MTL - Godly Hunter-Chapter 873 Major news

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"The twelve shots of God!"

Tianma is about to die, and the Paladin can no longer keep it. When the Paladin in his hand shakes, he is twelve in the air. ¥ ℉,

The twelve holy guns turned into twelve extremely fast meteors, locking Chen Mo from different directions and blasting down.

Ice and air!

Chen Mo thought for a moment that one holy gun was already terrifying. Who can stop the twelve holy guns?

As soon as he waved his hand, the ice and air skills sprang out, and a huge wall of ice appeared in the sky all at once, and the whole sky seemed to become an ice world.

In the previous battle with the Paladin, Chen Mo had been very clear that the ability of the ice and air characteristics to the Paladin's defense and resistance was almost zero.

Right now he is fully using the ice and air capabilities, the ice wall defense ability has been improved, but he still cannot resist the attack of the Holy Grail.

He did this, only hoping that fakes existed in the twelve holy guns, so that he would be much easier to avoid.


But in the sound of a loud explosion, a large ice wall shattered, ice flowers splashed, and twelve holy guns easily destroyed the ice wall that appeared in front of them at the same time.

The twelve holy guns are all genuine!

"Do n’t think about it, these twelve sacred rifles are created by the power of the sacred rifle itself. The twelve sacred rifles are genuine. Each time they are used, the sacred rifle ’s power will be permanently consumed by one point. Consumption is clean, and the Holy Lance will become an ordinary weapon. In the past thirty years, I have only used the twelve guns of the God of God against four people, and you are the fifth. And your strength, and the four in front Compared to individuals, it is not worth mentioning. In addition, the twelve guns of the God of God have locked you. They will chase you until they hit you, even to the ends of the earth! "

The ice wall shattered. The hoarse voice of the Paladin came.

The Twelve Shots of the God of God is actually a form of attack skill. The power is conceivable. Chen Mo has no doubt about the words of the Paladin. Otherwise, the knights of the Spear will not use the Twelve Shots of God.

The twelve shots of the God of God shot at Chen Mo like twelve thunders, piercing a wall of ice.

Chen Mo blocked with ice and air skills. Back at full speed.

However, after the holy gun was divided into twelve, the speed also skyrocketed, and Chen Mo retreated at a speed no faster than the twelve holy gun's pursuit speed.

Just a few breaths, the twelve holy guns are close to Chen Mo.


A holy gun came first and hit Chen Mo first!

Chen Mo's head suffered a million-dollar injury, and his blood suddenly fell to only 10%!

The damage of the holy gun is more than that. Chen Mo can survive because of the life-saving skills of the eternal bracelet.

But the twelve holy guns came at almost the same time, when the first holy gun hit Chen Mo. The remaining eleven holy guns are less than one meter away from Chen Mo.

For the speed of the Holy Grail, a distance is a blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time as the injury of the first holy gun floated, the other twelve holy guns also passed through Chen Mo's body.


The Paladin wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but his gaze was fixed!

The adventurer is not dead, he can still feel his breath!

Just in front of him!

The Paladin was staring tens of meters in front of him, where there was a dark sky. But he clearly felt that the adventurer did not know when. It's already there.


Without the sacred gun in hand, the sacred knight banged in the past.

Even without the sacred gun, he can kill most people in the world with one punch!


But no matter how strong his fists were, Chen Mo couldn't match the speed.

Chen Mo grinned, avoiding the fist of the Paladin, and came to Tianma.

Pegasus panicked. It felt in danger, but meant to walk away.


Feather kill!

However, Chen Mo's figure suddenly changed, and the black angel wings that appeared on the back suddenly expanded, and a large number of black wings fell off, under Chen Mo's control. A black vortex formed, sweeping towards Tianma.


Before Tianma had time to respond, he was caught in a lot of black feathers.

Suddenly, I don't know how many huge injuries floated from Tianma's head.

After a sorrow, Tianma turned into a white light.

"Abominable guy, you have to die!"

After Tianma died, the Paladin Knight shouted angrily.

In the distance, in addition to the first holy gun that hit Chen Mo, in fact, the eleven holy guns turned around fiercely and killed Chen Mo again.

Sister, this twelve shots of the gods is too abnormal!

Chen Mo cursed, her body was short, and she fell down to the ground.

Knowing the effects of the Twelve Shots of the God of God, he deliberately shot a shot of the Twelve Shots of the God, and escaped with the shadow of the witch who secretly released during the escape.

But the result was still useless. He killed Tianma hard and had to escape.


There was acceleration during the fall, and Chen Mo fell to the ground without being approached by the remaining eleven holy guns.

Then he quickly took out a teleporting reel.

It takes five seconds to read the bar using the teleporting scroll in battle.

Time is not long, but in fierce battles, the enemy will never give time to use the scroll.

Chen Mo only used when he came to the ground, and also wanted to distance himself from the Paladin.

Otherwise, the Eleven Rifles have not caught up, they will be attacked by the Riders.


The moment the Eleven Holy Lance fell to the ground, Chen Mo flickered, and teleported a step first.

With his computing power, naturally after using the calculation, he knew that there would be no danger before using the teleporting scroll.

"So far, we should be able to get rid of those holy guns."

The battle with the Paladins did not last long, but after a battle, Chen Mo felt like a very long time.

Right now he has teleported a short distance, and logically speaking, he should have gotten rid of the holy gun.

But whether the holy gun still has the ability to chase him, Chen Mo has no idea.

After flying and moving for a while, Chen Mo estimated that the Black Phoenix had taken Blow to escape enough distance. When the Paladin could not catch up, Chen Mo chose to go offline and then go up again.

After this operation, the Holy Lance will stop chasing him due to the disappearance of the hatred target even if it is powerful.

Unless it is an artifact, the Holy Grail will never continue to hunt him down after he goes offline ~ ~ and goes offline, Chen Mo also has another purpose.

In the mount space, the Black Phoenix has been forced to return there. As for My Neighbor Totoro, he has put away in the battle.

"Go find Bro."

When the Black Phoenix returned, Chen Mo naturally wanted to find Bro.

It's not far from Bro. It doesn't take much time to find Bro.

But Bro hasn't been found yet. Chen Mo receives an urgent message from Ji You from reality!

Finally, there have been unprecedented events!

Sky City appeared in the last place and took the lead in capturing a castle!


Three more tomorrow. (To be continued ...) u