MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 108 What a sinister world!

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  Chapter 108 What a dangerous world!

   "Xu Ke, we have received news that the four major sects have joined forces to attack the sect's residence?"

  On the altar of the Bishuitan Cave Mansion, Xu Ke had just sent a group of incoming Jindan Daoist people into the source of the filthy atmosphere in Hengduan Mountain, when the summons from the elder guardians came.

   "Yes! There is such a thing. Tianxingzong, Yanyuezong, Wuyuezong, Four Seas Business Alliance, the four sects jointly attacked the Zongmen's resident."

  Xu Ke nodded, "Right now, there are thousands of flying boats and warships outside, bombing the mountain guard formation."

   "Just bombing the mountain guard?"

  The Elder Dharma Guardian was stunned for a moment, "I have received news that a group of Jindan Daoist people broke into the Zongmen's residence through teleportation, and the situation is very critical..."

   "The Jindan raid is real, but it's not right if the situation is critical."

  Xu Ke smiled, "Just now, I sent a group of Jindan real people who raided the sect through the teleportation array to the birthplace of the filth. You should check the source of the news, there must be something wrong."

   "Wait! You..."

  The Elder Dharma Guardian exclaimed, "You sent a group of attacking Golden Core Daoists to the source of the filth?"


  Xu Ke nodded, "Didn't you specifically ask about the theodolite orbit of the space anchor point where the foul air originated? They sneaked through the transfer array, so I added a layer of teleportation gates and sent them all in."


  The elder protector was stunned for a long time before choking out a word, "Awesome!"

  As a person who has personally experienced the power of filth, how can the Elder Dharma Guardian not know the power of filth?

  The elder protectors at this moment express their deep sympathy to those Jindan Daoists who attacked. It's too awful! It's a hundred times worse than killing them directly!

   Just imagining that scene made the elder protector tremble all over.

At first, I was worried about the loss of the Zongmen's resident, but now...let alone a dozen or so golden elixirs, even a hundred golden elixirs are useless, they were all thrown into the birthplace of filth by him. Die alive.

  A crisis that was enough to cause heavy losses to the sect was solved so easily by him.

  Xu Ke, this kid, is really ruthless, and he plays like a thief!

  Young people today are really amazing! I can't afford it, I can't afford it! —

   Outside Haoyang City, on a hill hundreds of miles away from the battlefield.

  The beautiful woman, the concubine of the Lord of Sinon, was observing the distant battlefield through clairvoyance with a man in black.

   "The high priest really had a clever plan. The four major sects were all tricked by you, and they besieged Haoyangzong together."

  The black-robed man turned his head and glanced at the beautiful woman, "A non-existent 'chance' made the four major sects behave like pigs and dogs."

   "It's not like nothing."

  The glamorous woman smiled, "Didn't the Black Fox Demon King say that there was a chance before he died on the gravel defense line? There are many rumors about this."

   "I took advantage of it a little bit, saying that the Haoyang Sect discovered a ruin in Hengduan Mountain, and found the opportunity to become a Nascent Soul. Naturally, the four major sects can't sit still!"

  The beautiful woman sneered, "The Haoyang Sect monopolizes Hengduan Mountain, and coupled with the opportunity of Nascent Soul, once they develop, how can there be room for other sects to survive in the wilderness in the future? Naturally, we can only go to war!"

   "Huh? What's going on? It's been so long, why hasn't there been any movement?"

  At this time, the black-robed man stared at Haoyang City with wide eyes, with a look of surprise on his face, "Did the teleportation array fail to start? Why is there no movement at all?"

   "Huh? It's really weird!"

  The glamorous woman frowned, "My 'Sky Ball' has clearly been activated, and the teleportation array has also been activated normally. Those Jindan real people must have been teleported in."

   "Then why is there no movement at all?"

  The black-robed man was a little annoyed, "Isn't it possible that more than a dozen golden elixirs will be sent in, and all of them will die in a blink of an eye? Who has such a great ability?"

   "It's really weird!"

  The glamorous woman nodded, "If you want to kill more than a dozen golden cores in the blink of an eye without making a fuss, it's simply impossible."

   "Since they were not killed, what about them? Can they still get lost?"

  The man in black jumped anxiously, feeling extremely agitated.

"get lost?"

  The glamorous woman was shocked, looked up towards the direction of Haoyang City, and muttered to herself, "Perhaps... I really got lost!"

   "Huh? Portals can also get lost?"

  The man in the black robe turned his head to look at the beautiful woman, with an expression of "you're **** kidding me".

   "Yes! The portal is the easiest way to get lost!"

  The glamorous woman is still looking in the direction of Haoyang City, "If someone is at the exit of the portal and adds another portal, then I don't know where I will be teleported!"

   "What kind of lava and fire lake, what kind of frozen ice, what kind of poisonous miasma swamp, all kinds of strange places, it is possible to teleport there!"

  A gleam flashed in the eyes of the glamorous woman, "This is the only possibility. I didn't expect Haoyangzong to hide such a formation master. What a good trick! The world is dangerous, and you must not underestimate anyone!"

   "You mean, those golden elixir that raided were sent to other places with a portal?"

