MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 334 0 turn 0 back

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So there was a weird picture on the field-a situation where Li Qingshui faced the two and still had the advantage, but it seemed a bit daunting ..

It's as if three people are on the shelf, one can obviously turn the other two, but they always have spare energy and staying power every time they go out.

At this moment, Liu Chang suddenly retreated and broke out of the battle circle. One was still carrying a large sword, but the other held a cannon and put the only shot in his body. The muzzle pointed at Li Qingshui.

"Don't you die?" Seeing the muzzle pointing at himself, Li Qingshui did not retreat and chased him up. "I don't necessarily die in such a close explosion, but you must die!"

"Really?" Liu Chang pointed at Li Qingshui and did not fire. Instead, he waved his right knife, constantly resisting the attack from Li Qingshui, and threw away the Thunder Tiger that was thrown away. Time to attack

So, in this way, Li Qingshui was even more jealous—theoretically, as the body awakened by the willow, although he was full of emotions, he should not be afraid of death—at least he would not be afraid of the death of the willow above the willow. Command is above all else, he should not be afraid of death

And now he is so timid, Liu Chang knows that he is not afraid of death. He is afraid that after the death, he will not be able to complete the task given to him by the willows. This time the undersea people came over on a large scale to carry out tree-pulling activities. It ’s an unprecedented disaster. He ’s able to destroy those undersea people who are clever and have high-tech weapons, as well as sea beasts. So he needs to borrow a little force from the human side to change the situation.

Therefore, this action by Li Qingshui is particularly important.

Therefore, Li Qingshui cannot die

"Are you afraid?" While fighting with Li Qingshui, Liu Chang attacked the other party's emotions with utterance, hoping to cause slight fluctuations in his brain. "You can't count the recovery time of my body, so naturally I ’m not sure when I will attack. So, should n’t you run away before you count? "

Liu Chang's speech was very clear, but the speed of speech was very urgent-because of the effect of "drugs", his internal organs are now bursting, and each breath is like pulling a bellows. He can spray the air flow in his mouth more than ten meters away Like a strong wind—his body functions are constantly accelerating, and his heartbeat is getting faster and faster. At the beginning, he still “slaps” very frequently, but after a while, this rhythmic sound becomes a piece Into a continuous buzz—his heart was beating too fast

With it, the natural blood flow rate and the overloaded operation of muscles and brains are the most powerful stimulants in the world. Thunder Tiger once said that with Liu Chang's constitution, eating more than three pills will definitely die and he now He ate more than three capsules. He ate all the pills and ate them. This was nothing, but ten minutes later, when all the horrible drugs were absorbed by the body, he became like a Thunder Tiger. Reaction

The scaled armor is red, and his eyes are cracking. If someone is standing next to Liu Chang at this moment, he can easily hear the "rush" of his bloodstream, and he can see that his open eyes are full of bloodshot— —The blood vessel wall can hardly bear the speed of blood flow

Of course, because of this, Liu Chang is getting faster and faster, and his strength is getting stronger. Although his tone is still managed to keep calm, his mood is getting more and more manic.

"In fact, if I were you, I would run away today's events, which has exceeded your expectations, and then you cannot guarantee that you can win the battle!" Liu Chang still sprayed a strong airflow, saying The words were blown out by the wind in his mouth, "If I were you, I ran back first, and then waited for my side effects to rise, and when the three of us were no longer within ten meters of each other, we won again!"

Liu Chang ’s words naturally said that Li Qingshui was the easiest and most secure way to win. Sure enough, after hearing Liu Chang ’s words, Li Qingshui ’s attack was still sharp, but his eyes were soft.

Then this softened look, after Liu Chang looked in his eyes, he pulled the firing button of the middle artillery

Subsequently, a shot was taken and rushed towards the ground at the foot of Li Qingshui—the three were actually no more than five meters apart. It was said that at the foot of Li Qingshui, it was actually Liu Chang ’s foot—his muzzle It was fired at an angle of forty-five degrees, and the muzzle vented and went straight to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Li Qingshui was horrified and gave up the attacking gesture. When the shot had just released and the acceleration had not yet risen, he kicked it towards the side of the cannonball. Then, the shells flew parallel to the ground, and Liu Chang also took advantage of this neutral position and waved his third knife.

The third knife that is still so fast, or the third knife that is faster than the first two

The "Book of Kings" says that one shot refers to sixty moments, nine lives to die

And Liu Chang's knife is not enough for a lifetime-then he spends less than a lifetime to determine his own death

A knife was cut into Li Qingshui's neck-and then ~ ~ the titanium alloy knife edge broke, and the knife body was squeezed an inch there under the impact of huge kinetic energy, and then stuck in Li Qing Throat area of ​​the water-no blood spurted out during the period, but there was a heart-sparking electric spark between the metal and the skin

Then, the shot exploded within a few meters of the crowd, a small cloud of mushrooms rose there, and a powerful shock wave came in with a midstream like a storm, making the three Liu Chang who were the first to fall like stormy leaves Generally, Shengsheng was blown a few meters away.

During the blow-off, the crowd experienced a large number of mid-stream impacts—through the body of the three people, turning a large number of points in their bodies into a little bit apart, the most basic structure of the body was destroyed, and the three were together. After flying a few meters away, I fell to the ground, and for a moment, no one used it.

Due to the destruction of the basic structure of the body, after the three fell to the ground, two of them were convulsing-one was Thunder Tiger and the other was Liu Chang, and Liu Chang's spasm was significantly more severe than that of Thunder Tiger Only Li Qingshui did not have spasms, but the wound on his neck that almost cut off half of his neck was particularly eye-catching. The strong explosion wave just blown the giant knife that was there and did n’t know where to go. Now, at that moment, the wound is still holding a turquoise liquid to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.

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