MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 75 Jindan demon king strikes

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  Chapter 75 Jindan Demon King Attacks

  Teacher Zhenren and his party went all the way deep into Hengduan Mountain on full alert.

   Along the way, Zhangjiao Zhenren and his party passed the lairs of several demon kings, but they couldn't find the demon kings without exception. All the demon kings are not in their lair, and they don't know where they went.

  Since there was no sneak attack on the Zongmen's garrison, nor did they sneak attack on the defense line, then... where did these demon kings go?

   "Everyone, the demon king is not in his lair, and their whereabouts may be related to the change in the Hengduan Mountains."

  Teacher Master turned his head and glanced at everyone, his expression became extremely serious, "Perhaps, the change in the Hengduan Mountains is more troublesome than we imagined, everyone must be careful."

   After exhorting everyone, Master Zhang continued to lead the team forward.

  Through thousands of miles into the Hengduan Mountains, none of the demon king's lairs passed by on the road. All the demon kings have "disappeared".

  The breath of the demon king sensed some time ago, could it be the prelude to their collective "disappearance"?

  Renren Zhangjiao became more puzzled, and his expression became more dignified.

   There are more than 20 Jindan demon kings in the entire Hengduan Mountains, and their overall strength is stronger than that of Haoyang Xianzong. Now, these demon kings suddenly "disappeared"?

  The reasons for the disappearance of these demon kings must be very terrifying.

"keep going!"

  The Master Teacher waved his hand and led the crowd to continue deep into the Hengduan Mountains.

  The missing guardian elder must be rescued, and the reason for the disappearance of the demon king must also be clarified.

   What's more, if such a powerful master of the whole sect is dispatched, if they retreat without knowing the reason, then Haoyang Xianzong will not have to hang out in the world of practice.

   Everyone set off again and continued to go deep into the Hengduan Mountains.

   Going deep into the Hengduan Mountains for thousands of miles, an abnormal scene was discovered ahead.

  In the mountains thousands of miles away, a mountain collapsed, and a huge gap opened on the ground.

  From the gap, puffs of black smoke gushed out, exuding an indescribable foul smell full of peculiar smells.

  Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, smelling this filthy smell from a distance can make people feel dizzy and nauseated.

   It stinks so much!

  Teacher Zhenren and others hurriedly added a layer of protection against the breath, held their breath again, and turned to internal breath, which made them feel better.


   Found the problem again.

  The breath-isolation protective spell blessed on the body was actually disturbed by some kind of force, and there were some slight disturbances in the operation of spiritual power.

   "This is...impurity spiritual power, the impurity spiritual power in animal materials."

  The master of the refining hall exclaimed, "Is the impurity spiritual power on the animal materials caused by the infection of this filth?"

   "The reason for the beast tide is probably also caused by this foul smell."

  The real person in charge nodded slightly, "The elder protector is likely to be lost in the crack. Everyone, take precautions and be careful. Let's rescue the elder protector."

   After finishing speaking, the master teacher stretched out his hand, and a golden glow rushed out, turning into a golden bell, hanging above his head.

  Bright golden light shone from the golden bell, protecting everyone like a light curtain. The great sun rises in the east, the golden crow spreads its wings, and the flames are raging, all kinds of visions flow on the light curtain.

   This is the treasure "Haoyang Bell" inherited from the Haoyang Immortal Sect.

  Under the protection of the "Haoyang Bell", everyone flew away all the way, grazing towards the crack where the filth was churning.

   After going deep into the gap, the filthy atmosphere became more intense.

   Even with the protection of Haoyang Bell, even if you hold your breath and turn to your inner breath, you can still feel that unspeakable peculiar smell.

   More importantly, the breath that interferes with the operation of spiritual power has a strong corrosive effect, and even affects the operation of the Haoyang Clock.

   "Speed ​​up, you can't stay here for long."

  Teacher Master gave an order and led everyone to speed up.

  Thousands of feet deep underground, a huge horizontal hole appeared in front of it, and the foul-smelling black smoke came out of this hole.

   The interference of the filthy gas on the operation of spiritual power has become more serious.

  The master teacher had no choice but to retreat among the crowd, drive the Haoyang bell with all his strength, increase protection, and resist the erosion of this filthy air.

  Holding the Haoyang Bell, everyone continued to go deeper along the horizontal hole.

   After walking in the winding passage for half an hour, the filthy smell coming from the front was already very strong, and the black smoke filled the surroundings like a thick fog.

   The erosion of filth has become more serious.

   Master Zhangjiao felt a little hard to drive the Haoyang clock alone, so he called the masters of Chuanfa and Danding, and the three of them worked together to drive the Haoyang clock.

  Continue to advance along the passage, and a huge underground cavity suddenly appears in front of you.

  In this underground cavity, the filthy atmosphere permeated to the extreme, and the entire underground cavity was pitch black, as if it was filled with ink.

