MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 112 What a move

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  Chapter 112 What a move

   "Alas, business can't be done."

   Gao Zhengzhi sat in front of the table with a depressed face, and looked up at Xu Ke.

   "Tiangong Pavilion has joined the Southern Alliance, and the Universal Business Alliance has joined the Four Factions Alliance. All the shops opened by the various sects have been closed, and all the personnel have been withdrawn. The market in Haoyang City has become depressed."

   "You don't believe it, even the pavilions opened by the Maiden Sect and Hehuan Sect are closed."

  Gao Zhengzhi let out a long sigh, "All the medicines, charms, instruments, and even food materials are all increasing in price, but I can only watch and can't get involved at all."

   "You must not meddle."

  Xu Ke shook his head with a smile, "It's okay to do business, but you have to stand firm. You can do business with peace of mind, because you have the backing of the sect. You can't only care about your own interests, but harm the interests of the sect."

   "Your surname is not Ma, so don't be so stubborn. You must be consistent with the overall situation of the sect, otherwise, it is true that the sect can't deal with you?"

   "Sell the magic weapon in your hand, as well as other purified materials, to Zongmen at a low price!"

Xu Ke put down the "Yuan Fu Jing" jade slip in his hand, and said to Gao Zhengzheng: "In addition, keep some magical artifacts, put them in the Baibaozhai of Bishuitan, and sell them to disciples of Bishuitan at a low price. Ready for battle!"


  Gao Zhengzhi nodded, and didn't care about the question of "whether the surname is Ma or not."

   After finishing speaking, Gao Zhengzhi approached him again, lowered his voice and said, "I heard that Master Ming Hong, the master of the Si Nong Hall, died. Who do you think will be the next Master of the Si Nong Hall?"

   "Don't worry about these nosy things."

  Xu Ke waved his hand, "Hurry up and prepare yourself for combat equipment, magical weapons and spiritual weapons, and prepare a few more for emergencies."


  Gao Zhengzhi nodded, and said, "I mean, only true disciples are qualified to serve as Master of the Sinong Palace. You are also a true disciple, can you..."

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense, get out!"

  Xu Ke waved his hand directly and sent Gao Zhengzhi away.

  Master Ming Hong, the Master of the Temple of Sinong, passed away, and the position of Master of the Temple of Sinong became vacant.

  Master Minghong also accepted disciples, and still held the post of "General Manager" in the Examination Division of Sinong Hall, but his sense of existence is very low, and he hardly participates in the examination affairs. He just concentrates on practicing.

   According to Gao Zhengzhi's statement, Xu Ke is indeed qualified to take over as the Lord of Sinonong.

   Moreover, Master Zhang has already expressed this meaning.


  Xu Ke sighed, I really just want to be a research-oriented monk, I don’t want to be in power, there are too many trifles.

   "Senior Brother Liu, are you free? Please come to Kunwu Academy."

  Xu Ke picked up the summoning talisman and sent a summons to Liu Yongtian from Bishuitan Baibaozhai.

"I am coming over now."

  Liu Yongtian hung up the summons and hurried over.

  A moment later, Liu Yongtian came to Kunwu Courtyard, bowed his hands to Xu Ke, "What orders does Fangzheng have?"

   "Senior brother Liu, you are too polite."

  Xu Ke greeted him with a smile, led Liu Yongtian in, and sat down in the main hall.

   "Senior brother Liu, I don't know how you've changed since you switched to Five Elements Kungfu?"

  After the two sat down, Xu Ke asked Liu Yongtian.

   "The transfer to practice has gone smoothly, and it is estimated that within this year, I can resume my cultivation of perfect Qi training."

  Liu Yongtian stood up and bowed to Xu Ke, "I would like to thank Junior Brother Xu for his support, otherwise, Lao Liu, I can only sit and wait for the loess."

   "Senior Brother Liu, you don't need to be polite."

  Xu Ke stretched out his hand and made a move, and the "Five Elements Wheel" fell into his hand.

This is Xu Ke's first practice of refining spiritual weapons. I don't know whether it is good craftsmanship or good luck. For the spirit weapon.

  Xu Ke strengthened the material again, and planned to give the "Five Elements Wheel" to Liu Yongtian for protection.

   "Senior brother Liu, this is a spiritual weapon, which is very compatible with your skills. Now that the Zongmen battle is imminent, it is just for the brother to defend himself."

   As he spoke, Xu Ke handed the "Five Elements Wheel" to Liu Yongtian, "Take it, don't be polite to me."

   "This...then thank you, Junior Brother Xu."

   Liu Yongtian bowed, and reached out to take the spiritual weapon "Five Elements Wheel".

  The chances of life are really fickle.

   I was wasting away for decades, even reaching the end of my lifespan, and could only wait to die, but suddenly got the opportunity to build a foundation.

