MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 339 Richard's trick

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The white bone **** is as thick as lime, small and white, and occasionally mixed with sporadic bone fragments, such as half skulls, broken ribs, a section of spine, and long wings. The white sè powder that Qin Yunzong saw before was the bone powder that was crushed.

At this time, Zhou Jian and others also discovered the burial pit. They were all used to killing and killing people. They had not seen fear in this scene, but this time, they felt that it was cold and the average person would die. The flesh is rotten, but the bones will remain intact, and what is going on in front of them, even the bones are crushed into powder?

Looking around, everyone found that the rectangular pit had stretched all the way to the corner of the wall, and turned a circle, which became a complete shape. The tunnel was full of bits and pieces.

Zhou Jian began to wonder if these people were killed as sacrifices, and this pit was actually a funeral pit.

He knows a lot about history. I heard that some tribes in ancient times used to bury the dead people directly under their tribes because they believed that the hunter of the ancestors would protect them.

Perhaps the Dikulas also is so, so Lili will build the palace so long and so deep.

The bright hall in front of the underground palace is probably her residence, and the passage below is the tomb. The rows of stone sarcophagi are buried with dead **** people. As for the last stone room, it is a place of funeral. Blood comes to death and hun.

If this is the case, then this underground palace should be coming to an end.

On the large pit, with a stone bridge, Zhou Jian and his entourage walked cautiously from the stone rod. It was discovered that there were two larger sarcophagi in the empty space of the central burial pit. And the sarcophagus is engraved with eight-winged bats.

Does the Eight Wings represent a higher status of the tomb?

Even these living sacrifices around are prepared for them?

Zhou Jian was curious in his heart, but now he has no intention to explore. Qin Yunzong said: "Leave here, you should be nearing the end and prepare for the battle."

Qin Yunzong said, [Be careful to bypass the two sarcophagi, obviously very jealous of them.

Zhou Jian also has an inexplicable dangerous premonition. He starts the fine-grained field and carefully scans everything around him, avoiding the two sarcophagi.

At this moment, Zhou Jian was aware that Richard’s mouth was followed by twitching behind him.

The chun that he hides under the mask is a silent one, seems to be meditation.

Zhou Jian suddenly felt a glimpse of his heart. In such a dark environment, with the mask of the mask, no one can naturally notice Richard's little movements. What does this guy want to do?

Zhou Jian first thought that he was going to lay a black hand behind his back and attacking everyone. However, the next change made him negate the idea. He only heard the sound of rustling in the surrounding burial pit. What seemed to be something The sound of crawling.

Zhou Jian’s mental strength was swept away, and the sight he saw made his scalp numb. Under the funeral pit, there was a hole buried in the bone powder. At this time, the hole was crawling out in a steady stream. Black sè multi-legged bug, the worm is similar to the watermelon worm on the earth, but it is much larger, almost as long as the adult's foot, the whole body is oval, and the body surface is covered with pieces of black sè scales, dozens Walking fast and moving, it looks very disgusting.

At the same time, there was a sharp rustling sound in the stone sarcophagus. It seemed to be the sound of the nails covering the lid. This sound fell into the ear, as if to tear the human brain.

I didn’t need Zhou Jian’s reminder at all, everyone was aware of the danger, they immediately chose to escape! However, the difference is that Ferdinand Fu, Qin Yunzong and Coffey chose to flee, which is the most normal escape route, but Richard and the two blood guards chose to flee, this is not Normal, because the road behind has been sealed off by the landslide, running back is undoubtedly a dead end.

However, there is something more abnormal, that is, Zhou Jian, he did not move. When the multi-foot beetles were about to rush into the tunnel, he jumped and flew to the dome of the tomb, and then he hung upside down like a gecko. On the huā board, it doesn't move.

The multi-foot beetle quickly spread the entire tomb, and the stone sarcophagus also shook, and the black air was continuously ejected from the cracks of the coffin. Obviously, the things inside it were about to break out!

If it is in the eyes of ordinary people, Zhou Jian’s behavior is tantamount to ostrich burying his head in the sand, purely looking for death. However, Zhou Jian has his plans.

First of all, he determined that what was in the stone was awakened by Richard! The twitching of his mouth before he was chanting the spell of awakening the monster.

Zhou Jian does not know whether Richard can control the monsters in the stone, but he has already confirmed that Richard knows more about this ancient tomb than himself. It must have originated from the record of the Undead Bible.

Then no need to ask, he must know that when the sun pattern on the floor tiles becomes the moon pattern, the road crossing is where the blood spar is!

