MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 320 Twin Cities at a historical turning point

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  Chapter 320 The Twin Cities at a Historical Turning Point

  After resigning, Lu Yao was light-weight. Holding the thermos cup in both hands, he walked a few steps in the room, humming "Good Day" that he had heard in his childhood.

  —Today is a good day, hey, whatever you want can come true, hey~

  The cold winter is fading, and the warm spring is not far away.

  He opened Yao City.

  As the big brother of all cities, I don't know if Yaocheng has made any progress during this period.

  When the angle of view reaches Yaocheng, the simulator pops up a bunch of reminders.

  【Yao City promulgated: "Education Law"】

  【Yaocheng made clear regulations that parents have the responsibility to allow their children to receive proper education. Otherwise, children have the right not to support their parents when they become adults. 】

  【Because of the emergence of the "Education Law", the literacy rate in Yaocheng has increased significantly, and the birth rate has increased slightly. 】

  【Yao City created a brand new social system: universal theocracy】

  【Universal theocracy, a social system that takes the temple as the social core and knowledge base, and implements the rights and obligations of citizens based on temples and theology. 】

  【Because of the establishment of universal theocracy, the knowledge of all the people in Yao City has increased slightly, the foreign population has increased, the attractiveness of the city has increased significantly, and the influence of the city has increased significantly. 】

  Lu Yao really didn't expect it this time.

  Yaocheng actually based on theology and created a social system that had never existed before.

  He clicked on the background and found [Universal Theocracy].

  The source of this social system is the unique way that the Temple will manage the city.

  The prophet serves the gods and delivers oracles to the temple.

  The Temple Society is responsible for many specific secular affairs of the city, with the leader as the final decision maker.

  Since the Temple Society was originally born out of the Prophet, the focus is also on maintaining the stability of the city. Compared with rapid development, a stable environment and continuous population growth are more important.

  No matter how the outside world changes, even in the worst period of floods and beasts, Yaocheng has always maintained a safe environment as stable as Mount Tai.

   During the period of rapid development, cities such as Yancheng are naturally more attractive, but when faced with various pressures and turmoil, Yaocheng becomes the best settlement and safe haven.

   Today's Yaocheng is silent, with a population exceeding 160,000, the largest permanent population among all cities. However, Yancheng, which once completed a population overtake, has an urban population of only 130,000 and has entered a new bottleneck period.

  The core of universal theocracy is a series of policies derived from the ancient oracle of the temple to increase population and faith.

   These policies are also evolving with the times.

  For example, the "Education Law", this pioneering bill was introduced, mandating that newborns receive education, and also set a threshold for parents who raise children.

  Yao City also gave corresponding support. Four large-scale enlightenment schools were built in the city, which are located in the four corners of the east, west, south, north, and the basic literacy education for newborns is free.

  Children at the age of 8 can apply for enrollment. Subjects include basic theology, Yao language, mathematics, and history for a period of 4 years.

   After completing the coursework in the enlightenment school, outstanding graduates can continue to enter the seminary for further study for free.

   Seminaries now offer subjects such as theology, medicine, mathematics, languages, and history.

   Among them, Yaocheng's theology, medicine (a branch of potion science), and language are the most advantageous subjects, and they have trained many talents in the past.

  Students who successfully graduate from the seminary will be able to obtain the scholar certification of the temple. After becoming a formal scholar, they can live in any city, and there is no mandatory restriction in Yaocheng.

  Lu Yao looked into Yao City.

  After the social system of universal theocracy was officially established, the pace of life in this holy city became slower and more leisurely, and the academic atmosphere became stronger.

  A few small pixel people are walking on the streets of the city, discussing all kinds of knowledge.

"Recently, our White Castle is conducting a secret experiment. It is said that it is to create the latest armor... It is the [Holy Wish] in "Temple Warrior". The apostles avoid talking about it. Many teachers privately feel that it is very It might be true."

   "Really? Did you find the 【Holy Wish】?"

   "Of course it's impossible... The apostle won't disclose that kind of thing, and there's no way to find it. Baibao is trying to restore and imitate it based on "Temple Warrior" to see if he can create a similar armor."

   "I thought it was true, hey."

Someone else said: "Don't think too much about the sacred wish, the authenticity may be true or false. But the potion is real! Our School of Pharmacy is working on a big project to create a mutant that can become a powerful superhuman in a short time. body potion, the ultimate goal is to become a dragon!"

   "It's almost done, you guys are even more outrageous than [Holy Wish]."

  The man insisted: "The potion has a solid foundation and experience! As long as it is verified by a lot of experiments, it can be done..."

  Another person interrupted him: "Yes, yes. The potion is indeed useful, but your tester dare to say that a powerful new powerful potion can be used immediately after it is invented?"


