will not hesitate to block the xing life of the **** strong and his own life.

As for Richard, he threatened to be killed before he was killed. He said that he could not inherit the blood of lili without his help. For this, Zhou Jian did not believe it, as long as Lili silk was resurrected, as long as Lili silk complied with her promise, then How could she not have the means to pass on her blood, but instead fell to the point where a small person like Richard helped?

Deception is very simple for vampires to eat and drink. This trip to the ancient tomb is a scam. Whether it is Zhou Jian, Qin Yunzong, or Kofi, the old man was deceived by Richard, even the blood family such as Nicholas. A veteran or a member of Parliament may not know the truth of the matter.

It’s just that Richard didn’t think that the world where their ancestors, Lili Silk, was originally a demon plane, and that among the three pieces he used, there was exactly one trial of the demon plane, so he Made a wedding dress for others in vain.

It seems to be a coincidence, but it is not necessarily the fate of an invisible hand in the dark! .