MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1883 leading

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The second half of the second game also became a chase of Zhang Yu, and the players of Longya kept avoiding the escape situation.


The audience watching the game under the field saw it, and it was very speechless. I didn’t know the team members of the home team. What are you doing? Before playing clearly, it was very good. It completely occupied the upper hand. Now it is good, and it does not stop dodging. Instead, it falls to the disadvantage. It looks very ugly.


The second game is over!

The dragon tooth team member who was avoiding it was completely relieved. He had to say that he had been forced too tight by Zhang Yu, and it was very ugly to hide. But he couldn't help. The initial continuous attack made his physical decline very fast. At the same time, Zhang Yu's defense ability was too strong. No matter how he hit, the angle was so rough, but in the end it had little effect.

In the later part of the physical strength part of the unsustainable, he can only turn to attack and defend, as soon as possible to restore physical strength. Fortunately, in the situation, he is still more dominant, and now is the last game. I believe that the initiative is still on his side.

The two have a short break!

The last game, the third game, officially began.

The players of Longya, when they are resting, have already thought about the next game strategy. Although until now, due to the previous game, he took the initiative, then, as long as he can persist until the end of time, then the final victory should be his bag.

With a plan in mind, the players of Longya have already decided to choose conservative tactics. As long as Zhang Yu does not attack, he does not intend to attack, and strives to save more physical strength and leave it to the following game.

The start of the game was almost the same as that of the last game. At the beginning of the game, Zhang Yu rushed over again... The dragon tooth team saw it and rushed to the body. He did not intend to consume more physical strength and wanted to win by points.

What he didn't expect was that Zhang Yu's speed was very fast, and when he was escaping, he had already rushed to the front, and at the same time, everything was coming on, and the speed was very fast.

The members of the Dragon's teeth reflexively reached for a file, a great force, and hit it on his hand. Although he was separated by a glove, he could still feel the power of that power.

Zhang Yu counterattacked!

The dragon tooth team members immediately understood it! I hurried back, I was going to pull the distance and look for a chance to fight back. But of course he guarded the door, just stepped back, once again felt a heavy punch, hit his arm, had to say that the other side's boxing power is great, although he is in a defensive state, still feels physically Under the other party's hit, a tilt occurred.

The members of the Dragon's teeth, protect their heads, continue to retreat, and in a short time, they are hitting a reverse punch and hitting him again.

In the following time...

The members of the Dragon's teeth felt like the body was in a storm, and countless fists, like raindrops, hit him back and forth, and did not dare to look up... Because he could not observe Zhang Yu's position, he could only protect his head. , one retreats.


The audience under the scene shouted! After all, the previous game has always been the advantage of the home team's players. How did the third game start at the beginning, but Zhang Yu turned to defend, and the home team members repeatedly retreated, which naturally made them unclear.


Not long after, the referee interrupted the game, and the players of Longya felt that he had already retired.

At the direction of the referee, the two returned to the center of the venue and continued to start the competition.

The players of the Dragon's teeth were a bit confused. The rain that had just arrived was so sudden that he was unprepared, and he had no chance to look up. It’s hard to be Zhang Yu. This kid has been accumulating strength. When he waits for his numbness, he takes the opportunity to counterattack and plan to ko?

The players of Longya thought of this, and the mind had once again had a calculation. Almost at the beginning of the game, he immediately retreated and pulled away the distance from Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu’s speed was faster than he had imagined. He chased it up again and raised his hand again.

Because the players of the Dragon's teeth opened a lot of distance this time, they naturally saw Zhang Yu's angle of punching and reached out and blocked it. At the same time, I punched back and tried to counterattack and try to get back the initiative.

But what he didn't think of was that, in the face of his counterattack, Zhang Yu did not mean to withdraw. Instead, he had a hard-hitting look and punched.

See Zhang Yu wants to hard hit, the dragon tooth team is not going to retreat, because this is his first out of the boxing, even if it is hard to beat, with his strong and the other side's search, the other party suffers first.

The two men punched each other at the same time! What the dragon tooth team did not expect was that, just in his fist, when he had to face Zhang Yu’s face, the other’s head was withdrawn backwards. His glove swept from the other’s face and swept away. Actually not enough.

However, at the same time, Zhang Yu’s punch hit his cheek and immediately hit him.

The head of the dragon tooth was hit and felt a little dizzy. I hurried back, and I was afraid that Zhang Yu would continue to beat him, and hurriedly shake his hands in front of to retreat to a safe distance. However, due to the erratic head, the line of sight did not continue, and soon there was a punch in the face. This is the eyes of Venus, and the person is also awkward and fell to the ground.


The audience saw an exclamation at the same time! As a home audience, they certainly don't want to see the home team being knocked down. And the previous game, the home team's players are dominant, this game has the last game left, this time was knocked down, then the advantage in the front, is not white accumulation?


Zhang Yu stopped attacking and retreating, standing not far away, the referee began to count...

The players of the Dragon's teeth felt a little dizzy, but they heard the number of voices of the referee and struggled to stand up.


The audience under the field, see the team members of the home team stood up again! Applause, and at the same time issued a cheering voice...


The members of the Dragon's teeth shook their heads under the inquiry of the referee, indicating that they could continue.

The game continues!

After the players of Longya recovered a little awake, they were a little angry! Since the situation has just been knocked down by Zhang Yu, the situation has changed. Now the other side has the upper hand. If he can't knock down the other side, then even if time is up, he will lose. So now you have to fight back and fight for the opportunity to turn over.

Thinking of this, the players of Longya did not continue to take the retreat. After the start, they immediately rushed to Zhang Yu and slammed into the punch.

Zhang Yu didn't let it go, and the same punch went back. It was still a hard-touch look.

Almost as before, the punch of the Dragon's team members was about to hit Zhang Yu, but because of the lack of distance, a punch was empty. Zhang Yu hit a punch, but a punch in the face of the players.

I have to say that Zhang Yu’s punch, this time the correction was made, and the boxing of the dragon tooth was knocked to the ground.