MTL - Global Day Online-Chapter 17 Hidden task

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"Don't be suspicious, you scare yourself, we are all alive, aren't we!

Go back and have a drink, just relax and just fine! "Supervisor Xiao Hei said.

Sam nodded. At the scene of the memorial service where many of his colleagues died, several people were in a low mood and did not want to stay here for a long time.

After Sam and others quickly left, the little queen looked at Lake.

"What do you do with the ‘2’ sage, our appearance seems to have changed some plots!

Is it not good to not come here?

The dialogue between these people of Sam has been different from what we have seen online in the days! "The little queen is a little worried, whispering to the "wise man" Rick next to him.

"The impact on the previous period should be small. We must come to this memorial service.

As a survivor of this disaster, I don’t come here, I can’t say it.

When I return to the company in the future, I will not be able to communicate with these plots.

I thought about it last night. I suggested giving up the gymnastics woman. Her gymnastics scene is too complicated and it is not easy to rescue.

And let a drama lover first be taken away by the trap of death, we can better intervene. "Rick made a suggestion, anyway, they now have a silver treasure chest, even if they die, they can get the perfect clearance reward."

And the little queen made this death to come to the 5 missions for the perfect customs clearance, but this new **** of Reike, the purpose of doing this task is not high, that is, can finally live, and then get a few bronze treasure chests, let him start The classmates are higher.

"No, how can you lose a person when you come up!"

The number of people who failed to rescue was left to us in the later stages of the death of the gods.

And the gymnasium scene, nothing more than those sports equipment and current, fan nails, not as dangerous as you think.

To save, you must rescue the gymnastics woman!

By the way, before this kind of guardian copy task, the actual copy will have some time difference in the movie, which is shortened interval time.

According to this experience, the gymnastics woman who came to death in 5 may go to exercise in these two days.

We kept in touch with the phone and I followed the gymnastics woman.

Once I find out that she is going to the gymnasium training hall, I will call you, and you have to come over immediately. The little queen directly and resolutely denied the Leker proposal and threw it to Lake Rick.

Rick took the phone and looked through it. There was only the phone number of the little queen.

Rick saw the little queen's expression so determined, and no longer persuaded, after all, the little queen is the real task veteran relative to his newcomer slag, more understanding of the copy task and strategy.

"I am going to follow the gymnastics first, and you can go back to your own place.

Your residence is in the intern's bedroom building next to the company. After the little queen finished, she simply left Leek and took the car key to start the car and left.

Rick looked at the little queen's little white car and went away. Now he is abroad, he doesn't know how to return to the company.

Fortunately, at the memorial service, Lake recorded the company's name, took the cell phone that the little queen gave him, and checked the company's address.

Lek walked in the direction of the street, ready to go to the nearest subway station, take the subway first, then walk back to the company.

For the bus, although there is no more on the list of death, but after the accident of the bus falling to the sea, in this ghost world of death, Lake is now somewhat resistant to the bus-type transportation.

Just out of the memorial service venue, I saw the black man uncle, who was standing behind a small van and looking at him.

"Come out, I am very curious?" Uncle Black unexpectedly came to the side of Lake and said slowly.

"You have been waiting for me outside? If I am leaving by car!" Lake is equally curious about the black uncle who exists like the mascot of death.

"How about going for a drink together, I treat you! You want to sit in front of the co-pilot, or sit back!" The black uncle showed his white teeth and smiled and pointed at his van.

Rick looked at the small van and wrote a car carrying the body on the back door.

"Well! Of course, sit in front!" Rick nodded and agreed to smack his head.

Rick took the co-pilot position of the small box, and the black uncle started driving.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

The car stopped below the apartment building.

"This is my home. There is a bar next to it. It is very early. Let's talk and drink." The black uncle said, and got off the bus and led the way.

After more than ten minutes, the two sat in a sofa seat in a bar.

The time is now around noon. Although the bar is open in advance, there are few customers and it is very quiet.

"What do you want to drink?" Uncle Black asked Rick, who had some snacks himself.

"Let's order some beer!" said Lek. He couldn't get used to the wine, and he was so drunk. In this black uncle, drunk, Lec was not afraid.

Twelve bottles of beer and snacks came up very quickly.

After the black uncle opened a bottle for himself, he also handed a bottle to Lake.

"How did you and the girl remove from the list of death?" The black uncle asked Leek directly.

Rick smiled and picked up the beer and took a sip: "In exchange, I want to know why you know God, how you relate to death."

After thinking about it, the black uncle ate a biscuit in a snack tray. "I said that I was an angel before, do you believe it!"

The black uncle just finished saying this, in the brain of Rick, the electronic voice of the online world was heard:

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘2 Sayādaw’, triggering hidden missions.

Mission Name: Save the Fallen Angel.

Mission completion conditions: explore on your own.

Mission Reward: Ask yourself for an angel.

Tips: What rewards can be achieved to complete this hidden task, just watch the player yourself, provided that you can complete! ”

After hearing Lec, although he was a little surprised inside, he tried to keep himself calm: "Death has appeared, and it is not surprising that angels appear!"

The black uncle was silent for a while and drank a bottle of beer directly. "I had a gamble with the **** of death before, but I lost. As a punishment, he borrowed some of my angel's abilities.

This punishment will not be lifted until I die, and the angel's ability will be returned to me, but then I will die completely.

Over the years, I have studied the trap of death and death in order to find out his loopholes and lift the punishment. ”

"An angel, angels should not be beautiful women with big wings!" In the mind of Rick, he thought of an angel girl.

The black uncle’s expression turned into a look. I didn’t expect this boy to accept the existence of an angel, but the way of thinking was too strange.

"An angel does not distinguish between men and women! Not to mention those, tell me how you can completely remove the list of death!" The black uncle looked at Leike seriously.