MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 2251 Determined to take risks

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Xia Ruofei pondered for a while, and then asked, "Is there no other way out except for the teleportation array that is likely to exist in the cave?"

Black Dragon Remnant Soul said: "According to Xiao's information, there is the only passage there. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are hidden passages that Xiao is not aware of."

Xia Ruofei quickly ruled out this possibility, because even if there is a way out, if he doesn't even know the remnant soul of the black dragon, it is almost impossible for him to find it.

Xia Ruofei thought for a while and asked, "Do you understand what's going on under this abyss?"

In fact, the cave that suppressed the black dragon was not at the bottom of the abyss. It was a **** with a steep slope. The entrance of the cave was opened on the slope, and there was still a dark abyss below.

Xia Ruofei thought, if there is no other better way, can you consider exploring the bottom of the abyss.

Hearing this, Heilong's remnant soul showed a hint of fear, and said, "Master, there is a terrible space turbulence below. When I first came out, I tried to look down and almost fell below. , According to my judgment, even if the powerful cultivator goes down, he may not be able to retreat completely, you must not try!"

Xia Ruofei couldn't help frowning and said, "Space turbulence?"

"Yes, and it's a very chaotic and extremely violent turbulent flow!" Heilong's remnant said, "Small suspicion, this abyss has no bottom at all, or... It may be the membrane wall boundary of Qingping Realm below, Moreover, the membrane wall may have been damaged to a certain extent, or it may have been damaged when Emperor Qingping temporarily fell into the Qingping world."

"Really? If this is the case, then it is possible to leave the Qingping Realm directly from the bottom of the abyss?" Xia Ruofei immediately captured the key information.

If there is another way to leave the Qingping Realm, then Xia Ruofei's pressure will be much less. Now he must keep an eye on the passage of time and try his best to get out before the entrance to the ruins is closed.

"Master, that's just my own guess..." Heilong Remnant said with a wry smile, "Of course, if the guess is accurate, it is theoretically possible to leave the Qingping Realm through this abyss. However, this road is extremely dangerous, I'm afraid The chances of success are slim."

Xia Ruofei nodded slightly. Naturally, he would not choose this path rashly. The Black Dragon Remnant Soul will not exaggerate. Even if this path exists, it is basically difficult to successfully walk out, but there is such an alternative. The passage, even if it is full of dangers, is not bad.

It's always good to have one more option in a last resort.

Of course, the main problem now is to get out of this abyss.

The bottom of the abyss does not need to be considered for the time being, and the remnant soul of the black dragon does not know other paths. It seems that the only way out is in the cave.

Xia Ruofei couldn't help showing a wry smile. It seems that he still couldn't escape after all, and he still had to go to the cave...

At this moment, Xia Shan, the sword spirit who had been listening, suddenly said, "Young Master, this subordinate has an idea..."

"Oh? Tell me!" Xia Ruofei said.

Sword Spirit Xia Shan said: "Let me ask a few questions about the remnant soul of the black dragon!"

"You ask! You ask!" Black Dragon Remnant said hurriedly flatteringly.

Speaking of which, what he is most afraid of now is not Xia Ruofei, but the sword spirit Xia Shan. Although Xia Ruofei controls his life and death, he is also very clear in his heart that after he is controlled by the soul imprint, as long as he still has value, Xia Ruofei is unlikely to kill him, and once this wave of things passes, he is also sure to let him go. Xia Ruofei saw his more value and saved his life. After all, he was a remnant of the soul separated from the primordial spirit of the black dragon. If nothing else, his knowledge is much wider than that of ordinary monks, and his background is quite deep. , it must be useful for Xia Ruofei to keep his life.

And the hatred between Jianling Xiashan and him is really deep and endless. He has completely suppressed Jianling Xiashan for tens of thousands of years, and he is devouring each other almost all the time. How can this kind of hatred be revealed in a few words? ? What troubled him the most was that although Jian Ling Xia Shan and he both recognized Xia Ruofei as the master now, Sword Ling Xia Shan took the initiative to recognize Xia Ruofei, and it was obvious that Xia Ruofei favored Xia Shan, while for the remnant soul of the black dragon, Xia Ruofei only It was only because it was of temporary use value that he was spared his life.

