MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 364 White light

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"I don't know, but the only thing I know is that the prokaryotic never supports any action of Little Turner-except for this tree-pulling operation." Xilong Xieer thought for a while and said, "Because of the different ideas, generally The original nuclear does not interfere in any actions of Little Turner, but it will not support it. For example, the small Turner wants to send troops to occupy some unoccupied land. This kind of behavior is not very supportive. All actions including ethnic alliances, the original nuclear Neither did he give any emotional or material support to Little Turner-this tentative attack on willows. "

"The pronuclear seems to promise that after the first wave of offensive trials, they will give follow-up help. Including those high-tech weapons owned by the little Turner, some of the pro-nuclear members helped research.

And this time, it seems that the pro-nuclear elders' group unanimously adopted them. They seem to be very concerned about the willow tree. "

She Xieer uttered a lot of secrets in one breath, which made Liu Chang listen to deep thought.

On the other side, I saw that the two had finished talking, and finally couldn't help but interjected: "This big monster really speaks! Why doesn't he ignore me for a day?"

"Because he looks at creatures without scales. It's hard to see." After Liu Chang thought deeply about the undersea people, he didn't have any special burden on his face. He smiled and said to Tiantian: "It's as if we humans only like hair Like cats and dogs, they only like scaly animals. "

"Oh! I said!" Every day sighed, "Like your guys who like white-skinned girls, they are all vulgar creatures!"

The little black girl said this every day, "hum" and left here.

After Liu Chang chatted with Xieer for a while, he also left silently.

That night.

Back at the Jinan Research Institute, Liu Chang hastily entered his next step—previously planned with Lao Zhang—and now finally has time to implement the next step—the nematode parasite.

This is a painful process. After Liu Chang hesitated again and again, reason overcame emotions—entering into the laboratory. Let the nematode parasite itself.

He was then watched by two soldiers 24 hours a day—in case of accidents.

On the third day that the A. elegans was parasitic, he received a message—a shocking news—that the undersea people were under the catkins three days ago, and the entire army was wiped out.

"The whole army annihilated?" Even Liu Chang was present when Liu Su was in the sky. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, "Isn't it possible, dozens of camps, millions of undersea people, all of them are dead?"

"Well, the news is that there is almost no survivorship." Lao Zhang apparently just got the news. Because the shocked look on his face still hasn't completely faded away. "The big arm, the millions of troops of the undersea people, in theory, could completely destroy the Chinese army, but all of them disappeared in such an instant. Less than one. "

"The corpse is gone?" Liu Chang frowned, thinking of some scenes he saw at the time-the undersea people were covered with sky catkins, and the opportunity for cover happened when the beasts rushed. Therefore, almost all of the undersea people at the time failed to escape, and the commanders who happened to be in the tent. He was subsequently rushed to the amphibians to solve it.

And for those undersea people surrounded by catkins, Liu Chang didn't know what happened to them.

"Do you say Willow will transform those undersea people into another race affiliated with him?" Liu Chang speculated: "Although it is difficult, there is a lesson from the past ..."

Liu Changzheng was talking. Suddenly his eyes flickered, and he felt dizzy. Old Zhang was very smart. When he saw his expression, he immediately responded-"Come?"

"Well, I feel faint, and send someone to take charge of me. The people in the institute can't control me, so let the guy from Sheshel help, other things I will handle, if you have been comatose, let me row this time The worm process told me. "After Liu Chang said this, he closed his eyes actively.

After a moment, he went into a coma.

But different from last time. After he fell into a coma this time, his consciousness was not completely lost, because he felt the existence of the source of consciousness, so this time he directly entered the world that he had dreamed of last time.

A white world, a light ball world.

This time he saw the whole process by which the nematode manipulated the source of consciousness. He saw the black lines, wrapped around his own light sphere, saw countless wills above the brain, and was constantly transmitting. A small amount of information also sees some fluctuations in the source of consciousness.

"Is this the most essential part of my existence?" Liu Chang has seen such a large source of consciousness-it should be said that although he was able to see and feel the source of consciousness before, it was in his mind. It ’s just a small point, at best it does n’t mean the size of the head and belly, but now it is a light source that is dozens of times larger than his body. With the help of the nematode, he was so awake for the first time at such a close range Observing the most fundamental thing of myself.

"These little black lines should be something that the nematode imposes on the source of consciousness." Try walking into the source of consciousness and watching the little black lines twined above it— "wait for the adult of the nematode to come out of the stomach. , These thin black lines that are constantly coming will disappear. "

Liu Chang reached out and touched the black line there twice, then looked up and looked above the source of consciousness-"But what is this thick white line that connects to the infinite sky?"


Liu Chang ’s second deworming process went smoothly ~ ~ Liu Chang did n’t even dominate the body during the coma. Lao Zhang and others sent his body to the lake, and he successfully discharged the worm. Then, on the way back to the institute, he came to his senses.

After being awake, Liu Chang did not speak for two days, and seemed to be thinking about something ...

After being awake, Liu Chang also spent two days to recover his wound. When he was able to get up, Zheer quickly recovered his injury.

"The speed of recovery is very fast!" When Liu Chang was standing in front of Chen Xieer again, the wounds of the size of his chest had been crusted together, and it seemed to be no big deal. Much stronger. "

Liu Chang sighed at the speed of Xilong's recovery, and at the same time lamented the loss of human resilience-for nearly 10,000 years, the speed of human body recovery and the ability to withstand trauma has indeed deteriorated a lot. Some data studies show that 10,000 years ago, humans suffered from trauma and the rate of wound healing was much faster than modern times. (To be continued)