MTL - Global Evolution-Chapter 308 Calculations and calculations

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Although this iron triangle is different from the "herding method" in the game, it is even more cruel than those. www.) never thought that this battle could easily win. Because he knew the strength of the opponent, this first shot was tentative. After all, if he had the full confidence to hit the opponent, he would definitely choose the nuclear bomb carried on his body.

So, after firing his cannon, he kept staring at the cannonball-watching the cannonballs fly hundreds of meters-watching the time elapsed a fifteenth of a second.

Then the shell approached Li Qingshui's body, and then the barrel-shaped side of the shell. Inexplicably, it just hit Li Qingshui's arm just raised, and then the point that was hit was not the detonation point of the shell. Then the shell was in the air and was directly hit by Li Qingshui's huge power. , Crashed into the crowd dozens of meters away, turned into a brilliant fireworks.

boom! !! !!

This bombardment missile is very powerful, and the diameter of the exploding fireworks is 20-30 meters. More powerful than tank guns-but no less powerful, it didn't blow up to the target, everything was still useless.

And Li Qingshui smashed Li Qingshui's shell. Even without looking at it, he continued to search among the crowd for the trace of the brain domain mutator.

The soldier was very confused, and the brain-mutator was hiding deeply—and it was clear that the guy also had the ability to hide the trace information on himself, so that Li Qingshui who rushed over did not “count” the target and kill him directly. Instead, I found it in the most awkward way.

And so there was a delay, two seconds passed-and two seconds was enough for Thunder Tiger to span a few hundred meters. He rushed into the crowd again, and fought with Li Qingshui.

Booming, roaring sounded again in the air, and the soldiers of the clan could not see clearly, and they were in a mess again.

"Why can't you hit him?" Standing in the distance, Liu Chang reloading the shells wondered-after all, his shot was accurate. In addition, the speed of the shell was sufficient-both the initial speed and the acceleration after it were much faster than the bullets fired by ordinary machine guns-but Li Qingshui knew it in advance, and slapped the shell with a slap. Going out made Liu Chang a little bit confused.

The way Li Qingshui just fought was a bit like the situation where he used a knife to split bullets-obviously there was no bullet fast, but because the ballistic trajectory was clearly seen at the moment when the bullet popped out of the chamber, it was possible to put the knife there and let the bullet Hit yourself.

Liu Chang has used this method many times, so Li Qingshui shot at first, and he felt really like it!

But because he is very similar, he wonders-Li Qingshui should not have such powerful dynamic vision. After all, this is a skill that Liu Chang has evolved by himself-the possibility of two people developing the same ability is very low, but the other side And we can do it.

There must be other reasons for this!

"He can't see the trajectory of the ballistic ..." Far away, Liu Chang reloaded the shells and aimed at Li Qingshui again. With the moment of his action, he saw Li Qing fighting with Lei Tiger There has been a subtle change in the posture of the water—the movement has changed slightly, but Liu Chang noticed—obviously, he has already made a defensive posture here.

"I see!" Liu Chang moved the gun barrel in his hand, aimed the gun barrel that was originally facing Li Qingshui's chest, and aimed at his head. With his movements, Li Qingshui's movements became subtle again. Changes-"I see. Although he can't see the ballistic trajectory, he can calculate everything present!"

How strong Li Qingshui's computing power is-Liu Chang doesn't know it-he didn't know when he was fighting with Liu that day, Li Qingshui could only determine the irregular rhythm of the object after hitting it with sound waves, and he could determine The size of the two fighting creatures at the source of the explosion-he didn't know that the sound wave had traveled more than ten kilometers and could hit hundreds of millions of objects in the middle-but what he knew and heard about-Li Qingshui was able to Calculate the future.

How can a person who can calculate the future not be present?

The future is a variable, and countless possibilities need to be calculated-and now, it is a quantitative, less than 20,000 people present, and only more than 10,000 weapons present-for a person whose calculation is based on trillions- — He can clearly control every wind and grass present!

So, he can do the same thing as himself, and Liu Chang finally understands why—he did not see the ballistic trajectory at the moment when his cannon popped out of the chamber, and then made a defensive gesture in advance—but he raised it himself At the moment of gun barrel-he knew where he was going!

"It's terrible!" After Liu Chang shifted his gun barrel a few more times and determined his own judgment, just thinking about what to do with the enemy, when he saw Li Qingshui shaking the thunder tiger, he rushed towards himself!

"It's over!" There were a total of three people present. The one who disgusted Li Qingshui most should be the one with the brain domain abnormality-because without him, Li Qingshui could easily subdue the other two, and then brain reform them , Become a foolish man who can be used by him and studied by Willow.

Therefore, what he most wanted to catch at the beginning was the brain domain mutator.

But he should not have thought that the other party's hiding ability is so strong. Among the 10,000 people, he did not find where that person was mixed at all. Although he was given a minute, he could do it-but it was entangled. Thunder Tiger won't give him this long.

And the lost target of the brain domain mutator—his second target obviously shouldn't be a thunder tiger with thick skin and thick flesh—Liu Chang, this long-range threat obviously became the first hit target.

After all, the absolute strength of the two sides is very different, and Liu Chang has a disgusting person's long-range aiming ability. If he is close, he will die again, so he fights again with a thunder tiger and a hammer. Guy, rushed over.

That's why Liu Chang said-"It's over!"

He said "done" because he knew that he couldn't run Li Qingshui completely. No matter how good his eyesight and computing power were, he could only run but couldn't run. The difference in absolute speed made him give up the idea of ​​running away.

And the more the time of crisis, Liu Chang told himself to be more calm-100 meters away, the moment Li Qingshui shocked the thunder tiger and turned around, Liu Chang knew that the other party was about to rush to himself.

The distance of 100 meters, for Li Qingshui, it takes less than half a second-not less than half a second, for Liu Chang, there is only one thing that can be done-one more trigger .

Therefore, Liu Chang knew that whether Li Qingshui could be bombed after the launcher was triggered was the key to whether he could survive. If he could, then it would naturally give Thunder Tiger time to re-entangle Li Qingshui. ——Can't explode, and was run in by Li Qingshui—then only the dead.

If Li Qingshui really wanted to kill him-absolutely no second shot.

Therefore, at this moment, Liu Chang calmed down like never before—as when Kaifeng's first hunting dog succeeded—as when it took the meat grinder and the first sniper attack on the small amphibians.

Liu Chang knows ~ ~ He is not strong and not smart—who can support him in the last days to the present, but nothing else—is a mentality.

Therefore, this time approaching death, he was still not afraid, and forced to suppress the body that had begun to tremble because of the adrenaline surge. In his eyes-only the enemy, he watched Li Qingshui approaching himself one meter by one meter. Very calm-in less than half a second, he had only one time to move the muzzle.

When the muzzle moved from obliquely upwards to directly forward—he saw Li Qingshui ’s raised arm again, and then moved from forward to obliquely downward—he saw Li Qingshui ’s slightly deformed right leg— — Then he fired a cannon.


By the time the shell was fired, Li Qingshui had approached Liu Chang less than ten meters—and Liu Chang ’s shell went towards the oblique downward direction—there was no target!

Bang! !! !!

The shells bloomed a powerful flame wave on the ground in the middle of the two, mixed with a huge impact force, Liu Chang blasted a few hundred meters away! RQ