If you really have to choose one of the two, it is self-evident which side Xia Ruofei will stand on.

At this time, the Black Dragon Remnant would not dare to offend Xia Shan, the sword spirit. He had to find ways to ease the relationship between the two, so that he could live longer.

Xia Ruofei nodded and said, "Answer Xia Shan's question with your heart, and no deception is allowed!"

Xia Ruofei was still worried that the remnant soul of the black dragon was not honest, so he personally gave another order, so that the remnant soul of the black dragon would not dare to lie to Xia Shan.

"Yes, Master!" The Black Dragon Remnant said quickly.

Sword Spirit Xia Shan snorted lightly and asked: "You were outside just now, before you were going to lie to the young master to take you into the cave, did you have any communication with the Heilong deity? Does he know your purpose? Does he know you? Are you going to kill the son and seize control of the magic weapon?"

The Black Dragon Remnant smiled wryly and said, "It takes a lot of money for the deity's spiritual power to reveal the seal. The communication between Xiao and the deity is not that detailed, but Xiao did tell the deity that Xiao is going to enter the magical treasure in the cave. Inside, wait for an opportunity depending on the situation, and kill the master if there is a chance..."

"In other words, what you gave is not a definite answer." Sword Spirit Xia Shan asked coldly.

"Yes! The deity only looks at the results, and doesn't care much about the process. As long as the little one can bring this magical treasure in the cave, he doesn't care whether it is by means of coaxing or directly controlling the magical treasure." Heilong remnant said.

Sword Spirit Xia Shan then asked: "What's the situation in the cave? How do you cooperate with the black dragon deity when you enter the cave with this magical treasure?"

The Remnant Soul of the Black Dragon thought for a while and said, "This cave is actually just one passage. There are eight similar passages. In fact, these nine passages were dug out to allow the chains to pass through..."

When Xia Ruofei heard this, he couldn't help interrupting the remnant soul of the black dragon and asked, "That is to say, there are nine such giant chains in total?"

"Yes! Master!" The Black Dragon Remnant said quickly and respectfully, "Nine giant chains correspond to nine such caves. After the chains pass through the caves, they all converge in one place. These nine giant chains are actually an important part of the seal. They locked the black dragon deity underground. The ends of the nine caves all lead to the same place, and there is a huge cave deep in the ground, where the black dragon deity is sealed."

"Well, go ahead!" Xia Ruofei said lightly.

In fact, he was very shocked, because he had seen the giant chain with his own eyes, and he came all the way from the chain, such a huge chain used nine at a time, just to lock the black dragon, the black dragon How huge should the body be?

"Yes!" The Black Dragon Remnant continued, "A cave is actually the outer area of ​​the seal, and the huge cave at the end of the cave is the core area of ​​the seal. Back then, the guards of Emperor Qingping were stationed in the cave in turn. Among..."

"Wait!" Sword Spirit Xia Shan interrupted the words of the black dragon's remnant soul and asked, "Does every cave have a station?"

"I can't be sure about this kid. But for the safety of the seal, I think it should be like this." The Black Dragon Remnant said, "The kid escaped from this cave back then, so I can be sure of the situation here. There is definitely a Qingpingjie monk stationed here, and there is a teleportation formation."

Sword Spirit Xia Shan was silent for a moment, then said: "You continue to say, if your plan is successful, after controlling the magic weapon of the cave, how will you cooperate with the black dragon deity?"

The black dragon remnant said: "I only need to be responsible for bringing the magic treasure of the cave to the end of the cave, where the seal is the most critical. At the same time, the seal at the end of the cave was loosened due to the vibration, so this deity thinks that this should be the weak seal. Point, he has been trying to break the seal from this side all these years. After the magic treasure of the cave is brought to the end of the cave, the remaining breath of Emperor Qingping can play a role. How much effect it can have is not completely sure, but the deity I think the best situation is to be able to directly break the key points of several seals, so that he can break the seals in one fell swoop. There is also a possibility that the breath of Emperor Qingping will cause partial disturbance of the seals. After all, the seals used to be many It was jointly arranged by the emperor, so that the deity can also attack the weak point of the seal in the chaos, and there is also hope to break the seal. In any case, it is better than his own grinding without any assistance. "

Xia Ruofei suddenly asked: "Isn't there still nine giant chains to lock the black dragon deity? Even if he breaks the seal, it will be difficult to get out of trouble, right?"

