MTL - God and Devil World-v9 Chapter 1222 Tandoorula beast!

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The gathering here is the pinnacle of many worlds. When you see the means of the human powerhouse, everyone's face is changed, and the human power is full of jealousy and vigilance. m (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

The true god-level powerhouse is tyrannical and has an inexhaustible spirit. Compared with the ordinary half-step true-god-level powerhouse, it is like a firefly, not at a grade. This true god-level powerhouse has enough power to kill everyone here.

The human god-level powerhouse glanced at the people below and looked cold and cold: "I am Harlem's tenth-order powerhouse. You rookies from now on are the recruits of my majesty. If you don't want to die, you will pick up the guys." Weapons, prepare for the battle, come with me."

When I heard Harlem’s words, everyone looked at each other and there was a hint of ominment in my heart.

A half-step true-spirited man with a huge dinosaur head and a black-black scale, and a sharp-edged blade at the elbows asked: "Hello, Lord Harlem, where is this place?" ”

"A group of idiots who want to be detached, here is the sixth floor of the Tongtian Tower, and the last floor of the Tongtian Tower. It can be said that you have now walked out of the Tongtian Tower. However, this is not a holy place, paradise, as you might imagine. It is a huge battlefield. If you want to live, you must fight hard and kill the enemy."

Harlem looked at the many powerful people below, and his eyes flashed with endless sarcasm. He also believed that he could be detached from entering the Tongtian Tower. This was all over the way. He did not expect to pass through the Tongtian Tower. It turned out to be a cruel world of hell.

Suddenly, Harlem brows and picks one. He turns his head and sighs: "They are coming, you are ready to fight! Work hard, don't die."

On the huge square, all the mighty gods swept away and clearly perceive a group of monsters with horror that are moving towards this side.

A strong man flickered and flew into the sky and looked out. I saw it in all directions, a head is about five meters long, with a black crust, and the body is surrounded by eight tentacles. Like a spider, there are eight thick thighs. There are sharp spurs in the joints. Almost endless monsters are facing this. Moving wildly.

Harlem, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at a top powerhouse from all over the world, shook his head and sighed: "A bunch of idiots!"

In an instant, the unknown monsters immediately opened the mouthpieces full of sharp edges, and a blue beam of light blew toward the sky. ()

In an instant, there were six half-step true-god strongmen bombarded by the blue beams, two of them were directly headshot, one was hit in the heart, and three were bombarded in other parts.

The two heads who were headshots fell directly from the sky, and there was no life, and they became a body. The strong man who was hit by the heart also fell from the sky, his face pale and mouthful of blood.

The three half-step true-level powerhouses who were bombarded in other parts shouted with horror and horror: "What happened? How can my body recover? How is this going?"

The strength of the half-step true-level powerhouse is extremely powerful, even if it is bombarded, the head will be quickly regenerated. This is their unbridled, lawless foundation. Now the unknown monsters will kill two half-step true-level powerhouses, so that the rest of the strong wounds can not be recovered. The horror of this monster makes everyone's hearts full of fear.

"Those monsters are called Tandogula beasts. These Tandoorula beasts are the monsters born in this planet. They can contain the shattered light of the law of destruction. They are destroyed by the gods, even if they are true gods. It will take two or three days to recover. You, the semi-god-level powerhouses, are smashed by their shattered gods, and it is impossible to recover. Now break out with me and wait for us to arrive at our base. There will be equipment to treat you injuries. Keep up with me, I won't stay and wait for any of you."

Harlem swept the people, turned directly, and walked along a trench, madly leaping, like an agile ape, not flying in the sky.

The other two strong followers followed Harlem and quickly fled to the distance.

The strong people of the various ethnic groups on the square looked at each other and fled to the distance behind Harlem.

A Tiga strongman with six tentacles on his cylindrical body sneered in his heart: "Hey, a group of idiots. Our Taga people can communicate with any race and turn enemies into friends. Even plants can become ours." friend."

Between a thought, the strong of the Nataga immediately flashed, and a powerful wave of thought spread toward the Tandoorula who was moving towards this side: "Hello. I am a Taga. Tahi, I am not malicious. I want to make friends with you."