  The black-robed man was stunned for a moment, "Then... in the current situation, what should we do?"

   "Don't do anything!"

  The glamorous woman waved her hand, "Although it's a little unexpected, our goal of instigating various sects in the vast wilderness to start a war has also been achieved."

   "More than a dozen real Jindan masters from the four major sects have disappeared, and it is even more likely that they died directly. The Haoyang School and the four major sects have already formed a deadly feud."

   "More than a dozen golden elixirs fell into the hands of Haoyangzong. This incident must have shocked the world, and everyone was in danger. Coupled with the chance of the Nascent Soul, the major sects will definitely form a group and join forces to fight against Haoyangzong."

   "What's more, I have chosen a 'Leader' for them. The real Youquan of the Manghe Sword Sect is the most suitable leader to lead all the sects to fight against Haoyangzong."

   "The current situation does not contradict my plan, and is even better than what I expected."

   "A dozen or so golden elixir masters were killed at once, hehe, even if the major sects go to war, it may not be such a good result, and so many golden elixirs may not die!"

  The glamorous woman smiled sweetly, and waved to the man in black robe next to her, "Let's go! There is no need to worry about this place anymore!"

  Yanghe Sandbar.

  The golden core battle is still going on.

  The real Zhangjiao led the four golden cores of the sect to form a formation and join hands to fight against the enemy. He was fighting with the elder Suixing of the Tianxing sect, the real Youquan of the Manghe sword sect and others.

   "Mingyang old thief, you have been tricked!"

  Elder Suixing of Tianxing Zong shot out a beam of starlight, broke open a Lihuo golden feather sword, and laughed at the master teacher: "You have fallen into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain."

   "At this moment, Haoyangzong's defense is empty. Our Tianxingzong, Yanyuezong, Wuyuezong and Sihai Business League, more than 1,000 warships, and 18 golden elixir, jointly raided Haoyangzong's residence."

   "Mingyang old thief, your old lair has been taken over by one pot, you are already bereaved dogs!"

  Elder Suixing’s clamor made the expressions of Elder Kao Gong, Master of Chuanfa Palace and others change drastically.

  When they came to support Zhenren Zhangjiao, everyone knew the truth.

   There is no Jindan in the Zongmen resident, so it is true to say that the defense is empty.

  Now, the four major sects joined forces to attack, eighteen golden cores, and more than a thousand warships. This force is so strong that even if everyone sits in the sect, it will be difficult to resist, not to mention the defense is empty now.

   "Everyone, don't worry."

  Teacher Zhenren secretly sent a voice transmission, "Xu Ke has sent me a summons, and the sect is safe and sound!"

safe and sound?

   A dozen golden cores, more than a thousand warships, under the siege and raid, are they still safe and sound? It's outrageous!

  Xu Ke, what method did he use?

  Elder Kao Gong and the others were secretly surprised, but they didn’t think much about it. They are still fighting now!

  Therefore, Zhangjiao Zhenren and others were unmoved at all, and continued to fight with the opponent. Elder Suixing's heart attack strategy was completely useless.

   After fighting for a while, Elder Suixing received a summons.

   "The elders, suzerains, and Jindan Daoists from all factions have all lost contact!"

   "Half an hour ago, Jindan Daoist from each faction raided Haoyangzong with a teleportation array. Then... we lost contact!"

   "There is no movement inside the Haoyang School, and the Jindan Daoist of each faction can't be contacted, as if they disappeared inexplicably."

  Hearing the summons, Elder Tianxing Zong Suixing's expression changed, and his heart skipped a beat.

No way? Those are eighteen Jindan real people!

  With the teaming up of the 18 Jindan real people, even if they break through head-on, even if the defenseless Haoyangzong uses all their strength to open up the big formation, it won't be able to resist for long.

   Using the teleportation array to attack, and the teleportation array arranged by the "inner ghost", it is even more difficult to resist. It is absolutely possible to break through the defense line in an instant and directly destroy Haoyangzong.

  Now...the 18 Jindan Daoist have disappeared inexplicably?

  What cards did Haoyangzong keep? So scary?

   The fate of the Nascent Soul is indeed true.

   Hao Yangzong not only found the opportunity to become the Nascent Soul, but also probably found the Nascent Soul Supreme Treasure. That's why the disappearance of eighteen Jindan real people happened!

  At this moment, Elder Suixing panicked.

   It was the opportunity of the Nascent Soul and the treasure of the Nascent Soul, which made Elder Suixing feel even more that the Haoyang School was unfathomable.

   "An accident happened on the frontal battlefield!"

  Elder Suixing hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the others, "The suzerain and the Jindan masters of all factions have all lost their news. This must be a trick of Haoyangzong!"

   "The suzerain and several Jindan real people are missing, and the sect is at stake. We must stay useful and return to the sect to take charge of the overall situation! Wait for the right opportunity and be ready to retreat at any time!"

  Elder Suixing’s voice transmission was of course only aimed at his own people, and he did not inform Master Youquan of the Manghe Sword Sect.

  After all... this is a battle between golden cores!

   Even if you want to run, you can't run if you want to. You have to leave someone behind.