The Black Dragon Remnant said quickly: "Master, the reason why the chain can lock the deity is also because the seal is working. The function of the chain itself is to continuously suppress the strength of the deity under the blessing of the seal, so once the seal is broken, the deity will be destroyed. It's easy to just deal with the chains themselves."

Xia Ruofei nodded and said, "Understood. Xia Shan, go ahead and ask!"

"Okay son!" Sword Spirit Xia Shan said respectfully, but when he asked about the remnant soul of the black dragon, his voice became cold again, "Tell me about the situation in the cave, after entering through the cave, just keep going inside. , can we go to the end? Is there any fork in the road? Is there a formation in the cave? Where are the cultivators' quarters and the location of the teleportation array? From the entrance of the cave to the end of the cave, you will pass by the cultivator's quarters and Teleportation Array?"

Sword Spirit Xia Shan asked a series of questions. In fact, every question was on the point, and it was also closely related to this escape action. Xia Ruofei couldn't help but nodded secretly when he heard the words.

The Black Dragon Remnant thought for a moment, and then said: "There are some forks in the cave, but there are not many. The road to the end of the cave just needs to go straight forward. There seems to be no formation in my small impression. It is estimated that At that time, the cave was mainly the cultivator's own range of activities, and it was more inconvenient to arrange the formation. If the deity escaped, the general formation would have no effect on him at all, so there was no formation at all, but the cave was There seem to be some protective formations near the end, but the small ones should be easier to crack."

The Black Dragon Remnant paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what Sword Spirit Xiashan had left unanswered, he continued: "The monk's station is on one of the fork roads. If you go to the end of the cave, you don't need to go through the station. And the teleportation array, but the location of the monk's station is not very deep, if we are near the fork and turn in unexpectedly, there should be a chance to escape through the teleportation array before the deity reacts..."

Sword Spirit Xia Shan continued: "After a while, you will draw a map of the cave, and each fork in the road must be clearly marked, especially the location of the monk's station, if there is a formation, it must be marked clearly."

"No problem!" The Black Dragon Remnant said without hesitation.

"Also... you introduce the situation of the black dragon deity, the more detailed the better!" Sword Spirit Xia Shan said, "Especially tell me what his habits and weaknesses are!"

Xia Ruofei listened for a long time, and guessed what Sword Spirit Xia Shan was thinking. He said, "Xia Shan, this is too dangerous! Let's think of other ways!"

Sword Spirit Xia Shan said: "Young Master, there is nothing you can do now... You must not go out and take risks, otherwise you will most likely be killed by the Heilong deity, even if he doesn't kill you, as long as you stop you , we will cast the rat against the rat. In addition... the black dragon's remnant cannot go out, even his spiritual power must be limited within this cave magic weapon, and must not reveal the slightest! Only the subordinates control the epee and go out with the cave magic weapon. Together, there is still hope to be able to confuse the black dragon deity..."

Xia Ruofei showed a hint of hesitation. Sword Spirit Xia Shan asked so in detail, naturally he made up his mind to let him go out to deal with the danger, but Xia Ruofei also knew that the risk factor of this matter was extremely high, how could he be at ease?

Xia Ruofei said: "Xia Shan, you are seriously injured, and you are very reluctant to control the heavy sword. It is too dangerous to go out..."

Xia Shan said: "Young Master, with the help of Soul Jade Essence, the subordinates will absorb half a day, and there should be no problem in controlling the epee in a short time..."

"But the Heilong deity is not stupid. When he sees the epee appearing, he will definitely make mental contact. Once he finds out that you have regained control of the epee, but the remnant soul of the black dragon disappears, he will immediately notice the problem. You have nowhere to escape!" Xia Ruofei said solemnly.