  Now...the foundation has not yet been established, and even the foundation establishment spirit weapon is available.

  Xu Ke, you are truly my destiny!

   "I still have things to do these days. Brother Liu has to worry about the management of the Bishuitan disciples."

  Xu Ke stood up and bowed back to Liu Yongtian, "Brother, please bear with me."

   "Don't dare."

  Liu Yongtian clasped his fists and saluted, "But there is an order, and there is nothing I can't do."

   "Then please brother!"

  Xu Ke nodded with a smile, and after explaining to Liu Yongtian, Liu Yongtian left.

  After sending Liu Yongtian away, Xu Ke began to bury his head again.

   Yes, head down to study.

  The process of analyzing the Heavenly Demon Talisman has encountered difficulties, or in other words, there has not been much progress at all, and it is still stuck at the first step. So far, I still can't understand the basic magic patterns.

   This made Xu Ke doubt his "knowledge" for a while.

  So, Xu Ke started to make up lessons.

  Yuanfujing's foundation-building spells, Tianxingzong's twenty-eight mansions and stars method, Manghe Sword School's Canglang Sword Art. All the foundation-building spells, exercises, and talisman arrays that I have read in the Sutra Pavilion of Haoyang Mountain.

   Even including the natural texture structure that Xu Ke saw when he helped Zhuo Muxian stimulate a special seed.

  Some of these knowledge are revisited, some concentrate on learning, some comprehend by analogy, and some are compared for reference...

  Xu Ke even learned a hundred times when he was learning and reviewing the knowledge, and he mastered the knowledge and mastered it like the back of his hand.

  However, even so, Xu Ke still failed to find a way to interpret the magic pattern.

  Whether it is the foundation-building spells of the Yuan Fu Jing, or the talisman structure of the two Jindan exercises, there is no basic rune that is the same or similar to the basic magic pattern.

  Could it be...the basic rune and the basic magic pattern are two completely unrelated things?

  This is impossible!

  Since magic skills can be cultivated and magic spells can be cast, it means that the magic system must still be within the scope of the spiritual power system.

  The so-called "magic qi" must be just a special form of aura.

  There are still rumors in the practice circle that "a hundred days of cultivating the Tao is not as good as becoming a demon in a single thought", which is talking about the quick success of the magic way and the power of the magic way.

  In Xu Ke's view, this further shows that the practice of magic and the practice of immortality are essentially two sides of the same body, and they lead to the same goal by different routes.

  Wait, one body with two sides? Plus or minus? yin and yang?

  If aura is positive energy, magic energy is negative energy?

   This is indeed an idea!

   Xu Ke's mind flashed, and he sank into deep research again.

  Southern region.

  In a remote mountain cave, a real person of Ming and Qing Dynasties lay down in the cave, his whole body was hot and he coughed violently.

   After suffering the "Treatise Curse" from Fairy Xinglin, even if it was a demon who seized his body, he was tortured to and fro on the sick bed, dying.

  With the cultivation base of Jindan Daoist, he actually has the ability to regulate his own "Yuanzong Yingwei" four qi.

  However, having this ability does not mean being able to do it.

  Having hands gives you the ability to write, but you have to learn how to write before you can write.

  Ming and Qing real people do have the ability to regulate the four qi of "Yuanzong Yingwei" in the body, but she is not a doctor, how can she know how to regulate it?

   Not to mention the Heavenly Demon, which is transformed into freedom. It is not a creature of flesh and blood. It doesn't even have the concept of illness. How can it be expected to know medical skills?

  So, the real people of Ming and Qing Dynasties could only hide in the barren mountains and linger slowly, waiting for the body to overcome the disease and recover by itself.

  For a demon like "He Hua Zi Zai Tian Mo", staying in one place for a long time and not being able to go out to make troubles is simply like going to jail, which is completely unbearable.

   "How long will it take to recover?"

  He Huazizai Heavenly Demon asks the consciousness of Ming and Qing real people in his soul.

   "How would I know? I'm not a doctor!" Ming and Qing Daoist replied.

   "You flesh and blood creatures are so fragile, you still get sick?" He was very dissatisfied with Hua Zi Zi Tianmo.

   This is not a disease, this is a medical spell.

  Under normal circumstances, how could Jindan Daoist get sick?

  Ming Qing Daoist muttered in his heart, and didn't bother to talk about "He turned into a free demon".

  Regarding the current situation, the real people of Ming and Qing Dynasties are very satisfied.

   If you are unwell, you cannot go out to kill and set fire, and you will not continue to do evil. It would be best if he could stay sick like this forever.

   "You think it's better to be sick?"

   "Do you think you can't do evil when you're sick?"

   "Haha! How childish!"

   "I'm the 'He Hua Zi Zi Heavenly Demon'! Do you think that's all I have?"

