MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1910 Insidious Bao Zhiqi

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In fact, eating the grape tongue twister is a classic enlightenment in the tongue twister, and there is almost no one here. Choosing such a simple tongue twister for the game, is it not funny?

In fact, Bao Zhiqi, just in private with Hao Nan, has already discussed it. First pick some relatively low difficulty, one is used to warm up, and the other is used to paralyze Zhang Yu. The difficulty of the beginning of the province was too great. The first paragraph scared Zhang Yu away, and it was a bit worthwhile.

Bao Zhiqi completed the grape skin and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu saw it, smiled and waved his hand and said: "This is simple, I will not watch it! Eat grapes without spitting grape skin! Do not eat grapes and pour grape skin!"

After listening to Bao Zhiqi, he smiled and raised his thumb and handed the phone to Hao Nan.

Not long after, Hao Nan confirmed a set of tongue twisters and handed them back.

Bao Zhiqi took it and looked at it. He smiled and said: "This is good! Listen well... Eight hundred pacesmen rushed to the north slope, and the north **** artillerymen ran side by side. The artillery was afraid to touch the standard, and the parade was afraid of hitting the artillery."

The difficulty of this tongue twister can be said to be a little more difficult than the grape skin. Of course, everyone in the classroom felt it, and turned their eyes to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled and waved his hand again. He refused the phone that Bao Zhiqi handed over again, and repeated the tongue twister... just like this, in the next time, the two of you, one paragraph, one one, one connected One, completed a few paragraphs of tongue twister, although the latter is longer than the previous one, but the overall difficulty of several paragraphs is not too big.

However, the eloquence of the two shows, at the moment, it is still half a catty. Although the two said it was not fast, but the words and words were very clear. I can hear it when I hear it. I have definitely gone through a lot of exercise, and I have some skills to say it.

Counselor Yuan Xiaohua, who sat down on the stage, nodded frequently. After all, from her point of view, the ability to be eloquent is still very important.


"Blowed off sixty-six horse-drawn buildings, overturned sixty-six bottles of Suhe oil, overwhelmed sixty-six weeping willows, and scared off sixty-six large horses, and gasped off sixty-six years old. Lu Laotou."

When Zhang Yu’s tongue twister ended, the room immediately applauded... I have to say that from the beginning to the present, the level of the two is on a par with each other, and the difficulty of the tongue twister is getting higher and higher, and it sounds more and more interesting. .


Bao Zhiqi saw it and felt that it should have been brewed almost now. Then he smiled and said: "Zhang Yu! A few paragraphs of the tongue twister! The difficulty is not big, let's warm up. Next, let Hao Nan help us choose a few. The paragraph is a bit more difficult, how do you see it?"

Zhang Yuwen said, did not think much, nodded, said: "No problem! You can choose anything."

Bao Zhiqi heard a smile and handed the phone to Hao Nan again... but at the same time, he casually gave the other party a wink.

Hao Nan certainly understood the meaning of the other party, but there was nothing wrong with the expression. After taking the phone, he searched for a few times, and finally handed the phone back to Bao Zhiqi.

Bao Zhiqi took the mobile phone and looked at it. He suddenly smiled and said: "I am interested. I didn't expect Hao Nan to choose this one! It is still coming first... um... I have a lama in the south..."

It can be said that Bao Zhiqi’s words have just been exported! The people in the room are at the same time. Because of this lama and dumb that Bao Zhiqi said, Zhang Yu has just said it, not long ago.

It seems that such a time, Hao Nan should not forget it? But in this case, what do you mean by choosing this paragraph now?

Of course, with Bao Zhiqi saying that this lama and dumb, the atmosphere in the room is different.

To know that in the previous few twisters, Bao Zhiqi said that it was not warm and did not show a strong appearance. But the lama and the dumb said that the difference is not the same, and the speed has obviously accelerated a lot.

If Bao Zhiqi was in the previous few tongue twisters, it was just counting beans. Now it is simply pouring out the beans. It sounds like a lot of trouble, let alone said.


"No! Bao Zhiqi, this guy, how could it be said so fast?"

"Yeah! Actually, it’s so much faster than Zhang Yu just now."

"This mouth is too abnormal!"

"That is white! This is the real kung fu of others Bao Zhiqi!"

"So before that, Bao Zhiqi is just warming up."

"Do you still use it?"

"It's too powerful!" Some of the boys around me also showed their expressions of admiration.

"Right! Bao Zhiqi said this piece, what will Zhang Yu do?"

"What can I do? Cool salad!"

"And! I want to say that Bao Zhiqi is simply deliberate!"

"Oh! Why do you say that?"

"You don't even think about it, Bao Zhiqi is not a problem with This tongue twister has already been said since Zhang Yu, why didn't he let Hao Nan change another one?"


"To put it bluntly, he is showing himself."

"Oh! How do you say that?"

"You don't want to think about it! The counselor is sitting there now! At that time, I will definitely have a sense of presence in the counselor. If I am assigned as a temporary squad leader, then when the class committee is officially elected, there will be words." Right, it’s plain, it’s all planned.”

"Wow! I didn't expect this guy Bao Zhiqi, it's quite sinister!"

"In fact, I can't talk about any insidious and sinister! To put it bluntly, people are all conspirators. Now I can only say that Zhang Yu is unlucky, and he has become a stepping stone. Of course, if you change someone, the effect will be much worse. If you can't get it, you can't see it!"

"Hey! For the throne of a squad leader! It's really omnipotent!"

The few boys around me heard the words, shaking their heads and laughing at the same time...


"This bastard! Actually engage in these little tricks!" Satisfied a few people are not fools, of course, this time also felt. How do you say a few people and Zhang Yu, now is the same roommate, this time, of course, some are too big.

Ma Rongxuan frowned and said: "What should I do? If Zhang Yuyi couldn't say so fast, wouldn't he not come to Taiwan?"

Fang Zitong said: "Nothing! Big deal is slower! I think Zhang Yu's articulation is better than Bao Zhiqi! Even if it is slower, the effect may not be worse than him."

Ma Rongxuan sighed and said: "It seems that... it can only be like this!"


"In the end, the Lama came home to stew the scorpion, and the dumb came home to tickle the trumpet." Bao Zhiqi said this, a confident smile, and glanced at the people in the room.

The whole class suddenly sounded very warm applause...