MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 85

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The beloved son of his parents has a far-reaching plan.

After Ed came out of Azer's house, he scratched his head in annoyance. Although Azer didn't beat him out, he gave an ambiguous answer to helping him.

to the Interstellar Video Network, but Azel doesn't eat this set at all.

Let's not talk about whether Azel can lock the source of the device, even if Azel can, Azel says he can't or has been delaying time for technical reasons, and he can't use this The reason is that the emperor will rule Azel's sins.


When the first two incidents happened, he had already strengthened the inspection efforts of Interstellar. Moreover, the propaganda department was scolded by Xionghuang because of the previous two incidents, and he even asked the Royal Academy overnight. A researcher specializing in cybersecurity helped upgrade the surveillance system.

But so what? Even if he scolded all the worms, it wouldn't change the fact that their surveillance system was a sieve, and it wouldn't change his current predicament.

Just when he was at a loss, his deputy sent him a text message, saying that the female queen of Jovik came to the police headquarters, saying that there were clues to provide.

's inquiry.

At the same time, Li Zhou, who had just learned about such a big scandal in the Imperial Capital Star, excitedly tugged at Xavier's sleeve and asked, "Did you arrange it?"

Sheville shook his head: "It's not me, I won't hide from you what I'm going to do, but the little thing that can bypass the two monitoring systems and find the loopholes of the Star Network may be the same as Azer related."

"That's right, you won't hide it from me." Li Zhou frowned: "Will Azer be suspected?"

"It's okay to be suspected." Shevell said firmly: "The problem of technology will only be understood when it really reaches that field. As long as Azer does not admit it, Ed and the others can't find evidence to prove it. This matter has something to do with Azel, and there are so many geniuses in this world."

The girl who was detained on the floor? And was the girl transferred by Clyde, or did she run away?"

Cheville didn't know who did it, but he could be sure that the worm behind the scenes knew the secret of the clubhouse and planned this operation for the female.

When he saw this scandal, Li Zhou was still asleep, and his first reaction was that Casey did it.

But he contacted Casey, Casey said that he did not do it, and was also curious who was doing things for the sky.

As for the female, Casey's men really saw it, and was picked up by a small aircraft. .

"Sorry." Casey said, "We couldn't keep up, and we don't know if the bugs behind the scenes will make a fuss about the appearance of this female."

Cheville comforted: "It has nothing to do with you, you have tried your best, it is still uncertain whether the worm behind the scenes is an enemy or a friend, and the female son was taken away, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Hopefully so." Kathy sighed and asked, "How is it over there?"

Chever told Casey the simple situation on his side, and asked Casey to pay more attention to the follow-up. After contacting at any time, he hung up the communication.

After listening to Xavier's remarks, Li Zhou fell into deep thought. It seemed that the Imperial City was really a crouching tiger, and because the Imperial City was not peaceful recently, he quietly stuck his head out.

However, he and Xavier agree on one point. This mysterious force takes the female son, not necessarily to deal with Xavier.

Originally, he didn't kill the female, one was for the sake of the plan, and the other was to think that the female was innocent, so he just used a means to ensure that Clyde's actions could be known to him at any time.

Now that this group of mysterious forces has picked up the female child, it can be considered a mistake to help them solve this hidden danger, but it is not a complete solution, because Clyde can still find it.

Unless they gather all the females that look similar to Xavier before Clyde finds them.

He pitched the idea to Xavier, who thought it would work, and sent Tyler a text message asking him to help find it.

Fortunately, the Zerg in the interstellar age couldn't have plastic surgery because their genes were too strong. Otherwise, even if all the insects similar to Xavier were gathered, there was no way to stop Clyde's plan.

Although Clyde may not stop for a long time, he will try to harm Xavier again, but he stops for a while, they can focus on other things.

Thinking of this, Li Zhou gloated over the misfortune and said, "This time Clyde has a headache, but he has suffered from Marshal Amos."

"Yes." Xavier looked sad, he was very worried about his teacher's current situation.

Amos, who was being worried by the husband, had to get up to greet him because of Clyde's arrival.

Clyde explained the ins and outs of the matter to Amos with a look of apology, and finally pushed everything to the female prostitute who was carried out with Archie.

