MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2035 Attracted

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Dafei has never played so much casually today. What Dafei has to do now is watch the deep sea fortress and sandworm mining machine for one minute, one hour, one hour.

And Zavala's engulfing is not infinite. After eating a car of crystal mines, Zavala started to sleep: "Sir, I should reach the limit of energy. At this time, I need to sleep for a while. When I wake up, I It can improve a lot, I try to wake up as soon as possible. "

Da Fei's current lineup is no shortage of Zavala, and is very calm: "No problem, you can sleep peacefully, don't worry about it."

It was noon in an instant, and after eating Xiaofang's takeaway lunch, he continued to stare at the mine.

Then the message of Seven Sea Overlord's friend came: "Fei brother, the storm has stopped, we will start again, we can arrive at about 12 o'clock in the evening."

Dafei was satisfied: "It's hard, this long voyage is boring, right?"

"Not boring at all, you can fish, practice cooking, practice medicine, watch movies when you hang up ..."

Da Fei was filled with emotions. Isn't that what he wanted when he first entered the game? It is a pity that such a simple and casual life is no longer enjoyable as a "Chinese agent".

Da Fei Shensheng asked: "In fact, there is still a problem. After all, these dozen three brothers are the main force in India. Maybe there is a dragon race Naga hidden race. Can you all be casual players? ? "

The Seven Seas Overlord laughed: "Feige, we are a little bit more casual, but how can we not have a sense of urgency in the guild of Feige? Besides, let's just say that the poisonous jellyfish we salvage from the trawl net refined a few barrels of poison Now, we also want to see how Sange blocked our poison trawl. Even if Sange blocked the poison, we still have barrel mines. "

Dafei laughed: "Okay, brother is still the sentence, rest assured, broke brother to subsidize you!"

"Just say this to Brother Fei, we have fight with Brother San!"

"Don't, you can't beat and run! Anyway, it's to make the third brother upset."

"Understand, we have the Clippers in hand, we are the best at it!"

At the end of the conversation, Da Fei calculated that at 12 o'clock in the evening, the mine at the bottom of the lake is almost dug, and it is time to start. After all, there is still an emerald dream sea to spend time exploring.


Headquarters of the Indian Dragon Dragon Tribe. For the Indian team, it has never been so happy and entangled as in these two days.

Fortunately, the new alliance is really an extremely efficient, fair and fair alliance. As long as the headquarters has reviewed the projects that have passed customs, even the Swedish and South Korean teams that have been marginalized before have received collective support from the organization. Unlike the Fordson period, there is always a benefit to the US team, and the Indian team is always the cannon fodder. This is "the power of true solidarity that erupts at the end of the world!"

The tangled thing is that although the Indian team wants to support it, although there is also a savior support place "Wei Tian", the Indian team cannot come up with such high-end big projects as the Korean team's Emerald Dream! Previously, the Indian team and Fordson had a “Void Rocket” plan that had been delayed but had been delayed. The “Void Ship Manufacture” plan was all because Fordson ’s class was abolished.

In fact, the Indian team also has a big project, and that is the tears of Asha!

Long before the New World was launched, the Indian team had indirectly contacted the tears of Asha from the airship auction of Da Fei. After the New World opened, the Dragon Naga players of the Indian team began to dispatch in all directions. Explore the sea day and night in areas with clues on all sources.

Only at this time did the Indian team demonstrate the national strength of a great country: that is, while living to death as a cannon fodder in the mining area of ​​the City of Gods, while constantly burning resources in the city of the mage to explore the void, while continuing to complete the organization of the task and hand it over Although the resources are all innocent, there is nothing to gain, but the Naga Dragon Ministry, which has invested the least resources, has made an amazing gain. It is the discovery of Atlantis, the undersea city!

The opportunity to discover was only to get clues from the vague words of the npc fishermen, and then the team members would rather miss the mistake and really found out, this luck can only be described as open!

However, the Indian team knows that such a major discovery in the New World will have serious consequences once the confidentiality is not strict, so the Indian team has been developing in secret and has achieved major results in stages. These are the dozens of Naga The team members finally succeeded in gaining the trust of Atlantis and became citizens of the city.

So now the Indian team is tangled, should you declare this secret to the league headquarters as a big project? If declared, then according to the rules of the alliance, this undersea city will also be "communist"! An extra group of pennyless people is replaced by anyone who is unwilling to do it!

At the same time, the fishing team who sent out the whistle of another country's trumpet at the outermost area of ​​the sea area found: "Attention, there are three pirate king pirate battleships moving towards the central area! It is expected to reach the central area in 2 hours."

There was a commotion in the headquarters. For the Indian team, any target moving towards the "central area" where Atlantis is located will touch their sensitive nerves.

Nehru's calmness as always: "Maybe it's a passing road, keep close track and watch!"

Then half an hour later, another member of the sentinel in the outer direction also reported: "An armed **** caravan of the Seven Cities Alliance was found moving toward the center."

Command riots again: "Why does the npc caravan pass here?"

As a professional player, of course, you can know the routes of the npc caravan. The npc caravan will follow the most recent safe route and the most scientific and scientific running business of the ocean current downwind route. Of course, Atlantis as a secret city could not appear near any caravan route. In fact, the Indian team discovered this city based on this rule.

The players asked again: "If the pirate happened to be crossing the road, would the caravan also happen to pass by?"

In response to this question, Nehru made a decision again: "Maybe the pirates specifically robbed this caravan?"

Nehru himself did not believe this statement, so he ordered again: "All members are on alert! Keep tracking ahead ..."


At 3 pm, Dafei excavated the mine at the bottom of the lake, and it was time to leave.

Just then, the old captain's divine hadeeth came: "Your Majesty, our side is getting dark. I feel the breath of a ghost ship, very familiar, most likely Makar."

Dafei stunned suddenly: "Makar? He said he wasn't interested?"

The old captain sneered, "Who knows what he's thinking?"

Dafei brows frantically. At this moment, Makar is going to bypass the rhythm of brother alone? If Makar is here, it means that the Seven Cities Alliance may also come? What are you doing here?