MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1917 Bao Zhiqi's little action

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Full of opinions, I hurriedly asked: "Zhang Yu, the few people you said, do you know each other?"

"Know!" Zhang Yu nodded. "We didn't see it once in the class meeting! The four of them were introduced to each other before and after, and it seems that they should be a dormitory person."

Ma Rongxuan heard this stunned, and some surprised: "Zhang Yu! Did you only see them a few times at the meeting that day, can you remember their appearance and name?"

"Oh! I remember very well! As long as I have seen it once, I can basically remember it." Zhang Yu does not care.

The three people heard the words as a faceless speech, and at the same time they were impressed by the other party's abnormal memory. Although several people have been admitted to the University of Beijing by their own abilities, they also believe that memory is good, but it is far from the point of Zhang Yu.

Satisfied Although I have figured out who the person who has not come, but for him, there is still no way. Because even if he knows the name, he doesn't know which dormitory a few people are in. Even Zhang Yu can't help with this.

"The counselor is here!" Ma Rongxuan suddenly surprised.

Satisfaction is of course also a tight heart! Turning around in a hurry, see Yuan Xiaohua coming to the position of the class...

The full opinion suddenly felt a bit big, but there was no way. The ugly wife always wanted to see her in-laws. Now he can’t pretend that he can’t see it, he can only meet it.


"Good morning for the guide!"

"Yuan guide is good morning!"

"Yuan Jie is good!" The people in the class naturally took the initiative to join the past and Yuan Xiaohua greeted... Yuan Xiaohua naturally and the people in the class nodded frequently and responded with a smile.


"Yuan guide is good morning!" Bao Zhiqi is even more full of smiles, take the initiative to come up.

"You are good!" Yuan Xiaohua can of course remember who Bao Zhiqi is! Laughing should be. But then turned to look at the satisfaction of going to the near, said: "Satisfied! The people in the class are all together?"

"Oh..." Satisfied face showed a trace of embarrassment, said: "Sorry! Yuan Dao! There are still four people who have not come."

"Four people!" Yuan Xiaohua heard this, his face faded. Some displeased words: "How did you get it! I have not said it several times yesterday! I have to inform you, don't be late!"

Satisfied with urgency: "Yuan Dao! Actually, I have already notified it several times in the group last night, I should know it."

Yuan Xiaohua said with dissatisfaction: "Since all know! How many people have not arrived yet?"

Satisfied with the words do not know how to answer! Nature is stuck on the spot.

Bao Zhiqi flashed a smile on his mouth and immediately interjected: "Squad leader! Actually, when you noticed in the group yesterday, I saw it. But I think that when you inform, you should ask everyone to go back. 'Know it' can be, and for those who have not responded, to register, and finally confirm the call, otherwise it is really easy to go wrong."

Yuan Xiaohua heard this and frowned. Then he said: "When you notified everyone yesterday, did you confirm it?"

Satisfied with the words flashed a glimmer of color, said: "No... no!"

Yuan Xiaohua said: "This is what you are wrong! As a squad leader, when arranging specific work, you must be careful. After all, compared with other students, your burden should be heavier, and naturally you should be more careful."

"Is sorry for..." Satisfied.

Yuan Xiaohua shook his head in disguise and said: "Do you know which people have not come yet?"

Satisfied: "It should be a dormitory! Guan Yuhe, Lu Yun, Pi Cai, and Bai Kangan."

Yuan Xiaohua nodded and took out the mobile phone and dialed the number of several people! But a few people shut down at the same time.

Yuan Xiaohua frowned and said: "How are all shut down!"

"Military training is not to let the phone! So it should be over!" Satisfied with the hurried.

Yuan Xiaohua nodded in a word and turned to look at other classes. It seems that he plans to go to another class to have a look.

Bao Zhiqi hurriedly said: "Yuan Dao! Or I will look for it! I know which dormitory they are in, not far from here, if you hurry, you will be back soon."

"Well..." Yuan Xiaohua thought for a moment and said, "Well then! Go back soon, don't be late."

Bao Zhiqi nodded and turned to look at Hao Nan on the side, deliberately loudly: "Hao Nan! You go to the supermarket to see, see Guan Yu and whether they are going to buy things!" On the other side, said: "Tang Yi! You go to the nearby class to see, they have made a mistake."

Hao Nan and Tang Yi nodded and turned and ran away quickly.

Yuan Xiaohua saw Bao Zhiqi's arrangement very careful and nodded with satisfaction.

Satisfied to stand on one side, of course, is ugly! But now he has no good way. It seems that today's things are bound to make the counselors very dissatisfied.

After Bao Zhiqi left, Yuan Xiaohua turned to another class to check.


Satisfied turned and looked depressed and returned to the side of Zhang Under the inquiries of several people, I told a few people about the things I just had.

Ma Rongxuan heard the words and said: "Satisfied! Don't be too discouraged. In fact, this does not blame you. When you are notified in the group, everyone has seen it. Who knows that there is still nothing to see."

Fang Zitong also comforted: "Some things are inevitable, and there is no way to cover everything."

Satisfied helpless nodded, but his face is still difficult to hide.

Zhang Yuwen thought for a moment and said, "I think! This matter should not be simple."

Satisfied with the news! Some confused words: "Zhang Yu! What do you mean by this?"

Zhang Yudao: "I think this is the tenth thing that Bao Zhiqi is doing behind."

"Bao Zhiqi!" Satisfied with the words and frowned!

Ma Rongxuan heard the words and asked: "Why do you say this? Zhang Yu! Did you find anything?"

Zhang Yudao: "In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that something is wrong! There are four people in the class who have not come. Satisfied is not discovered. I saw him go back and forth. I should have asked Bao Zhiqi in the middle. Why didn’t he Said? How the counselor came, he immediately knew. And so enthusiastic! Help to find. What did you do before! I think, in fact, he is playing in front of the counselor, want to make satisfaction embarrassed. Look at it After a while, he will definitely be able to find it back, and not only will he find it back, but also when the counselor is there. So I don’t think that person has come, and it’s a ghost that he is doing, so that he is satisfied with counseling. The embarrassment in front of the staff."

"It turned out to be like this!" Satisfied and heard sobered up, and then some angry said: "Bao Zhiqi! This bastard! Actually so mean!"

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