MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 61 Isn't it enough to have a hand to draw a symbol?

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  Chapter 61 Isn't it enough to draw symbols with hands?

  Having learned the "Knowledge Art" and "Looking Qi Art", Xu Ke's greatest achievement is not the spell itself, but the "Xuanmen spell".

  As long as you expand your mind a little, you can clearly find that "Xuanmen Shushu" plays a huge role in the whole practice process.

   To learn spells, it will be easier to analyze them with Taoist spells first.

  Character drawing, alchemy, array formation, weapon refining, etc., all kinds of practice activities can be calculated with "Xuanmen Shushu", thereby reducing the cost of trial and error and increasing the success rate.

  Even in the practice of Qi training itself, "Xuanmen Shushu" can be used to interpret the exercises.

  More importantly, Xuanmen Shushu has greatly promoted Xu Ke's plan of "you cultivate immortality and I cultivate Taoism".

   Someone once said: Your eyes will deceive you, your ears will deceive you, your experience will deceive you, your imagination will deceive you, but mathematics will not. (Excerpt from Arcane God, copyright reasons, hereby declare)

   Put it here, the "sentiment" and "epiphany" in the process of practice are very idealistic and accidental, but it is inevitable to calculate and interpret through Taoism.

   Xuanmen spells, this is a very important tool in the plan of "you cultivate immortality, I cultivate Taoism".

   It seems that it is already necessary to brush up the "Xuanmen Shushu" to the extraordinary and turn it into a natural instinct.

  Xu Ke smiled, withdrew his thoughts, and focused on his practice.

  I have learned all the spells I got in this Zongmen Grand Competition, and I haven't learned a few sub-professional skills.

  However, there is no rush for the time being, let's re-analyze the spells I have learned with "Xuanmen Shushu".

  According to Xu Ke's understanding, every spell has actually revealed a certain law of spiritual power operation.

  Spells achieve a certain magical effect through specific spiritual power running trajectory and fluctuation frequency. This itself is a rule summed up by the predecessors.

  As long as I learn enough spells, I will be able to understand and master more "laws", and maybe I will finally be able to sum up a certain "principle".

  Thus, Xu Ke recalculated and analyzed all the spells he had mastered using Taoist spells.

  Xu Ke found that all the spells that broke through the limit, promoted to the extraordinary, and turned into innate talents, the "true spells" condensed in the dantian, were almost identical to the trajectory of the spiritual power calculated by himself through the "Xuanmen Spell Number".

  The reason why it is "almost" is because there is an extra rune structure in those "True Spell Talismans" that makes spiritual power fluctuate at a specific frequency.

  Different spiritual power attributes, this rune structure is also different.

   Based on the spells he has mastered, Xu Ke quickly summed up the "Five Elements Spells" spiritual power fluctuation frequency control runes.

  These runes...By analogy, casting a spell needs to control the frequency of spiritual power fluctuations, isn't it necessary to draw a rune?

  Xu Ke's heart moved, and he quickly took out the "low-level spell drawing technique" from the storage bag.

   Open it, and sure enough, these rune structures also exist in the "low-level spell refining technique".

   However, in the "low-level spell refining technique" in the Hall of Talismans, there is no explanation for the structure of these runes at all, but they are only placed in the diagrams of the spells for people to follow.

   Even, the given rune structure is not as complete as it can be summed up.

   Well, this is another "true biography" hidden hand.

  The academic atmosphere in the practice world is really terrible.

  I don't understand the principle, just follow the drawing, and I will be just a "craftsman" after drawing a talisman for a lifetime, not a talisman master.

  Perhaps, this kind of "artisan talisman teacher" is very common in the practice world, just follow the drawing, without really understanding the essence of these rune structures.

  Xu Ke shook his head, this is the defect of "only cultivating immortality, not Taoism".

  After interpreting the spells he has mastered with the Taoist spells, Xu Ke has a more thorough understanding of the essence of spells.

  In the future, if the spells have to break through the limit, be promoted to extraordinary, and turn into innate spells, the difficulty will be further reduced. There is no need to go through several "hundred-fold harvests" hard, maybe one "hundred-fold harvest" is enough.

  Similarly, learning "low-level spell drawing" has become easier by analogy.

  Xu Ke opened the "low-level spell drawing technique", read it from beginning to end, and quickly understood the essence of spell drawing.

  A spell is a spell that is stored in the talisman paper, carried by the talisman paper, expressed through the runes, and run through the spiritual ink.

  In addition to the rune structure that controls the frequency of spiritual power fluctuations, Xu Ke discovered that the runes needed to draw a talisman are essentially the dismantling of the trajectory of the aura, or the "true magic talisman" in the dantian.

  Because the "true magic talisman" in the dantian is a three-dimensional structure, to express it on the talisman paper, it is necessary to disassemble the three-dimensional rune structure into a flat structure, and then draw it on the talisman paper.