  He Huazizai Tianmo burst into laughter, "There is also an incarnation of the seven emotions over there, and there are many fun things to do!"

   "Do you is better for a father to be kind and filial to his son, or is it better for father and son to kill each other?"

  Manghe Sword Sect, Tianjian Peak.

  In the back house of the Canglang Hall, Youquan and his wife stood side by side in front of a bed.

  On the bed, lay a handsome young man wearing a brocade robe, a golden crown on his head, holding a sword in both hands.

  This young man is naturally the dead body of the son of Master Youquan.

  Unsealed the ice coffin, tidied up his appearance, and placed his son on the bed. After one last glance, Master Youquan was about to cut off the golden core in his son's body with a sword.

  Since she has been enchanted, since she has been refined into the embodiment of the seven emotions, even if there is still a trace of life left, even if she is not completely dead, it is still "life is better than death".


  Realist Youquan's wife, and his junior sister, Reverend Youlan, reached out to touch his son's face, tears rolled down his eyes.

   Seeing this situation, Master Youquan felt a sharp pain in his heart, his eyes were red, and he clenched his fist tightly.

   "Junior Sister, it's time!"

  After a long while, Master Youquan stretched out his hand and pulled his wife over, "He has been refined into the incarnation of the seven emotions. Even if there is still a trace of life left, he is still alive. him escape with my own hands!"


   Master Youlan burst into tears, but also knew that this was the best choice.

  Life is better than death, and it is better to be liberated directly in order to reincarnate.

   There was a "choke".

  Realist Youquan pulled out the long sword from his waist.

  With Master Youquan's cultivation base, the sword must be as stable as a rock, without any looseness.

  However... when Master Youquan pulled out the sword, he was not as good as a novice who just learned swordsmanship, his wrist trembled, and the sword light trembled.

  I raised my hand several times, but the sword was so difficult that I couldn't go through it at all!

   "Son, let me help you out!"

   "I will definitely find out the real culprit and avenge you!"

   Taking a deep breath, Immortal Youquan closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, raised his long sword, and was about to stab at the bed.

  The real Youlan next to him turned around, closed his eyes, and two lines of hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

   "Father, mother."

   At this time, the body lying on the bed without a sound suddenly came to life and called out to Youquan Zhenren and his wife.

  The sound of "father and mother" made Master Youquan tremble all over, tears splashed in his tiger's eyes, and the long sword in his hand could no longer stab.

  Realist Youlan was startled when he heard this call, as if struck by lightning, he suddenly turned around and looked over.


  Seeing his son who had come back to life, Master Youlan let out a mournful cry, got up and was about to rush forward.

  Realist Youquan quickly reached out to stop him.

  Heaved a long breath, Master Youquan raised his eyes to look at his "son" sitting on the bed, gritted his teeth, and asked hoarsely, "Who are you?"

   "Father, mother, what's the matter with you? Don't you recognize me? My common name is Jiang Zhongliu, and my Taoist name is Chengming. I am your son!"

  The young man on the bed had a pure face, clear eyes, and no trace of magic, just like his previous son.


  How can Master Youquan not know the weird and terrifying methods of magic?

   "If I hadn't seen the demon talisman in your body with my own eyes, maybe you could have fooled me."

  Realist Youquan gritted his teeth, and raised the long sword in his hand again, "My son is strong and upright, heroic and decisive, devil, how can I allow you to desecrate my son's body?"


  The sword light that was full of water rippled up, the sword light condensed in a line, and the sword of the torrent lingered.

   "Father, do you really believe what Hao Yangzong said?"

   "The matter of the incarnation of the seven emotions is just one side of the Haoyang School."

   "Do you think, is it possible that I was just cursed by Hao Yangzong with magical methods?"

   Facing Immortal Youquan's sword that was about to strike, the young man did not dodge or dodge, but looked up at Master Youquan, and spoke calmly.


  As soon as these words came out, Immortal Youlan next to him grabbed Immortal Youquan, "What he said is not unreasonable, don't..."

   "Let go! He is no longer our son. When I talked to him, I never mentioned the incarnation of the seven emotions..."

  Realist Youquan hurriedly explained to his wife.

  Uh... was discovered? This is boring!

  He changed his mind to Huazizai Tianmo. If the father is not good and the son is filial, then only father and son can kill each other.


  A sword howl soared into the sky.

  The young man stood up and stabbed at Youquan real person with a sword, and the radiant water condensed into a drop, which was the sword of dripping water.

   What a good trick "Father's Loving Son's Sword of Filial Piety"!

   Arthas, the Lich King, calls himself an expert!

   (The famous stalk of World of Warcraft is about Alsace, Prince of Lordaeron, who killed his father.)

   (If you have never played Warcraft, you can ignore it, and treat it as an allusion you have never heard.)

  (end of this chapter)