MTL - Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library-Chapter 24 Did this loot the entire security guard's arsenal?

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The blue-haired swordsman originally wanted to slash over with a sword, kill the newcomer on the opposite side, grab the wreckage, and his mission was basically completed.

But the sudden situation forced him to stop what he was doing. Instead, he crossed Lu Feng at a very fast speed, blocking the way forward.

"Hey, where is the wreckage? Obediently hand it over and spare you." The blue-haired swordsman pointed at the magic sword and said.

"Do you think it's possible?" Even if the other party didn't identify it, Lu Feng would say it was fake. This was part of the plan.

Now that the other party already knew the truth about the suitcase, Lu Feng gave up the suitcase, holding a pistol in his hand, he kept firing, and the man retreated sharply to distance himself.

Pupupu, the bullet was ejected directly in front of the blue-haired swordsman, and it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

It seems that hot weapons are ineffective against blue-haired swordsmen, or maybe the opponent has a strong defense.

In short, Lu Feng's attack failed, but Lu Feng was very calm. As a former killer, he had never seen anything.

So he didn't stop attacking, and the pistol kept firing until one clip was empty.

No matter what defensive method it is, as long as it is a player, it will definitely consume MP. This is also one of the weaknesses. Any attack will consume the opponent. As long as the opponent's MP is exhausted, it will stop, and the rest is hand-to-hand combat.

"Then cut off your feet first, and then slowly torture you to see if you say anything."

The blue-haired swordsman showed a ferocious look on his face, and said with a sinister smile: "In order to complete the task, I will use all means, you should hand it over obediently."

Lu Feng stepped back and continued to flee.

"Then let you suffer." One of the main quests of the blue-haired swordsman is to kill Lu Feng, which is one of the keys to depriving Lu Feng of his novice welfare skills.

But before he got the wreckage, he didn't want to kill Lu Feng, because getting the wreckage was also the key to the main mission. Without this, the mission would have failed.

And now Lu Feng was the only one who knew where the wreckage was hidden.

Fighting in reality is not as easy to control as it is written in the novel. If you are not careful, you will die or be seriously injured, especially when facing a crispy newcomer.

The blue-haired swordsman was also afraid of accidentally killing Lu Feng, because it was very simple.

First of all, he hadn't noticed that all the nearby cameras had been knocked out by Lu Feng. In fact, when it was suddenly teleported in and the battle started immediately, not many people could notice these details.

Not to mention suddenly came to an unfamiliar place.

Academy City is a modern world of order, which means that it has a strong monitoring and early warning mechanism. He still knows some things about this dungeon world. After killing Lu Feng, he needs to find the wreck by himself.

It is very likely that before he can find it, the security force of Academy City has arrived, and then he will fall into a passive state.

This was the same as Lu Feng's judgment that he couldn't hide until the next morning after he got the wreckage. Anyone who has lived in modern society will think of this.

Secondly, his teleportation time was fifteen seconds after Lu Feng got the wreckage. He didn't know it, and after he formed a bet, the only thing he knew was that the novice customized copy was a catalog of forbidden magic books, and he didn't even know that it would be teleported to Academy City.

His mission only appeared after the teleportation arrived, and the ten seconds fixed by the protective cover was used to give him the specific mission information of gambling and the surrounding situation.

But he didn't understand the entire process surrounding the wreckage incident, and could only make judgments based on the information he knew about Academy City and the information in the mission prompt.

Therefore, he can't judge where it is, and Yubiao Danxi is not a very important plot character, and no one in the whole Terra has a clear understanding of the specific background of this character. Magic Forbidden is a relatively complex dungeon world, and there are many people who have been attacking it, but it is not that easy to figure out.

Moreover, this is not an online encyclopedia on earth, and no one will give it selflessly.

He couldn't judge whether Misaka Mikoto mentioned in the prompt message had fought against Yubiao Danxi now.

Although his basic judgment is that the wreckage should still be nearby, because he doesn't think that Lu Feng will hide the wreckage in the distance and then come back, the probability is too low.

But it still takes a long time to really search. Compared with finding the risks that he needs to take, he would rather torture him and ask Lu Feng. This is the easiest and quickest way.

But it could be seen that the newcomer on the opposite side would not give in, and would not easily tell him where the wreckage was hidden.


The blue-haired swordsman didn't care, the magic sword was raised, and the man suddenly disappeared from where he was standing.

Advection cut.

The blue-haired swordsman appeared a few meters behind Lu Feng, in a slashing posture, the magic sword struck a visible sword light and cut towards Lu Feng.

"Come on, the skill level is at least LV8!"

LV8 is the lowest key level. For swordsmanship, if you want to awaken some additional abilities or unique or learn additional skills, this is the lowest level. Lu Feng didn't move much, just turned around, holding a bulletproof shield in his hand, hiding behind him, the sword slashed **** the shield.

With a bang, Lu Feng fell back to the ground along with the shield.

A bit beyond imagination, this sword was so powerful that it actually knocked Lu Feng and the shield into the air. But the bulletproof shield could not be cut open. The bulletproof shield is not hard, but tough. It will absorb the impact force, and it is difficult to be pierced at a single point, let alone slashing.

So Lu Feng was fine, just like he was usually pushed over, he wasn't injured.

"Bulletproof shield? You can even get this!" The blue-haired swordsman was a little surprised, this thing is not so easy to get his hands on, "This dungeon is a good strategy for you, but it's a pity that you are doomed to die when you meet me. Whole body."

"You can't dodge the next attack." The blue-haired swordsman stepped forward and wanted to attack again, and something on the ground rolled over. He hurriedly glanced down, "This is? Grenade!"


With a bang, the thing burst, and smoke came out.

"Tear gas! Did this Nima loot the entire security guard's equipment store?" Blue Hair Sword's morale exploded.

Lu Feng had already stood up and erected his bulletproof shield again. At present, this is very effective and can withstand the opponent's ultimate attack.

In the empty area, the effect of tear gas was not very good. The blue-haired swordsman walked around and appeared in the upper wind, facing Lu Feng again.

"As a newcomer, you are very powerful. I don't know how you got these items, but today you are destined to die. Be happy, everyone is comfortable, right?" The blue-haired swordsman sneered and rushed over, " Don't worry, your sword is very fast and will give you a good time."