   After figuring out the essence, Xu Ke used the "Thunder in the Palm" spell to disassemble and interpret the runes one by one by comparing them with the "Thunder in the Palm" spell in his dantian.

   This part of the structure controls the direction of the spiritual power, this part of the structure maintains the stable operation of the spiritual power, this part of the structure absorbs the spiritual power, and this part of the structure transforms the spiritual power...

  After such a dismantling, Xu Ke has a clear understanding of the structure of each rune of the palm thunder spell true talisman, which not only deepens the understanding of the spell, but also masters the drawing of the palm thunder spell.

   Of course, there is one more step to be thoroughly studied.

   Metaphysics number, calculation.

  Xu Ke calculated with his fingers, and quickly calculated the best spiritual power flow, the best spiritual power flow speed and the best spiritual power fluctuation frequency for drawing the "palm thunder talisman".

  This data... I don't know if it is consistent with my "Spell True Talisman"?

  With a thought, Xu Ke activated the "True Palm Lightning Spell Talisman" in his dantian, and carefully observed the speed of spiritual power flow, the flow of spiritual power and the frequency of fluctuations in spiritual power.

  The result of the control...slight error.

   Am I calculating it wrong?

  Xu Ke frowned slightly, then readjusted the spiritual power data according to his own calculation results, and then cast the lightning palm spell.

  The effect of casting spells is slightly inferior to directly activating talent spells.

  The result I calculated is not the best data?

Oh, I see. People are different.

  The true magic talisman condensed in my body is the most suitable for my own situation. The calculated data is just a general data.

  It seems that "Heaven rewards those who work hard" is more powerful than Taoism.

  Xu Ke smiled, and took out a set of talisman-making tools from the storage bag.

   These tools for drawing spells were gifted by the casual cultivator who "killed people and seized treasures".

   The talisman paper is ready, the talisman pen is suitable for use, and for the spirit ink, there happens to be a spirit ink mixed with thunder spar powder, which is just right for use.

   Spread out the talisman paper, put the inkstone on it, pour the thunder crystal stone spirit ink into the inkstone pool, Xu Ke lifts the talisman pen, activates the real thunder talisman in the palm, runs the spiritual power, and injects it into the pen tip.

  The talisman pen was dipped in ink in the inkstone pool, Xu Ke picked up the pen and dropped the paper, and drew the talisman on the talisman paper according to the rune structure analyzed just now.

  The running speed and injection amount of spiritual power, as well as the fluctuation frequency of spiritual power, are completely based on the calculation results just now.

  The writing in the pen is like flowing clouds and flowing clouds, and it can be done in one go without any hindrance.

  Wait until the last drawing was completed, a flash of lightning flashed on the talisman paper, and the "Thunder Palm Talisman" was successfully drawn.

   "Lightning Talisman in the Palm: Proficient!"

   Oh, I have only drawn one, and I am already proficient.

   Sure enough, sharpening the knife does not cut wood by mistake. The previous analysis and calculation have greatly promoted the drawing of the spell.

  You mean the success rate? nonexistent.

  Through a thorough analysis and careful calculation, if the drawing of symbols fails, it can only be due to hand damage.

  This is the essential difference between "drawing from the gourd" and "understanding thoroughly", and also the essential difference between "cultivating immortals" and "cultivating the Tao".

  Next, of course, is to continue learning.

  The "low-level spell drawing technique" in the Hall of Talismans contains a lot of illustrations for drawing low-level spells.

   Some of these spells and corresponding spells were learned by Xu Ke, and some were not learned by Xu Ke.

   However, this is not a problem.

   Haven't learned the corresponding spells? By interpreting the diagram of the spell and deducing the three-dimensional rune structure of this spell, one can deduce the trajectory of the spiritual power.

   Then calculate it with the Taoist technique, and the data of the operation of spiritual power is also out.

  Learning spells, I no longer need to buy spell books, as long as I have a spell, I can learn the corresponding spells.

  Xu Ke first disassembled the rune structure one by one and calculated the spiritual power data one by one of the spells he had learned, and quickly learned how to draw these spells.

   However, due to the lack of corresponding spirit ink, many spells cannot be drawn.

   "Sweet Rain Talisman: Mastery."

   "Golden Light Talisman: Mastery."

   "Amulet of Lightness: Mastery."

   Learned three more spells.

   Subsequently, Xu Ke learned some spells from the "low-level spell drawing technique" by interpreting spell diagrams.

   "Dust Removal", "Wind Dispelling", "Ice Arrow", "Fireball", "Dust Explosion", "Detoxification", "Illumination"...

  Learning makes me happy, and I can't extricate myself from being addicted to learning.

   "Junior Brother Xu! Junior Brother Xu!"

   Gao Zhengzheng's call woke up Xu Ke from his obsession with studying.

  Looking up, it was already evening.

   Well, I've been working so hard.

  Xu Ke smiled, got up and walked out of the room.

   "Brother Gao, why are you here again?"

  Come to the gate of the courtyard, open the gate, Xu Ke welcomes Gao Zhengzhi in.

