MTL - God Level Farm-Chapter 2241 end of the chain

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The current situation is very obvious. If you stay here, you can only be trapped to death, and you can't go up. It seems that going down is an inevitable choice.

And just down there is a giant chain. In an environment where flight is not possible, it is naturally much more convenient to have such a chain.

Xia Ruofei's expression was a little deep, and after a long time he said: "Okay! Then go down and check the situation!"

Sword Spirit said with a smile: "That's right, if my cultivators don't even have the courage, how can they practice against the sky? Little friend, although the old man is also limited a lot now, he can still spell it out at critical moments. I'm here to help you!"

Xia Ruofei smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank Senior Sword Spirit!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Ruofei took the spirit picture scroll back into his body, still holding the giant sword in his left hand, and walked to the edge of the boulder step by step.

Looking down from this side, only a faint shadow can be seen in the dim light. The giant chain extends down from a position about two meters below the boulder, and there is a bottomless ravine below.

Xia Ruofei took a deep breath and jumped straight down.

At this time, there was still a suction in the abyss, so Xia Ruofei fell very fast, and almost jumped to the giant chain in the blink of an eye.

He held the heavy sword tightly in his left hand, hugged the chain in his right hand, and locked his legs at the same time. Although a little embarrassed, he still managed to stabilize his body.

From a close look, the chain looks bigger, each section is an oval-shaped chain, and it is thick enough for one person to hug, and Xia Ruofei's arms can't fully hug the chain.

After he stabilized his body, he slowly stood up from the chain.

Xia Ruofei tried it with his feet first. The surface of this chain is not particularly smooth, so the friction is acceptable. If you are careful, you should not have much problem walking on it.

He began to walk slowly forward, his figure seemed particularly small on the huge chain.

This giant chain extends diagonally downward, so Xia Ruo's flying has always been downhill. Also thanks to the fact that the chain is too big and the weight is very terrifying, so Xia Ruofei walking on it did not cause the chain to swing, and it was basically stable.

After walking five or six meters forward, they reached another chain.

The chain that Xia Ruofei flew away just now is vertical, and the next chain is naturally horizontal, so there is actually a height difference of about two meters at the intersection of the two chains. Xia Ruofei walked to the first chain. At the end, after seeing the position, he jumped down gently and landed firmly on the second chain.

After walking five or six meters forward again, the third section of chains followed.

The third section of the chain naturally became vertical again, and Xia Ruofei had to climb up. If it is in other environments, the height difference of two meters is nothing at all, but it is not possible to fly here, and there is an abyss of unknown depth, so Xia Ruofei must also be very careful.

With his jumping ability, the height of two meters can still be achieved overnight, but he still took out the hook cable from the spiritual map space, threw out the hook cable and hooked the third chain tightly, and then pulled the hook cable to borrow strength. Jump up. In this way, even if there is an unexpected situation, he will be able to provide an extra layer of protection.

In this way, Xia Ruofei slowly walked down the chain carefully, and before he knew it, the boulder he was standing on had been thrown far behind him, and he looked back and up, only to see. By the shadow of the huge cliff, the boulder can no longer be seen.

Looking ahead, you can still only see the chains extending downward, and you don't know when it will end.

In the process of traveling, Xia Ruofei was constantly subjected to downward suction and upward repulsion. Two diametrically opposed forces always existed, and they alternated periodically, giving him a very strange feeling.

It felt as if... the abyss below was breathing.

Fortunately, neither suction nor repulsion is particularly strong, at least Xia Ruofei can still stabilize his body on the chain.

It's just that there is such a force, Xia Ruofei needs to fight against it, and these two forces are diametrically opposed, so at the moment of alternation, the strength of Xia Ruofei's confrontation must also change at once, otherwise it will lose balance .

Xia Ruofei was also very troubled at the beginning, but he quickly figured out the cycle of power alternation in these two weeks, and after getting familiar with it, he can basically prepare in advance.

So, the further down he went, the more steady the pace.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the giant chain has almost no shaking, that is, it is stably suspended in the abyss. Otherwise, with such a large chain, as long as there is a slight swing, it will be very troublesome for Xia Ruofei, who is walking on the chain.

As Xia Ruofei walked down, his brain was running fast.

He thought about a lot of things. He made predictions about the possible situations below, and he also predicted in his mind how to deal with danger in time.

To be honest, in such an environment, if Xia Ruofei hid in the spiritual space, he would be very passive.

The spiritual picture scroll will definitely not be able to stay on this chain. The surface of the chain is curved, and there is a downward angle. Xia Ruofei must pay great attention to maintaining balance when walking on it. If Xia Ruofei hides in. In the Spirit Picture Space, leave the Spirit Picture Scroll outside alone, and the Spirit Picture Scroll has a high probability of falling directly into the abyss.

And Xia Ruofei doesn't know what's going on in the abyss below. This place is full of mystery and weirdness. It's very possible that there will be a dead Jedi below.

If the spiritual picture scroll falls into such a Jedi, it means that Xia Ruofei has worked hard to send it over, and finally he is trapped in the ruins of Qingping world.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, Xia Ruofei must not dare to use the spiritual picture scroll easily on the giant iron chain.

At the same time, Xia Ruofei couldn't help but think that City Lord Fuliu and Mo Shoucheng, who were likely to be sent over at the same time.

From the start of the boulder just now, Xia Ruofei climbed and walked through dozens of chains, and nearly an hour has passed.

Even if Fuliu City Lord Liu Xunfeng was seriously injured, Mo Shoucheng might have brought Shura to the emperor's palace long ago. Of course, the premise is that Mo Shoucheng's memory has been completely recovered and he is very familiar with the environment and terrain here.

If the Asuras also came to the emperor's palace, what would they do?

