MTL - Global Game: Comes with Portable Store-v3 Chapter 238 Road to??

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The spring water formed a huge vortex with a height of more than 30 meters, and the flower umbrella and four or five undead knights were all stirred into it.

In the high-speed rotation, each spring water is like the sharpest blade, cutting and smashing everything in it except the spring water.

Fine cracks appeared on the armors of those undead knights. With a crisp sound, the armor of one of them collapsed first, and there was nothing inside, only the faint blue flame gradually dissipated in the vortex.

Another undead knight also collapsed, but his body flew out of the vortex and fell onto a roof. The blue flames shone brightly, and the shattered armor began to reassemble.

As long as the soul fire of the undead knights is not extinguished, then they will be infinitely reborn

Taoist Shengquan doesn't care about these monsters now, he just wants to kill the umbrella, but the strength of the umbrella's body is beyond imagination, even under such an attack, there is still no sign of damage, like an indestructible diamond.

The flower umbrella rotated at high speed in the vortex, staring at the other party with wide eyes, only felt that Taoist Shengquan was just seeking death by doing this, and felt the arrival of that thing, spreading in the surrounding space.

Taoist Shengquan saw that the umbrella was still fine, with a crazy look in his eyes: "You die to me! Die to me!"

The huge vortex rotated at a faster speed, and a large amount of water vapor rose into the sky above Beijing and Seoul.

He had long lost the idea of ​​living, and this trip was just to find an excuse.

The blood moon eroded the Litian world, causing a large number of people to die, including his seven concubines. He loved everyone and gave all his love.

The horror of the blood moon was far beyond their imagination, and it was unexpected, and more importantly, it destroyed their foundation.

Half of the people in the whole world have been extinct because of this, and more people are still dying at an accelerated rate, so they must leave there and return to their ancestors.

Otherwise not many of them would have survived.


Taoist Shengquan let out a scream, and unknown flames appeared on the spring water, and then spread to his body, burning continuously, and the raging flames covered his body.

The flame disappeared, and Taoist Shengquan also disappeared, as if he had never existed.

The huge vortex also returned to calm, and the spring water flowed around, becoming more and more turbid, with dirty stains, dark red blood, and stinking corpses.

Dirt seems to be the essence of everything.

Huasan got up from the spring water, covered in tatters, but she was not fatally injured. Fortunately, she was still not wiped out. This seemed to be because she could clearly feel the existence of that thing, although she could not be precise. The power to control, but know when to be able to reach what level.

The sudden sudden death of Taoist Shengquan was unexpected, especially for people in Litian World. In their plan, the death of Taoist Shengquan would definitely bring an opportunity to break through Beijing and Seoul.

At least it can kill the umbrella.

Want to reduce the sacrifice, but in the end it seems that you need to pay a higher price, which can be regarded as counterproductive.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of tremors, and the reinforcements from Litian World rushed over. There were three people, three fifth-order Extraordinary people.

Su Changxing made a decisive decision and asked t3 to immediately detonate the bomb planted in Beijing and Seoul.

The dazzling white light covered half of the city. Such an explosion was extremely exaggerated, and even the teams at the edge of the city were affected.

According to Su Changxing's expectation, maybe such an explosion could expose the people in Litian World to their strength, and thus be obliterated by the rules.

Although "anti-virus software" has limited his strength, it is also a weapon that can be used completely.

However, the explosion was obviously a step too late, and it was not successful. The entire city was overturned in half, and even a few people were not actually killed.

A huge maze of rocks appeared above the city, completely limiting the power of the explosion.

A little boy holding candied haws, a woman in a long red dress, and a scrawny man carrying a sword box.

The little boy licked the lollipop and was not affected by the explosion at all. He looked around and saw no figure of Taoist Shengquan. He sighed and said old-fashionedly: "Shengquan is dead."

The woman in the long red dress said nonchalantly: "That guy didn't think about living at all, he just came to die. It's normal to die, and it's fine if he dies, lest he cry all day."

The skinny man looked sick, and said slowly: "Be careful, Shengquan died here, so don't stumble."

"You should all understand our purpose, everything else is not important."

These three people are stronger than Taoist Shengquan, and they can even be said to be stronger.

Although they are all fifth-order Extraordinary, there is still a clear distinction between strength and weakness, and the gap between the strong and the weak can be vastly different.

When Zhou An saw these three people, his look of despair flashed even more, UU reading www.uukanshu. I also had to sigh in my heart how powerful Litian World is.

Although I had imagined it before, it is only when I actually experience it that I can realize such power, such profound foundation, and such powerlessness.

In the battle just now, he was already covered with cuts and bruises, and his left hand was melted away by the spring water, leaving only the bones of his hand.

Huasan didn't care about this, and charged straight at the little boy with the silver sword in hand, stepping on the street with her bare feet, splashing water.

"Ai ai, do you think I'm easy to bully?" The little boy showed an unhappy expression when he saw the umbrella rushing towards him, he took two steps back and disappeared in place.

The next moment, he appeared in another location a hundred meters away.

The flower umbrella fell to the ground, as if it was hammered heavily on the back by something, causing the center of gravity to become unstable, so it fell.

Then she got up from the ground and ran towards the little boy, like an unkillable cockroach, no matter how many times she was hit, she could still move again and stand up again.

"She left it to you." The woman in red smiled, turned into a shadow, and ran out of the city.

Zhou An slashed with his sword, but was easily dodged by him.

The other party didn't want to tangle with him at all, and ran straight out of the city, and the direction he was going was the direction of the altar.

This is actually their ultimate goal. To destroy the altar, Su Changxing and others will have no way to separate the space between the two worlds in a short time.

The skinny man walked slowly on the street, countless sword lights flew out from the sword box behind him, and the four undead knights who approached were easily beheaded, and the fire of their souls was also wiped out.

"Avenue is coming, please get out of the way!"

He shouted in a hoarse voice.

There was an echo of gongs and drums between the voices.