   "Why are you here again?"

  Gao Zhengzhi rolled his eyes, "I have been busy all day, busy selling wine for you, busy buying green jade boats for you, and you just tell me why are you here again?"

   "Huh? So fast?"

  Xu Ke was stunned for a moment, "I thought it would take several days."

   "Hey, you underestimated me."

  Gao Zheng raised his head upright as if showing off, "With me, how can it take a few days? I will finish it for you on the same day."

  The two walked while talking, and then sat down in the main room.

   "Come on, Junior Brother Xu, this is Qingyu Zhou."

  Sit down at the table, Gao Zhengzhi took out a flying boat about a foot long from the storage bag, like a flying boat carved from blue jade, and handed it to Xu Ke.

   "Is this the Sapphire Boat? It looks pretty good."

  Xu Ke reached out to take the sapphire boat, released a trace of spiritual power, and probed into the flying boat. There was no trace of spiritual power left in it.

  Gao Zhengzhi said that this sapphire boat has never been used at all, and it really has never been used.

   It is said to be a "used car", but it is still a "first-hand car", which is very good.

   The first flying magic weapon in the cultivation career, it is not someone else's leftover, of course it is the best.

  Xu Ke nodded, picked up the sapphire boat and looked at it carefully.

   This flying boat looks very delicate, and its shape and color are not flashy, but very simple and elegant, in line with Xu Ke's aesthetics.

"Not bad!"

  Xu Ke was very satisfied with this sapphire boat, so he said to Gao Zhengzheng: "Brother Gao, I don't know the cost of this sapphire boat..."

   "Hehe! Isn't this a coincidence?"

Gao Zhengzhi once again showed off, "Uncle Zhuo Mu Xian is in seclusion, so the amount of Ganlin Yuye on the market will naturally decrease. Junior sister Li Muzi happens to like to drink this kind of wine. I use two thousand catties of Ganlin Yuye, and I can drink it easily. It's changed."

   "Then thank you, brother."

  Xu Ke naturally knew that Zhuo Muxian was retreating, but he didn't know that Gan Linyuye was so popular with Li Muzi's junior sister, and there was no such transaction channel. Only Gao Zhengzhi could do this kind of thing.

   "After replacing the sapphire boat, there are still three hundred catties of Ganlin Yuye left."

  Gao Zhengzhi reached out and took out the storage bag, "Am I paying you the Lingshi directly?"

"not busy."

  Xu Ke stopped him with a voice, and said, "Brother Gao, I plan to learn how to draw spells, and I need a set of spirit ink of various colors. It doesn't need to be too good, low-level spirit ink is enough."

   "This is easy."

  Gao Zhengzhi readily agreed, "Low-level spirit ink naturally has no time-space attribute, and a set of spirit ink with complete ten other attributes is only two hundred spirit stones, and I happen to have it on me."

   As he spoke, Gao Zhengzhi took out an ink cartridge from the storage bag and handed it to Xu Ke, "Junior Brother Xu, take a look."

   "You...have it with you?"

  A look of surprise flashed in Xu Ke's eyes, and then he realized it again.

  Gao Zhengzhi came here before, seeing that I didn't want to dispose of the rewards of the Zongmen Grand Competition, he already guessed that I wanted to learn those skills.

  In the rewards of the Zongmen Dabi, the low-level spirit beast cultivation method, I have the Purple Skylark. Yujianshu also has a magic weapon long sword rewarded by the sect. Not to mention the spirit tea formula of Si Nong Dian.

  Only "low-level spell drawing", and consumables such as spirit ink are required. Maybe, Gao Zhengzhi even brought the talisman pen and talisman paper with him.

   This person really knows how to do business.

  Xu Ke smiled, and said to Gao Zhengzhi: "Brother Gao, you must have the talisman pen and talisman paper on you, right?"

   "Hahahaha! Junior brother's Fayan is perfect!"

  Gao Zhengzhi saw that Xu Ke understood the reason, laughed, and took out three talisman pens and a large stack of talisman papers from the storage bag.

   "Three talisman pens are all high-quality talisman pens used in the Hall of Talismans, with a total of 300 spirit stones. One thousand pieces of talisman paper count as one hundred spirit stones."

  Xu Ke looked at these things, curled his lips, "Counting the spirit ink, there are a total of six hundred spirit stones, which is just equivalent to the remaining three hundred catties of Ganlin Yuye. Brother Gao really knows how to do business."

   "Haha. Where is it."

  Gao Zhengzhi rubbed his head and laughed, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

  If I didn’t lose a lot of money, how could I do such a trick? There is no way!

   "Okay, I want all these things!"

  Xu Ke didn't deliberately make things difficult, Gao Zhengzhi delivered the goods to the door, so that he wouldn't make another trip.

  Besides, Xu Ke has already made a lot of money with the green jade boat alone.

  Looking at the sapphire boat placed on the table, a smile appeared on Xu Ke's face.

   Finally "buy a car"!

  (end of this chapter)