  The real Youquan of the Manghe Sword Sect is the best candidate for topping the tank.

   "Canglang Sword Art, Sword of Raging Tide!"

  Realist Youquan still doesn't know that he is about to be topped by someone, and after losing his beloved son, the real person Youquan is already red-eyed.

  The mighty sword light was like a tsunami, and the raging tide swept out towards Master Zhangjiao and others.

   "Good opportunity, withdraw!"

  Elder Suixing saw that real Youquan was using his big move, which was a good opportunity to run away, so he hurriedly called everyone to retreat.

  All the Golden Core Masters of the Heavenly Star Sect who had already prepared to retreat quickly launched the Starlight Escape Technique.

   There was only a flash of starlight, and the five golden core masters of the Tianxing sect instantly turned into a starlight and escaped far away.

   "Eh? What's going on?"

  Realist Youquan burst out with all his strength, and slashed out a tsunami-like "Sword of Raging Tide", pinning down several members of the Haoyang Sect. He was about to call on the people of the Tianxing Sect to use the opportunity to make a big move, but found that...

  People are gone!

  The "comrades" who were fighting side by side just now disappeared without a trace.

  Damn, don't you even say hello when you run?

  You were still comrades-in-arms just now, but in a blink of an eye, you took someone to the top of the tank. Are you monks of the Tianxing sect so bottomless?

   What a dangerous world!

  The grief and indignation in Master Youquan's heart is beyond words.

  The next moment, the five Jindan masters of Haoyangzong quickly changed their formation and surrounded Master Youquan in the middle.

  Since the people from the Tianxing Sect have escaped, let's deal with Master Youquan first.

  The corners of Master Youquan's mouth twitched violently a few times. It's over now, I can't even run away!

   How can you fight against the five golden elixirs of Haoyangzong alone?

   I can only do my best, and the only thing I can think about is to see if I can pull one to die together.

  Through his thoughts, Immortal Youquan gritted his teeth, shook his wrist, and the sword light flashed.

  The majestic water light turned into a water line, and Master Youquan put his body together with his sword, and used the desperate sword art "Sword of Torrent", and killed the master teacher!

  The real Youquan fell into a desperate situation, and he didn't forget to avenge his son, so he went directly to the real person in charge, trying to die together.

  Seeing that Reverend Youquan risked his life for his life, seeing that the sword of Torrent was about to slash in front of him, Reverend Master... he moved away.

   There is a gap in the encirclement.

  Although Master Youquan was a little confused about the situation, he didn't have time to think about it. If he had a chance to escape, who would be so desperate!

  The Torrent Sword kept going, and Master Youquan took the opportunity to fly away with the sword, and rushed a long way in a moment, fleeing the battlefield in a hurry.

   "Brother in charge, you..."

  The master of the Dharma transmission hall turned his head to look at the real person in charge, "Why did you let him go?"

   "The conflict between me and Master Youquan should be due to someone else's trick."

  The Master Teacher frowned, "Besides, if we kill Master Youquan, the Manghe Sword Sect will definitely join hands with the Tianxing Sect to deal with us."

   "If you don't kill Master Youquan, he won't trust Tianxingzong anymore because of the fact that Tianxingzong took him as the top of the vat just now. Even if the two factions are hostile to us, it will be difficult to unite."

   "It is certainly better to divide the enemy than to unite the enemy."

   After all, it is the head teacher, who considers the problem on the overall situation, and does not worry about the momentary victory or defeat.

  Hearing these words, everyone nodded their heads, "Brother Master is well-planned and far-sighted, I admire you."

  The Master Teacher waved his hand, pressed Luodunguang, and landed on the previous sandbar.

  The sandbar at this not a sandbar anymore.

  As early as when Master Zhang broke the Canglang Sword Formation with the Sunshine Flame, the sandbar was directly blown away.

   Except for the area protected by the Haoyang Bell, the rest of the area became a vast ocean.

   It's not just the sandbar, the battle of more than a dozen Jindans just now, even if they all fought in mid-air, the aftermath of the battle also caused huge damage.

  Within a radius of tens of miles, there are large pits like meteorites bombarding everywhere. The mountains collapsed, the land sank, and the surroundings were full of desolation.

  The head teacher stretched out his hand and took back the Haoyang clock.

  In the small area protected by Haoyang Bell, there are two figures lying down. One is Master Minghong, the master of the green-headed hall who fell into a coma after being intoxicated by the incense of drunken immortals, and the other is the corpse of the son of Master Youquan.

  Renren Zhangjiao ignored Master Minghong, and instead looked at the corpse of Reverend Youquan's son.

  Realist Youquan's son, who was in an inexplicable ambush before, looked desperate again, and fought as if he was going to die. There is definitely something wrong here.

  Maybe...something can be found on this corpse.

  If the real reason can be found out, the conflict of the Manghe Sword Sect may be resolved.

  Xu Ke has already sent a message. He cheated eighteen golden cores in one fell swoop. This record is simply terrifying.

  Brilliant record, but it also pushed Haoyangzong to the position of "everyone is afraid", so we must deal with it carefully, and avoid being besieged by all sects united.

  (end of this chapter)