"Amos, Archie was fascinated for a while, he likes you, you should know. So can you come forward and help the royal family to clarify? You are also the concubine of my royal family, Can't we just watch the royal family get humiliated?"

Amos looked at Clyde's shameless face, raised his lips and said, "Then what does Your Majesty want me to explain? Could it be that I am not abiding by virtue, and I am not carrying the son of His Royal Highness Archie? , so His Royal Highness Archie will go to the female prostitute in the middle of the night to vent?"


Clyde was half choked to death by Amos' words. If he really said that, his royal family would be equally shameless.

He scolded Archie in his heart, Clyde said: "This time it's Archie's fault, as long as you help the royal family get through this difficulty, I can promise you a condition."

Amos' eyes flickered, and he did not agree immediately, but instead asked: "Does Your Majesty's words count? Our conversation this time is private, and you can completely go back on your words."

Seeing that Amos saw through Clyde, he was furious and said: "Don't forget, I am the king, you are the minister, even if I don't give you anything, you have to listen to me Yes. For the sake of the royal blood in your arms, I promise you a condition, and you should be grateful to Dade."

"Haha..." Amos sneered.

He stood up and walked in front of Clyde, looking at Clyde who was in full shape, leaned down, and whispered: "Your Majesty, didn't you plan to leave your son to be a female father? You Having said that, how can I be grateful to Dade?"

“How do you…” Clyde looked at Armos in surprise.

"Your Majesty, you want to ask me, how did I know, right?" Amos raised a smile and said: "This is to ask your good brother, he is so I love drinking, you know it, and you know the reaction to being drunk, how do you think I know that?"

Clyde frowned and once again left Archie to regret his soft heart, but regretting it now is useless. Amos helped him clarify.

Now that he was caught by Amos, he did not dare to oppress Amos as a king. After all, it was all about his life. Amos jumped the wall and killed him directly. There is no worm that can stop it.

Thinking of this, he smiled apologetically: "How can you believe Archie's drunken words? You are a servant of the empire, how could I have such thoughts, you can rest assured, just mention the conditions, I will Must agree."

Amos looked at Clyde, who was able to bend and stretch, and applauded him sincerely, admiring his ability to speak nonsense with his eyes open.

But he didn't really want to break up with Clyde. Seeing Clyde softened, his tone calmed down.

"Of course I believe Your Majesty, you don't have such a mind, but His Royal Highness Archie has such a mind."

"How come? He likes you so much?" Clyde showed a surprised expression at the right time, but he became vigilant in his heart. He intuited that what Amos said next was the focus of today's negotiation.

Sure enough, Amos said: "Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. My request is very simple, after this matter is over, you must send away His Highness Archie immediately. I will be there After the imperial city star gave birth to a cub, he announced his retirement, and my position must be taken over by Xavier, and when he wants to be free, you must give him freedom."

Seeing Clyde's suddenly changed face, Amos was very happy in his heart, but his expression remained the same.

He continued: "If you promise me, I will immediately issue a statement saying that the clubhouse was ordered by me, because I was pregnant and could not serve Your Highness, and Your Highness dismissed all the female servants and insects because of me. Servant, that's why I vented at the clubhouse for all my suggestions."

"What if I don't agree?" Clyde narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"You will agree, Your Majesty." Amos said with confidence: "My statement, just to prove that His Royal Highness Archie only likes me, and going to the club is also because of my persuasion, which not only saves the royal family Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone by disguised propaganda of the royal family's loyalty to love?"

Clyde did not speak, stared at Amos for a long time, then got up and walked towards the door with a flick of his sleeves. Halfway through, he looked back at Amos, who was still standing there smiling and watching him, and said coldly, "Let's make a statement, I will keep my promise."

Amos knelt down on one knee and respectfully said, "Yes, my majesty." Seeing Clyde continue to lift his foot and walk towards the door, he said again, "Your majesty, remember your Promise, if you keep your promise, you know what happened today, and if you keep your promise, the world will know!"

The author has this to say:

Several thoughts: Worry about the teacher, will the teacher be bullied by the royal family.

Amos who is tearing apart the royal family: ? ! Why do my students feel like I'm being bullied?

Voiceover: It's not that you pretended well enough.

Look first, catch bugs when you have time.