MTL - Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library-Chapter 14 perfect rating

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The bottom layer of Lu Feng's sole plate has a soft plastic layer that absorbs sound. It is a special purpose. Be careful to walk without sound. Although you know there is no one here, it is still the original sneaking habit. So, the man outside didn't find him.

For a moment, the man outside moved.

The red hair was tied in two long bundles and hung behind his head. He wore the winter uniform of a certain high school over his shoulders. A pale pink cloth was wrapped around the huge X, but he had no underwear.

The lower body is a miniskirt, which is shorter than the common uniform in the girls' school here. It is estimated that it will disappear without relying on the wind.

There is also a wide decorative belt around the waist, as well as a flashlight. It's a relatively large one, not a miniature tactical flashlight like Lu Feng's.

"That exposed female knot sign Danxi." He didn't see his face, and he couldn't see it in the darkness, but Lu Feng still guessed the other party's identity immediately.

He really didn't expect that this woman would be so blatantly dressed like the original.

Could it be that this is an interference tactic, and there is indeed some kind of advantage in encountering male enemies.

Lu Feng thought to himself.

Of course, for him, these advantages are useless, because he is a professional, and he will not hesitate to strike as long as he needs it, and he will not be disturbed in the battle.

"Could it be that the railgun came in, and the security system seems to be paralyzed."

The place where Jibiao Danxi stands is the dead end of surveillance. Her identity is relatively special. She can get information that many people can't get, and can enter places that many people can't. She has been investigating this place for a long time, and she knows the inside several monitoring dead spots.

After standing for a while, she realized that the surveillance camera inside did not turn, indicating that it was paralyzed, because under normal circumstances, the camera would swing back and forth to increase the monitoring range.

However, there was no confusion in the building, and this was the place where Misaka Mikoto was the only person related to the wreckage of the designer of the tree map.

"I knew I didn't have to move myself."

Kiebiao Danxi has the ability to move coordinates, and can move an object directly from point A to point B without touching the object. But she wanted to be afraid of moving herself, but it wasn't that she couldn't do it, otherwise she wouldn't be able to lead the way in the completely closed building without windows and doors.

According to the plan, the next step was to move herself directly to the monitoring room to kill the guards. She stood there for so long just now, not to hide, but to rest and relax.

Moving herself continuously was not even a word that could describe her fear.

She basically doesn't do that, and takes a long break every time she moves herself.

"The guards probably haven't noticed it yet. The railgun should have this ability. Let's go upstairs directly. If you encounter the railgun, you have to be careful this time."

Since the surveillance and security had been paralyzed, and the guards had not been alerted, she decided to give up the plan to move the guards. Perhaps this would also deter Misaka Mikoto, because Misaka Mikoto also did not want to attract the attention of the security guards.

Although the building is very large, the security guards can't hear some noises upstairs, but if it is a big war, it will be different.

Therefore, Jibiao Danxi walked upstairs directly, and sure enough, there was no sound from the security department, which showed that her judgment was correct, and the security system was completely paralyzed.

After a while, Jiebiao Danxi's figure disappeared on the stairs, Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to move towards his destination.

It seems that Yubiao Danxi began to act very early. In her plan to **** the wreckage, she probably not only intercepted the courier halfway, but also directly stole it from the research institute.

The staff here uses the method of delivering ordinary items, and even the delivery person does not know what he is delivering, but also to hide people's eyes and ears.

But in the end, the bidder Dan hoped to know the specific information, even including which car and the specific driving path.

Lu Feng's speed was very fast, and he opened the door of the equipment warehouse in a moment.

"It's just a small equipment depot."

The first thing to see is a set of submachine guns, leaning against a shelf, but one of them is a rifle with a professional scope.

Lu Feng identified it.

[F3500 rifle (with tactical flashlight, night vision scope and grenade launcher accessories)]

【Origin: Academy City】

[Item information: This rifle is a standard military weapon of Academy City. It is suitable for indoor and urban special operations or assault operations. It is made of new materials and weighs only one-third of similar firearms, so more accessories can be mounted. Compared with similar firearms, it is almost equal to no recoil, and the magazine has forty-five rounds. Although the performance is excellent, because the operation of the F2000 series submachine guns developed at the same time is more foolish, coupled with the rapid-fire capability, lighter weight and larger capacity, it is even better among the capable players in the city of war, resulting in the embarrassing status of the F3500. , and has not gained too much popularity. 】

[Level: Normal]

【Type: Weapon】

[Durability: 99%]

[Other information: cannot be brought out of the current world, can be exchanged for 80 points]

Then there are a lot of pistols, grenades, smoke bombs, tear gas, grenades, as well as body armor, bulletproof shields, electric batons and other commonly used security guard equipment.

But only F3500 can be redeemed for points, but this is not important.

The important thing is that there are no sniper rifles.

But it's already very good, basically meeting Lu Feng's requirements, because the rifles here are all special operations types, and all have their own professional-grade scopes. UU reading is not as easy to use as a sniper rifle, and the scope is only suitable for a maximum range of 600 meters, but Lu Feng is very familiar with this type of firearm and can be used as half a sniper rifle.

And he searched for a while, not only found a lot of magazines in the drawer of the table, but also found a rifle silencer, which is a good thing, the best weapon companion for killers.

Although there are twenty slots in the inventory, kitchen knives, grenades, etc. are stackable, each occupying only one slot, but how much he can carry depends on his own ability, as usual, so Lu Feng is impossible to scavenge everything. , because the back does not move.

Fortunately, the equipment here uses new materials, which are stronger and lighter than normal equipment, which can save a lot of physical strength on the equipment.

He aimed at future combat needs. According to his past experience, he took enough weapons and was basically fully armed, no less than a fighter who sneaked into the enemy's rear.

Then, Lu Feng immediately left the building.

After arriving outside and entering the subway station, Lu Feng called up the task panel, and sure enough, a confirmation button has appeared in [Main Mission 1].

After confirmation, the system message appears.

[No. 69690001 has obtained enough weapons and successfully armed himself. Even if he encounters a crisis, he has enough ability to participate in the battle, and he has not been arrested by the guards and the discipline committee]

【Complete Main Quest 1】

[Difficulty: Level 1]

[Evaluation: Perfect]

[Get 150 points, 1 potential point]

[No. 69690001 has obtained the first perfect level main quest evaluation, and in the gambling state, an additional reward of 1: 50 points, 1 potential point]

[Get extra reward 2: current world satellite monitoring shielding, Aleister detection shielding]

【World Switch Change: Get Continuation Tag】