MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 314 crazy

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"I have thought about this problem, but He Zhizhi is not here, that's always reassuring." Liu Chang sighed, feeling that his stomach hurt even more.

"Don't think about it, your problem cannot be solved. Even if I agree to go with you, Thunder Tiger will definitely not agree with it." The boss looked at Liu Chang with a bitter expression and said, "In other words, you Are you willing to give up your life to rescue Thunder Tiger's daughter-in-law? If you don't, don't expect him to go! "

Boss made a very vulgar but absolutely persuasive analogy.

"Well, I know ..." Liu Chang sighed.

"And He Zhizhi did n’t come, just because her feet were very slow. Even if she had the machine foot as a moving tool, it would take her two or three days to come here alone. Wait patiently, maybe a few She came over here. "The boss said this and patted Liu Chang's shoulder." Actually, I am more anxious than you. My body is still in the big foot machine, and the body will not be hydrated for two or three days. Maybe It will wither, and if my body dies, I will die after turning back to Lao Liu ’s consciousness, so do n’t worry so much. If you are really anxious, you will follow Xiao Jing along the same path Meet around the city-but don't run too far. "

"Um." Nodded, Liu Chang turned around and left here.

After returning, Liu Chang and Xiaojing left Jinan in the same day. Before leaving Jinan city, they calculated the distance that the next two people can leave. The so-called distance that can be left is that Xiaojing can perceive Within the limit range of Li Qingshui, after Li Qingshui's foot stroke minus Liu Chang's extreme foot stroke, he can leave the time difference.

In popular terms, that is-Xiao Jing can sense Li Qingshui for dozens of kilometers, and Liu Chang has to meet two conditions to leave the city-first, he can't run to Li Qingshui to catch up with them, However, the two of them couldn't get back so far-they couldn't run to Li Qingshui to attack Jinan. Xiao Jing felt that Liu Chang couldn't come back that far afterwards.

After meeting these two conditions, the two found that they could only find the footprints of Hezhezhi on the ground around a dozen kilometers around the city.

But after two days passed, there was still no news-and then Liu Chang suddenly became ill on one evening.

This was the second time in Liu Chang's memory that he became ill since the end of the age. The first time was when the wound was infected. He and Liu Tao went to the hospital to find antibiotics. Then Liu Tao could not afford the illness and he survived. ability. Since then, his body has been much stronger than his peers or people at the same stage, and he has never been sick.

Therefore, in addition to occasionally feeling the pain in others, Liu Chang has forgotten about one of the most painful things in the world.

Then it seemed to remind him, so he was very ill this time.

Very abrupt.

The first two days were just stomach pains, and then one day and Xiao Jing searched for He Zhizhi's footprint again, he suddenly fell on the road-and then passed out in a coma.

In a coma, Liu Chang had another strange dream-he dreamed that there was a beautiful place to summon him, and then let him hurry over to complete this destination.

"Let me go ... coming soon ..." Lying on the bed, Liu Chang had a nightmare in his mouth.

"Why did this happen suddenly?" The boss looked at Xiao Jing and exhausted Liu Chang, who was tossing over, "Willn't Li Qing be poisoned by something underwater?"

"I don't know. My brother said that his stomach hurts a few days ago, but the pain doesn't seem to be too severe. He himself said that it might be an injury. Based on his physical recovery ability, even if the internal organs are bleeding, it is probably a good week So let me not worry about it, it suddenly happened today. "Xiao Jing was talking, and tears were in her eyes, and then the tears flowed out, and ice droplets formed on her red face .

"Don't worry, there should be nothing, even if this guy is made into two sections, he can grow to ..." The boss was talking in front of the operating table, Liu Chang suddenly sat up from the bed-very fast, Like a draft.

After sitting up, Liu Chang's eyes narrowed, and he didn't seem to be awake, but in this state, he suddenly got out of bed and went out barefoot.

"Where are you going? Is your spirit stunned?" The boss tried to pull Liu Chang, but he was thrown away on the ground, "Xiao Jing, go and ask Thunder Tiger to come and hold him."

"Well, good." After Xiao Jing left, the boss followed Liu Chang out of the laboratory. Then when Thunder Tiger arrived, he shouted, "Can this volume be heard?"

"It's not clear, but I can probably guess what it means!" Thunder Tiger with hearing aids in his ears also shouted loudly-People behind the ears always talk very loud, because they are not sensitive to the sound, so they are subconsciously improved. Use your own volume to let yourself know that you are talking.

"Help me hold this guy, he has a mental problem, I can't hold him!" The boss shouted again, "the whole institute, you can hold him!"

"Okay." Thunder Tiger listened to the boss and stroked the hearing aid on his ear. He was about to pull Liu Chang up-but met fierce resistance.

Liu Chang attacked anyone who tried to pull him like a lunatic—Thunder Tiger was no exception ~ ~ Thunder Tiger tried to pull him, but he attacked Thunder Tiger. He didn't use the dynamic vision and calculation coordination that he was best at, but he was very furious and crazy.

"What to do?" Thunder Tiger frowned, holding Liu Chang's neck tightly while preventing him from attacking again.

"Stun!" Boss said, then Thunder Tiger turned Liu Chang one by one, and slap it on the neck-Crazy Liu Chang, Liu Chang who is not applicable to animal skills. If pure and Lei Tiger fight, then all ten not enough.

Therefore, a clear "quack" came out, and he completely collapsed to the ground.

"What's the matter, this kid is crazy?" After the fainting, he lifted up, and Lei Huo asked the boss puzzledly.

"I don't know, just now I suspected that Li Qingshui was the ghost, but if he was really the ghost, then he should have appeared in Jinan City now-because without Liu Chang, the two of us threatened The force will be much smaller. "The boss frowned and took Liu Chang's body from Thunder Tiger, saying," So, this should not be caused by him, but if I ruled him out, I can't figure out why his strong body suddenly broke down. Is it a genetic breakdown? "(To be continued)