I felt the wave of thoughts of the Nataga strong, and the movement speed of the Tandoorula animals climbed again, turning into a stream of light and rushing directly toward the direction of the Nataga strong.

"No!! I am friends with you."

The Taga strong can feel the horror killings in the bodies of the Tandu Gula, and the six tentacles with powerful ideas wave directly to the Tandu Gula beasts. Open your mind to the Tandooro beast.

The savage light flashed in the eyes of the Tandoorula, and they slammed into a **** mouth. They bite the body of the Taga strong and bite the Taga strong. .

A few other Tandu Gula beasts rushed straight to tear the strong Taga people into pieces.

"Taxi is finished!!"

"Damn, it seems that these monsters are unrecognizable monsters."


Many strong people also have friendship with the Tatajia strong Tashi, and they all know how tyrantic and arrogant the ability to negotiate. Now Tashi is spiked, which means that the monsters are impossible to negotiate, and they used to have a dead end.

Suddenly, Harlem whispered aloud: "Oops, surrounded. Damn, this meets the newcomer's work, it really is not good. You are ready to follow me directly."

Yue Zhong’s perception swept away, clearly perceiving that there are a large number of Tandu Gula beasts moving towards this side, which has surrounded this group.

"I am going to open the way for everyone!" Just then, the strong man hiding in the gold train was screaming.

In an instant, the golden train immediately screamed with a roaring sound, shrouded the thick steam, and slammed directly toward the Tandoorula.

The invincible gold train crashed into the body of a tangoula beast, hitting the tangoula beast directly, and the blue blood spattered.

Harlem screamed, his body flashed, and rushed straight toward the Tandoorula beasts: "A good gold-level treasure, everyone together, kill these Tandoorula beasts, otherwise we all have only one dead end."

Harlem holds a huge gold sword and has a golden knife that is 20 meters long above the golden sword. He held the golden sword with a hand, and a Tandoorula animal was immediately cut into two pieces by his knife, blood splashing.

"Why must be so troublesome, look at my power!" A glamorous enchantress in the form of a cold body flashed a slap in the eyes, opened his lips, and blew directly toward the Tandoorula.

The rhythm of the ice law is engulfed and swept away toward the Tandoorula.

Harlem’s face suddenly changed, shouting loudly: “Don’t use the energy system. These Tandoorula beasts can devour all the energy, the rules, and the heavens and the earth. Don’t open the fields, these monsters can swallow your field. Continue to grow and evolve. These Tandoorula beasts are also able to devour the power of space, and the laws of space are ineffective against them."

In an instant, the Tandoorula beasts opened their mouths full of sharp blood, sucking the energy flow of the law with the force of the law directly into the mouth.

After absorbing the energy of the ice banshee, the three-headed Tandogula beasts became a big circle directly. They sprayed hard, and the blue beams containing the ice law suddenly slammed into the air. On the ninth-order powerhouse, the strong man was smashed and turned into a pile of ice.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all people are slightly cold.

After being promoted to the ninth-order world, the most effective weapon for the semi-god-level powermakers to crush the lower-order powerhouses is the power of space and the attack of powerful will and law. If they can only be close to me, they are mostly tyrannical compared to the eighth-order powerhouse.

But in order to deal with the fierce and savage Tandoorula beast ~ ~ those semi-god-level powerhouses have to rush into those Tandu Gula beasts, and those Tandoorula beasts close combat, both sides 狠The smashing fight is together.

The fatals of the Tandoorula beasts, even the ninth-order powerhouses are very jealous of them. Those strong people of all ethnic groups rush into the Tandoorula herd. In an instant, there are several nine-order strong The beast was hit by the tentacles of the Tanado Gula.

Every strong man was hit by the tentacles of the Tandooro Gura beast, and he was smashed and smashed. Then he was sucked by the Tandooro Gura beast and directly sucked into the mouth. He chewed it with a big mouth and was extremely fierce.


The Galaxy Lord, who formed a small group with the Moon and the Lord, suddenly changed his face and made a desperate cry.

The three-headed Tandogula beasted directly toward the Lord of the Milky Way, and a tentacle slammed into him. He slammed the Galaxy Lord directly, and then swallowed his flesh and blood.