MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1942 3 dozen 1

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Bao Zhiqi checked the phone and saw that the account had been reset to zero, but the transfer information was also deleted. Naturally, he was speechless, but he still didn't say anything and directly shut down the phone.

Zhang Yu lost to 40,000 per person, and the game at night was officially started.

Everyone in the room, while eating something, sat next to a few people. I have to say that the game tonight, because of the play too much, has exceeded the imagination of everyone, even the party that has not been interested, has been together to see a few people playing cards.

The room was very quiet, and the four people who didn't touch the cards didn't talk... There was nothing unusual on the surface, but they actually had their own calculations.

Tang Yi and Hao Nan saw that they were so big. To be honest, they were also nervous. Fortunately, the principal is not your own. The risk of winning or losing is not to be resisted by yourself. Now I only hope that the game can be as bad as the previous idea.

Of course, Bao Zhiqi is a little nervous, because this time the game has already been put on all his savings from small to large. If he loses, he is afraid that the university will tighten his belts in the past few years and have a hard time.

After several people touched the cards, Bao Zhiqi simply looked at the cards. Although he was not satisfied with his own luck, he hurriedly looked at Hao Nan.

Soon, a finger held by Hao Nan, in a slight jitter, seems to be somewhat inadvertent, but actually it is sending some kind of information to the two.

The method of transmitting information, because Bao Zhiqi told the two, he quickly understood the meaning of the other party, and soon flashed a smile on his lips, followed by looking at Tang Yi.

Tang Yi also regained his sight at this time, and the licensed fingers began to shake up, and told his own face to the two people in the same way.

Until the three people understood each other's cards, they let go of their hearts at the same time, and their faces showed a relaxed smile.

In the next hand, since the three people know the type of hands in each other, it is natural to use the punching method that you hit him, and almost no chance to give Zhang.

From time to time in the game, there are a few laughs from Bao Zhiqi. If you say the last game, when you play cards, it’s a bit disguised. This time, it’s almost three dozens. The crowd also shook their heads frequently.

It took almost no time for Zhang Yu to lose a lot of money, but he looked relaxed and seemed to be nothing at all. But this can make the satisfaction of standing on the sidelines and Ma Rongxuan are anxious enough.

"Haha! Straight! I won again." Bao Zhiqi lost his last poker, and looked at Zhang Yu with a smile: "It is three times! Zhang Yu! Hurry and give money!"

Zhang Yu smiled and threw out the shot in his hand, and pointed out some banknotes, and then threw a smug Bao Zhiqi.

The full opinion is really unbearable, and the airway: "Hey! Lao Bao! Isn't it good for you to bully people?"

Ma Rongxuan also helped to say: "Yeah! You are too much to play! If you fight, who can play you?"

Bao Zhiqi heard a little nervousness in this heart, thinking that the two had seen something and hurriedly said, "What do you mean by saying this?"

Satisfied: "What do you mean! What do you mean by everyone! Oh! You don't want to play cards with each other, just stop and let Zhang Yu out, this is obviously three dozens!"

Ma Rongxuan also said: "Not! It is not fair to play this way."

Bao Zhiqi heard a sigh of relief. The other party did not see their secrets. Then they sneered and said, "I am still why! I am satisfied. Playing big dino is a personal tactic. I can manage With myself, I can manage what others have come up with!"

Hao Nan also said: "Individuals have personal play, what is our freedom, people who don't play know a fart."

Tang Yi also nodded: "No! If you have a big second, if you want to stop, you can't stop it! To put it bluntly, it's still a matter of personal luck, no wonder others."

Bao Zhiqi's three people are in a temper, and his mouth is like a cannon. Naturally, he is satisfied with Ma Rongxuan and he can't say a word.

Bao Zhiqi grinned and said: "Satisfied! If you want to play with Ma Rongxuan! I will let Tang Yi and Lao Hao give you a place now! If you dare not play, then close your mouth and watch the game without saying anything. Really understand!"

Satisfied and Ma Rongxuan heard the words, suddenly did not know what to say. Although both of them want to help, but the problem now is that a few people play too much. With the two people's net worth, if you don't get a bad card, you can lose two months of living expenses. This time naturally I dare not rush to help.

Standing on the side and never talking, the time suddenly said: "Would you like me to play!"

Bao Zhiqi heard a glimpse, and his face flashed a ugly look. In fact, he has already felt that the other's family seems to be unusual at this time. It seems that he is qualified to come here to spoil. The problem is that there is really an outsider The situation is really hard to control.

Satisfied to hear this, of course, very happy, because Fang Zi and his family are well-off, this kind of hand should not be a big problem for the other party. Hurry: "The same child! Then look at you, can't let them unite and bully Zhang Yu alone."

"You can rest assured!" Fang Zi nodded.

Bao Zhiqi heard the frowning, feeling a little trouble, planning to find some excuses, when returning to the absolute side!

Zhang Yu suddenly said: "Thank you for the second child! In fact, a dozen is also very interesting, you don't go up, or watch the battle on the side."

Zhang Yu’s words, of course, I heard that Fang Zi and several people are at the same time! In fact, not only a few people, but even other people watching the battle, it is also somewhat unbelievable. It is very obvious to know that the situation of three-on-one is now very clear. At this time, Zhang Yu also declined to help someone. Is it really a lot of money, and there is no place for more money?

Of course, a few people in Bao Zhiqi are also somewhat surprised! However, Bao Zhiqi is also happy, grinning and said: "Look! There is still a lot of energy in the family."

Hao Nan smiled and said: "No! Just play poker, and there are so many intrigues."

Tang Yi also smiled and said: "I want to say that it is only temporary if you are not lucky. Maybe you will be back with your hand! You say yes!"

"That's right!" "It makes sense!" "Give you a compliment!" "Hehehe!" Speaking of these people is a smile at the same time...

Satisfied and Ma Rongxuan heard this, they could only look at each other, and they didn’t know what to say. They stopped talking.

Fang Zitong also smiled, didn't say anything, and re-sit back to his position.

Zhang Yu picked up the poker, washed the cards, and several people started a new game...

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