MTL - Godly Thief Incarnation-Chapter 326 Gather

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Five days later, the day of the blood of the Nai Dynasty -

According to the blood family records, the day of the ceremonies was the day when the blood ancestors were born. After the demise of the Western Roman Empire, Europe entered the darkest medieval period, the wars of smog, the heavy taxation, the cruel serf system, the horse thief The robbers, the violent religious Holy See and this period, is also the most powerful time of the **** forces. On the day of the festival, the fanatical believers will sacrifice the ancestors with the pure blood of the young girl and the rose that is cultivated with blood. At that time, the blood family even They have established their own city-states and troops. Of course, the religious sect defines them as pagans.

Today, the day of the ceremonies has gradually been forgotten by the blood family, and the strength of the blood family has gradually declined. Now the day of the opening of the tomb is set on the day of the ceremonies, I am afraid that the high-level people of the blood family hope to symbolize the rejuvenation of the blood family.

In the ridiculous desert, three f35-e vertical take-off and landing fighters roared across the sky.

Zhou Jian did not think that they would actually take the fighter plane to the location of the tomb. The blood family would do this in order to prevent the hands of the gods from attacking their planes.

The tomb is located in the desert of the Hara Desert, where a tarmac more than ten meters high from the sand surface has been built, in order to avoid accidents caused by inhalation of sand when the aircraft engine landed.

The plane slowly landed on the tarmac. The first time I took a real fighter. If it wasn’t the quality of the weekly fitness, I really couldn’t stand the kind of strong acceleration that gave the internal organs the pressure of pressure from the plane. A few people have been waiting here. One of the middle-aged people is actually a yellow man, and it is a bit like a Chinese.

This man is wearing a white samurai suit, a long hair has been huā white, but the face is not old, his eyes are like a flash of light, the whole person with a shocking suffocating, not angry Wei.

Zhou Jian saw that the heart of the person was unconsciously accelerating and jumping twice. He did not know how to see this person. He felt a little uneasy.

If you don't guess wrong, this person should be one of the two evolutionists invited by the blood family.

When Nicholas saw this person, he smiled and walked over and said in Chinese: "Let Mr. Qin wait a long time, I am sorry."

Mr. Qin... Chinese... Evolution!

The three are linked together, Zhou Jian suddenly produced a Lenovo, is this the Qin family's elders Qin Yunzong! ?

Yes, because Qin Jia was stolen from the crystal library a few months ago, Qin Yunzong certainly will not let go of this rare opportunity to gather s-class life.

It’s really a narrow road! This old and undead guy is obviously a group of seven people who will be organized by the twelve Zeus?

The white-haired middle-aged man said to Nicholas: "The East and the West are used to different things. In China, it is early to express respect and respect. In the West, it seems that it is only a few minutes late to show respect. Besides, there are still five minutes from the agreed time. Mr. Nicholas is not late."

The middle-aged man finished this, his eyes drifted to Zhou Fitness inadvertently or unconsciously. After he felt that the white young man saw himself in front of him, he had a little abnormal reaction. Of course, ordinary people could not detect these tiny reactions, but he As an evolutionary person, it is possible to clearly distinguish the breathing and heart rate of each person present.

Does this white young man know himself?

The middle-aged man said: "Do you know this little brother?"

He is speaking Chinese. Although he has traveled all over the world in the past few years, he has learned several languages, including English, but he still speaks Chinese when he is outside. As an important national figure, he always has several languages, and he goes out. To bring a slogan, and then only speak the native language is to reflect the majesty of a country at the helm.

Zhou Jianzheng hesitated whether or not to pretend that he didn't understand. At this time, Nicholas had already helped him turn it over.

Zhou Jian also pushed the boat in English and said: "This gentleman, I may have seen you in a photo."

The middle-aged man smiled. "Is it? This is strange. There is no information on the Internet. Maybe it is a similar person. Is it true that the little brother grew up in China?"

When I heard this unexpected question, Zhou Jian’s heart was shocked. How did it happen?

He actually saw that he was a Chinese? Can he see through the abilities of "God of the Devil"?

It should not be possible. Zhou Jian is very confident about the embarrassing skills of "God Devil", and if Qin Yunzong can really see through it, I am afraid I will not ask this question.

So is it an accent? Every country speaks English because of its native language. This accent is difficult to change. What is the difference between Indian English, Japanese, English, and French, if you are familiar with the world. English people can easily distinguish each other's attribution according to the other's accent. A Chinese person who has lived in the United States for many years, and who is proficient in English, cannot be the same as the Americans. Even if he is very familiar with Chinese English, he can Find out whether this Chinese person is from the mainland, Hong Kong Island or Huaxia Island.