If Mo Shoucheng has completely recovered his memory, then he should be able to easily enter the palace building, even if his memory is also specious, and then he will also fall into this underground abyss with the Asuras.

If the Asuras also entered this place and began to explore along the chain, Xia Ruofei would really have nowhere to escape, and the situation would be very passive to him.

Therefore, although Xia Ruofei is careful in every step, he has actually maximized his speed under the premise of being safe. If he is fast, there may be danger. If this place slips a little, it may be irreversible. He is Not to be taken lightly at all.

Along the way, Xia Ruofei also let the sword spirit continue to use his mental power to check the sword spirit's mental power in the direction behind him, which is stronger than Xia Ruofei.

Xia Ruofei's purpose in doing this is naturally to monitor the movements of the Shura at any time. If Shura really falls into this underground abyss, and also starts to walk down the chain, then Xia Ruofei will take a little risk. Speed ​​up as soon as possible.

If you encounter Shura on the chain, you will definitely die ugly.

Sword Spirit doesn't seem to care about his own gains or losses. Not only will he release his mental power to check the situation behind him in real time, but he will also encourage Xia Ruofei from time to time, hoping to relieve Xia Ruofei's pressure.

In this way, Xia Ruofei carefully walked down on the giant chain for about two hours. He judged that from the starting point of the boulder to this position, the height difference was at least a few hundred meters.

But this giant chain seems to have no end and continues to extend downward.

The surrounding light is always there, but the surrounding scenery can't be seen clearly. Xia Ruofei is groping forward in the dark, and there is no block on both sides except for the chains. Below is the abyss, and the psychological pressure has always been quite large. of.


Xia Ruofei walked down for more than four hours. Rao is the strength he has cultivated until now. His body is already very strong, and he still feels a little tired. Of course, the main reason is mental exhaustion. For more than four hours, he has been in a state of high mental tension and tension, which is very easy to lead to mental exhaustion.

He can't remember how many chains he has passed through, in short, mechanically walking, jumping, walking, jumping...

Finally, Xia Ruofei saw that there seemed to be a black shadow in front of him.

He couldn't help but feel refreshed, is this finally coming to an end?

At the same time, Xia Ruofei became more and more tense, because the end of the chain meant that there might be danger.

In fact, in the past four hours, Xia Ruofei felt a little incredible, except for the constantly changing gravitational force and repulsion force, there was no other risk.

Xia Ruofei continued to walk forward, and the chains were left behind by him, and the black shadow was getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, as it approached the black shadow, the brightness of the surrounding shimmer seemed to gradually increase. Xia Ruofei found that he could see two more chains, and the black shadow gradually changed from blur to more real.

It turned out that it was also a steep mountain wall. Although there were still some shadows, Xia Ruofei could still roughly see that the giant chain was inserted obliquely into the mountain wall, about a few dozen meters away from Xia Ruofei.

The other end of the giant chain is also deeply embedded in the cliff, and then this end is also embedded in the mountain wall. Is such a large chain just to arrange a passage from top to bottom? Xia Ruofei had a little doubt in his heart.

He thinks this possibility should be unlikely.

The curiosity in Xia Ruofei's heart was gradually aroused, and he unknowingly accelerated a little.

Of course, he has been climbing on the chain for more than four hours. It can be said that his familiarity with climbing this giant chain has been greatly improved, so a little faster speed will not affect safety.

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As the mountain wall diagonally below got closer and closer, the surrounding shimmer became brighter and brighter, and Xia Ruofei could finally see clearly.

He found that it was really not that simple. There was actually a huge hole in the mountain wall below, and the chain was not directly embedded in the mountain wall, but extended into the hole.

In other words, this giant chain is not at an end.

Xia Ruofei continued to walk and climb, and finally he successfully reached the mountain wall he saw from a distance.

The mountain wall is also inclined outward, about forty degrees. The iron chain passes through the center of a hole and continues to extend into the hole.

The entrance of this black hole is almost obliquely upward. When Xia Ruofei came to the vicinity of the entrance of the cave, he jumped off the chain and stood on the stone at the entrance of the cave.

His heart that had been hanging all the time finally calmed down a little.

Although he still doesn't know anything about the environment here, and doesn't know if there will be any danger, but compared to the state of being unable to reach the world on the giant chain, now at least he can keep his feet on the ground.

The interior of the underground abyss is so quiet that Xia Ruofei can hear his breathing and heartbeat, and the sloping hole in front of him is like a monster with its mouth wide open, waiting to catch the cliff above. Those who fall come to feast.

The black hole's mouth has a strange atmosphere, and the temperature here seems to be much lower than the outside, especially the hole, which seems to be constantly blowing cold air.

Xia Ruofei took a deep breath and asked, "Senior Sword Spirit, do you have any impression of this place?"

Although Sword Spirit said that he and Liu Xunfeng have never been to this underground abyss, it does not rule out that there are other passages to reach this hole directly, so Xia Ruofei still asked Sword Spirit with a try attitude to see if he could get anything useful. Information.

It's a pity that after the sword spirit felt a little bit, he said directly: "This old man has never been here. Little friend, since I have come here, this old man thinks it's better to go and explore."

In fact, the abyss is still not at the end. This mountain wall seems to be a protrusion extending from the cliff walls on both sides, just catching the giant chain extending from above.

Compared with the unfathomable abyss, Xia Ruofei also felt that exploring this cave would be more likely to make new discoveries.

After all, these chains and caves have obvious artificial traces, and where there are artificial traces, there may naturally be a way out or even some other opportunities.

As for the abyss below, who knows how deep it is?

Xia Ruofei nodded, took two steps forward, and at the same time probed into the cave with his mental power.

At this moment, another high-pitched dragon roar came, and Xia Ruofei's face changed dramatically...

Chapter 2241 The end of the chain