And Richard will awaken the monsters in the stone to create chaos, so that when everyone notices him, silently retreat and open that channel! And then, the blood spar is naturally in his bag!

Zhou Jian suddenly understood Richard's plan, he would jump to the top of the olive is afraid that the first time to catch up with Richard will cause the other side to be alert.

I felt that Richard had already flew far away, and the ground was already covered with black beetles, and the monsters in the stone scorpion were about to appear. At this time, Zhou Jian saw the stone room exit blocked by beetles, and the pupil suddenly shrank. , skills move instantly!

At the same time, there were two explosions in the stone room, and the two stone scorpions covered and slammed, and the sleeping body erected straight.

It was a man and a woman with two corpses. They had a pair of large bat wings behind them. What surprised people was that the two bodies did not seem to show any signs of dryness and rot, and even their skin remained faint. It’s just that there is no blood.

At this time, Zhou Jian had already crossed the distance of 50 meters in an instant, and then turned into stealth and ran forward.

Although the beetles seem to be horrible, they crawl very slowly, but the two tombs of the man and the woman are different. When they are moving, they are a hundred meters away!

The man chased Qin Yunzong and others, and the woman chased Zhou Jian and others. Zhou Jian, who was running, found a female body chasing him, and suddenly complained in his heart. The speed of this guy is too fast!

As for stealth surgery, God knows that this female body is not used, whether it is a corpse or a blood family, it is very sensitive to the breath of the living, and his stealth surgery can not hide the breath!

However, at this time, Zhou Jian discovered that there were two figures standing in the passage not far from the front. If you look closely, it is blood.

Two people stand side by side, a pair of indifferent expressions that are not afraid of death, really like a death squad.

Zhou Jian’s heart was moving. He thought that Richard had risked to save the blood and his life. Was he just trying to stop the ancient corpse with blood?

It seems that although Richard can awaken the ancient corpse, but he does not have the ability to control the ancient corpse, it is reasonable. After all, the ancient corpse was originally a guard, it is easy to wake up naturally, and it is difficult to control them.

In the invisibility, Zhou Jian crossed the two blood guards in an instant and went straight to the place where the crossing was, and the one who followed Zhou Jian was the female body with the double nose. When she saw the blood guard, she extended the white. The arms are ready to grab them into two segments, and at this time, the two blood guards simultaneously blew themselves!

"Peng!" "Peng!" Two loud noises, blood sanitation turned into a **** rain, directly enveloping the female body, the blood and broken meat seems to be a large net, the female body can not break free.

Zhou Jian naturally refused to watch. He took the speed to the extreme and finally came to the intersection of the sun huā pattern and the moon huā pattern. At this time, Zhou Jian just saw the Shimen being rumbling.

Zhou Jian no longer hesitated, and a flash body entered it!

He almost passed the stone door sideways, and then the stone door was completely closed. Obviously, Richard not only knew that the intersection of the sun huā pattern and the moon huā pattern was the place where the blood spar was hiding, and he also knew that the channel was opened. The method, if Zhou Jian came here, I am afraid that it can only be broken with brute force. At that time, I am afraid that I will be alarmed again.

Within Shimen, it is a narrow ramp. It is dark and has no light. Even Zhou Jian’s vision is greatly affected. However, he has a mental field, and even if there is no light, he can easily feel the surrounding environment by his mental strength.

Zhou Jian has always kept stealth. [Be careful to move forward, probably gone for dozens of meters, and suddenly there was a torch on the wall in the distance. Although it was only a faint light, it was enough for Zhou Jian to see everything.

It is easy for him to see what Richard is doing at the end of the passage, wearing a black sè cloak, and in front of him there is a statue of a tall man, a middle-aged man with a scepter and a golden crown. The beard on the chin was braided into a scorpion, which seemed to be the **** that crowned Lili.

Zhou Jian gathered his breath to the extreme and quietly progressed. At some point, Richard seemed to feel something. He turned his head and looked at the back. However, he did not see anything, so he twisted his head and continued to do it. Doing your own thing.

Zhou Jian walked 30 meters away and finally saw Richard's movements. He placed a silver basin under his body and was bleeding into the silver basin.

He has removed the mask, a face covered with dense holes, the hole is covered with creeping eggs, but Zhou Jian has seen his respect before, so this time I saw no reaction.

Richard put a half of the pelvic blood, and he stood up and spilled all the blood on the statue. Then, the incredible scene happened. I saw that the statue sucked all the blood like a sponge, and there was no leak. under. (To be continued.!