MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 329 Impassioned

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"Well, what meeting is Researcher Li holding now?" Old Liu asked.

"Conference on army mobilization ..." The guard looked excited when he said this sentence. "Mr. Li's mobilization words are so good. I have never heard anyone who can say war mobilization words. So exciting! "

"Oh? Then we have to go in and listen." Old Liu nodded with a smile, patted the guard's shoulder, and then entered the General Assembly Hall under the eyes of everyone.

And as soon as he entered this vast temple, the loud and powerful voice came out.

"... Today, we stand here, on the land of the Chinese! Standing in Beijing, on the land that our ancestors irrigated with blood and life, behind me is a portrait of Mao Zedong. It is a The freedom fighter who led the proletariat to the bottom, maybe he was not recognized by the world, maybe some of his arguments proved to be wrong, but today, today, standing here, his spirit is that of our Chinese people Light!"

"Because sitting in front of me is a humiliating nation moaning in weakness, a species that is scared after falling from the altar! Since the end of the last days, it seems that this nation is proud of this species, The pride that we have accumulated over five thousand years has suddenly disappeared. Let those disgusting species, cockroaches, do their best on our heads! They trample on our dignity, the dignity of the most distant nation on this planet ! "

"Dignity? Yes, maybe everyone sitting here. Mid-level officers, realists, will laugh at me? Tell me, Mr. Li, in the last days, what is dignity, all I need is a bowl. Rice, a loaf of bread, is enough for me to survive. Yes, perhaps dignity is the least valuable thing at the moment. "

"But. To live, we must have these spiritual things to support our way forward. We are humans, the earliest intelligent species born on the earth, a species that has ruled the earth for tens of millions of years, abandoned With the spirit, what is the difference between us and those maggots that can be eaten in the toilet? "

"What we need is not a bread, but a living space! A living space that belongs to us humans! And within the law of the jungle. This space cannot be exchanged for not by begging and praying, competition for all things, the fittest To survive, we will lose our last living space without the gesture of iron and blood. "

"Would you like to let your family and your children. Wife, do you still live so diligently every day? So alive, what's the difference between death? It's time to fight, brothers, take your weapons. Let those who dare to land here Look at the disgusting species of the land we love, what are the top species in the world, and use our guns to tell them that the accumulation of civilization requires time, not a mutation !!! "

After saying this. Li Qingshui took out his gun and blasted into the air.

The sound of "Bang Bang" was so inspiring. At this time, even the coolest person couldn't help simmering in blood.

Within the General Assembly Hall, officers sitting at various levels rioted more or less-in the huge conference hall where the quiet needle could be heard. There was a sudden commotion.

The turmoil and excitement raised the originally low-temperature hall by three degrees, because the adrenaline surged officers, one by one, could not bear the excitement of the body, and each shook more or less.

And at this time, a clear applause overwhelmed all the sounds in the synagogue, and it rang loudly.



The voice suppressed all groans, and naturally attracted everyone's attention to it-and the senior officers sitting in the front row recognized who they were at a glance.

A man named Liu in Liu Chang's circle must be called Liu Lao in the high-level of China-the spiritual core of the institute, who contributed the most to the city-Liu Xinmin.

Therefore, his appearance once again increased the atmosphere of the synagogue to another peak.

With the attention of everyone and the company of Liu Changlei Tiger, he slowly walked up to the stage, and then bulging and smiling with a bright smile, "Mr. Li said that it was very good, this is the most OK, the perfect speech! Come, let us give this warm applause to the fighter who focuses on human freedom! Of course, the weather is cold, please be careful not to hurt the blood vessels when you shoot! "

Old Liu Ban joked after saying this, and then took the lead again and applauded.

And below, the thunderous applause naturally.

After a moment of enthusiasm, because this is a meeting place for all soldiers, the order is quickly restored. After the applause, they returned to quiet. Everyone looked at the most intense look again at the former leader of the Beijing City Institute.

"Well, Mr. Li said well, it is really good. We humans are indeed a little too conservative in these years. Because the end of the world is coming, everyone pays attention to the things around them, always It ’s important to pay attention to trivial things. For example, where are our rations? Can our wives and children survive? ”

"This is the most important thing ~ ~ But it is also the thing that holds us back. After all, in the last days, many magical and offensive species have emerged one by one, and our human circle has shrunk. In fact, what exists on this earth is very simple. As long as the species has a living space, everything can continue. But if the living space is gone, we don't need to consider those important trivia. Because there is no living space No one can survive. "

If Li Qingshui's speech is as fierce as the fire, the old Liu's speech at the moment is as soft as flowing water, and naturally, everyone's emotions are taken in another direction.

"So, what we should pay attention to are those things that have taken our living space, so that we can give our lives." After saying this, Lao Liu smiled and looked at Li Qingshui with a smile beside her. .

He did not poke Li Qingshui's lies, nor blocked his words-but left a way for everyone.

This road is like this. All the incitement and meaning of this speech are still there, but in the end where the human spearhead is supposed to be, this is a matter of private solution.

Obviously, Li Qingshui was very confident in himself, so he also did not refute the old Liu. (To be continued)