MTL - Global Job Change: I Can Increase Blue Infinitely-Chapter 82 Flames! Congratulations on clearing the customs

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Three seconds is a short period of time.

But for Ling Zhan, it is the key to deciding the outcome!


this moment.

Ling Zhan's whole body surrounded by the scarlet blood mist was strangely burning with raging black flames.

Black flames and blood mist intertwine, making Ling Zhan look like a bloodthirsty and violent black flame blood demon.

'Sunday (A-)'!

[Sunday (S-): When you enter the state of "flame god", all attacks will be attached to black flames, which will burn the enemy, causing huge damage to the enemy, and at the same time can make the enemy enter the "death" state. 】


1. When the enemy is in the state of "death", all healing and buff effects are invalid, and the state of "death" cannot be expelled.

2 The duration of the 'flame god' state is 60 seconds. (ps: I forgot to add the settings earlier, and I will slowly come back to it in the future. Forgive the idiot author for not having enough brain power.)

This is the first time Ling Zhan has launched this god-level attack skill!

It was also the first time I felt what a 'flame god' is!

Fiery black flames flowed all over his body, and his attack power was greatly improved at this moment!

Ling Zhan at this moment.

All attributes are at their peak!

In front of him, the ogre king is within reach.

'Bloodthirsty Crazy Slash'!

Classic reappearance!

[Bloodthirsty Clash (E)]: Berserker's primary skill, swinging the epee in his hand, slashing fifteen knives in succession, each time the knives hit the enemy, it will cause huge stiffness to the enemy, and at the same time inflict "severe injury" on the enemy State, the state of serious injury can be superimposed up to five layers, and the user will consume 50% of his current blood volume. 】

[Note: In the state of serious injury, the damage received by the enemy will increase by 30%, and the recovery effect received will be halved. 】

(Re-PS: In view of the fact that the concept of damage increase is a bit confusing, I declare here that the calculation formula for damage increase in the future is: 1+(1*X). That is to say, 150% damage increase=1+(1*1.5)=2.5 damage increase .)

The heavy blade in Ling Zhan's hand was covered with monstrous blood light and black flames, and he began to slash and kill the ogre king in front of him frantically.

Although the epee 'Yueshan' form does not have any attack power and armor penetration bonus for Ling Zhan himself.

However, the huge increase brought about by 'Flame God' and 'Blood Sacrifice' was enough to increase Ling Zhan's lethality to a jaw-dropping exaggeration.

Coupled with the combination of 'serious injury buff' and 'death buff', all the buffs and healing effects of the ogre king will disappear!

Including the attribute gain brought by the equipment!

This is the horror of god-level skills!

When Ling Zhan's third knife fell.

The ogre king had already woken up from his unconscious state.

Then, it saw angrily that this human dared to hack it!

But even though it was angry, it was full of contempt and disdain!

Because, as early as last year, the poor girl who was devoured by him also chopped on it like this.

But what about the result?

It didn't even break its defenses!

The end is to be ruthlessly played by it, and finally to be devoured by it like a delicious delicacy!

And the boy in front of him will not change his fate either!



When the Ogre King was slashed for the fifth time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

The huge stiffness caused by the 'Bloodthirsty Crazy Slash' made it unable to move.

It realized that the damage it suffered seemed to be slowly increasing! I can also clearly feel that all my buff attributes have fallen off a cliff after being infected with black flames!

And there is...

This black inflammation is burning so **** painful!

It's a pain in the bone!

Under the burning of the black flame and the slashing of the epee, his blood volume dropped crazily!

That being the case...

Then activate the healing and purification skills, and I will cut you enough!

I want to see if you, a humble and insignificant human being, can kill Lao Tzu!

At this moment, it let out an ear-piercing scream, and was about to launch its own 'skill available for being hit'.

It wants to recover its own injuries and remove the negative effects of the black flame attached to it!

'Advanced regeneration'!

'Advanced purification'!

Thoughts fell.

Bursts of vibrant green light suddenly appeared on the body of the Ogre King.


next second.

Um! ?

The ogre king who was being slashed suddenly stared at his ugly one eye, full of disbelief!

Because, it realized that its 'advanced regeneration' skill didn't have any healing effect!

The severe burning pain still accompanied it.

At the same time, the 'death' BUFF brought over by Hei Yan was not purified!

Do not expel!


"Human! What the **** did you do!"

It desperately let out this roar.


Ling Zhan, who had already turned into a **** Balrog, didn't even bother to talk to him.

He has cut to the tenth knife!

The originally rampant and powerful ogre king was already bruised and **** under the crazy slashing.

And the animal bone armor that was originally worn on the body has long been shattered into pieces under the violent slash.

Also at this moment.

Only then did Ling Zhan realize how perverted the skill 'Yao Ri' is!

Black inflammation is not only aimed at living things.

Its 'target' is fine even if it is a dead object!

When the black flame burned the animal bone armor attached to the ogre king.

The beast bone armor gave the ogre king all the buff attributes such as blood volume, double resistance, and four dimensions, all of which were invalid!

In other words, when Black Flame attaches to something, that thing will temporarily lose all its buff attributes!


Really excited!

With the few knives that were cut when he just woke up, the ogre king can still move.

But now, the ogre king had completely given up resistance, and could only scream in despair.

Its arms and legs were completely rotten under the slash!

The wounds on the body are even deeper into the bones, and even its beating internal organs can be vaguely seen!

The splashed blood didn't even have time to splash on Ling Zhan.

It has been transpired and volatilized by the raging black flame.

When the fourteenth knife falls!

The tip of the epee had penetrated the opponent's heart, and the endless black flames burned its internal organs.

The aura of the ogre king was sluggish to the extreme at this moment!

It's not dead yet!


Finally, the fifteenth knife!

Its body and head were cut in half by this knife.

The black flame kept burning that big head.

at the same time.

The Ice Crystal Throne under it exploded with a bang under the slash!

The terrifying blade intent permeated the surroundings, and the fiery black flames made the entire ice crystal palace begin to melt.

Looking at the corpse of the ogre king, which was too rotten to bear the sight of.

Ling Zhan put his epee on the ground.

The 30 seconds of the' blood sacrifice', now he has 10 seconds left.

Black inflammation disappeared.

The blood mist dissipated.

Before the side effects of the 'Blood Sacrifice' came to him, a beam of resplendent light shone on Ling Zhan's body.

'Blessing of the Secret Realm'!


At this moment, the melodious and crisp female voice prompts resounded throughout the palace.

[Congratulations to freshman Ling Zhan for successfully clearing the Mystery of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Cave! 】