MTL - Global Job Change: I Can Increase Blue Infinitely-Chapter 958 Sudden enemy attack! Dark Wing Demon!

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The incident of strengthening the holy artifacts is over.

No matter how unwilling, no matter how envious and jealous the members of the Amethyst Legion were, they knew that it would be impossible for General Ling Zhan to change his mind.

Now they look at those teammates who hold their sacred artifacts and smile there every day, and there is only endless regret and envy in their hearts.

They missed an opportunity.

A 100% chance to upgrade the holy artifact.

The point is that they don't understand...

Why can this jobless samurai achieve 100% perfection and success to upgrade the holy weapon!

To know…

Afterwards, they also suspected that there was something wrong with the upgraded furnace machines, so they took a piece of purple equipment to upgrade.



Black light blooms.

The equipment shattered directly.

It turns out.

Only the master Ling Zhan's operation will be successful, and other people will directly fail to operate the upgrade furnace.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of personal luck.

"General Ling Zhan must have used some method to fill up the luck value!"

Someone guessed.

Only this guess is reliable.

After all, only the lucky value can play a role in upgrading and strengthening such probability-fighting things.


Some people think that the pure value of luck is to give people psychological comfort.

But that's just because your lucky value is not full enough.

Lucky value can increase the success rate.

If you increase the lucky value infinitely, the success rate will always change from 1% to 100%.

So everyone agrees with this guess.

"Should be some kind of luck-enhancing props used?"

"I think it's very likely..."

"That's over. If it's really a prop, after General Ling Zhan uses it, will there be such a precious prop next time?"

The members of the Amethyst Legion wailed.

They guessed right.

After all, there are only a few ways to improve luck.

The lucky value of equipment and title increases is limited.

Most likely it's a prop.

Because only by using props can the lucky value be superimposed infinitely.

But props to improve luck are too rare.

The members of the entire Amethyst Legion couldn't even produce one.


they do not know…

Ling Zhan is not just a prop.

He has many bottles of luck potions.

The reason why he didn't continue to drink the second bottle of lucky potion was simply because he was too lazy to bother.

In fact, he asked the two young generals Aviana and Clodas to count the list of members of their legion this time, and it was he who showed kindness.

Originally, he just wanted to upgrade the equipment of the members of the Demon Slayer Legion.

He never thought about upgrading the Amethyst Legion.

I thought about it later anyway, so I counted how many members of the Amethyst Legion need to be upgraded.


Only a few of them chose to believe in Ling Zhan.

For this...

Ling Zhan just shook his head, not bothering to say anything.

In addition, as long as the overall combat power of the members of the Demon Slayer Legion is qualitatively improved, then the goal will be achieved.

After all, the Amethyst Legion is nominally under his jurisdiction, but after the war, the Amethyst Legion will continue to be loyal to the Amethyst Empire, and will not have half a dime relationship with the Dragon Kingdom.

As for the demon-slaying army, if nothing else happens, Ling Zhan will continue to lead it until it ascends to the upper realm.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with him whether the equipment of the members of the Amethyst Legion is upgraded or not.

It is impossible for him to waste time upgrading equipment for others with a sick mind.


Night fell.

In the sky above the Tianmo Valley, there is an incomparably bright starlight. The stars are like a chess game, as if there is a long bright galaxy hanging upside down in the sky.

This is the majestic landscape formed when the magic circle in the Heavenly Demon Valley is in operation.


The accident came very suddenly.

There was almost no warning, and even the magic satellite didn't seem to sense any danger signals. A huge meteorite with a long tail of flames slammed down on the magic circle.


The huge tremor caused the entire Demon Valley stronghold to shake up!

"Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack!"

The strong men in charge of vigilance also sounded the alarm at this moment, and at the same time shouted loudly through the magic loudspeaker.

The special sound waves blessed by magic directly swayed in the ears of every job changer who had fallen asleep, waking them up instantly.

Fortunately, members of the Demon Slayer Legion and the Amethyst Legion are well-trained.

After being awakened by the alarm, not only did they not panic, but they assembled calmly. At the same time, they came to the combat post they were in charge of, and watched the huge meteorites falling towards the Demon Valley in the sky.

His expressions became slightly serious.

the reason is simple…

The enemy's attack, the magic satellite didn't even sense it in advance!

No alert feedback either!

They had all reached the front of the Tianmo Valley's position, and it was only by the alarm sounded by the guards at the guard posts.

At this time, the benefits of artificial vigilance are reflected.

Although the magic technology is very advanced nowadays, the magic satellite created can even scan and detect the stealth of the four-turn assassin, but in the face of enemies with endless means, this magic satellite is useless after all.

The other party obviously used some means to completely shield the magic satellite.

"Don't look, those who have such means must be the Dark Wing Demon Army!"

The veterans of the Amethyst Legion are veterans who have been on the battlefield for many years.

I don't know how many times I have dealt with the enemies of the Ten Thousand Demon Race.

See through the enemy's race at a glance.

Dark Wing Demon.

It is one of the special races among the many demon races.

This race masters the power of darkness and can block all light and perception.

Where there are dark winged demons, the entire sky environment will be completely dark.

All signals are blocked.

The perception of job changers is also suppressed to the maximum extent.

Moreover, the Dark Wing Demon has a powerful secret technique that blends in the darkness, making it even more difficult for you to spot them in a dark environment.

"Defense! Fire up the magic ballista!"

"Floating cannons are also ready!"

"The radar detection in the base is directly turned on!"

There is no need for Ling Zhan to give orders.

The two young generals, Aviana and Clodas, had calmly and calmly ordered the soldiers to put up a defensive posture.

to be honest…

They really didn't expect that at this critical point, the enemy would dare to take the initiative to counterattack!

But I have to say...

The timing was perfect.

All members of the Dark Wing Demon are capable of flying, and there are relatively few air strike equipment in the Demon Valley.

In addition, the reinforcements from Fort Le Morris will not arrive until tomorrow.

And obviously...

All directions in the Tianmo Valley are enemy forces!

Good guy!

Is this a double-team strategy for these two legions?

It's really a wishful thinking!