Zhou Jian felt that Qin Yunzong’s burning eyes seemed to see himself through the general. Although he was a little flustered in his heart, his face was not moving, his brain turned sharply, thinking about how to explain that he would use Chinese, but pretend to pretend. The fact that it will not be used.

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhou Jian deliberately changed his mouth and said in a less skilled Lingnan language: "I have grown up in Huaxia Lingnan, but I turned to the United States ten years ago. Mandarin is very small, so I heard you speak. (I grew up in Huaxia Lingnan when I was a child, but I returned to the United States ten years ago. I only speak Lingnan dialect. Mandarin will be a little bit, so I didn’t understand. Your words.)"

"Is it? The collection is like this.

Qin Yunzong said with a smile, although he no longer pursued it, but Zhou Jian knew that Qin Yunzong must have doubted himself.

Although his explanation is still perfect, but in front of this old monster that has lived for more than 100 years, just the moment of his sudden panic will not be able to marry each other.

At this time, another plane flew in, the plane hovered in midair, the hatch opened, and five figures jumped from midair.

With the sound of squeaking, those people fell in the rapid fall like a cannonball, and raised a piece of sand.

Five people were wearing blood-stained windbreakers, and the package was tight and strict. Although the Hara desert was extremely hot, they did not have a sweat on their foreheads.

These people are very weird. In addition to the front one being like a normal person, the latter four look more like zombies. They are all without exception, their face is dry or pale, and there is a dry facial wrinkle. The muscles are completely distorted, and the scarlet scorpion is full of bloodthirsty madness, like a beast.

The five are the **** guards except the one who is the vampire.

The so-called blood clan guards are some blood elders who have their body exhausted from their blood when they are long-lived. They sleep in the coffin, and the zombies are sacred. The zombies have no consciousness. They only obey orders and need to use it to fight. Inject blood.

Blood is not immortal. When used more often, their bodies will slowly break down until they die.

Because the blood cells of the body have been rigidly dead, their ability to recover is much weaker than that of the living blood, and the battle is naturally worse.

However, the four bloods that were brought this time were all powerful blood elders, so their strength is not necessarily worse than Nicholas.

Zhou Jian saw more of the four blood guards and he stopped paying attention.

After a while, the sky came the sound of the helicopter's rotor turning, and a silver-gray armed helicopter flew across the sky, slowly landed on the tarmac not far away, and raised a well of flying sand.

After the hatch was opened, the three men who were wrapped around the body came out. When they saw this dress, they knew that they were blood, and the blood family would wear it like this because they were afraid of the sinister sunshine of the Hara desert. With their pale skin, if they are directly exposed to the sun, they will be sunburned.

The most striking of the three is the man in the middle. He is wearing a black sè windbreaker. The windbreaker is embroidered with a red **** rose. The withered huā petals are floating in disarray. The metal mask, the position of the eye on the mask left only two dark holes, which looked full of strange smell.

After seeing the three men, Nicholas walked over and saluted the people in the middle, respectfully said: "President."

Hearing the name of Nicholas, Zhou Jian’s heart moved slightly, and he couldn’t help but pay attention to the mask man. Although Nicholas said that the blood family did not evolve, the strength of this speaker may not be underestimated.

The mask man nodded to Nicholas and then glanced at the crowd. His eyes finally fell on Qin Yunzong. His right hand was placed at Xiongkou, and Qin Yunzong was slightly stunned. He said, "Mr. Qin, thank you very much. arrival."

"You're welcome, each takes what you need." Qin Yunzong smiled at the man, and he said hello.

About five minutes later, there was a silvery flying object in the distant sky. It was actually an airship. The whole airship looked like a huge shark. The head painted red shark eyes and its The blood bowl is big, and the tail is decorated with fish gambling, which is also the propeller of the airship.

The airship was not flying fast. When it reached the sky, it almost covered the sun. The airship body of sixty or seventy meters long made the f35-e fighters look like birds in front of the sharks.

At this time, the airship hatch opened, and a small black spot floated down from the cockpit. It was a little old man with a height of less than one meter five. The skin of the brown sè was like a crumpled walnut.

What surprised Zhou Jian was that his speed of decline was always at a constant speed, about a hundred meters in height. He spent more than half a minute on the slow landing, like feathers floating on the sand, no ji up. Smoke.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Jian’s heart was slightly shocked. Can this little old man not fly? ! .