   Fortunately, everyone is a Jindan real person. After casting the "Lihuo Golden Eyes" spell, they can still penetrate the filthy atmosphere and see the way ahead.

  In the eyes of everyone, this huge underground cavity is hundreds of feet high and thousands of feet in radius.

   At the end of this underground cavity, some collapsed buildings can still be seen vaguely. It seems... this is a ruin?

  At this moment, everyone is not in the mood to pay attention to the ruins.

The filthy atmosphere in the underground space is too strong and erosive. The three people in charge of the real person jointly drove the Haoyang clock, but they couldn't bear it any longer. Only the guardian of the sword casting hall was left, and the others drove the Haoyang clock together. Yang bell.

   "Quickly search for the guardian elders. You can't stay here for long. After a long time, the Haoyang clock will be defaced."

  Renren Zhangjiao urged, and everyone acted quickly, searching around with the "Lihuo Golden Eyes" spell.

   "Over there! There is a situation over there!"

  A moment later, the Master of Weaving Hall pointed to the northwest corner of the underground cavity and shouted at everyone.

   "Go and investigate!"

   Following an order from Master Zhangjiao, everyone jointly drove the Haoyang Bell and searched in the direction pointed by the Master of Weaving Hall.

  Passing through a collapsed building, everyone saw a pile of lying down on the ground in front of them... To be precise, there was a person lying down in front of them, and about twenty huge monsters.

   "It turns out that the missing demon kings are all here!"

  The Master of Forging Sword exclaimed.

   "Forget about the demon king, quickly rescue the elder protector, let's leave quickly!"

  The Master Teacher shouted loudly, and everyone acted immediately.

   Hurriedly rushed to the Elder Dharma Protector lying on the ground, covered in black smoke, and taught the real person to drive the Haoyang Bell, covering the Elder Dharma Protector under the protection of the magic weapon.



  Everyone couldn't help retching.

  Without the protection of Haoyang Bell, even if everyone held their breath and turned to internal breath, they could still feel the unbearable stench.

   "Qingming Lingshui, hurry up!"

   Master Zhang said repeatedly.

  The Master of the Hall of Fulu hastily took out a jade bottle, lifted the lid, and poured water on the Elder Dharma Protector who was churning with filth.

  The effect of Qingming Lingshui is very obvious.

   After pouring this bottle of Qingming Spiritual Water, the black smoke billowing from the body of the Elder Dharma Guardian immediately dissipated, and the peculiar smell became much weaker.

  The Elder Dharma Guardian also recovered a bit of sanity, opened his eyes and saw everyone, and quickly shouted: "Go! This place is ominous, go!"

   It must be ominous!

  Twenty or so golden core demon kings, and you, are all stuck here, isn't that ominous enough?


  Renren Zhangjiao shouted loudly, and everyone drove the Haoyang Bell together, and hurriedly evacuated.

  Before leaving, the master of Weaving Palace turned his head and glanced at the demon kings lying down on the ground, and suddenly his face changed: "Brother Master, one of the demon kings is missing, and the black fox demon king is not here!"

  The face of Master Teacher changed. If he was attacked by the Black Fox Demon King at this time, the entire army would be in danger of being wiped out.

   "Be careful, withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

  Heilongling, midnight.

  Xu Ke was drinking and chatting with Gao Zhengzhi, Zhao Qingshan, Peng Zhengqing and others.

  After Peng Zhengqing and Heilongling Formation Master completed the formation connection, formations throughout the entire defense line were also connected one after another. The line of defense stretching thousands of miles, the large array has been connected in series to form a whole.

  With the protection of this huge array, the beast horde is no longer a big threat.

   There are many foundation-building cultivators sitting in the defense line station, coupled with a large array of guards, as long as it is not the Jindan demon king, even if there are a large number of foundation-building monsters besieging, they can resist it.

  As long as you persist for a while, the flying boat and warship will come to support, and you can easily repel the foundation-building monsters.

  Xu Ke also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this situation. From the looks of it, this beast tide didn't have much impact on Haoyang Xianzong, and there was no possibility of destroying the sect at all.

   It's great that I can continue to practice quietly without running away.

   "Brother Zhao, is there any news from your master? Has the sect boss figured out a way to deal with the animal material impurities? I have collected a lot of animal materials!"

   Gao Zhengzhi talked about his business while drinking wine.

"No news."

  Zhao Qingshan shook his head, "Besides, the high-ranking members of the Zongmen have all entered Hengduan Mountain, and they must want to end this war as soon as possible. If there is really a way to deal with the beast material, why is it so urgent to end the war?"

   "Alas... Am I going to lose blood again this time?"

  Gao Zhengzhi sighed again.

  Xu Ke's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, huh? Zongmen has not found a way to remove impurities and spiritual power? A corruption technique can solve the problem, why hasn't the boss of the sect found out?

   "Brother Gao, don't worry, there might be a turning point for this matter."

