MTL - God Level Star System-Chapter 31 Start of the split

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Compared with other people in the class, Zhang Yu feels that this forest instructor is quite good and he is very good. However, as a second-time old man, the friendship between men, one eye, one action, point to the end. There is no need to hang on to the things that float on the surface. When you think about it, you will be trembling, and the numb chicken skin will fall off the ground.

The long night is long, and the people in the park telling the parting people are gradually dispersed, and the surrounding areas are once again calm.

After a long night of sleep, the sun rises again in the east, illuminating the earth, dispelling the haze.

This is the last day of military training. The students have had breakfast, and everyone has gathered at the playground where the opening ceremony was held.

Three schools, more than a thousand students, seem to be full of momentum.

Twelve classes stood in yesterday's rehearsal position, waiting for the official start of the military parade.

On the viewing platform stood the leaders of the military, as well as the comrades responsible for the municipal government agencies. Of course, the leaders of each school and the class teachers of each class, Ge Wenhui did not know where to go, and did not appear in the playground.

The city’s TV station also came, with long guns and short guns, and several machines were placed on the runway in front of the viewing platform. The students looked at the posture and knew that they might have the opportunity to go to the TV. They were all energetic and arrogant, and the waist was quite straight.

Before the start of the split, it was almost like all the big events, and it began to lead the speech.

The leaders of the army first talked about the theme of patriotism, collectivism, social collectivism, military education and prospects, and conducted multi-angle analysis and explanation.

The leaders of the municipal government followed the lectures, and the old and the old days were all about spiritual civilization, moral civilization, and strengthening the ideological education. They were also the oldest ones who turned around.

Finally, when the leaders of the city government finished speaking, they followed the leaders of the three schools and talked about them. They are all about learning, about personal qualities, and about the details of the attitudes of thoughts. When the cultural people open their voices, they are endless. .

For Zhang Yu, who has already had a memory level of God, most of the things they talk about are similar. It is said that it is similar to what was said during the first day of the opening of the park. It’s just that the content inside is upside down. The typical Wanjin oil is the same as the old one. It is the same everywhere. Zhang Yu feels that he feels the speech in his heart. Don't have any topic outline. A standard answer, with a few fixed fill-in-the-blank questions, write the year, month, and day, and then write the school name and location. Then just read it!

In the final speech, the ninth middle school leader was a woman. She had the most words, and the endlessness of her. More than a thousand students were told by her, but she was told that she had finished her vernacular.

At this point, the official end of the speech session, the rostrum has announced that the split-style begins!

The sound of the split march was immediately heard on the field. Zhang Yu feels that this first series of marching is really different from the earth's split-style march. Of course, it is also very nice, and the speed is similar, but the melody is different.

Several high schools crossed together and one team walked by.

Along with the rhythm of the split-style march, the students raised their heads one by one, and the faces that were full of vigor and anger, and the look that looked like a serious look, in Zhang Yu’s opinion, were really stupid.


The highest commander of the troops standing on the platform, Sun Weimin, the deputy squadron leader of the special squadron, watched the student team gradually walk over the podium, and looked at the three captains around him, saying: "How! This time Excellent military training class. Who are the three of you who have confidence?"

The second team leader Deng Haodao: "Of course I have confidence! I am with the North Tongzhong! It must be the best."

Ding Zhaomin, the captain of the three teams, said with disdain: "Don't say that is too full of Lao Deng! When I came out of the ninth middle school, you will know the gap."

The two captains have no chance to talk to each other. You must know that this is a conditional reflex. When you are in the army, you don’t want anyone. At this time, don’t even want to compliment each other with a smile.

Deng Hao countered: "Old Ding, last month's internal team training, your team, seems to have just lost to my team, so the scars forgot to hurt, so do not remember so soon?"

Ding Zhaomin sighed and said: "It seems like you are the first! You are not the fifth. My team did not rest well last time. It will not be so simple next time!"

Deng Haodao: "Mouth of the mouth!"

Ding Zhaomin said: "Blowing is useless! Old Deng. It is a scorpion is a horse, and you will see it after a while."

Sun Weimin saw the two captains of the team stick out the smell of gunpowder, and did not say anything. From the management of the troops, there is competition and progress, so the necessary competition is still necessary. Thinking of this, he turned to look at Lin Baochang who seemed to have nothing around him.

Sun Weimin smiled a little and said: "Baochang, still so low-key?"

Lin Baochang glanced at Sun Weimin, who had a smile on his face. He still had no expression: "Sun team! You don't know me until the first day. I don't always do this!"

Sun Weimin said: "Of course I know that what you do is all in your heart! But this time it is a small matter, so you don't make a statement."

Lin Baochang was silent and said: "What state is it! The team I brought! It has always been the best."

Sun Weimin heard the words "hehehehe" laughed and nodded: "Not bad! Good!" After that, he did not continue to say anything and re-directed his sight to the court.

Deng Wei and Ding Zhaomin, the two captains of Sun Weimin, heard the words of Lin Baochang and said nothing. You must know that in the two years of exercise, your own team is not the opponent of Lin Baochang's It is still possible to pull the hard words between the second team and the third team. For Lin Baochang, they There is really no way. Moreover, this guy may be the candidate for the next vice captain of the squadron, or try not to follow the leadership to pull hatred.


All the students of the three schools have stood up for the team at this time. The start of a team and a team, passed, but the school is crossed together, according to the order of the class. When it was their turn to be in their class, the team leader shouted slogans and the whole class marched forward collectively.

Twelve shifts stand at the end of the queue and start in the last batch.

"No! I want to go to the bathroom."

The fat man Wu Jie looks strange and looks a bit difficult to sit on.

Zhao Zhijun stood beside him and heard a wrinkle and said: "You can do it with fat people. This splitter must start. You have to go to the toilet at this point?"

Wu Jie’s face was anxious and crapped: “I want to go to the bathroom when I am nervous!” After that, I immediately turned to Zhang Yu and said, “Boss, I want to go to the bathroom, what should I do?”

Zhang Yu looked at Wu Jie and turned to look at the progress of the front. He thought about it and said: "Time should be enough, go ahead!"

Zhao Zhijun said: "Lazy, lazy, and urinating!"

Ha ha ha ha ha! The students around me heard that it was a laugh.

Wu Jie was so anxious at this time that he did not bicker with Zhao Zhijun. He quickly rushed to the toilet with a speed far from his weight.

"Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu!"

Zhang Yu heard another person yelling his name and heard it. Seeing Zhou Ying in the queue. Then I went over and said: "What Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, most fired serial works are available at Mobile users please read.