  Lu Yao watched from the sidelines, combined with various descriptions of the background of the world, and made a simplified summary of universal theocracy.

   To put it simply, this system is the living culture of Yaocheng that is further improved by the temple with education as the core driving force and fair opportunity as the social foundation.

  The life pressure of Yaocheng residents is low, the education level is relatively high, knowledge and skills are regarded as the core competitiveness, and theoretical research and basic disciplines are relatively developed. The establishment of universal theocracy further consolidated the city's status as a central city of culture and belief.

  After watching Yaocheng from the sidelines, Lu Yao looked at Yancheng again.

  As one of the two cities, after seeing Yaocheng, I can't help but take another look at Yancheng next door.

  Yancheng's urban construction is extremely good, and each block has been divided.

There are commercial areas where markets and shops gather, residential areas where there are orderly private houses, public building areas where Yancheng baths, town councils, libraries, engineering colleges, ghost lighthouses, etc. gather, as well as some gardens, promenades and public parks. zone. In terms of urban construction, it is even better than Yao City.

   A prompt bar popped up in the simulator.

  【Yancheng created: Yancheng bond】

  【Because of the emergence of Yancheng bonds, Yancheng's economic vitality has been greatly enhanced, and its trade capacity has been greatly enhanced. 】

  【Yancheng promulgated: "Obligation Law"】

  【Because of the emergence of the "Law of Obligation", Yancheng's law and order has improved slightly, and trade efficiency has improved slightly. 】

  【Yancheng promulgated: "Invention Law"】

  【Because of the emergence of the "Invention Law", the attractiveness of the city of Yancheng has increased, and scholars have become active. 】

  【Yancheng promulgated: "Labor and Employment Law"】

  【Because of the emergence of the Labor and Employment Law, the foreign population in Yancheng has increased. 】

  【Yancheng created a brand new social system: city-state responsibility system】

  【The city-state responsibility system, with the city-state as the main body of residents' investment, residents bear the returns and risks brought about by investment. The city-state is liable for debts within the scope of property stipulated by law, and only a certain maximum amount of property is the limit of liability. 】

  【Because of the establishment of the city-state responsibility system, the morale of everyone in Yancheng has increased slightly, the attractiveness of the city has increased significantly, and the influence of the city has increased significantly. 】

  Lu Yao clicked one by one to see the details.

  Yancheng bonds are the basis of the city-state responsibility system.

  Yancheng raises a certain amount of funds for various business projects and construction by selling bonds to residents, and the proceeds are distributed to each bond holder in proportion.

  The "Obligation Law" is a constraint on bonds, further clarifying rights and obligations, and also delineating clearer legal rules for this commercially prosperous city.

  The "Invention Law" clarifies the rewards for inventors and protects inventors to avoid infringement of legitimate rights.

  The "Labor and Employment Law" is in favor of laborers. It clarifies the minimum salary in Yancheng and the rights that laborers must enjoy, and also gives employees formal protection in the legal sense.

  The source of the city-state responsibility system is Sanilo's Association of Extraordinary Workers and Practitioners.

  The emergence of the extraordinary labor union has had a strong impact on the existing order of the Yao people's world. This is the first time that an organization composed of extraordinary people speaks for the laborers and defends the dignity and remuneration of the laborers.

  The voice from Sanilo caused the most commercially developed Yancheng to face the most direct and serious challenge.

Workers have more choices: if they want a high salary, they can go to Crystal City and Uda City in the north, which lack manpower; if they want more opportunities, they can go to Sanilo to work; if they want a stable life, Yaocheng is the best choose.

  After repeated discussions, the city council of Yancheng decided to formally reform—not only to follow the trend, but also to go further, to turn past disadvantages into current advantages!

  After repeated discussions in the parliament and the collection of a large number of opinions from scholars and citizens, the city-state responsibility system came into being.

  In Yancheng, part of the remuneration of each resident will be distributed through Yancheng bonds, and bonds are also allowed to be traded privately.

  The income of bonds is floating and can be exchanged once a year. You must make an appointment at the bond front desk in the parliament hall in advance. Once confirmed, you cannot change it.

  This will allow some people to obtain high returns. The bond income will stimulate the labor enthusiasm of the citizens and allow the bonds to circulate and become another shadow currency.

  Through this series of operations, Yancheng successfully broke free from the quagmire of slow development in the past, and once again relied on a strong economic engine to stand at the forefront of the city, competing with its big brother Yaocheng.

  Lu Yao watched and ate two potato chips.

  The second season of Twin Cities has started, right?

  Dude try to watch two episodes first.

  (end of this chapter)