  Xu Ke raised his glass to Gao Zhengzhi and smiled meaningfully.

   Let Gao Zhengzheng buy high-quality animal materials at a low price, and then I will purify them again, and then I will be able to make a lot of money.

  However, this money is a bit hot to handle. If you earn too much, there will be problems, and it may be directly confiscated by the sect.

   It is necessary to bring in a few more people to form a community of interests, so that others will not dare to do it casually.

   All those present can be pulled in, even... Gao Zhengzhi has some friendship with his true disciple Li Muzi? It would be safer to pull her in.

  Things are such a coincidence.

  Xu Ke was thinking about how to recruit Li Muzi into his group, when a golden-red flame suddenly burst out in the sky ahead.

  Looking from a distance, I saw a huge flying boat roaring through the sky, swaying sword lights all over the sky, countless feather-like sword lights, like a violent storm, sweeping all directions.

I go! This is... spawning monsters?

  Driving the car of the elder protector and doing military exploits everywhere in the middle of the night, this is blatant cheating, right?

  However, he is the direct disciple of the elder protector, and his status is second only to the disciple of the real person in charge. Even if he drives the master's car, as long as he doesn't use the battleship to zoom in and spawn monsters, no one will say anything.

   Precisely because of her high status, she is suitable to serve as the umbrella of us evil forces. Come down and ask Gao Zhengzhi to find an opportunity to contact Junior Sister Li Muzi to see if he can recruit her into the gang.

  Xu Ke smiled and looked away.

   When he looked away, the corner of Xu Ke's eyes swept across the wilderness outside Heilongling, his expression froze suddenly, and a burst of surprise floated in his heart.

   Just now, when the corner of his eye swept across the wilderness, Xu Ke's Qi Wang technique detected a spiritual fluctuation full of darkness.

   Turning his head and looking over, the dark fluctuations as deep as the night sky disappeared without a trace.

what's the situation?

   Xu Ke was secretly startled, but his face remained calm, pretending to be unaware, and drinking with Gao Zhengzhi and others again.

   It's just that, from the corner of Xu Ke's eyes, he still pays attention to the position where he noticed the movement just now.

  The next moment, that dark wave appeared again, the aura was vague, but deep and lofty.

   This is so... very similar to the breath of Jindan Daoist!

  Golden Core Demon King?

  Xu Ke's heart tightened, he threw the cup in his hand, and said to everyone: "I've had a good time tonight, let's go!"

  While speaking, Xu Ke quickly winked at everyone, and made a mouth-to-mouth gesture, "Golden Core Demon King!"

  Gao Zhengzhi and the three of them suddenly changed their expressions.

   "Haha! I'm done drinking, I might as well go back!"

  Gao Zhengzhi reacted very quickly, laughed loudly, dropped his wine glass, stood up unsteadily, turned around and left.

   "Haha! Go back together! Go back together!"

   Others are also smart people, why don't they know how to do it?

  So, the four of Xu Ke pretended to be joking, and staggered down the city wall of the station.

   "Elder Sun, Elder Sun, there is an attack from the Golden Core Demon King!"

  After entering the garrison, Gao Zhengzhi quickly took out the messenger talisman and sent a message to Elder Sun of Si Nong Dian who was sitting in Heilongling.

  Xu Ke and Peng Zhengqing didn't say a word, they rushed up and flew towards the big magic altar in Heilongling.

   "Junior Brother Lin, leave the magic circle to me to preside over it!"

  After rushing into the altar, Peng Zhengqing directly occupied the altar, and a spiritual power hit the formation board, "Activate the emergency connection, draw the spiritual power of all the stations in the entire defense line, and fully activate the Wutu formation!"

   "Brother Peng, what's going on..."

  The formation masters of Heilongling were a little dazed, but they didn't dare to hesitate. They quickly activated the emergency connection, assisted Peng Zhengqing, and crazily extracted the spiritual power of the formations on the entire front, and activated the Wutu formation with all their strength.

   "Gentu Kunyuan, great virtues!"

  Peng Zhengqing yelled loudly, his whole body exploded with spiritual power, holding the magic sword with both hands, as if dragging a mountain, he raised it up with difficulty, aiming at the Qilin formation flag.

  Sweating profusely, his face was pale, Peng Zhengqing raised his magic sword, and struck out a thick and vigorous earth spirit force with difficulty.

   "Central Wutu, as immovable as a mountain!"

   "Let's fight!"

   Only a loud "bang" was heard, like an earthquake, and the ground below the entire defense line shook.

  A bright yellow light curtain as thick as the earth shone on Heilongling.

  Just as the light curtain was born, the dark shadow suddenly erupted.


  The fox is singing, the shadows are dreadful.

  A huge black fox with a length of several tens of feet exploded into shadows piercing the sky, with jet-black flames churning all over its body, and swooped towards the defense line of Heilongling.

  (end of this chapter)